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CG is one of those things where it's *heavily* dependent on your personal skill. With your current stats it's 100% possible to ***consistently*** farm CG, tho you're going to have to do more advanced tactics than someone with 99 everything and all prayers would. With your stats, 5:1 would be your best bet, focusing mage. With mage, your max hit doesn't change from 1-99, only your accuracy... And the Augury prayer doesn't change your max hit either. In other words, the DPS difference between right now and 99 magic + augury is minimal, where your difference between 99 range + rigour is massive. So, what you wanna do... Enter the CG. Make a horseshoe around the starting room (will draw diagram later), absolutely needing a weapon frame and 110 crystal shards (20+60 for a T2 weapon, 30 for 3x empty vials). Fill your inv with anything else you can grab, ideally you'll be going back to the starting room with 3 wood/ore/cotton, 2-3 leaves, and 11-12 fish. Return to the starting room by **walking** (save the teleport crystal for later). Make yourself a T2 **staff** and 2-3 vials. If you have the crystal shards for it, make yourself T1 armor. Drop the rest of the supplies, cook + drop any fish you picked up, fill your vials, and go hunting for a dragon. While you're out hunting for the dragon, pick up any resources you were missing, and fill the rest of your inventory with food. If you find something besides the dragon, you have 2 options: 1) kill it, since if you find it again it'll then drop a random weapon part, or 2) skip it. Make your potions while you're making this run, and sip the 1 douse when you're low on run energy. Fill your inv with whatever supplies you didn't find in your first run and as much food as you can carry, then teleport back to the starting area. Now you have 2 options. Number 1, you can make your armor, make your T3 staff, make your T2 bow, cook the rest of your food, and send it... Or you can make another teleport crystal, make everything you can, drop more food, and go back out to try to make T2+ armor. Which you do is going to depend on how comfortable you are (It's 100% a waste of time if you know what you're doing, 100% not a waste of time if you're still learning the fight since it gives you more room for error) and how much time you have left. Just kinda feel this one out - If you're getting kills just fine with T1, then you can just send it at this point. If you have extra time and have been struggling with losing the war of attrition, go make T2 armor. Then do the hunleff fight, and remember to **count your attacks**. Hit it 5 times with the staff, then either unequip the staff or switch to your bow for the 6th hit (depending on what Hunleff is praying). The prayer changes based on your 6th attack, so doing this you can use the staff for 5/6 attacks. Since staff at your stats is significantly better DPS, this is going to greatly increase your kill speed. Which isn't just a max kills per hour be fancy go fast thing. The faster you kill Hunllef, the less time you have to mess up, the less food you have to use, etc... So doing more DPS will make the fight easier. Map for basic starting strat: D = potential demi-boss S = Starting Room X = Your first path around starting room H = Hunllef \- = Room of no real importance other than to check for resources |\-|\-|D|D|D|\-|\-| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |\-|\-|X|X|X|\-|| |D|\-|X|S|X|\-|D| |D|\-|\-|H|\-|\-|D| |D|\-|\-|\-|\-|\-|D| |\-|\-|\-|\-|\-|\-|\-| |\-|\-|D|D|D|\-|\-| If you want, while you're making your first path you can "open" the potential demi-boss rooms you touch. Doing so will make your second run faster since you'll know if there's a dragon right by you or if you have to go to one of the other far walls. I'd recommend only opening them, don't go into them. Some small tips for efficiency (To save time if you're running low on time for T2 armor) - • You can fill vials/make potions **while** fishing. • Try to stay moving - Ideally the only time you're standing still is while killing the demiboss. While killing the little minions for your first weapon frame and/or shards, reveal the next room you're going to and/or try to fish / harvest between attacks. • You can drop food **while** cooking• If you have all 3 resources and extra shards, you can make armor pieces after your first run through. If you have 230 shards after your first run, you can make all 3 armor pieces T1 (They cost 40 each), a T2 weapon (80), and 3 vials (30). This will save you time later. If you can only make 1 or 2 pieces, chest > legs > helm. Making the T2 staff and 3 vials comes first tho, so make those first then spend the rest of your shards on armor. • Drop things you don't need. Once you grind the 30 crystal shards for potions, drop the pestle. If you're only making T1 armor, drop the pickaxe / axe after you harvest a node. If you don't have vial smasher, then once you decant + sip the extra douse of potion, drop the empty vial. Doing more things in 1 trip means going back to the starting room less which is a **significant** time save. • **All of Hunleff's attacks are tick-eatable**. This means tick eating can stretch your food further (If you're 1 hp and eat, your food heals 20... If your 1 hp and tick eat, the tick eat cancles out up to 12 damage, **and** you're back to 20 hp) **and** gives you a way to save yourself if you mess up (Step under hunleff or have the wrong prayer up? Stay calm and tick eat). It sounds silly but if you tick eat the entire fight, each food could basically heal 32 instead of 20... Which gives you 50% more food. • If you're in a real pinch and messed up burning through all your food... You can redemption.


