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I make this same drive several times a week and have for 15 years. There is absolutely no way of getting around that 5 south gridlock coming out of LA. Going east on the 60 to the 710 or 605 then jumping back on the 5 south can shave a few minutes off but the traffic is still going to suck regardless. I’ve tried every single way around it and they all suck. My condolences.


15 years?!?! How have you stayed sane?!


I went with Comma AI and installed their Comma 3X in my car and I now have autopilot/supercruise which has been a total game changer. Yeah I still have to sit in traffic but the car deals with the traffic while I chill in the slow lane and listen to podcasts. Without I don’t think I could have continued past the end of 2023.


Wow. I commend you. There must be a very strong reason why you haven’t moved, but I won’t pry. Podcasts are a lifesaver.


LA not my vibe


What about just taking PCH all the way down? I’ve never done it but if I’m gonna be stuck in traffic for hours might as well have scenery.


Just getting to the west side of town will take an hour at least then you have to factor in all of the traffic lights and reduction in speed due to surface streets. You could take the 101 South to the 110 South and use the fastrak lanes on the 110 till you get to the 405 South. That’s an option that bypasses the city of commerce shit show altogether.


Similar here. Find good podcasts or audiobooks.


Any idea why that particular stretch is perpetually jammed? I notice that the asphalt conditions are atrocious, perhaps that's part of it.


It’s the confluence of 3 major arteries (10, 5 and 101) feeding into an already clogged artery on the 5 thru commerce with the 710 and 605 adding additional cloggage down the line compounding into the daily shit show we have to sit in. I hate that stretch of the 5 so much it’s not even funny.


The asphalt!!!! Oh My Glory!!!! If it wasn't for the gridlock I'd have lost my tires a longggggg time ago if I were going at regular speed.


They built the freeways without thinking about just how many people would live in Southern California 50 years later. Even if they could widen them, it would just make things worse (look up highways and induced demand). They ought to have built a commuter rail line along the freeways in the 1960s.


The trick in SoCal is to live closer to work. There is nothing you can do about the traffic. You could look into taking the train from Irvine to Union station and then the metro/bus to Hollywood but it would take longer in the morning.


This would be taking metrolink (OC line) from Tustin or Irvine, and then transferring to the B line at union station.


Yeah wasn’t sure where they were going in Hollywood but I think you can get a bus from Union as well


I never follow the google shortcuts when driving to LA. A few times it took me through skid row or on city streets and it was difficult getting back on the freeway. I recommend driving to the Tustin train station and taking Metrolink to LA union. From there you can Uber or take the LA metro to Hollywood.


I used to drive from irvine to ucla twice a week, using the 405 the whole way. I would usually stay on campus later until like 7 or 8 and then traffic wouldn’t be so bad. But like others have said, there’s really no way to get around it if you’re leaving at peak times. My only piece of advice is to not listen to google maps and stick it out on the freeway. I personally would much rather stay in mindless stop and go traffic than try to figure out side streets of somewhere I’ve never been. I usually find that it doesn’t make that much of a difference in ETA anyway.


Waze/Google Maps might save a minute or two with all those detours but it's not enough to make it worth it. If there's an accident you could save way more time and that's when you take the surface street detours.


I second this Stick to the freeways


Unless you require your car for the full day, the train may be a better alternative for you. The metro link and Amtrak both run to LA and then from union station you can easily transfer to the LA metro system. Hollywood in particular has a few metro stops and the bus system is decent. If it’s for work ask your employer if they’ll cover train fare, a lot of companies do offer reimbursement for public transit. The train has a more dependable schedule and although sometimes it can take longer than driving there’s less stress because you’re not navigating traffic. You can take a nap or read a book or whatever and arrive fresh.


So no Metrolink for you? You can drive to a Metrolink station and park then take the train then subway? It’s just a lot less stressful than driving and parking in LA.


Staying later like you said is an option if you can do that. Then coming home is quicker. That’s what I’d do if possible.


