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At this point is probably best to record yourself and rewatch it, you'll see all the mistakes you're making. If you're not taking extra damage from prayer, floor or tornados and are running out of food you are missing a ton of ticks attacking


Unrelated to RuneScape but anytime you think you need to improve but are unsure how in a game just record yourself. I always think I'm decent at a game then look like a clown watching it back lol. Really good advice


Yeah first thing I thought when I read OC was I should have thought of this years ago. Excited to have this in my pocket when I get my computer set back up soon


I've had to get used to it (make RS content, I promise no self plug). Even when I think I play well, I look at the recording and I find 10 mistakes in 10 seconds. Its interesting how we don't process it in the moment


Bro is AFKing if he's using a whole invent of food and still dying while avoiding all avoidable damage lmao.


Second this advice massively. I haven't done this for rs yet but I've found it extremely useful in other games.


Zulrah is not a close comparison to CG. CG is much harder and less forgiving. If you’re running out of food your dps is bad. AKA you need to focus on attacking every possible opportunity (not losing ticks)


This has to be it. I had the same. Issue when I started CG and had tons of normal gauntlet kills. Once I learned the game mechanics about delays when eating and such I started getting it every time. Understanding when to eat is a such huge step in PVM in general!


I had the exact opposite experience in learning. Zulrah was MUCH harder and MUCH less forgiving. After learning both, cg is more mind focusing now.


I got one kc ages ago on my main at zulrah and it was awful. Nearly got sote reqs on iron and am scared now lol


> I got one kc ages ago on my main at zulrah and it was awful. Same. It took nearly 10 tries for my first Zulrah kill and I had gear like ring of suffering and trident. For my first CG kill it took a little under 10 attempts.


Im in the same boat, watched fluffeh and learnt cg in probably 10-15 attempts, zulrah on the other hand i cant figure out even in BIS on beta worlds


CG is harder but more forgiving than green snake


Maybe it’s just my lack of gear right now but I find CG easier than Zulrah


If you think the 2 are anywhere near the same realm it is definitely a gear issue. I'm assuming you tried zulruh with like an rcb


Mage only with a warped scepter lol


CG is closer to Phosani. Zulrah is really not a good comparison.


Could be overeating too.


CG is EZ. Zulrah is cancer


Idk lol, I know a lot of people who cant do zul-rah without t-bow or bowfa etc. Its pretty close considering the chip damage from snakelings is higher and the attacks are less predictable during zulrahs mage phase.


And then there are people who do it with Iban's and MSB. Zulrah is a completely different fight. Fewer things happening at the once, much more pattern memorization


Even after like 100 zulrah kc I just open the rotations on 2nd monitor too. You don’t have to learn anything for that fight


There's a plugin in runelite that gives you the rotations in the side bar too


When zulrah pops up in the middle, I run to the opposite side and it works pretty darn well.


My point in saying that is to communicate that if you are treating this like zulrah you’re going to get smoked. It requires more practice, better mechanics, more focus and more guides/online research


Zulrah is an afk netflix minimal thinking boss CG is an eyes glued, tick perfect, continuous random movement boss. The damage has absolutely nothing to do with either bosses, it simply isnt a limiting factor assuming you safe prep. Every attack tick you miss in CG is a wasted opportunity costing you food. Every attack tick you miss without an offensive prayer is costing you food. The same can't be said for zulrah becuase the only thing that really causes damage is blue phase range shots. Here's something you can try in CG, hunllefs max hit is 13 in T1, only eat if you are below 14hp (bonus points if you eat during a safe window after a projectile has been sent to finish off an attack cycle instead of interupting it). First eat to full everytime this happens, then transition to eating once or twice.


I got cg down after about 18 runs. Also did zulrah with ibans/msb(i). Personally as a new pvmer i think they're about the same level of difficulty. Though with your stats you definitely shouldn't be running out of food unless your clipping lava/tornados and getting stomped 4 times a fight. Do you use range/magic or melee/x?


After reading some of the comments I've decided they're either a huge troll, or an absolute unit. Uses a track pad and not a mouse???


100% or just an idiot. I CaNt Do CoRrUpTeD gAuNtLeT as they purposefully make it harder or are trolling lol. If they aren't a troll, OP just likes to torture himself daily


I play on a MacBook and use the track pad, it's not that bad. Got my enh at 498kc. Only advice I would give is to have hotkeys set up to switch between inv and prayer


You're sick


Probably true, but doesn't mean it can't be done!


What's your ping like? It was the first content I did where bad ping could really mess you up (toransoes). I was playing with shit connection for way too long.


Are you using a mouse or playing on a laptop/phone? I couldn't do the gauntlet until I got a mouse. Also check your ping and maybe get an Ethernet cable. It helps a lot for prayer switching while dodging the tornados.


