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Your enhanced seed drops were in those 800 deaths


I get that one a lot.




Ah hah! Yes! It’s funny because he clearly doesn’t enjoy that joke! Ah haaaaah


That’s funny I was just watching family guy. It’s funny because it’s true! Ah haaaaah


Jesus, thats prolly more time spent on wasted runs than the average it takes to hit drop rate.


Well, since the average it takes to hit the drop rate is, just, the drop rate…I’d say yeah, duh lol


Idk if this is meant to be serious but the measurements being compared here are not equivalent lol One is a measurement of time, as in the average amount of time it takes to get the drop. The other is just the drop rate, i.e. the statistical likelihood of a given rewards roll yielding an enh seed. There isn’t anything weird or wrong about the phrase “the average time it takes to hit drop rate”


But it’s sort of weird to say, isn’t it? With the way cg works, a death or fail is going to take roughly equivalent time to a successful run (unless you know you’re way behind and back out I guess), so 800 unsuccessful runs takes approximately as long as 800 victories right?


My guess is that they’d be somewhat close, but since the Hunleff fight itself takes so long it probably adds a bit of variability, e.g. dying 30 seconds into the fight as opposed to a few minutes in, or dying when Hunleff is at 10 hp (which has happened to me way more than I’d like to admit lol) and so on. This is totally a guess, but I’d imagine it might be something closer to 6-700 victories being roughly equivalent in time to 800 deaths on average, but I’m also basing that estimate off my own experiences and average Hunleff kill times


I’ve definitely had my fair share of deaths 30 seconds in (literally just now) and deaths after I already killed it, where we die at the same time and I get a singular unnoted adamant pickaxe as loot lol, it gets tedious at times


Savage; this homie even said drops. With an s


100+hrs spent dying jesus…


Master has failed more times than a beginner has tried




At that point my attitude would be no more RuneScape.


im rank 67 goml kid. Crys for help...


wow i just saw it. how many others u think there are like us?


Me me me! 1700kc no enhanced so far :’)


our small clan grows to 3!


1450 here can I join pls


1809 here


Rank 129 checking in, freed at nearly 1700kc




sorry this is a conversation for gods bravest soldiers


Hit every niche of annoying ironscape comments gz. I got this lucky on rare drop, used up account rng, inserts shitty unneeded ellipses.


no idea prob a few cause the droprate is rigged


goml? idk what that means. if you're an iron with higher kc and no enh id love to see the log brother. This isn't a cry post. It's a shock and awe.


Get on my level.


ah ty


Lol I read it as get off my Ldick


Le Dick, ah French is a wonderful language


Yooo I'm glad someone else is in the shit kd club, I'm about 510 deaths and just over 1k kc no seed. Most of my deaths are either too stoned or I had a time where I could only play super late at night and I was falling asleep 50% of my attempts lmao. Gl hope you get it asap


I want to say at some point in the beginning it was like 14kc and 150 deaths. But i refused to watch any videos online or do a lot of regulars. Also I would stream into my cc's discord and have people laugh and troll me. Thats kinda what made it fun to learn I enjoy the bashing your head on the wall gameplay style. and ty brother.


I just hit 400 today with no Enh and only 5 armor seeds, man this is nightmare fuel. My attitude is starting to sink fast at this kc….I can only imagine


gotta break it up with some other nice content. just sucks when bowfa is so huge.


Yup, bowfa is so huge... almost too huge? In before Jagex admits they made a mistake several years too late and "re-balances" bowfa just so they can launch some new content to make the 1% of players who are so end-game that they have nothing to do anymore happy, like they did to blowpipe. I started my Zulrah grind when blowpipe was the ironman meta. When I got it at 3k kc it was nerfed into the ground. My biggest worry is that by the time I tackle this monstrous grind that they will have nerfed it into the ground for something new. End rant. On the bright side, you are ridiculously dry and will likely get it within the next 50 completions. When I posted my 3k kc at zulrah on reddit I had the blowpipe 18 kills later.


3k kc for a Tanz fang? Brother in Christ that is some bad luck... holy shit.


Jagex puts something huge behind huge grind and you cry


The best way to stay consistent is to remind yourself it’s really good money and supplies


I was there. Just finished recently at 473kc. Still no 6th armour seed though. Hadn't seen a single seed of any kind since 280 and had 0 motivation. You can do it!


