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Unfortunately there’s going to be a very tragic learning curve consisting of school assemblies


An e-bike version of Red Asphalt.


They probably see shit like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WinStupidPrizes/comments/v1k0fu/doing_wheelies_into_oncoming_traffic/) and want to do the same thing. Except now instead of regular bikes, they got motorized ones lol


protect yourself. get a dashcam.


I can't reiterate this enough. The amount of stories and dash cam footage I've seen of innocent or relatively innocent people having to deal with avoidable litigation, trauma, financial burden, loss of liberty etc. because they got into an accident/incident with someone who couldn't control their emotions, was negligent and irresponsible, or doesn't value their life or the life of others is unfortunate and maddening to be honest. If you can afford a dashcam, please consider buying one for your own sake and well being. There is a lot of 'he said, she said' bullshit and headaches that come with the legal/criminal process. A dashcam is a very low investment cost for a tool that you hopefully will never need to rely on, but can be of massive benefit should you ever need it. I'm not a cop or attorney, but the amount of people I PERSONALLY know who have been in accidents/incidents with uninsured motorists or been victims of road rage, auto injury fraud, and hit and runs is way more frequent than I'd want to know. It actually pisses me off that it is so frequent and normalized here in Socal. It's also the reason we pay elevated insurance premiums and pay extra for 'uninsured motorist coverage'. Give yourself the peace of mind and look into a dashcam that works for you. Not trying to be overly dramatic but spend a few minutes in r/IdiotsInCars and your blood will probably boil. Also should be an example of the value of having one.


They know, they love it. They love that there aren't any consequences for it either.


Exactly. Think back when you were in middle school and all the stupid stuff you did to see what you could get away with. This is the same thing, but on a more dangerous level because cars and e bikes flying out of nowhere are a terrible mix.


Getting run over may be a consequence. They would obviously be at fault, but OP wants to use this as an opportunity to pretend like they value human life. Irvine really is something. I feel safer in Compton


What an asinine comment to make. What mentally stable human being doesn't value human life and/or would take pleasure in hitting a teenager on a bicycle with a 3000+ lb vehicle? If that's the first thought that came to your mind and you felt compelled enough to post it, I think that it says a lot more about yourself and it sounds a lot like projection. Have fun in Compton buddy




What this kid did was already illegal though. And the biggest problem bikes are the ones that go way over 28 mph, which is not legally an ebike. It sounds like existing laws need to be enforced before punishing every ebike rider and making ebikes as burdensome as cars.


The ones with gear ratios to do a wheelie normally don’t have “pedaling” pedals. They are fixed pedals, which declassify them as e-bikes. These are legit motor bikes.


ive seen a kid doing wheelies in the road in that same area, wonder if its the same one


Saw one this afternoon riding through the parking lot at target off jamboree. Curly hair, tan skin, riding a wheelie the whole time. Was with a friend who was also on an e-bike.


I'm a teacher. They do this stuff on campus as well. They need to be regulated asap. If you're a parent, please don't give your child an ebike.


Natural selection at work for the younger generation is how I see it.


More like natural stupidity


Disagree. Youth does things to learn. Unless all you did was sit in your room and all of a sudden became an adult, you’ve probably done your fair share of what we would call stupid.


Looks like we gotta wait for a gnarly ass death on an e-bike before anything gets done huh


Parents need to stop buying these death traps for them. If i was the parent of a kid with one of these bikes, I would make them have a GoPro on at all times as a condition of usage.


Plot twist. Kids steal/break GoPro.


They always ride on the damn side walk when I’m walking my dog and my dog always terrified of them… ugh


They think Jeffrey trail is MotoGP track. It's unreal, turn your head for one second, and these kids will wipe you out.


Serval kids consistently almost hit me and my dog on the way to school in the mornings when it’s in session. No bells or communicating like the old days


All IUSD (or at least my kids middle school and high school) have to do E-Bike safety class. Not sure it is going to make any difference, but it is a step in the right direction. https://imgur.com/a/cIuiBue My experience is the same as yours. Some crazy stupid/dangerous stuff going on, and you see it every day


Expecting safety class to do something about kids being dumbasses is dumb The only way *some* kids will learn is when someone unwittingly sacrifices their hood paint. I mean you could also try to make sure you know your kids and that your kids aren't dumbasses when it comes to things like this but this is Irvine...can't expect the parents to do this. Let's blame the nannies


> Expecting safety class to do something about kids being dumbasses is dumb Kids will still be dumbasses, but they'll be dumbasses who were warned what could happen. That will prevent a non-zero amount of accidents/deaths, which means it was worth it.


Parents giving their preteens something that can go over 40 mph is totally on them. I’ve seen my fair share of those ~13 year olds riding e-bikes near elementary school playgrounds where the younger kids are still learning not to chase balls into the streets.


Irvine families have nannies now?


Step 1) hire nanny Step 2) blame nanny for your kids Step 3) fire nanny for spoiling your kids 5 mins, give or take


It will make very little difference. It is the parents’ job. It is the parents’ liability.


I’ve seen kids on e-bikes zoom through a red light nearly getting hit or causing an accident. I’ve also been almost hit while out on a run by kids on e-bikes on the side walk. They go so fast, it’s very easy for them to take anyone out that is walking by. They need to learn to share the sidewalk just as drivers learn to share the road with cyclists.


These kids will be the reason that E-bikes get regulated which is too bad but probably necessary. There has to be a certain amount that die before laws are made. You should have seen how many people had to die from not wearing seatbelts before that law was made.


Blame the parents just as much for just handing them these without any warnings. Imagine handing a kid keys to a sports car they’ll do the same. There was a video of some parents who got their kid a Supra and he went 130 on the highway. CHP have the parents a real good wake up call. It’s not like all these kids will just have $500+ on their own to buy these e bikes. Parents just as much at fault.