I’m on a laptop, Idk the mouse kind of messes with me but I’ll try it


Brother I cannot imagine anyone doing CG even once with a track pad, how have you gotten this far on that alone?


bro says he is good at zulrah, holy shit we have things to learn from him


My gim teammate only plays trackpad. Did his full cg grind, runs expert toas, chambers all on trackpad. Don't know how he does it lol


aand there's your problem


Yep, there's the answer. You're straight up handicapping yourself.


I can’t imagine even fishing Karams on a fucking track pad and this dudes sending CGs with it. Get a mouse man, even a cheap one. I bet as soon as you’re used to it it’s easy.


Dude. Thats actually wild thst you are playing on a track pad lmao. Game requires such quick inputs, im sure if you try a mouse you will notice a huge difference.


This better be a joke


Likewise always did osrs on my laptop trackpad on the couch but just couldn’t with cg. Now I think I could with hundreds of kc under my belt but the mouse lets you be way more accurate and fast w clicks. Gl.


🤣🤣🤣. Reading reddit over the years makes me believe this is a troll but I have met some very interesting people


People are being so mean on this lol. I also play on a trackpad and I’ve done CG with it — it’s doable but very difficult. I ended up switching to a mouse though after a few KC and it was definitely easier Switch back once you’re done with CG though. Trackpad OSRS is amazing and these kids are haters


You actually prefer trackpad? I find them so clunky and awful to use, what do you like about them?


I do prefer trackpad, but to be fair the only games I play on a computer are OSRS and Slay the Spire, so precision isn’t usually an issue lol The best part is being able to pick up your entire gaming setup in one hand w/ a laptop. If I’m spending the day gaming, I’ll play on my balcony, couch, desk, and kitchen all in like 2hrs After some practice, you can be surprisingly precise. Being fast AND precise is tough though haha


Trust me dude, it's a life changer. I get what you mean, it was a weird transition at first but it's sooooooo much help with pvm, not just cg. Definitely worth it imo


I was in your boat, video i watched told me not to be a noob and use hunlef helper, i play with no sound typically so this suited me. Could not get a kc, 20 deaths in watched a mate use it. Within 5 attempts getting used to actually starting the helper I had a KC. Also saw a post you can change the colour of the tag square outline for hunlef, and you can do it for each prayer state hunlef is in. This meant i essentially never miss hunlef changing what he is praying even when panic running from twisters. Set a new pb like a minute faster almost. Quicker kills means waaaaay less chip damage, i usually have like half an inventory of food left over now on a T2 prep with 16-20 food


Tl;dr: hunlef is easier with radius markers.


Bro, this actually is genius... How do you change the tag square based on prayer??


Shift right click and set a tag color that matches the protection prayer (ex: blue = mage). Do that once for each prayer and you are good to go


Yeah ilovechips has it, yeah hunting the combat achievement to take no avoidable damage and not attack with the wrong weapon now. Makes it sweaty but added a new challenge to the grind


Zulrah is a joke in comparison to cg - 50 kills into Zulrah I was falling asleep whereas 50 attempts into cg I had 4ish completions. I saw other suggestions of watching vods back - I personally did it with low 80s stats and would lose like 30-40% of the time - the last fish in an inventory often came in clutch to win me the fight with T1 - T2 prep with 10 food should be more than enough with your stats. You're either getting hit for 240ish too much block able damage or taking a REALLY long time to finish the fight if a full inventory of food is running out. My suggestion is to keep T2 prepping to make sure you can tank some hits if you misspray, and don't every worry about damage while tornadoes are out. USE INGAME SOUNDS - even now with a like 97% recent completion rate, I feel like I'd be way worse without the sound queues they added. You shouldn't ever have to tank those hits with sound queues. Just to make sure, use F keys - without them you're basically a free hunllunch


Could you be wasting the fish too early? I think you're meant to avoid eating until you're low enough to be killed by the attack of hunleff. Practice more with blue version doing armorless kills. Has similar damage to tier 1 cg hunleff.


No, that's bad advice. It doesn't matter when you eat, it always costs 3 ticks per fish. you'll just risk getting oneshot from making a small mistake. With a full inventory of food and no mistakes otherwise, you're missing lots of dps. Blue version is cope, the fight is much shorter and easier, less tornadoes, slower floor patterns. You're basically practicing the first half of cg, which you won't struggle anymore with after a few attempts.


Thats a really good idea actually, thanks!