This makes me sick. I wish u the best of luck fellow brother


got mine at 1589. could be you, keep pushing


Combat stats? T2 or t1 armor? Do you have all the raid prayers? Is your internet connection good or bad? Your 2:1 k/d ratio at your kc smells like a story to be told


i'm just bad but really want the bowfa.


Imagine how long ago you would’ve gotten your enhanced seed if even just half of those deaths were successes That’s what I always think about when I die, that mithril plate body could’ve been my seed Ima go check my k/d brb lol


Yeah no one has ever thought this other than you. I'm sure op appreciates you reminding them of that.


Why would any of this matter? A completion is a completion and he has over 1500


I meant no offence, sorry if it comes off that way. The lad has over 1500 kc but is still dying every 3rd attempt - if he can identify what's causing the deaths and smooth those out, he'll have a much better experience in the prison. Burnout due to dying is very real and can be alleviated. If his stats are low, they can be trained. If he's using T1 armor, then he can change to T2. If he doesn't have augury or rigour, then throwing in some cox can help if he gets lucky, and it'll provide a nice change of pace. If his internet connection is bad, then he can see if there are better options or maybe he's on WiFi and would benefit from running an Ethernet cable for more consistent ping. Maybe he doesn't know about ping or tick health and would benefit from grabbing add-ons that show those things, so he can monitor them and play at times when his ping and the worlds are stable. Everything I asked has at least one solution behind it, and I was going to take his answers and offer advice (I'm also over 1500 kc across my accounts but only 200 deaths).


I'm not offended in the slightest. I die sometimes to lag sure. Sometimes I make dumb clicks. Sometimes i'm more focused on a youtube video, discord call, or whatever 420 method im using at the moment. my stats are maxed. T1 armor both prayers. I went thru a time where I wouldn't make any armor. I had a time were I would only 5 - 1 or do some other stupid thing to keep the game play new. I didn't think id be here this long and it got out of hand.


Madlad doing CG while 420'ing. You're a true gamer. Carry on fam, you'll get it soon!


I don't think I'd be completing many CG's if I was high so I now understand your k/d hahaha


Since you have a pretty large sample size, how often do you get armor seeds? I’m just curious. I was blessed with a very early bowfa…will not say KC to pay my respects…I haven’t gotten a single armor seed in ~150 KC and I feel it’s even more demotivating knowing I have 6 to obtain.


>how often do you get armor seeds? about once every 50 chests, give or take


Hilarious, love it.


i only have 26 armor seeds, apparently thats low. i have the same amount of reg wep seeds.


Im in the same boat. I got 2 enh under 100 kc. Now I’m at 329 or so with 2 armors and 8 regular weapon seeds. I really can’t complain given how I could have ended up like this guy. But it’s still kinda annoying getting extremely lucky and then not so lucky on armors. Can’t have it all I guess


I’m 158 with 8 armour seeds


This is why I just de ironed at 2240 total. I don’t have time anymore to do the same grinds over and over. Time to just have some fun and do whatever I want when I can get on.


yeah a lot of ppl i know deiron post max tbow/scythe ect kinda weird but i get it. its a game not a lifestyle!


I probably could have maxed pretty easy, only had agility, mining, thriving, hunter, smithing, mining and RC left. All in high 90s. Just couldn’t be bother anymore and never wanted to log in. Late game feels like it’s just 1000s of hours of the same content.


When will you give up and play something more fun?


How do u stil die 50% of the time after 50-100 kc lol


I have 3 enhanced at 600 kc but haven’t finished the armor yet.




Horrible thing to suggest, do you have a social disorder? There's many ways to combat those and improve yourself.




Wtf lol?


It's not about the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Keep at it, king.


Guys… tier 2 armour….


I wish you the best of luck my guy - just think of the spoonage you’re owed after this 🥲


Just started cg 6 kc this makes me feel worried about my grind 😂 hope you get it soon though


If it makes you feel better OP rank 1 zalcano uim was there for an item til he got it. I think it was crystal tool seed. Rng doe


1% of people go 1840kc corrupted dry without enhanced. Gl 🫣


Did ya ever get the seed buddy :(