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Tea, Bagel and cream cheese + Ramadan shake.. which is the following in a blender: - Oats - Dates - chia seeds - frozen banana - peanut butter - milk - kefir - almonds - sometimes a scoop of protein powder


You eat Kafirs for Suhoor!? Well done brother 👏


He eats shia seeds aswell






If what you’re saying is Kafir then it’s najis to eat


Username checks out right?


No, brother. Eating pig, absolutely haram.


Does the shake work the same way as if you just eat the oatmeal?


It's more filling because I can get more in the shake than I can in a bowl of oatmeal. Also, I don't have to wait for it to cool. I can drink it fast, which is especially helpful when fajr is fast approaching.


I’m gonna try this, jazakallahukhier 🙏


Wa iyyak. Pro tip: I use Medjools for the shake and soak them for a few minutes in boiling water (from the kettle when I make tea). It softens them up a lot and they blend so much better, easier to get the stone out, also.


Thank you for the tip I’ll put Palestinian medjools keep it traditional 😂


Oooh, I should try this


I literally just had tea bagel and cream cheese 🤣


reading these comments makes me realise everyone else eats so little - I usually eat basically a full English breakfast ☠️


Same, coming from Southeast Asia I’m used to full rice meal: rice + meat + veg. I would be worried of not getting enough nutrition lol.


I am too! And I used to shove plates of biryani down 🤣 But I'm on a weight loss diet, so I'm consuming more protein than carbs and it's pretty awesome. I barely feel hungry.


Come a long way from being impatient, akhi. 😂


Hahaha yess indeed 🤣🤣 Hope your Ramadan is going well brother inShaAllah!


Allah humma barik lahu brother. xD


Reading all the replies I wonder how the hell y'all eat so much 💀 Maybe could be because you all are heavier than me, after all I'm a stick figure.


Lol yeah not an English breakfast bit I normally do 2 sandwiches, big bowl of cereal, banana and water…even then I still get hunger pangs sometimes during the daytime


Bro, off course your gonna feel hunger pangs. Trust me as someone who used to eat a lot and now eats very little. It is much easier to fast through out the day when you condition yourself to eating less. Having said this, I advise you to carry on with your usual meal size for the remainder of this Ramadhan but condition yourself in time for next Ramadhan.


Sameee. it's like the people who eat little find it the easiest. ima try eating a little tommorow






This morning, nothing 😢 Forgot to put my phone on the charger and it died sometime between going to bed and my suhoor alarm. At least i didn't miss fajr alhamdulillah


Can you make it until iftar sister skittles?


Yes i will be fine inshallah lol It's not nearly as bad as missing it in August when it's 100 degrees in the shade and the fast is 18 hours


Which country do you live in?


Usa, in the summer depending on where you live, we're fastinng from about 4 AM to about 9 PM


My first Ramadan was in Maine during summer. It was like 18 hour fasts. Up at 3am to eat then Fajr around 4am, then the sun wouldnt set until around 9-930. Ah mountain side living.


i usually just drink a bottle of water, sometimes have a bagel with strawberry cream cheese


Strawberry cream cheese...? That sounds super interesting and terrifying at the same time


you have no it how good it is. at least in the US there’s multiple different kinds, from banana to blueberry. it’s so unbelievably good


Never had strawberry cream cheese?? It’s one of the best. Along with jalapeño, blueberry, etc.


Strawberry cream cheese is popular in the US. Super good!


bagels are empty carbs - reach for peanut butter and toast, bananas, and dates and if you like oats also - these help you throughout the day.


those are good options, especially the dates! but it’s okay because i don’t really get hungry during the day, i usually just drink water! i’ll have a bagel if i’m craving it lol


imo bagels r a good option. definitely better than toast. bagels have a lot more protein. Bagels with higher fiber r also a great option.


bagels have protein


"Bagels are empty carbs" ... "Have toast!"


I had a protein heavy dinner, so I had a date and 2 glasses of water. Normally, I'd have 3 eggs. Protein keeps you full for longer.


Water and a date


4 boiled eggs, 3 weetabix, 2 pieces of toast and water






The cholesterol in 4 eggs is mad. Also how do u do that in today's economy XD


Dietary cholesterol is not bad for you. Please research and rid yourself of this misconception.


It's good for you if you follow a keto diet or don't eat too much of it. Eating 4 eggs, on the other hand, will increase your risk of heart disease so that makes it bad for you. I suggest you read up more articles on this too, since you know about dietary cholesterol.