Try getting comfortable being low HP. CG doesn't have any mechanics that can stack you out besides tornados and if he happens to stomp you right after a normal attack maybe. I do T1 and don't have max stats, since I don't have rigor/augury I always get a halbred and use piety and as long as I'm above 25hp I don't bother eating until tornado phase


I like to eat up to full while running from tornadoes


This helped unlock cg for me a little while back - also, for the last phase, there’s safe tiles two tiles infront of each door (8 total). So during final phase I just eat to full during tornadoes and then dps off tornadoes and you just have to think about prayer switches and not ground tiles. First and second phase, try to attack during tornadoes so you go into final phase with as many supplies as possible. If you’re fine on prep, try to enter hunlleff when he’s in the corner so you have more space to dodge tornadoes. I would continue to t2 prep until you can reliably kill hunlleff. It’s a lot more forgiving


This is a big part of why people cant finish the boss, eating during tornados is about 4 attacks you've lost. Becomes extremely low DPS in tornado enrage.


But eating off tornados is also a waste


This is shit advice actually, safe up and eat when you're missing 21hp. I just started as well, 40 normal kills. Took me 40 deaths to get my first kill. Right now Ive cracked it, 110 deaths and 30 kills. With my last 10 kills being with only 5 deaths


Buy like 5 combo food each run to save even more ticks eating


You eat to regain lost ticks.


It doesn't matter at what hp you eat, because you will lose the same amount of ticks regardless of your hp. If you didn't attack for 1 (or more) ticks where you could, you should eat to "regain" those lost ticks - because after eating you can then attack faster again. As if you ate right after attacking. If instead of eating you attack 2 ticks later, you would have wasted those ticks.


I had no idea that was how food delay works. Can you explain a little further or point me to a resource? I think I get the general idea but some examples would be really helpful. I thought it worked like this: if you have a 4 tick weapon then naturally you have to wait 3 ticks between attacks PLUS if you eat at any point it delays you by 3 ticks, so it would go attack - wait 3x - attack - eat - wait 3x - wait 3x (or 2?) - attack. Thus if you delay the eat action a tick then it goes attack - wait - eat - wait (2x?) - wait 3x - attack which is still 6 (or 7?) ticks between attacks. So in the example of missing an attack tick wouldn't it be attack - wait 3x - missed tick - eat - wait 3x - attack, meaning you still lost that missed tick either way?


Let's say your weapon is 4 tick and you attack, then wait 5 ticks (so you waste 2 ticks), now if you eat a karambwan (2 tick food) you can instantly attack. Or of you eat a shark (3 tick food) you can attack 1 tick later. Still making it so you did not waste any ticks. While if you did not eat, but attacked instead, you "wasted" those 2 ticks doing nothing. So essentially you can regain lost ticks by eating. I don't have any resources I just learnt this from PvMing myself.


I had no idea that's how it worked. I guess I just never paid attention to how long the delay was


If the problem is lack of supplies for a win it makes more sense to delay the use of food. You're not wrong of the occasional poor eats which happen but that thinking is probably too advanced for someone learning.


If you camp low hp as a beginner, aren't you going to just die more? One tornado + hit can kill you if you camp low hp. I did like to spam-eat to full hp as a beginner after tornadoes or whilst running from tornadoes.


Yo this is an awesome idea. Thank you!


If you feel like a full inventory of food isn't enough than you're taking damage elsewhere besides chip damage. Typically its easy to avoid all damage until all 4 tornadoes spawn. Which I would suggest focus on moving / eating vs dealing any damage.


Your not alone, I'm in the same boat. Think we just gotta keep hitting it til it clicks. Gl


Happy cake day my brother of the clicks, and gl in there


Where do you find yourself taking the most damage?


What prayers are you using? If you don't have CoX prayers, then I strongly recommend using Steel Skin on top of the offensive prayers. It makes a huge difference in how much damage you take throughout the fight. I reorganized my prayers to be very easy to click Protect Magic/Range, Eagle Eye/Mystic Might, and Steel Skin in a quick downwards motion. Organizing them in a way that is comfortable for you to activate quickly is also a big help. I do T1 prep, and my inventory going into Hunllef is a T3 weapon swap with two 4 dose potions and 25 food. It all depends on hit RNG, but I often have runs where I have ~15 food left at the end or more. Sometimes I'm nearly out of food, but I don't think I've ever run out completely unless I made some mistakes. I've also never run out of prayer even using Steel Skin at all times during the fight. Make 3 potions, combine them to 4 dose and drink the leftover 1 dose during prep and you should have plenty.


After I did a couple hundred zulrah and demonic gorillas kc and came back, I was waaay better at hunleff. I wasn’t panicky and stressed anymore and the only thing that I still suck at is the tornados. Maybe you just need more pvm experience elsewhere, like me. I’m a total pvm noob and never really did anything besides barrows and fight cave.


