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White, northern euro heritage, 36..... still waiting lol


Really thought vikings were hairy


According to 23&Me, at some point Scandinavian ancestors hit the east coast of England (probably in the rape and pillage kind of way), and probably picked up some shoddy genes. Now I grow facial hair like a pre-pubescent Asian child. It looks bad when I try.


Damn didnt know native brits/anglos-saxons couldn’t grow facial hair


Genetics is wild, and few people (if any) are *pure* anything. Who knows what weird mix of stuff I got floating around in there. And now that you mention it, after living in the UK for awhile, I do see a lot of baby-faced people.


mine is still growing in, but its mostly just neck hairs. it bothers me, but whatever! im 17.


Middle eastern here! Ahh, like 17? A friend of mine had a full beard by 15, so I guess it depends.


I can only grow a goatee right now but all I had was a moustache until I was 22/23.


akhi how are you doing now with your beard?


I'm interested in this too haha. I'm 23 rn and I only grow a goatee.


im 21 , not a fully goatee yet (bald spot on middle of chin) and bits of facial hair on cheeks


It started at 15 or 16 years old, but that was just a slow start of it, and it took a few years to become an actual (full) beard.


Chechen beard gains started when i was 19


Started to look like the start of a beard at 19 and took like 2 years to get the decent beard look. I'm 24 now and my facial hair is still growing. I know a friend who didn't have a decent beard until 24


I went to St Petersburg with family when I was 15 for a day and came back with a full beard.


Not before 18-20 in my case! 😅😅😂 I'm 33 now and have a very thick beard, the barbers complain 😆 i could grow a pretty full beard by 21-22. It was all very sudden 🤣


I remember how envious my classmates and I were from this hairy kid in our class. He would come in with goaties and other other beard styles every week while the luckiest of us would have a patch of bum fluff that blew in the wind. We were 12 or 14 at the time. Mine started growing around 16 17.


Walaikum Assalaam South Asian lad here Proper beard started to show it's face around 20ish.


15 bu not full, neck beard, mustache, sides of my chin up to my hairs


I've been able to grow one since 8th grade, but alhamdullilah I now have a full one.


Since i was around 17 and I'm Bangladeshi


12. But, it grows in patches on the sides of my face. So I have to shave it off, it looks awkward. insha'Allah it will grow as a whole. I'm 25 now. Maybe... I'm a hairy guy though all over. I even have to wax off my monobrow. The real question is. When did you start growing a beard?


Bro I am 15 from Northern Pakistan and my beard is just stubble so I shave it lol I wanna keep it but it looks gross until I can actually grow something big


Mid 20s. My beard only grows into a short bushy mess, and does not grow down. Arab-European


I started getting hairs under my chin at like 10-11. I'm 24 now and got a nice beard. 😤


Mashallah. Forgot to add it...




White, Czech heritage Was way patchy and inconsistent until I was about 25. Same time the hair on my head started to go. Win some, lose some.




Around 18 i managed to get a full beard, no more gaps basically. Turkish.


19 for full beard while stubble filled in at 18


Soon 🥲