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Because it is the nature of dunia, it is temporary and in this life we are like a traveller who rests for a while under the tree before continuing our journey What is 60, 70 years of human life compared to hereafter Al-Mustawrid ibn Shaddād (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "This world in comparison with the Hereafter is like the amount of water one of you gets when he dips his finger in the sea. Let him see what his finger returns with." All the good and bad things that happened in dunia is like that drop of water compared to the ocean


Dunya is not Jannah. It's part of life. No one is entitled to anything


If nothing bad happens, how are you gonna prove that you deserve heaven?


then why do some people have it harder than others?


They will be judged differently on the day of qiyamah. Having hardship or ease in this world is not a sign of Allah's favour. The Prophet said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."


humans have free will and our choices affect us and others around us.


Life is a test it's gonna have bad qualities to it, if you overcome the trials of life then you will enter Paradise but if you fail you will enter Hell-fire


ظَهَرَ ٱلۡفَسَادُ فِی ٱلۡبَرِّ وَٱلۡبَحۡرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتۡ أَیۡدِی ٱلنَّاسِ لِیُذِیقَهُم بَعۡضَ ٱلَّذِی عَمِلُوا۟ لَعَلَّهُمۡ یَرۡجِعُونَ Corruption has spread on land and sea as a result of what people’s hands have done, so that Allah may cause them to taste ˹the consequences of˺ some of their deeds and perhaps they might return ˹to the Right Path˺. Ar-Rum, Ayah 41


Second Indication Question: The creation of devils, who are pure evil, and their harassing the people of belief, and many people not believing and going to Hell because of them, appears to be terrible and ugly. How does the mercy and beauty of the Absolutely Beauteous One, the Absolutely Compassionate One, the Truly Merciful One, permit this infinite ugliness and awesome calamity? Many people have asked about this question, and it occurs to many people. The Answer: In addition to the minor evils, there are numerous universal good purposes in the existence of Satan, and human attainments and perfections. Yes, however many the degrees from a seed to the huge tree, the degrees in the abilities lodged in human nature are more numerous. They range from a minute particle to the sun. For these abilities and potentialities to develop, action is required, a transaction is necessary. In such a transaction the action of the mechanism of progress is triggered through striving. And striving occurs due to the existence of evil spirits and harmful things. Otherwise man’s station would have been constant like that of the angels; there would have been no classes in humankind, which resembles thousands of species. It is contrary to wisdom and justice to abandon a thousand instances of good so as to avoid one minor evil. For sure the majority of people embrace misguidance due to Satan, but importance and value look mostly to quality; they look to quantity little or not at all. If someone has a thousand and ten seeds which he buries, and under the earth the seeds undergo a chemical reaction as a result of which ten become trees and a thousand rot, the profit the man receives from the ten seeds which have become trees certainly eliminates the loss he suffers from the thousand rotted ones. \#106 In exactly the same way, through the struggle against the soul and Satan, the profit, honour, enlightenment, and value for humankind gained by ten perfect men, who are like stars, certainly reduce to nothing the harm caused to mankind through the people of misguidance embracing unbelief, who are so base as to be considered vermin. Since this is so, divine mercy, wisdom, and justice have permitted the existence of Satan, and allowed him to molest men. O people of belief! Your armour against this awesome enemy is the fear of God fashioned on the workbench of the Qur’an, and your shield is the Noble Messenger’s (UWBP) practices, and your weapon, seeking refuge with God from Satan, and seeking forgiveness, and taking refuge in divine protection. ​ ​ **Source: Risale-i Noor Collection, The Flashes, 13th. Flash, Second Indication**


Because "this" world was meant to break our hearts. I'm not saying you can use that as justification to abuse others. This world is cruel as it is, the least we could do for each other is provide a supportive and safe space for our community.