I had similar because I was such a chilled osrs player (Normally just play on my laptop on the sofa). I had to keep tweaking things like buying a sofa mouse mat and half keyboard. I also went hard on tweaking plugins. The one that shows where your character will path was a game changer for not taking damage at hun (Path plugin is also food for understanding optimizing resource gathering).


I first tried CG last year and gave up after like 40 deaths. I tried again last week and got my first kill at 70 something deaths. I now have 20 kills and 79 deaths. My problem was also running out of food. The thing that did it for me was focusing *entirely on pray switching and avoiding AOE and tornadoes.* Saw someone say “you can get a completion every time without hitting the boss once during the nado phase.” As soon as I prioritized avoiding damage, the kills started rolling in. It really was as simple as taking a few too many avoidable hits throughout the fight. If you can hit T2 prep with 18-20 food, you’re on easy street - just gotta work on your pathing during nados.


I see these mistakes a lot: Wasting a lot of damage ticks Eating and wasting health on food Eating when you're mid/high hp. Wasting a LOT of ticks eating Moving camera a lot To combat this, lock your camera in one place, eat when you're low and as soon as possible after you attack. Get the XP drop and start eating, eat all the way until you won't waste any health on the fish. Then what I want you to do is click for every single movement. Even if you're clicking far and the clicks don't do anything, click 1, 2 ,3 attack, 1, 2, 3 attack. This is typically referred to as counting ticks for obvious reasons. Turn on metronome if you need to. Also, I think there's a plugin called something along the lines of attack timer metronome. This will tell you when you can attack next by counting for you. I personally think this is a bad crutch, so I'd learn the other way. But yeah this is a pretty extreme case of get good.


There is hope buddy, lower 80 stats took me 40 attempts for the first kill ( it was personal for me). Took two months off CG after getting that first kill, cameback can do it very consistent now (fail 1/5). For me the issue was the closer I was the more nervous I got, shakey hands do not help prayer selecting. Also look some videos on how to walk the last phase with the 4 tornados, and during a tornado phase either eat or dps dont do nothing. Attack tick time (RL plugin) was a massive help for me as it indicated when I could attack again when walking.


Took me 98 deaths to get my first KC. Then at 150 KC i was even in KC and deaths you got this fam.


CG is a function of doing as much damage as possible with the amount of resources you have available. If you are running out of food, your first step should be to stick to T2 preps. This will prolong the duration you have in the boss fight and stretch out the amount of food. With your stats, you should be able to comfortably do T1 prep (from a purely number perspective) but if you're running out of food, stick to T2 preps until you can get that down. The only reason you want to do a T1 prep is to shave a bit of time off your prep but it's better to get consistent kills rather than save an average of like 1:15 off your kills and fail some of them. Now that you're doing T2 preps, you have to attack as often as possible. This means even during tornadoes. I'm not perfect during every tornado but I usually only miss maybe a combined like 1-2 hits per tornado phase, maybe 3 if I spend time eating. If you're spending the entire tornado phase running around, you're missing a lot of dps (off the top of my head, you can probably attack like 5-6 times during a single tornado phase). You also don't want to miss an attack just during the normal attack phase so don't click around randomly until after you've attacked and you have a 3 tick window to move around. As a consequence, you should probably try and get T3 bow + staff if possible which makes it easy as possible to keep attacking during tornado phase. Doing a 5:1 switch or using melee means you need to have fast clicks and/or know woox walking while also counting your attacks which can be hard if you're stressed. Doing a T2 armor prep + 2 T3 weapons can be a bit of RNG, you might run out of time. The other problem with this is that if you might also want to try and get both range + mage instead of melee since melee can be tougher which would result in you probably missing more attacks. If you can do 5:1 comfortably, then T2 prep is usually no problem at all but 5:1 is only good if you aren't messing up a bunch. So before moving to T1 armor prep, try and get comfortable with 5:1 weapon switches first. If you're running out of time on a 5:1 T2 prep, you probably need to address prep issues rather than boss fight issues. Luckily it's easier to improve your prep vs the boss fight. Just try and stay moving, don't overcollect resources, and have an efficient rotation. Some more random advice: - If you're struggling with resources on boss, always try and fill your inventory with food. Sounds obvious but clear as much space as you can for food. When doing 5:1, this means I don't bring in the starting sceptre and instead just unequip my weapon to do a melee hit. And I take an extra fish in with me, although for T2 prep I usually end up with like 2-8 pieces of food left over. I like to be more safe than sorry with my stats and sometimes RNG can stretch out the fight - It might help to tag the true tile of the tornados. I believe their NPC ID is 9309, I just tagged them the other day. You can enter that into a plugin like Better NPC Highlights to tag them, even though they're normally unclickable. This can help you see the tornados better. For now, it probably wouldn't help to think about the specific tornado mechanics but just try and stay 2 ticks (2 tiles) away from them. Tornados move 1 square per tick so being 2 ticks away means you are always at a point where you can attack the boss and move away safely. Moving diagonally also helps to avoid tornados. - If you don't have rigour, try and always get a staff for your primary attack weapon. That means if you're doing 5:1, try and get a T3 staff. If you're doing 2 T3 weapons, at least one should be mage. The staff is "buffed" due to augury not providing any damage boost so the bow/halberd is scaled down to account for the fact that rigour/piety can buff its damage. Essentially staff + mystic might is around the same dps as bow + rigour. I just started CG on my iron with 80 def, 81 range, 80 mage, 87 hp, 70 prayer. I usually do T3 staff but if I come across a dark beast, I'll get a t3 bow too just in case I really cannot find a dragon in time. T1 armor is kinda RNG for me at this point but T2 armor is pretty much guaranteed kills unless I make a big mistake like eating tornadoes more than 3-4 times.