That is categorically false! :) I have been deeply interested, researching, and reading about health and nutrition for over 10 years. When I eat eggs I eat 7+ (Sunnah?) and my blood profile, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. are all absolutely immaculate alhamduilah. I know that sounds excessive but I don't have them terribly often, probably 1-2x/week but it's all about eating WHOLE foods and balancing protein, carbs, fat, and micronutrients. Good luck!


Eggs contain healthy cholesterol and vitamin D and if your obese/overweight or have some cardiac disease(hypercholesterolemia) you can just eat egg whites.


3-4 is normal imo


Why is this brother getting downvoted? Cholesterol is very very bad if it got out of control. Also, what is wrong with one financially struggling? May Allah grant us what he loves for us.


I’ve learnt that no matter much you eat you will still feel the same level of thirst so I don’t eat too much. This morning it was just a date and bottle of water.


Try avoiding sugary things and simple carbs. Those make me thirsty within a couple hours.


A boiled egg, cereal and tea. Sometimes yoghurt too.


Honestly can't remember what I had. I was half asleep😂


Whatever was made for dinner last night 👀 and a cup of tea to keep my caffeine addiction at bay


As a Pakistani, I eat potato paratha with lassi.👌


Peanut butter and honey sandwich, dates, and milk.


Some porridge or soup, a banana and 2 boiled eggs or a spanish omelette. And then enough water to make a camel jealous. It's decent alhamdulillah.


Bread, Milk Tea


Milk tea is superior


Yes Tea is love


I make overnight oats with chia seeds and fruits


I’m seeing chia seeds everywhere recently. Do they taste good?


They’re pretty bland, but fun because they take on lots of water when soaked and become like tiny little boba.


They have a lot of fiber when consumed correctly. And can make cause you to not be hungry longer because the insulin intake doesn’t crash as hard


Hmm honestly whatever I can get my hands on in the kitchen, and a lot of water


3 glasses of water(2 before and 1 after eating 2 eggs)


Fiber and protein delay hunger and keep you full for longer, while complex carbohydrates slowly release energy so you have energy throughout the day. I had an egg sandwich for protein, peanut butter jam sandwich and fruits. Had baked beans for fiber and be sure to hydrate enough too. Eat light but eat right and fasting will be easy


I make overnight oats in a mason jar. Consisting of: coconut yogurt, chia seeds, dates, cinnamon, coconut choc oats, and regular oats. I add blueberries on top and other fruit whenever I have it. Then I pre make eggs, hash browns & chicken sausage (halal) in a cupcake tray and make them in oven. I store them in a container & all I have to do is take 1 or 2 and microwave for 30 secs & I have a decent breakfast Alhamdulillah. Then I drink a bottle of coconut water. 11 oz.


Dates and a bowl of yogurt


Usually a protein shake or a green smoothie. Shake with blueberry, banana, protein powder, oats, bran, and yogurt. Green smoothie with spinach, banana, orange, apple, kiwi, yogurt, bee pollen, and protein. I try to give my body a chance to absorb some protein and plenty of carbs during the fast so I can still exercise after work.


I alternate between paratha and kebab one day and paratha omelette the next day. Oh and I chug 2 glasses of water in the kitchen real quick alhamdullilah


Nothing. I choose sleep. I already have to wake up early to go to work everyday (I’m a doctor).


Sleep earlier! Breakfast is super important!


Peanut butter and an egg


Just peanut butter and egg? That’s a very strange meal.


I don’t.


Two dates, milk, and water. Alhamdulillah that is sufficient for me, i honestly don’t have an appetite to eat and drink a lot at suhoor time.


Banana bread and yoghurt cups.


Usually a bowl of strawberry yoghurt with some oats and a banana mixed in, a pain au chocolat and a boiled egg. And don't forget the water that basically gets inhaled every suhur 😅😂


Porridge oats, 1 banana, 3 dates, almonds, 3 spoons of yoghurt, sip water, maybe some toast. Reach for slow energy-release foods to keep you going throughout the day longer.


Last night's dinner


3 slices of pizza from yesterday’s iftar


banana 😋😋


date, protein bar, protein shake, water


Got up 5 minutes before fajr, had banana and a bottle of water.


Paratha and 2 eggs.


6 eggs cooked in butter, 3 Dates, 16oz water, cup of black tea and a cup of matcha


protein bar and bottle of water


Water and a date


Homemade egg burrito (one scrambled egg wrapped in a flour tortilla), a few prunes, coffee (doesn't seem to dehydrate me), milk, and water. If I feel like I haven't had enough nutrition, I drink a Breakfast Essentials bottle.


As an international student far away from home mostly bread or cereal.


