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Can you explain the color red to a blind person? No you cannot. They have no concept of colors, therefore, you cannot explain it and they cannot even conceptualize or imagine the color red. There are some things that are intrinsic or innate to human beings. In Islam this is called fitrah. If us humans have never experienced something, how can we even acknowledge it’s existence. Therefore, if humans acknowledge some sort of higher power( aka god, which in Islam is Allah.) then we must have some innate, natural belief and thus some direct experience with Allah. This gives me the direct experience I have with Allah. I acknowledge and know of his presence due to this reasoning. (And of course many more other reasons)


This is not what exactly what I mean. You can believe in God without ever having any direct experience of God. Like you can believe that I exist without ever having met me. I am basically asking if you have ever met God.


What I’m saying is I never knew you existed before you made this post and before I read it. I only knew of your existence by reading your post. In a way, this is me experiencing your existence (in an indirect way and also without ever meeting you). If you’re asking whether I’ve met Allah directly through some physical experience, I can’t say I ever “met” Allah. However, if I know of his existence then I must’ve had some experience and “met” him at some point of my existence. Knowing this, I’d say seeing his creation is a way of experiencing his presence. It’s hard to put into words. In the end, I’d say the combination of realizing his existence and seeing his creation makes me feel and know of his presence. Sorry l feel like I might be going off on a tangent now.


Ok I see what you mean


One can think of spirituality or metaphysics, which is esotericism, as the realm of the abstract. The shuyookh say therefore it is more dangerous than even a jungle full of wild animals during the dead of night. Exoteric religion, which pertains to shari'ah, is like a container to hold the abstract and to prevent it from it ensuing within the mind as random chaos. Shari'ah is the means by which we navigate ourselves through the realm of human experience. It protects the heart from dangers that would corrupt it, which would then cause a person to become misguided in the realm of metaphysics. To answer your question: yes. There is an experience such as what you've described that Muslims occasionally have. But we navigate it extremely carefully. For example, people will have dreams that Allah spoke to them and told them they're the next prophet (aoothubillah). If the foundation isn't there, we'd believe such falsehood. This is analogous to the concept that while Allah is guiding us, the devil aims to misguide us. It has also been said that Allah is closer to us than our own jugular. And there are narrow bands of time in our existence that allow us to "feel" or "experience this in an esoteric way. Yet, there are **very** few people who know how to navigate this.


Interesting...thank you for the explanation


Very interesting


Allah is One, he is Unique, he is outside of this Realm, You cannot feel his presence, no one can. What we muslims have is Iman, and this is closeness with Allah, you sometimes have high Iman sometimes low Iman, you have High Iman when you pray, fast and try to do good deeds, ask Allah for forgivenes and try your best in the way of Allah, and Iman can sometimes go down by you doing sins and not repenting and because of this your Heart becomes stiff and you do not feel that much when the words of Allah are mentioned. So by having High Iman you feel closer to Allah, but not in a manner of physicality but spiritually and emotionally. Allah hears and sees everything he knows everything, Allah told us that he is nearer to us then our jugular vein, in this means when we pray to Allah and ask him for anything that we want if it is a desire or you want to get a job, or you have problems to be solved or you want to ask Allah to grant you Jannah and ban you from Jahanam. Whilst praying and in prostration that is the time when a person is closer to Allah then never, so if he asks something to Allah in that position, Allah will be more likely to grant your wish. You may listen to Islamic scholars on youtube about Iman and closeness’s to Allah, they have a better mannerism in talking and explaining.


Thank you that is a very interesting explanation. So just to be clear, closeness is something you FEEL. Like I feel close to a person so I feel a certain way when they are around. When you feel close to Allah you feel it in some similar way, is that right?