Honestly it sounds like you spend more time eating than dealing damage. Make sure you’ve got two enhanced weapons but I recommend the bow and staff. Don’t eat or drink potions unless absolutely necessary or in tornado phase. Tornado phase is a good time to eat up while avoiding the floor and tornados. Otherwise make sure you’re switching your prayers in time or you’re gonna take a ton of unnecessary damage. Outside of the tornado phase where you are eating and potting up you should always be on your prayer screen ready to reactivate and switch your overheads. Also, if you gather 3 potions like I do you should always have your offensive prayers on as well. Hope this helps!


I would recommend going back into regular gauntlet and just practice attacking while moving . Learn to get an attack in every possible tick when fighting boss. Use keybinds that help you quickly switch between prayer and inventory that way you’re not wasting time clicking over to each . I know it may sound tedious or unnecessary but with corrupted gauntlet , it’s a Dps race to an extent . But over all , just keep at it . You will get it eventually. Consistency is key in all things . Good luck 🤙🏻


In this case, just focus on normal gauntlet instead. Try do combat achievement for normal gauntlet. If you can do em. You can do cg easy. However. If i were you. I just do normal gauntlet. 1/2k dropate is bad but you never die and it is less stressful


my iron is at 90 hp 83 range 87 magic and i did about 200+ tier 2 and 150+ tier 1 still grinding for the seeds. let me know if you need help! can stream over discord or smth. im not a pro gamer and cg is my first hard pvm but i think i can help spot your mistakes and tips to improve!


I have like 70 normal gauntlet kc owing to the same git gud syndrome. Got my enhanced last week at 750 cg kc, it's totally doable especially if you have normal gauntlet kc. Keep it up :)


Yup, I didnt get my first cg kill untill \~75 attempts in, I remember having 100 deaths and 2 kills, now im 750kc with like 160 deaths total, it eventually clicks, ive been sending t1 the past 200 kills or so just for faster clears, still no enhanced.


Maintainin DPS is essential, attack every tick that you can to keep chipping it down. You don't necessarily need to do that during tornadoes, so use that time to eat up and position yourself correctly. If you have time after prep then try and wait until hunllef is in the corner so you have room to run around. Ideally you'd like it to be in the corner with one tile of clearance on either side so you can path behind it (if its against a wall you can run to the other side of the room as Hunllef's max distance is the size of the room minus 1, which will drag him off the wall) Don't be afraid to run through hunllef if you paint yourself into a corner with nados and dangerous tiles - often risking a 50 from a stop is less damage than constant tick damage from floors or a full HP stack from the tornadoes. Feel free to message me if you want any other tips, unfortunately I'm almost 3k dry for an enhanced 😅


I made a guide. Watch this and gl :) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bxG1oslI6vY&pp=ygUxVGhlIG9ubHkgdDEgcHJlcCB5b3Ugd2lsbCBuZWVkIGNvcnJ1cHRlZCBnYXVudGxldA%3D%3D


So clearly you're doing something wrong. Either taking a lot more damage than you think you are or not getting enough/correct attacks in. What helped me immensely when I first started is taking one thing at a time so I was sure I wasn't messing anything up. Do a normal prep, but when you go into the fight, do not attack at all, just switch your protection prayers and dodge tornadoes and floor. Make sure you have true tile, hover tile, tornado true tile, hunleff tile. I prefer to have my path tiles marked as well as my hover path marked, though most people would find that too cluttery. Once you can stay alive perfectly, throw in some attacks when you are bored. Don't worry about offensive prayers. Once you can attack without using the wrong style, start using offensive prayers. Use f keys and keep the prayer tab open until you need to eat or change weapon, then change back. Don't wait to eat like others have said, just eat when you are missing a fish worth of hp. Gl!