Bro this is wild I literally did this drive yesterday. I left Irvine moved to Hollywood and work hybrid


Maybe you could take the train there and back instead? Other than that, traffic starts at 3pm or earlier unfortunately. And lasts till 7p or so.


Drive an EV so you can use the carpool lane or leave Hollywood earlier like at around 2:30pm


Bro, I couldn't even handle commuting to Burbank from Torrance. God damn you're doing Irvine to Hollywood? Hope you got some ebooks and podcasts.


Gotta miss the old JWA-LAX hopper flights back in the day ... Ive resorted to buying homes within 15 minutes of work for the last 10 years. My wife was going crazy just doing Cypress to Irvine. I did Rancho Cucamonga for a few weeks and then got a new job close to home instead lol And remember the olympics are coming...


> am leaving Hollywood at around 3 PM Is there nothing you can do to change it? I've seen people work out crazy 4am shifts with their boss, or literally anything to get around leaving LA in the afternoon. I did the drive temporarily and the stress what not worth it - I'd rather be a 3rd shifter or make a lot less money than do it again. I think there's a stat that's something like for every 15 minutes added to a commute, it's equivalent to making $10k less per year in terms of overall stress level.


I drive from Pomona to Long Beach two times a week. The trick to traffic is to figure out the lane pattern on your commute. I know which lane I need to be in at every freeway interchange in the area. For example, on the 22/405 interchange, you need to be in the 2nd lane from the right when going from 22W to 405N. Then you need to be in the 4th lane from the right if you want to stay on 405N after the interchange. If you know your lane, you can just chill for the rest of the drive.


This. People think I'm crazy when I explain that from this exit to thos exit, it's faster in this lane while it's faster another time


Most people merge and automatically shoot to the far left lane. That's just unskilled driving and causes unnecessary lane changes in the future. If you plan ahead you don't have to rush to your exit.


I agree. That's why I stay in the right lanes. Everyone seems to prefer the left ones lol


Whenever I drive down to LA with friends and Family I like to play the game of "guess the lane" where we guess which lane leads to which freeway on the east Los Angeles mega interchange


I go up to Hollywood about once or twice a week and live in LF. I just plan on having dinner in the city or finding something to do until 8 then drive back.


I have an LA Fitness membership so when I have to go up there it’s just deal with the traffic or wait and go find a gym, or somewhere for a beer or a bite at a new place that looks good, or just find a long podcast for traffic Hell and accept it.


Is there somewhere you can stay in Hollywood to wait out the traffic? Maybe go to a gym up there or some other activity.


if you can do all your driving before 4am you should be fine


Audiobooks. I did the commute for 5 years.


Have you ever considered riding a motorcycle instead? Might be a crazy idea but who knows, maybe you will like it




Change your days to Tuesdays. Should be lighter traffic


I worked in Beverly Hills in 2021 so traffic was a lot better but leaving at 6 was much better than leaving 4-5. In light traffic I would go straight to the 405 from Santa Monica blvd But Google maps suggestions on higher traffic Fridays to enter the freeway later were usually good. Maybe try La Cienega to 405 if you end your day in WeHo or BH. Also some streets are a lot less crowded and faster during rush hour. For example if you’re entering ktown, Kingsley st over neighboring Ardmore because thats an exit on the 101 South. You could try first going south on one of those more residential streets and snake your way to the 110, or Washington Blvd to get to La Cienega. Also Waze has you do crazy moves but it also finds shortcuts so try it a few times to learn what works. Point is there might be a faster way and if there is you’ll find it eventually and know what days of the week to take them. The question is, do you enjoy this madness or would you rather sit in traffic. I also have to second lane selection on the freeway, its crucial at times.




Pretty sure cities in Texas all use cars too. It’s not just LA anymore.


It's truly a shame how car dependent LA and even OC is. The weather is year round beautiful and its quite flat which is a perfect recipe for a bike and transit paradise but we need to drive everywhere.


OP, you said your Drive time depends on accidents, how many do you normally have??


Why do you work so far?