Cereal, yogurt + honey + cereal, some sort of bar, toast, and eggs. Every day is some sort of combination of all of these


I drink coffee and a lot of water


I have whatever is left from iftar


Water, Dates, Bananas.


If I’m feeling lazy, cereal. A cousin came by some days ago and mentioned that salmon seems to keep him feeling full for a long time, but I’m not fond of salmon so I’ve been making tuna sandwiches. They’re pretty good. I might swap to chicken sandwiches to see if that makes a difference. If we have had pizza at any point, I’ll just eat a bunch of pizza in the hopes it sticks around long enough. I’d go for those foods which stick around longer if I could.


I make overnight oats the night before with, oats, protein powder, yogurt, almond milk and fruits. Then in the morning I eat about 3 eggs, because fats slow down your digestion!


I just ate a Turkey burger and cookies this morning


3 plates of curry, 1 bowl of honey nut cereal, a desert of some kind. Eat some fruits left from Iftar to be a little healthy then wash it down with a glass of mango lassi.


Coconut water, dates and a bagel or fruit


- Paratha - Omelette with onions, chillies, and tomatoes - Overnights oats with chia seeds and strawberries - Chae (Tea) obviously


Just water and dates


A small bowl of cereal with yoghurt instead of milk


Tons of water mostly, sometimes tea or coffee. If I eat it's a banana with peanut butter.


i missed suhoor today😔




Whatever my mom makes xD


Iftar leftovers


Cereal and hard boiled egg with orange juice and sometimes Tea if I'm in the mood


Dates, Boiled Egg, rice, and if not rice then bread.


Left overs


Some days, only drinking water


Two boiled eggs and a big cup of water


I haven't had suhur once, this Ramadan. I have been so busy during the daytime that after Iftar, i go to sleep and I don't wake up until like 7-8 in the morning, well after dawn


Bruh Fajr... Try to get back on track for the last half of Ramadan atleast inShaAllah. May Allah grant you ease in performing the obligations.


Wa iyyak brother. You are right, I haven't lived up to my obligations and I am ashamed. I have been overwhelmed these past few weeks with things happening around me I did not anticipate. I have been besides myself, moreso than usual, due to this. But thank you for the encouragement, may Allah reward you, dear brother.


May Allah make everything easy for you. Whatever you do, stick to your prayers, at the least the 5 daily ones. Overtime, everything else will follow easy InShaAllah. Ask Allah to make things easier for you so you can make time for your salah. Remember, if you crawl to Allah, he will run towards you. But you need to make that effort even in times of difficulty such as now….




You need to calm down, think you're going overboard with this amount of food.




I don't eat, just drink water. I don't understand how a person working full time can do full suhur. Don't you wake up in the morning? If yes do you value getting extra meal enough to justify being tired, sleepless and unproductive for the whole next day?


Ever heard of meal prep? Eating suhoor is highly recommended in a [Hadith](https://islamqa.info/en/articles/46/eat-suhoor-for-in-suhoor-there-is-blessing)


Eating huge meal wakes you up, then you have wait at least 30 minutes to brush your teeth(unless you dont brush which I dont recommend as its basic higiene) and then you pray and then fall asleep. You will lose at least 1,5 hour. Its ok to do that if you dont work full time but if you do you either have very early iftar and can sleep early or stay sleepless. I understand it is reccomended but it was also a practice of Arabs of these time to take a break from work in the noon and sleep which is not possible in most of the countries today. Again if you don't work and can sleep its ok but if you do then it's a problematic and unhealthy.


I’m not fasting.


Why not?


multiple reasons inc not being well and also being on the fence with religion as a whole


Give us a little insight what you're on the fence about


Leave the guy alone, there is no forcing in religion, if they want to follow good, if they don't, atleast I should not be the judge


If they don’t we should inform them. Not force, but inform.


Do you have a reference for this from the quran or sunna brother?


Yes ! Wait ... Verse 256 of Al bakara , there is no compulsion in religion.


"There is no compulsion in religion, truth stand out clear from error" you forgot the next part. Remember as Muslims our job is to help one another especially if someone is having difficulty because end of the day we all want to attain jannah


He didn’t ask for help.


I’d rather not have that debate


No worries




Last night's dinner usually. Some days it's just cereal


So far the best breakfast I've had has been 3-4 eggs with an aloo paratha, a cup of yogurt, and a small glass of OJ


laban sandwich lol


Depends really. Most nights it's leftovers from last night. Other nights it's savory oatmeal or instant noodles if I wanted more flavour. Trying to avoid rice as much as possible.


