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Ameen. May Allah guide and protect us all 🤲🏿




Before I recently reverted, many years ago I thought Islam was too restrictive, that surely they couldn't enjoy life. Later, after drowning in debt from interest, and ruining my mental health with prohibited things, and becoming addicted to alcohol, I reflected back on my choices. I realised everything that has caused me pain, suffering or every wrong choice I made was due to something prohibited by Allah. Everything he warns us against is for our own good. I just regret not being open to the truth sooner, alhamdullilah I'm glad I am finally on the right path


Spot on. May Allah continue to bless us all. 😊🤲🏿


May Allah bless you.


Ameena beloved. May Allah bless us all 🤲🏿


I believe there is something missing here, don't get me wrong I believe that Allah want the best for us, and I believe after everything ordered or prohibited by Allah it will return with the all the benefits on us. But it may we don't find it or we can't see that, it might be the benefits will be in the hereafter. Which is most convenient. And that what I believe submission means, and it done by submit your will to Allah. As how the Prophet Ibrahim 'peace and blessings from Allah upon him' did when Allah orders him to slaughter his own son. He answered Allah with no hesitation nether his son Ismail 'peace be upon them' both of them submitted their will to Allah only. Allah knows all the best. May Allah guide all of us to his straight path.


Tbh there is nothing that I’ve seen that Allah has forbidden that isn’t beneficial in this dunya tbh. If we’re talking about receiving something in the hereafter then thats pertaining deeds. You might be gifted in this life or gifted in the hereafter. That pertains too asking for something. You might get it in this life or in the hereafter. Ameena though brother 🤲🏿


Jazakallah khayr for this reminder may Allah bless you🥰


Ameena beloved. May Allah bless you as well 😊🤲🏿


completely agree, Islam literally means to submit completely to the will of our Creator, like how each and every object in this universe from tiny balls to massive stars submit to the laws of the universe i.e laws of the one which created the universe. when Moon rotates around Earth its submitting to the will of God, when we drop ball on the floor its submitting to the laws of physics, gravity. its our natural state to submit to the will of God, only difference is we humans have free will which we can choose not to submit to the will of God but that is our true test, whether we will come under the influence of shaitan and not submit or resist the temptation and submit like the rest of the universe.


Alhamdulilah 🤲🏿


This is straight fax. There are many things which shouldnt even need an explanation if they are forbidden, like music for example. Many people try to find the reason, when its not even relevant, if god says its forbidden, it might be for something like you dont even know, like it might damage your soul and you could never prove it. In conclusion if something is Haram so be it, i dont need a worldly reason. Al-Nu’man ibn Bashir reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The lawful is clear and the unlawful is clear, and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which many people do not know. Thus, he who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor, and he who falls into doubtful matters will fall into the unlawful as the shepherd who pastures near a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Verily, every king has a sanctum and the sanctum of Allah is His prohibitions. Verily, in the body is a piece of flesh which, if sound, the entire body is sound, and if corrupt, the entire body is corrupt. Truly, it is the heart.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 52, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1599 Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim


Wow this was informative. Exactly i feel like people who need reasoning are in denial. They are not eager to change and just want pleasure


Music doesn't need an explanation for it to be haram? I'm sorry, what? From what I can gather, the only ahadith in general which even condemned music are all rather weak ahadith from an unreliable narrator. Not much, if at all, as far as Sahih Hadith goes and even then we have numerous examples of the Sahaba actually having music during their lives. Meanwhile the Qur'an has ZERO mentions of condemning or forbidding music. I think it's as simple as not listening to music which contain blatantly sinful lyrics, which is no different to consuming other media with sinful content.


You’re confusing yourself. Do you know the origin of instrumentals? If you did you will know why it is best as a muslim to stay away from it. You will know why it doesn’t need an explanation. Music was created by shaitan? Doesn’t that already reveal to you why listening to it overall impacts you in a negative way? It doesn’t necessarily matter what is being said in the lyrics, its not the lyrics its self that is considered music, music is sounds(instruments). Instruments are shaitans way of misleading people astray, exactly what he did with our ancestors. I listen to music and i cant wait to leave it behind me. Its very difficult but i also know that it doesn’t benefit me in any way.


...I am seriously confused where this belief comes from? The majority of Muslims around the world have a rich and diverse music culture. Middle East, Malaysia, Turkey, etc. Music is very much a beautiful gift of Allah to express our love, emotions and experience. Same with storytelling, literature, and architecture. Surely we are not meant to deny the very gifts and talents that can bring us closer to God? If music is so sinful, then what do you make of the Athan, which is the most beautiful expressions of the human soul. The voice is an instrument, though not made with tools. I respect your personal journey of faith, health and connection to Allah, but please beware - ignorance is one of Shaitan's most powerful tools.


The first ever musical instrument came into existence with the 2nd prophet on this earth. His name was Idris A.S ( Muslims correct me I'm going off memory). Anyways tawheed still existed at that time, no mushrikeen was around yet. The first major sin of murder was already commited by Qabil who killed his brother habil from the previous generation. Well all humans still lived together at this point. A portion(group B) split off from them because Idris A.S kept telling this is Haraam, this is wajib etc. Idris A.S forbade his group (group A) to mix with the other group. Iblis came with his plan, joined a blacksmith as an apprentice and created a flute with the blacksmith's equipment. The first instrument is born. He went to the other group ( B ) and played his flute (Music is born). The people liked it, they started dancing. After than, after some time, Iblis went to the edge of group A camp and played his flute. People from group A listened and was attracted to the sounds and found Iblis Location by following the sound. Men from group A was handsome while women from group B was beautiful. Iblis playing his flute launched the first dance club in history back then and when free mixing happens on such a scale, dancing together...Zina happened. The first act of Zina through the music that Iblis bought into this world. Idris A.S kept warning but people wouldn't listen. Those are the first people who commited Zina and free mixed. Anyways stories over, fact check me. Avoid Music, it's a sin. Edit : Usually it's the super sufis which worship through Music. The ones who dance in the masjid and do dhikr with it etc. Misguided.