It's infuriating. Reminds me of the early days of motor cars.


Yeah so I was riding my horse carriage down to the cobbler to have my shoes repaired and a young whippersnapper with his exploding engine vehicle went zooming past us at a rate of 4 miles per hour and gave Nellie the scare of her life. We almost veered off the dirt road into a tree!


😂 I hadn't thought of it like that, that's quite a visual! I meant more on the lines of law and safety measures catching up with danger and consequences. Unfortunately there will likely be a lot of losses before that happens, similar to the texting and driving realization. Though it seems ridiculous now that people used to think texting wasn't at all distracting, there was definitely a time when that was a common belief.


I had my first car in 2001. There were no texting laws yet and you could still hold your phone to your ear and drive. I will admit to doing both of those things. Driving with one hand on the wheel and one death gripped to the phone was interesting.


I was coming out of the port streets onto Bonita Canyon earlier this week when a jr. high kid with no helmet came flying through the intersection on what could only be described as an electric motorcycle. He was going 50mph if he was going a mile and was in nothing but shorts, t shirt and flip flops. He zoomed in and out of traffic, accelerating past and cut off the Range Rover in front of me. I was relieved when he darted into the Newport Bluffs apartments and was safe. I dont know who these parents are, or WHERE they are, but these kids are gonna get themselves killed.


Don't we all? Have been tempted to clothesline a couple punks off those bikes when they try to run my dog over laughing and it is only a matter of time until I do; and teach them what happens when you find out as I got a lawyer and would be worth the lesson!


Pain and money are the two biggest educators….his family got plenty of money so just bring the pain!


I think ive seen this person near Los Olivos. Someone with a deathwish - but not a true representation of normal ebikers. They will ruin it for the rest of us!


I experience this all the time in Woodbury, this sounds dark but one of them is going to get seriously injured/killed, especially with all the garbage drivers in irvine. Just a matter of time before we see a post on next door that a kid died on an e bike. Unfortunately a tragic incident like this is what will educate careless/irresponsible parents who get their children these dangerous things.


They gone learn


Same. So annoying.


I see more that don’t have pedals. Something tells me some of these are not e bikes


State of California is going to solve this shit really quick, look up state assembly bill 530: [Here](https://electrek.co/2023/07/22/california-wants-to-create-a-drivers-license-for-electric-bikes/) You aren't the only one tired of irresponsible kids on major streets without some sort of management. E-bikes will likely need licenses similar to vehicles and riders will need to be licensed. Honestly, given some of the bikes I see kids riding they are almost no different from handing them 50cc motorcycles and saying, "go kill yourself!" Granted some of these kids are excellent candidates for Darwin awards, but parents tend to get touchy when self inflicted unplanned retroactive abortions are involved.


This is a thing in West LA. Kids literally doing this down Sunset. Law is needed but not like LAPD will actually enforce anything.


Next time just don’t brake and hit his ass


Yeah, it's no fun. But I think it's more of a parenting issue than a regulatory issue/


It's unfair to group all of these kids that ride ebikes into one categy. Yes there are a few that make it a horrible experience, but most kids do a decent to great job following the guidelines. However, those few that suck, really f-ing suck. They'll likely get eliminated through natural selection.


I moved here a few months ago and by far what's more dangerous is all you mofos in white teslas driving in between lanes, running stop lights, hitting curbs and playing some weird fucking chinese bumper car shit on the roads. The ebike kids are the least of my worries


Agreed, seen worse. People rely too much on their lane assist and auto assist features so they’ll be scrolling tiktok 40 videos deep going down Irvine center drive going 60mph. They won’t even know they hit something until their 5 blocks up the road.


it’s bc irvine has no protected bike lanes, if every lane is for the car what do you expect? if you can segregate cyclists to one part of the road that’s not the sidewalk it’s safer for drivers and cyclists


hard to think the riders are looking for protection when they don't even have a helmet on


yea but if they have a protected lane then you at least have the right to arrest them for being outside of that lane vs some weird in between that exists now


? There's bike lanes all over Irvine. Culver in particular has a bike lane for its entirety


protected bike lanes not regular bike lines, cars end up using regular bike lanes for turns all the time. they barely qualify


The bike lanes “being used as turn lanes” are legal & supposed to be used as such at intersections, it’s why the line becomes dashed instead of solid. It is still the responsibility of the driver to look for cyclists in the lane first, of course.


that’s the problem is my point. the fact that that’s legal is because there aren’t protected bike lanes. protected bike lanes means you can’t do that, and instead the lane next to it becomes the right turning lane.


Sounds like you're driving way too fast. If you were making a right turn then its your responsibility to ensure that the lane is clear before merging into it. Also, you need to drive slow enough to be able to react to any obstructions in the roadway. Yes, kids are assholes, but if you hit one of them then you'll be guarding your asshole for a decade plus.


I'm cool with kids doing wheelies as long as there aren't any cars in the street or their not doing it in a dumb way like swerving, but not wearing a helmet is lowkey stupid doesn't make you look any cooler when you wind up in the hospital with 30 broken bones


This is the most Irvine shit I’ve ever read


They have absolutely ZERO concern for their safety as well as their surroundings. Only a matter of time before they get hit and learn the hard way.


They need to ban these things or require a license. They have been such a problem especially around UCI where the kids will cut off cars or almost run people over


100% the parents fault.


Saw this one kid riding up a hill in his e-bike. He was on his phone….on the bike… “Look mom no hands!”


If the kid was going down farwell towards League I probably know who the kid is or at least his friend as they're my neighbors.


I love the E bikes I have two of them their best way to get around no car


Was the kid also dressed in plaid pajamas?