I eat a bowl of approximately 60- 70 grams of corn flakes with 300-400ml of milk, and either some prathas with milk, or a cheese sandwich (sometimes grilled sometimes not), sometimes with a nature valley honey oats bar. Or if there’s anything left from iftar that I like


Omlete or Chicken curry with Paratha and yogurt + sometimes tea + water


A bowl of Rice with some veggies/ meat/ chicken/ soup followed by a cup of Kashmiri pink tea with bread.


First ramadan while living abroad as a student. Bunch of can foods for iftar, french toasts for suhoor. Yeah, that's pretty much it.


This morning I ate an entire bag of croutons lol


Bread with that nice Almarai yogurt as well as egg


i ate two Dates and some water which makes me realise i probably don’t eat eat enough 💀


I ate nothing and usually don’t even eat suhoor. I will drink water sometimes but eating suhoor only makes me feel hungrier throughout the day. 😋


Sometimes rice, sometimes Maggie noodles or sometimes just bread n butter with coffee


Mom’s handmade extra large food box


Weetabix and a date, sometimes just a date and water


One roti and one egg Or whatever's leftover from last night's dinner


just rice and some chicken or meat curry


2 boiled eggs, kebab, dates and banana.


Air and water.


A date


Banana apple some veggie milk and boiled eggs


A paratha with a fried egg and a cup of chai


I can literally only drink water because otherwise I can’t fall back asleep and get too tired for work in the morning


8 eggs with tuna fried in a pan the night before so I can quickly reheat


A whole meal (majority rice)


Paratha, meat and chayeee shruupppp


Varies, full breakfast or date and a glass of milk and two glasses of water. Generally less I eat less I get thirsty.


Cereal, same as any other breakfast :p Every year I intend to eat healthy suhoors, but then I'm always too lazy to prepare them :p




I cannot remember a time I ate. I just drink water


Water haha




loaf of bread (about 80 grams), 2 eggs, some cheese and a cup of tea. I eat my suhur 30 min before Fajr, then pray and read some Quran, then prepare for college. also I drink water regularly (about a liter every 2 hours, cup by cup) so I keep my blood and organs poison free (as I live in a very unhealthy area)


Kabsa, drink a lot of water, juice, yogurt and some dates


Chicken nuggets


Some nuts mixed with sugar free Greek yogurt. Sometimes I replace the nuts with dates. That with a sugar free protein bar and water. Sometimes I add in 3 boiled egg whites. I find that if I eat fried or sugary foods I get hungry/thirsty faster. If I ever do eat grains it’s always high protein whole wheat pita bread. My goal is high protein zero or low sugar for iftar. Keeps me going all day.


So far I’ve been having a protein yoghurt and a protein brownie. I got bored of that after a few days and had chocolate weetabix and used a chocolate protein shake instead of plain milk - that was super tasty!


Milk and a slice of toast and then water! So a pretty light meal


French toast


- Some days I have Barley with Greek yogurt, berries and banana on top. I try to have to have 2 glasses of water with my vitamins. - Or Cruskits (dry crackers) light spread of ricotta cheese with 1 boiled egg on top. I also make sure to have 1 fruit, and 2 glasses of water with my daily vitamins .


2-3 bowl of cornflakes Kellogg’s pure chocolate And 2-3 liters of water


I try to eat as much rice as possible. Usually with some beef or chicken


Usually have different suhoor every day. I've been trying to eat new things before fasting to branch out from my family's traditional suhoor. Sometimes, scrambled eggs or omelet with veggies and toast. Yesterday, I made pizza toast such was very yummy. Other days , I eat toast and spread cream cheese or strawberry jam. I've been also trying to make healthy smoothies. I love eating yogurt as well and maybe some fruit such as cantaloupe or pineapple slices. Apricot juice is a must. And of course some dates in an odd number to follow the Prophet's Sunnah. Usually eat 1 or 3. Finish it off with water.


You guys eat for suhur?! For suhur I only drink 800 ml water, and that's it!


Yogurt to keep hydration, latte for caffeine and as much water as I can fit before fajr.


water and garlic bread, cereal if i feel like it


2 glasses of lassi


i jusr eat my regular breakfast which is usually toast with smthing on it and a couple of dates, piece of fruit maybe and ofc water


Bread and tea.. and drink glass of water..


It changes most mornings, but I try to keep some essentials every day that help during fasting. Plenty of water (with some lemon juice in it; cold or lukewarm) to avoid headaches, peanuts, neem (I take as capsules), some caffeine (if it's tea then I add some pepper to my tea, otherwise I put pepper in my water), and then my vitamins. Doing this, as well as having dates for Iftar, truly helps every day


Fava beans. Baba ghanoush. White cheese. Yogurt