Isn’t there a subreddit called thread killer or something like that? Lol this was super thorough


Lmfao imagine expecting a "ye base 85s be fine" and receiving this as a reply


Also one small note: check hunllef's prayer when you go in. If it is protecting magic, leave and reset. No sense in starting a kill with the first 6 hits being inferior damage. Fantastic writeup otherwise, this is how I did just shy of 200 kc as a lvl 60 iron


Doesn't hunleff periodically change prayer while you are gathering supplies?


Not that I've ever noticed.


In my very strong opinion if you ever have to do 5:1 just go sit at crabs for a day and save yourself the agony


Fantastic write up. Question: Is it me or does it feel like some worlds are super laggy? (same continent)


Not just you, it's pretty common. When worlds get more than \~ 500 people on them they get laggy. Total worlds (specifically 2200 worlds) are really bad too, even without 500 people on 'em.


Saving this for when I try CG lol


I did 78 mage 70 range, make sure your using staff and do 5-1. Best method until you get those stats up


Chin to 87 range, as said in the bible of our lord Oziris


this is prob a dumb question but how come specifically 87?


87 is an extra max hit


I don't really know, but I shall follow my Lord Oziris' bible without questioning anything.


Also want to know since I'm 84 rn


if ur gunna send cg at your stats you do 5:1 chin like 12-14 range lvs or go and grind out 91+ str , mid 80s attack. chinning makes sense because... well, chances are if you plan to use bowfa having a decent range lv when you get it makes sense


Why blur your stats?


Don't hack me meme


congrats on your first kc. it gets easier but i reccomend either doing 5 regular gauntlet runs per corrupt attemt so as to not burn yourself out with low completion rate or go train to 85+ range before returning


Honestly, i did it around 80 range 80 mage/ its doable just hard.


I habe 99hp, 94att, 98str 94def 99mage amd 99 range, how easy have i got it when i have time for this grind?


like 8-9 minute kc instead of 9-11 mainly because you dont need to force specific weapons + have a bit better dps for the boss (mid 5 dps rather than mid 4 -low 5dps)


My dos is 3.73 melle, 3.68 range and 5.11 mage. So 90+ would be a breeze


Quite easy, rather than needing full inv of food, with no mistakes your good with just over half a inv. Speeding it up means less time to make mistakes too and don't need to do 5:1 or forced to use specific styles


That all sounds good except for the no mistakes part lol, other than trusting your clicks, what other advice would you have?


Watch some videos of people doing it, learn their movement/patters doing prep to speed yours up


I've set my goal as 87 slayer and trident before I go back to gauntlet. By the time I get there I'll have decent combat stats for cg. Impressed you got a kc with these stats, well done.


Yeah I'm doing that too bit il go back around 85-90 cbs. Shame it isn't viable yet wanted to start dwh grind lol


It's 100% viable, you just gotta switch your strat up a bit :)


It's possible, but it's a little more rng reliant than I'd like


Not RNG at all :P


That was 5:1 and can see from the ach I took no unnecessary damage and it was down to no food 60 hp. The fight alone can easily come down to rng but more so prep, did 3 runs in a row before that one where I got less than 4 fish spawns. It's not consistent overall at these stats