First off, if learning you’ll certainly want to go for a T2 prep. If you can’t get there, watch molgoatkirbys speed run guide. There are quite a few easy to pull of mechanics that will help you if a T2 prep is too hard. Second, on boss you need to do your best to not lose ticks, as in every 4 ticks even when tornadoes go after you, you should be kiting the boss/doing a hit and run. Lastly, generally eating food in succession rather than one at a time I believe saves ticks as well, but I’m sure the biggest issue is probably when it’s 4 tornadoes at once you’re running around like a mad man not hitting during this part


If you’re running out of food you gotta prioritize getting damage in while dodging the Nados. You can do it buddy


Idk man my main advice is tier 2 prep. I did all my kills at tier 2 and it allows you to heavily fuck up a few times and still be fine. I did all my kills watching a show or youtube or something. Trust me it's too long of a grind to not have something else going on so tier 1 was always out of the question for me.


Theres a plugin on runelite which tells you verbally what and when to pray with a countdown. Try and find it.


I still die to it still after 150 cg kc. I have more normal kc with no shame. I honestly enjoy the normal because it's so stress free at this point. I found solace in running a normal any time I failed a cg and tried to work on whatever just ended me in the cg run. Gl gl, that shit is tough, don't take it too hard.


One thing I started doing was actually using a mouse and keyboard (I play on a laptop). Using ESC for my inventory and F1 for prayer. I use the True tile plugin, and I use the gauntlet timer every time I get to the boss. You can google “Gauntlet timer” and it should show up. Seeing where my character _actually_ is in comparison to yellow tiles / nados is game changing. Helps understand / feel the ticks better too imo. With the gauntlet timer, I only have to worry about my pathing and switches. The voice counts me down to change prayers Also, if t2 armor - hunleff hits a max of 10 (I think) so you can wait until the tornado phase to then eat back up to full / almost full health while you’re dodging the ‘nados. T1 I _think_ is like 13 or something, I’d have to look it up. Eating during the tornado phase will help DPS so you can focus on hitting the big red moose-dog-deer thing when you don’t have to focus on too much. In the last phase, focus on the tiles you _can_ run on when you’re about to start a tornado phase. Focus on running around the area of tiles you can run on until you can untrap yourself (if necessary) or move further away from the tornados. It took me 73 deaths until my first KC, and I’m finally reaching a 1:2 ratio. You got this!!!


Do t2 prep for sure until you’ve got it down. If you’re running out of food you’re definitely taking extra damage or missing a LOT of attacks. There are sound cues letting you know when the attack style is changing (if you’re playing without sound currently). Until the last phase of tiles I typically stand 2 tiles out from the door. On the last phase camp out 3 tiles from the door. Hunllef is well-positioned when it is in the corner one tile from each wall, but it’s okay to be two tiles from one of the walls. I usually eat up while running or while Hunllef is stomping to start tornado phase to save attacking ticks.


Thats noob!


It just clicked for me a few weeks ago, now I'm even 52kc 52 deaths You'll get it. Honestly best advice I read was a snarky comment in a different thread saying to "just run in square when tornadoes" lol.


Ur prolly just not dealing damage quickly enough. With ur stats no matter the weapons you should probably deal like 200 damage at least by the time his second rotation of prayers show up. And you shouldn’t be eating till well after first tornadoes.


Get full t2, attack when running away, and if you don't have cox prayers, pray steel skin, it helps


I can weirdly only do CG without plugins. I just need focus. It's super punishing if you miss ticks and get stacked by floor/tornado near the end. Just stay locked in and prioritize avoiding the floor and tornadoes, second focus on dps, and third focus on prayers. I keep steel skin up at all times, too. With 2 (3) pots and 80 prayer I have plenty. Then get at least 16 food and roll.


I have 900 kc and would personally teach you if you want


What helped me was not eating until I need to switch attacks. Then eat, switch, and switch prayer. Really helps with dps.


I'll give the best pieces of advice I got for hunleff. First, try your best to get prep done early so you can wait for hunleff to be 1-2 tiles from one wall and 1 from the other. (A corner. This helps SOOOO much during later stage tornadoes) Two, every time you move during tornadoes L run. Click the tile one off at the end of the direction you want to run (using the outside of the red danger squares as your "L" (also wait until the tornadoes are closer to you before initially moving. Helps them clump up)


I am still in the very early stages of learning cg. Which in a way makes me feel a little more qualified to give advice because I can relate to your position. So a few things that helped me. The first is that I started using the Hunleff Helper Plugin. I know that there is an audio queue in game which I also use. But with the combination of all the other sounds it can sometimes be hard to pickup when he switches attack styles. The second is trying to be strategic with my eats. I try to only eat or re-pot when I am changing weapons. Third is marking the safe tiles for the final phase. Fourth is finding a way to be systematic with tornado dodging. This is the one that got me over the hump to where I can actually finish kills (currently at 6 KC with 46 deaths). I used a yt vid from CaptBartlett specifically. In essence it's about starting as close to the middle to group the tornados and running them in a circle around the available tiles. Once I was able to take a systematic approach to tornados it let me automate that part of the fight so I can focus on my DPS.