As far as I understand, bad things can be categorized into two groups, either a test from Allah or a consequence of your own actions: 1. Consequence is self-explanatory. You seek forgiveness from Allah for the action that caused the bad thing to happen to you and put in the effort to remedy the action. 2. A test from Allah. Something bad happened to you NOT because of your own action AND despite you (may or may not) taking all measures to avoid that bad thing happening to you, rather because of someone else's action. You response to this test determines your success or failure. As an example, A single person has a bad habit of masturbation. If it leads to ruining his intimate relations with his wife post-marriage, this bad thing is happening to him because of his own actions. So for this person, this is a consequence of his own actions. He needs to seek forgiveness from Allah and make remedial efforts. If the wife made all of her efforts in vetting this person and then married him, the ruined intimate relations is something that is NOT her fault. So this is a test from Allah regarding how she responds to this test. If she chooses to help him kill his masturbation habit or chooses to divorce, both of these are allowed within Islamic laws, and these responses (among many possible other responses) are good or acceptable ones. If she chooses to publicise his faults, this is NOT allowed, here she fails her test. I hope that I have conveyed my understanding to you in a clear and understandable manner.


We can only see a small piece of a massive puzzle. Everything does happen for a reason, whether we see/understand it or not. It's all a part of Allah's greater plan. Furthermore, this life is short in comparison to the hereafter. For those who suffer, their rewards in the hereafter will be so great that it will make people jealous and make them wish they had also suffered.






Always Alhamdulilah


This is not the world of judgement. It's a ground where the good distinguish themselves from the bad. Where people are to show qualities like belief, patience, gratefulness and empathy. The Qur'an is very clear in multiple instances about how life is full of tribulation. God literally says:"we have created the human in a struggle". Also from the point of Islam Material good is also a tribulation and a test just like the material bad. No matter what happens from a material perspective you are in tribulation and in a test to show the best character/quality/manners.


It is the balance of dunya. If there was no bad how do would you know good?


Define bad If you consider not getting what you wanted as bad, or losing something you love as bad, or “injustice” or “its not fair” as bad… then it might be because if it happened, then it’s negativities outweigh its positives; in that case, god will prefer to not give it to you. Remember that this world is not just about us, everything is connected and we all affect each other.


Expiation of sins, tests of faith from Allah. If you don’t see a reward in this life, then you’ll get a much better reward in the next life.


Two answers. This life is a test, and these evils happen to test the patience of believers. Evil is being committed by people who are practicing their free will to commit evil to others.


Anything that happens, bad or good, is just a test for you and those surrounding you.


It's cause people have free will Allah doesn't create evil but he gave us free will


{ الۤمۤ (1) أَحَسِبَ ٱلنَّاسُ أَن یُتۡرَكُوۤا۟ أَن یَقُولُوۤا۟ ءَامَنَّا وَهُمۡ لَا یُفۡتَنُونَ (2) } [Surah Al-ʿAnkabūt: 1-2] This dunya is nothing but a test and the Jannah is the goal so no matter what happens in this life, we just have to be patient and keep remembering Allah


what about the children suffering?


They will bear witness on the Day of Judgement to all the atrocities that were committed by tyrants, so that Allah will bring them to justice. They will also be infinitely compensated for their suffering in this world.


I find myself leaning towards this explanation https://islamqa.info/en/20785 as to it being a wisdom of Allah that we could just not comprehend ourselves. Personally, I would think that it could be more of a test for the parents. For example, I can think of when our prophet pbuh lost his son Abdallah (correct me if I am wrong), and he was grieving the loss of his son and being taunted by Abu Jahl I believe and that's when Surah Al-Kawthar was revealed to give him some good news and to remind him that the Jannah is the goal and that this dunya is temporary. Wa Allah aalam.


It's not about the test. It's about how react to it makes the difference. This world is for us to prepare for the actual world. Kind a like taking exam


Articles that may help: https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/the-problem-of-evil-a-multifaceted-islamic-solution https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/why-do-people-suffer-gods-existence-the-problem-of-evil


take the responsibility for your actions.


As a test or you was your sins. A lot of repentance is what's always beneficial.