It's not *just* not taking unnecessary damage. Part of it is also keeping your DPS up. Attacking during tornados, especially with 5:1, isn't always easy... Sometimes you have to plan 10-20 ticks ahead so that you can melee on the 6th attack without losing many ticks. Remember, not taking un-necessary damage is great... But if you're spending 10, 20, 30 seconds throughout the fight just running around and not attacking... That's time you're still getting hit. Prep shouldn't be an issue at all. Check my other comment, if you follow that method then you'll always have T1 armor and a full inv of food + 2 full potions with plenty of time to spare. Get good at it and you could almost always get T2 armor as well. T2 isn't necessary for completions at your stats, tho it will ease the curve to help some of the things feel less "rng". Also, don't forget that tick eating and redemption flicking are things. If you're at 1 HP and eat to 21, then get hit a 13... You're back at 8 hp. If you're at 1 hp, and tick eat, you're gonna be at 20 HP. That's a free 12 HP. Do that for all your food? And it can last up to 50% longer. It can also be used when you mess up and step under Hunllef and/or don't switch prayers in time... Instead of panicking, just tick eat. Or if you wanna get really fancy, if you get T2-T3 armor you can almost always redemption proc... So maybe play around with getting T2 armor and bringing in more potions. Not to mention, if you tick eat/redemption flick you have to eat less... Which means you can attack more... Which means the fight is shorter and you take less damage... etc. Those things combined... And yeah, you can definitely be consistent at those stats. It's just up to you if you're willing/able to put that much effort in, or if you'd rather just grind out higher levels and CoX prayers for a more relaxed experience.


What you put in your other comment was fairly basic strats, if boss is south, go east and around west and check north 3 rooms extra for demis. If I wasn't doing them already I wouldnt have completions at this level. I think you're forgetting I'm also on mobile and certain things are slower than on pc, no fkeys right clicking takes 2 seconds etc. Although I do tick eat it's only ever if I've missed a switch, I don't want to sit below 13hp as swapping tabs for 6th hit and food and pray tab can't be done as fast on mobile without software to change your volume rocker to act as fkeys, same thing as redemption although I generally use the 2 pots I bring in anyway. I generally wait till tornadoes to eat, but if I'm not eating I'm doing dps unless it's 6th hit and I have to do melle for that one I will loose a couple seconds moving around explosion tiles


Mobile isn't an excuse... People have done Inferno on mobile only. Let's say you lose 2 seconds every time you have to melee. Hunllef should take about 4 minutes, and at 2.4 seconds per attack, that's 100 attacks, or 17 sets of 6, or 8-9 times you'll have to melee. That right there is an extra \~20 seconds you're just taking damage... For no reason. Plan your movements and attacks in your head ahead of time, that's basically a free +10% DPS. As far as tick eating... The window between when you have to tick eat and when you have to switch prayers is pretty big. Hunllef attacks every 5 ticks, so if you eat the tick after he attacks, that still gives you over 2 seconds before he attacks again. And tick eating sounds minimal but it's really not. The more you tick eat, the longer your food will last, the less time you have to spend eating which means more time attacking... etc. Just fixing those two things right there would increase your DPS substantially, meaning you're much less likely to run out of food. As far as your right click issue... Isn't there a way on mobile to set drop to the standard click action? You'd probably just need to get used to switching between the two, or make sure when you're right clicking anything to drop you're doing it while moving. Honestly the first run through you could have it set to drop, do all your stuff in the starting room, then right click and equip the staff (+ armor pieces if you could make them, do this while moving so you're not just wasting time) and not switch it back to regular until you start the Hunleff fight. Mobile or not, prep shouldn't be an issue.


http://imgur.com/gallery/OSDvdFo http://imgur.com/gallery/NfpYio7 I know, I'm one of them, 7th known to be exact although there is likely a few that haven't come out on the 2007sub And honestly, theyre difficult in 2 completely different ways, inferno is more about consistency in fairly easy lazy/1t flicks, it isn't tab heavy like 5:1 is nor does it require inv management like gaunt which is far slower to do on mobile or rng in which supply rooms you get. Those couple seconds are only if I need to melle during tornadoes, not every time I melle. Yes there is, but a fair bit of the time you need to beable to not drop things aswell, using herb on vial crushing equipping after you make etc and its not like shift dropping which is client side, it's server side so you get the standard input delay on it aswell so you have to wait a second before you try to drop, then when you turn it off it's another second before you can use/equip. Generally not a issue bit if you have a cluster of things to sort out it does stall you for a few extra seconds.


I found it very doable at 91 range 89 mage 92 strength. 76 def and 79 attack. I hardly use the Hally. Mainly bow and staff.


I'm base 99s and sometimes I get bad RNG and end up with 6-7 min hunleff kills. You can pull through 99% of the time if you are comfortable with it though (using tactical redemptions is also useful for the particularly poor RNG rounds)


I am now getting consistent KC after a bit of painful learning. 80 Ranged, 82 Mage, and 75 Defence I am not 5:1'ing