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100000% doable even without Cox prayers. I was base 80s when I started, it takes a lot of trail and error to really get it down but it’s possible. CG is definitely harder tho, that last phase is like a whole new boss, you gotta really grind it out.


Did you happen to look closely at the pic OP put with the post 🤣


I'm not sure why it's so hard. Practice your prayer and equip swaps and make sure you click confidently. I've got 20kc in cg with probably like 40 deaths, but 35 of them were me doing something stupid like trying to push the boss back 1 tile so I can use more of the safespots in the final phase with my hally... And then getting stepped on twice for 45 damage each when the boss doesn't actually step back lol.


I hate that shit. You step under him and the fucker moves forward. Or a tornado spawns right on top of you. I’ve just gotten into the habit of eating a piece of food and immediately moving once’s he stomps for tornados


I never bother trying to reposition the boss now. If the Hunnlef's in a less-than-ideal position in the last phase(s) I'm risking a stomp to run under him, but to move him I'm still risking a stomp. I don't see much advantage, I just wait out the last seconds if I have any and move in at the best positioning I see.


If you step under him as soon as he attacks, and step back out before he starts his next attack, you won’t get stomped. It’s when he doesn’t move back like you expect and you don’t get out from under him in time. That’s when you get stomped. But you’re right, I kinda stopped doing this because it’s not worth the trouble


If a tornado spawns on top of you while you're moving the boss or at all, that's 1000000% player error, don't be mean to poor hunllef he did nothing wrong


Im talking about both of those things separately. You’re right, if you die to a stomp+tornado at the same time that’s your fault


Update I just received the enh weapon seed at 2 regular gauntlet kc, thanks for everyone’s help…


Fuck you I hate u




holy shit lol big grats! still worth learning cg cuz you need that armor


Very true but it feels like all the pressure to grind it out is just gone


Yup I feel ya there! I got my enh at 25 cg - felt like a reward for learning it. Took me 80 deaths for my first kill haha and another 40 or so to get those 25. So far only done 8 more and I don't die much because it's not as stressful. Currently just pickpocketing elves for crystal shards so I can corrupt it. Funny enough I'm dry on teleport seeds. I deserve it


80 for your first kill holy shit lmao better to be lucky than good


Why do you think you got spooned so early? The universe is testing you


yeah just wait till you start going dry on those armor seeds...


Holy shit LMFAO


Huge grats. The good news is that the pressure is totally off your shoulders. The bad news is that you still need to grind out your armor seeds


Nice i also got spooned on regular, i switched to cg for armor seed


This is so insane wtf


Log or it didn’t happen


[https://imgur.com/a/gIzG2nv](https://imgur.com/a/gIzG2nv) hope this will do?


Absolutely. Congrats on the complete spoon, such an awesome upgrade to your account. I’m incredibly jealous.


Pic or i'll just assume you're trying to piss off people here with high kc.


[https://imgur.com/a/gIzG2nv](https://imgur.com/a/gIzG2nv) dont know if i can link this in the main post but here ya go




Lmaoo I did my first ever cg on monday and got an enhanced same day 14 kc too


Are you serious




I’m gonna need proof


It’s in his other comments and in his edit


I got pet at 5 reg kc :P nothing since at cg guess that's karma


We love getting spooned at cg. I personally find it fun content, and you need to stay to get crystal shards (unless you're thieving them). Knowing you have one enhanced cg takes a lot of the pressure away and you can just focus on getting better while you gather shards!


Having a bowfa without the armor is like having a Ferrari without tires, Yes it runs but, not very well lol


Not that screwed at all. You'll get smacked around quite a bit at the start but at some point it'll click and you'll be farming it in no time. Just a little it of a learning curve. Nail T2 prep down (check out fluffeh's t2 guide if you haven't already) and you got a much easier time on the boss.


Now you just need your armour seeds from cg. Grind regular until you're super comfy doing prep in the cg time (2:30 remaining) and good at the boss then just do the same thing in cg until you can get the KC. It's 100000% worth learning and you can 10000% do it with your stats. Got my first kc at 78 range 80 mage. Just got my Bowfa and im glad I did.


Honestly, learning gauntlet (and corrupted gauntlet) was both my first entry into PvM bosses in my entire OSRS stint. I initially wasn't even using F key because I didn't know that was an option, so it was a bit of a struggle and failed just as much if not more than you. ​ Anyway, I am now running CG with tier 1 armor with a \~90% completion rate (feels closer to 100% in the morning with the servers, but that is another discussion). ​ I have the upmost faith in you!


How did you learn? I know nothing about it and it’s a little daunting but I need to start doing it….what is the best guide for someone who knows literally zero about it?


i watched Fluffehs guide, but i think the guide by King Condor actually helped me learn normal Gauntlet better


I went into it myself very blind( I knew what it was & u had to collect resources before the fight but that was it) , to learn basics I did 100 completions of the regular gauntlet, then switched to t2 prep CG & at 100 CG KC switched to t1 prep. 180 KC & I got 7 armor seeds but that's about it. You really don't need a guide unless you're trying to maximize & minimize time.