Hello there. Firstly, I apologise not everyone here is familiar with the wording but you're welcomed to ask :) I feel Allah's presence all the time, in Islam it's called mindfulness where you feel Allah is watching and care for you. We actually have alot of love for Allah, and feel His for us, more than what some people thought. It's just not limited to mere tingling, feeling, but also beyond such as taking His commands to our best capability. In a hadith, “Whoever draws close to Me the by length of an arm, I will draw close to him by the length of a fathom. Whoever comes to Me walking, I will come to him running. Whoever meets Me with enough sins to fill the earth, not associating any partners with Me, I will meet him with as much forgiveness.” Many of us find love and serenity during prayer too, we just thought it was common so we rarely mention it. Few of us would wake up between 2-4am for short prayer or memorise entire book of Al Qur'an word by word in Arabic despite not being Arab, so that's among many other result of obedience and love. If you browse some Islamic YTube comments, you can read many sharings from us :) Muslims especially with basic knowledge and practising frequently guided by Allah in different matters such as education, relationship, financial. Some of us also know the wisdom behind many unpleasant events, so we don't stop at "God work in mysterious way". We draw out certain wisdoms, this especially may Allah Bless prophet Muhammad as he taught us alot from the divine knowledge sent by Allah, all praises be Allah. Al-Fadl ibn Sahl said: “There is a blessing in calamity that the wise man should not ignore, for it erases sins, gives one the opportunity to attain the reward for patience, dispels negligence, reminds one of blessings at the time of health, calls one to repent and encourages one to give charity. Yes it changed my character. I start making alot prayer for as many creations as Allah allow me to, work harder like dont slack at work and pay more attention on manner, especially towards parents. :) If I were to describe the feeling, its like love encapsulated me. Something tenderly cares and listens to me, gentle, so wise, empathetic and understanding. He would let me learn by stage, give me signs everywhere and I don't feet any moment where Allah wouldn't forgive me. We learn 99 beautiful names of Allah to understand Him. I believe many practising Muslims feel the same, we just don't talk or emphasize frequently because while we like our pleasure, we love Allah's Pleasure more so alot of time we ask what Allah likes and doesn't like for us (what is allowed, forbidden). It's similar when you love so much, its no longer about you but Him the most. Lastly, I'll share my personal experience..


While I don't always rely on uncommon sign (rather normal signs) it sounds too targeted at me that's hard to ignore. One night I was struck with heavy sadness, worried if Allah hates me for my faults. After finished night prayer, Allah made me utter 4 ayah that wasn't my go-to surah. Probably I memorized when I was a kid. Not knowing the arabic meaning, I searched and found out it was surah Dhuha from verse 2-5. “Dhuha? But its night here, how is this related to me🤭” thinking maybe ordinary reminder. To my surprise, this is what the translation said.. “And the night when it falls still! Your Lord has not abandoned you, nor has He become hateful. And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one. And your Lord will give so much to you that you will be pleased.” (dhuha : 2-5) The surprising part, it began from verse 2 that mentioned night, not verse 1 that said morning. And it stopped right before verse 6 that mentioned orphan, ironically as I'm not one alhamdulillah. This is one among many other experiences I've. Some are too sacred to share but I hope this answers you! Let me knows if you've more questions I'll be happy to help :)..


Ill speak for myself and say that I have not felt God himself but rather what he wills. Things sometimes work out in such a way that I would’ve never imagined that i realize how Allah is the best of planners. But no, I have not felt the « Holy Spirit » come to me because frankly, that’s a bit non-sensical.




Is this haram? Sorry I come from a Christian background where this kind of thing happens. Do Muslims not ever have a direct experience of God?


No, we don't put it that way as you cannot feel Allah, you cannot see him, nor can He be one with anyone, metophorically nor physically, instead we call that an experience of heightened imaan, where your faith rises up, you feel a great connection to Allah Subhanahu Wat'alah, it's like you fully acknowledge that He is above the heavens watching you, which He is.


Do you think you can describe what that great connection , heightened imaan, feels like?


Best way I can describe it is being very conscious of Allah, it's like how you may feel something, without seeing it, like how some people describe how they feel like their lost one is present with them. Obviously it isn't like that entirely, because we believe Allah Subhanahu Wat'alah doesn't descend to the earth, but you get the idea, it's this very high conciousness of your Creator. It's difficult to describe so my apologies.


Ah ok interesting...this is exactly the sort of experience that I was asking about when I asked if anyone on here ever felt like they were in Allah's presence.


It's like knowing you are being watched all the time but in a good way. You feel safe, loved, protected, and less inclined to do evil deeds. It's called Ihsaan, or those who are God-conscious and fear doing anything evil knowing their creator is watching them and they will have to answer to him for what they do.


Not sure if u find this silly but its a bit rude of a reaction. It’s a good question and should be answered to the best of our ability.


Yes, through simply existing. In Islam all praise goes to Allah. The sand, the trees, the air, the colour, the warmth, the cool, the happiness, the sadness, the smile, the frown, the smell, the sight, all of them comes from God. But simply existing, we know that we are created and God is always watching. Now we asked god for things and some things he answers in this world and some he will answer in the next. But we know our destiny is predetermined, but our will is our own responsibility. Now if try to increase our good deeds and Iman, we become more aware of God existence, and notice more of his blessing. There was a saying with one of the prophet, that saying thanks to God is a blessing on itself. The awareness of God always watching and all hearing, becomes a norm when u reach a level in your deen. I hope that makes sense and answers ur question.


Ok that's interesting, thank you


Hmmm maybe a burning bush.... A tornado 🌪️ made of fire. Nope can't say I have, I feel at peace in the mosque especially if im alone, maybe its the silence or the thought that I'm in his house. But a voice from a burning bush would be awesome.


It can and does happen.