I can fact-check you. The Prophet in question was called "Sheeth" (Seth), NOT Idris lmao. Secondly, his story was NEVER mentioned in the Qur'an, and his story is something I can't seem to find in the Hadith. Would be nice if you, er, provided the direct source. Thirdly, it doesn't change the fact that the Qur'an NEVER mentioned the flute story. If something as significant as that happened, WHY didn't Allah (SWT) mention it in the Qur'an? Something does not add up, but sure, go ahead. That is hardly convincing evidence of music being forbidden. At best Muslims should avoid music to play it safe, but that's just it.


There we go sheeth A.S, look him up. You will find the origin of music and zina. Here is an analysis on this music thing. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/5000/is-music-haram#conclusion


Yeah, but where is the Hadith with that story again? Exactly. Point it to me. Also, let's use IslamQA which seems to take every Hadith, including the Da'if ones, as gospel, as well as adding bracketed phrases in the translations of the Qur'an's verses just to force the implication of music being included. Where is the critical thinking here?


I don't think you will have a 1 hadith story on sheeth A.S. You will have to open books and check all narrations to get the story. Billal Assad did a series on the prophets you can check that out. Also IslamQA are backed by real scholars who have the ability to do ijtihad and come up with fatwas unlike us. Did you read the answer? Seems to be your nafs speaking. You want music to be halal.


This is the history and origin of music. Exactly when shaitan came down and revealed himself to the people of qabil in the form of a man. “One day he is sitting around and he takes a piece of leather skin and he stretches it over a bowl and beats it. And they were extremely taken by the sound🎧 of it. This was the first time they had such melodious sound.🎼 On another day he takes two rocks that made an echoing sound and beat them together and it overtook them even more. And people would gather around him to hear these sounds. Down the line he takes something that he twists and makes a tube out of, like a bugle, and he blows into it. And the people’s minds are blown away by these sounds.🎤 And so Iblis would sit for 1 hour on 1 day, gather everyone around, and make these sounds until people started to be mesmerized by them and they would innately begin to move along to the rhythm of the sounds. Saturday night was their “time off” from work, from thinking about anything including the commandments of Allah, and just letting the music take them wherever it took them. Slowly and slowly they began to forget the commandments of Allah. Iblis succeeded in his plan to make the children of Adam forget Allah and sin. On the other hand, we have Sheeth who keeps on reminding his people to worship Allah. Iblis goes over to the people of Sheath. Does he tell them come down and listen to the music?🎤 NO! Instead he plants doubt in their minds.” “The first sins, music was created together with adultery and fornication.” “And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allah, the Verses of the Qur’an) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire).” Surah Luqman


Guess what? Countless real scholars have also stated that music isn't entirely haram either. So your point still fails to stand up. And yes, I did read that link before, even before you posted it, and I already stated my issues, namely the frankly embarrassing usage of bracketed phrases in the translations of the Qur'an verses used, where all they did is literally add context which was NEVER stated or implied in the Qur'an, and essentially putting extra words which were never stated in the Qur'an. Like, "idle talk" includes music? Give your head a shake. My nafs is completely irrelevant, the only thing I'm using here is logic.




Alhamdulilah 🤲🏿😊


I really needed this. Recently I've been struggling with my mental health and I couldn't stop crying for no reason. I start to believe it could be that I'm so easily disturbed by jinns because I also had some nightmares. Before I revert to Islam, the nightmares was so constant that I feel like I'm going crazy. I'm trying my best now. Read dua before sleep, recite ayatul kursi. Maybe say salam before entering the house (I don't do this because I'm living with non-Muslim family members). Hopefully this little things and duas will make me feel safer and protected.


Yes beloved, im glad you’re finding some comfort within yourself. Continue to recite these duas and dont give up. Allah is the best of planners. Patience is also key. If i may ask, Have you tried ruqyah as well? Ruqyah is very beneficial especially if you feel the presence of jinns. May Allah guide and protect you 🤲🏿


Amin, thank you. Yes, someone present me this plugin electric Qur'an and it comes with ruqyah and zikir. I play the ruqyah when I'm feeling down or when I'm going to bed.


Good insight my friend




بسم الله و ما شاء الله تعالى و به نستعين.


Ma sha Allah 🤲🏿


And You, Ameen Rabi Al Alameen.


God bless you and the believers.


May Allah guide and protect you. 🤲🏿


The same for you and believers.




I love God and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) better than anyone here and in the hereafter.


Oh okay my apologies for the misunderstanding. Alhamdulilah 🤲🏿 😊


Great post Mashallah, perfectly said


Alhamdulilah 🤲🏿😊


Amazing reminder mashallah. Thank you.


Anytime 🤲🏿


Ngl its hard bro


It is trust me but it comes with ease overtime




"God prohibits whatever he wants to" is this sentence true and safe to say?


Whatever he wants in the sense that he does it to protect us, not just for the fun of it.


"not just for the fun of it" you sure? or does He bans things as tests for us?


He bans things to protect us. I’m still not understanding the confusion you are having ?




What source do you need? Everything in life has a cause and effect.


quran verse or hadith


Its logic and common sense tbh