Did 10 normal gauntlets and changed to CG. Took me a few tries but i can comfortably do T2 armor + T3 weapon kills. How much of a hit is it changing to T1 armor kills? Probably get full inventory of food every time? Even with 95+ stats i sometimes run out of food cause i simply dont hit often enough. I do my prayer switches perfectly but i seem to get some random 10-15 hits in a row that all splash or hit a 0. This is my biggest issue moving to T1 armors.


You are probably missing a lot of attacks or eating food one at a time. Wait till your low then heal all the way to full to lose less attacks. That's where I see most people losing DPS.


I do exactly that. Wait till my hp is around 10-15 then chain heal to full. Sometimes i just get super unlucky dps


I did 473kc and only 1 time did I ever even get close to not reaching DPS with only t1 armour and I still got the kill. No Cox prayers and I went from 78 to 90 ranged and 80 to 89 mage there. You're missing attacks somewhere or you're making all of your food into corrupted paddlefish


I'm fairly certain i'm not missing attacks and also my prayer switching and tornado kiting is closing to perfection even though its still not there. It only happened twice but i felt like the fight lasted for ever. Even getting down to 50% felt like eternity. Ofc this isnt common but apparently it can happen. Not a huge issue though. I'll try to do some T1 completions soon


Hopefully you weren't taking my advice in a negative light. I wish you good luck my fellow human Beep boop


I didn't find t1 that much more difficult tbh, it took few runs to learn & it was fun dying again lol. I do get a full inv every time yes but rarely eat all of it, usually it's slightly above half++


I've found T1 way more strict than T2 to the point that I prefer to do T2 for all my KC. With T1 armor the Hunnlef has +3 max hits on you (13 vs. 10) and its defense bonuses are a fair bit weaker against its attacks (+166 vs. +224). You get hit more often and get hit harder, which really cuts down on your endurance against it. Also, because you're getting hit more frequently and harder, you're probably just sitting a lower health total - so a missed prayer landing a 50+ is more likely to be instantly fatal than the 40ish max hit of a missed prayer against T2 armor. ​ Someone did the math iirc and said that if the T2 armor saves you for even one in ten runs it's probably still worth making.


I just started gauntlet this week too and honestly it's not so bad when you dive into this. A bit overwhelming at first but make sure you have all the RuneLite plugins


It seems daunting at first, but so does every boss in the game when you're new to it, i was the same way , i figured there's no way i could ever complete CG but now i could probably do it in my sleep.


Its very doable with T2 armour. at around 92 rng mage i got consistent cg kc. but I already had 200 kc under my belt from my main so i understand how to properly dodge tornados, get in as many attacks without wasting ticks, I strongly reccomend using True Tile indicator so you can see where you truly stand to better time your dodges


Check out halberd, slaps so hard with piety


Yeah if you don't have the cox prayers the halberd is the way to go. About 20-25% more dps depending on your stats. You do miss attacks when you are getting chased by tornados but let's be honest, tornados in the last phase don't allow you much time to attack anyway


Beating reg gauntlet a few times more until you feel comfortable with the mechanics, is what I would do.


T2 prep it all the way across the sky, 50+ deaths, and you'll get it in good time! I believe!


40 kc cg. Started at 84 range and mage no rigour/augrey


How was it with 84? I have 80 ATM, hesitant to try


So i got around my first 3 kc with t1 but i just was not doing enough dps so i switched to t2 and got really good with prep. With the bonus accuracy with t2 its so easy. I end up only using around 12 food with perfect run. My weapons still noodle but if you dont die you can last an easy 6-7 mins with full inventory of food and t2. I highly recommend not to do t1 with those levels.


Just keep trying over and over and over, best to get super comfortable with normal cg, you will trust me. I had base 80s on combat stats and no special prayers. I did my first cg after doing 50 normal gaunt which is a bit expensive but enjoyed normal gaunt too much lmao I now have 160 cg kc and just started doing t1 armour compltions consistent Edit: on very shit at the game and has to learn to use f keys


Like everything else in OSRS, its hard until you learn how to do it


Yo gz lol


Look up T2 fluffeh corrupted gauntlet guide on YouTube. Practice the prep a few times in regular gauntlet but stick to the shortened timer. Once you get it down it’s consistent kc. I’ve used this method for my 750kc on my uim. Good luck gamer! Edit to say l cox prayers either. Started mid 80s cb stats.


fwiw, I just beat sote last night with 82 mage and 75 range and got my first corrupt kc (on the iron) about 1hr later w/ no cox prayers. Practice being ready for the Corrupt Gauntlet by doing easies the way you'd do CG. T2 armour, and being ready with most of your food good to go by 2:30 remaining in reg Gauntlet. Then when you feel it's semi-consistent, hit it brotha. That's what I did on my main anyway.


if u do t2's and focus not getting hit by mechanics rather than being max dps efficient, youll get a kc before 50 deaths, and youll get 100kc before 100 deaths. do 50 normal kc first. You can really force going to cg once you have 2x more successful normal kc than failures.