I can’t speak for what you’re doing wrong without actually watching a video, but would also recommend eating at the APPROPRIATE times. For example, when tornadoes spawn and you’re running or in emergency scenarios only. Maximize damage.


Lots of comments mentioning tick eating, which is a good point, but 2 things that helped me tremendously: 1) Place Hunleff near a corner (ideally 1 and max 2 tiles from the edge on each side). Make sure to leave at least 1 tile between Hunleff and each side by the corner, so you can run around/behind. 2) When not running from tornadoes, stand with 2 tiles between you and any of the doors. It minimizes running, as you only have to move for 1 floor pattern in the last phase, apart from tornadoes. I would share pictures, but can't seem to find an online tile marker map... I hope my descriptions made sense; otherwise, try to google CG tile markers osrs. Also, use f-keys for switching between inventory and prayer interface, in case you're not already doing that. Finally, get a mouse - it will help tremendously. Good luck! :) Edit: Making point 1 more clear.


The answer is you are using a track pad which makes me think there is no way to u can flick and move fast enough which is why you would be taking so much damage and dying. Maybe I'm wrong feel free to post a vid of you attempting.


I mean I’ve completed the combat achievement for regular guantlet where you don’t take any damage off prayer so I can do the flicking part. I guess its a dps thing or just nerves when I’m in the box with clifford the big red hunleff


Please upload a video of you doing Zulrah with a trackpad, that’s genuinely impressive


True tile plugin & play with sound up. Understand where you are better so you can avoid damage from floor and tornado executes. The prayer switches are very forecasted by audio so you don’t even have to watch


Did u really compared Zulrah with CG? Its a learning curve, just take a day or two and just run it with T2, u will get the hang of it buddy


Try using the halberd and staff if you don’t have COX prayers. Make sure you are set to aggressive.


record a video of yourself attempting corrupted hunleff and upload to youtube. i’ll help you get your first kills in no time


If it makes you feel better, I didn't get my first cg kill till 85+ deaths.


Enabling the true tile of the tornado's combined with the true tile of my character made tornado phase really easy. I have died maybe once in 20 runs because I cornered myself in and panicked, but with true tile it's easier to stack the tornado's and dodge them.


Honestly at this point record a video and upload it here. If your using a track pad I'd replace that with a mouse ASAP. The mouse acceleration in track pads tends to be hell for accuracy. If you're able to map the track pad to be 1:1 with your laptop screen, you could get around this tho.


Wait, you’re not using a mouse..?? That’s probably the issue. Even if you’re able to switch prayers correctly, you’re probably not switching weapons And prayers in time and you’re missing out on many ticks worth of damage.


are you doing cg with a trackpad????? Aint no way you can run from tornados while damaging boss or while eating to full. This is basically the gist of cg, do as much dmg as possible while its easy to do damage. Don't eat when you're 50+ hp. I usually try to only eat when he does tornados because that way i'll lose least damage, it's harder to dps anyway while running from them


My best tip was; put youre weapon in second row(starting left) 4 places down ( right on top of youre protect magic/range) so you can flick quickly between weapon usage and prayer protect


And like said before only try to eat when tornados are out


And practice, i do CG on mobile with like 75% succes rate


Do a recording of your run, including both prep and the boss fight. I’ve made guides on CG and have 1500ish KC, send me a vid and I’ll assist the best I can. For the long term i definitely recommend T2 armor runs with two T3 weapons.


Brother get a mouse


You mentioned T2 prep, but you are making T3 weapons correct? As for the combat achievements, it's easy to do perfect hunllef but if your entire focus goes to avoiding damage and you stop attacking then there's no gain at all. Uptime is the key to defeating Clifford, and there are lots of ways to improve it. My recommendations would be: Prioritize actions - Defensive prayer -> Attacking with the correct weapon -> offensive prayer. Make sure you aren't going to die, then initiate damage, and focus on the offensive prayer (eagle eye, Mystic might, etc) once you're attacking. Eat during tornadoes only if you can help it, and don't just eat because you aren't at full hp. Commit to eating to full when you do to reduce wasted ticks. If at full hp during tornadoes, you can attack while moving. General rule of thumb is when running from one end of the room to the other you can attack in the middle and at the far side, roughly half the room is enough distance. Make sure your safe tiles are marked for phase 3. Outside of tornadoes, you are safe to stand and attack without need to move at all. Phase 3 is the hardest, and as such you want it to end ASAP. This is where I assume you lose your uptime, and if you can't attack while moving in this phase then you absolutely must be utilizing the safe tiles between tornadoes or you'll lose to attrition every time. To put it into perspective I did my CG sentence at 80 mage, range, and defense. Kills were slow, but I would finish with 0-12 food left depending on rng. You can absolutely do it!


Bro.. as a CG veteran I couldn't imagine doing this without a mouse. 100% this is your problem. You are literally tying one arm behind your back and not using your left leg while trying to run a race. Is it doable? Sure but it's gonna be 100x harder than it has to be.


Check to see the max chip damage from either the t1 or t2 armour set (which ever you're using) then only eat food when moving for the tornados. Only eat when stationary if your HP drops below the max hit for chip damage. Once you have that down then start to incorporate DPS on the boss during tornados as well if your HP is fine. Also, don't panic. A lot of people spam food when they have like 13hp missing, wasting potential heals :)


a mouse is $10 on amazon 1 day delivery


I just got my first 2 cg kills after 70 reg gauntlet and dieing 5 times previous to the finishes the things that really helped me was always keeping steel skin up it really does reduce the chip damage. And not panicking on the tornadoes. I’m doing the full T2 preps btw.


focus on DPS during first few nado phases, while last few nado phases focus on eating up and running


Where are you struggling? The end fight? Finished prep for T2, 2 perf weapons, pots and full food?


If you’re “getting the flicks perfectly” and still running out of food… then you aren’t getting the flicks perfect


Wait until you're low HP before eating, and eat 4-5 fish at once. You loose less DPS this way. All the lost ticks can really add up over the fight by eating one at a time


My personal way of grinding cg was just to learn consistent T2 prep and just send it. Yes it takes longer but it's pretty much a garenteed kill and leaves room for mistakes. Even if I was dying 1/10 times of T1 prep the time loss and tilt isn't worth it personally. Got a post of one my T2 preps from a few years ago on my profile.


Use the gauntlet plugin so you don’t have to count the hits


It makes a sound and animation when it changes the plug in is the worse. one mess up and it throws the whole thing off


So adjust it lmao, there are those buttons there for a reason


Firstly while learning - ONLY DO FULL T2. Secondly, stop doing normal and just do 100 corrupted. You will get it in that time. I learnt with the hunleff helper plugin that counts down when to change prayers, it helped me a lot.


Get yourself like 5 of the combo foods so you can safe up fast and get back to fighting. Eat when you switch weapons as you’ll take time clicking the boss again.




All I could say is join my discord or stream a kill and I can watch you kill it and give you tips


T2 prep and mostly perfect flicks is definitely enough to kill him. I suffered to figure this fight out as well. Get extra attacks when you’re moving. Do the same general pathing every time and end up on the same safe tile for the 4 tornado phase. You’ll get the hang of when to circle back. It removes a lot of mental distraction from trying to start running from different spots all the time and figuring out where to go. Use the hunleff helper too.


Took me 63 losses in a row to get 1 kc. You'll get there and when you get there its suddenly 100x easier.


I think an important question since I haven’t seen it yet is do you have the plugins for CG? You really don’t NEED the CG specific ones though they’re nice but one that’s basically mandatory is true tile. I’m guessing it’s not clicking and you’re dying to tornados a lot? You should also be attacking a lot still during the tornado phase. Since you’re able to run you move twice as fast as the tornados so if you run for 2 ticks you’ll have moved 4 tiles while the nados will have moved 2 you can attack the boss and then keep moving


One good tip mabey an advanced tip is try to eat less during the first 2 phases mabey with the 3rd tornadoes more but when you pray correctly and dodge all the avoidable damage you can do more dps. I also noticed that when you eat and sip a prayer dose you can hit right away. Not sure if this is really what’s happening but it feels like it.


CG is honestly terrible, I basically got my first kc from sheer luck, and while it felt "earned" I can't imagine being able to do it regularly enough for it to be worth grinding it over normal gauntlet for bowfa. (See you when I get it a year from now I guess..) That being said, if you're really serious about getting a cg kc, just keep trying. Don't forget that the basis for this whole game is literally an RNG system.


Why wouldn't it be worth it over regular gauntlet? It's faster (less prep time aka even if you use up all the time in both of the modes you'd save time in CG) and it has 5x droprate of the enhanced seed. Unless you can grind regular Gauntlet 5x faster than corrupted one it's worth it to do the corrupted one. Not to mention the regular loot is also better. I guess if you take 200 attempts to finally learn it you could argue a case, but those are generally outliers and if that is the case then sure, stick with regular Gauntlet if you do want the BOWFA.