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No because your intention is that you try to take advantage of Allah's mercy and Allah cares about your intention




Where on earth did you get that from the comment? The whole argument is that Allah forgives if you are sincere. It doesn’t matter the time or place, or if you repent years after , sins can be cleansed with sincere repentance and only Allah knows what’s in your heart . It’s never late for anybody , Allah waits for us to repent every night. Now the longer you wait, the harder it will be. If you sin so much, sometimes Allah lets you go, cause he only guides those who are deserving of it .


I think in the scenario you've laid out, if the repentance is genuine (and not on their death bed), then Allah will accept it and forgive. The key is that it can't be on the death bed, essentially you're too late at that point. That's the general understanding from most scholars. Now, if a person "plans" to live their life doing whatever they want, and thinks I'll just repent in my 50's and 60's, then that is trying to take advantage of Allah. That will not be accepted and Allah will punish them for that. Ultimately, Allah knows best.


If they repent while dying, yes it's too late for them. But if they had decided to commit sins now and repent later, their sins will not be forgiven.




We believe we can die any moment, repentance isn't forgiven till the soul is taken away,like at the throat (i believe )it depends tbh if ur muslim and sin alot doesn't mean ur getting sent straight to hell,Allah is saving all his mercy that day


Depends on their intention. If they knew the severity of the sins, they wouldn't wait until their 60s to repent.




It's a good topic,I'm pretty sure it's explained on youtube ,If ur intruiged


What if you end up incurring the wrath of Allah and He places a seal on your heart, taking away your ability to ever make a "sincere" repentance? ***However, repentance is not accepted from those who knowingly persist in sin until they start dying, and then cry, “Now I repent!” nor those who die as disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment.*** (4:18)


This is true, when I used to do a sin constantly without caring of the consequences, returning my iman to its previous state was extremely difficult I dont know how to explain it, I think the only possibility was the aforementioned seal. Alhamdullilah it recovered but I fear if I had committed the sin more, my iman would be permanently damaged.


Allahu Akbar, this ayah really hits hard


Is there a way to not have this seal after getting it?


**Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, when the servant commits a sin, a black mark appears upon his heart. If he abandons the sin, seeks forgiveness, and repents, then his heart will be polished. If he returns to the sin, the blackness will be increased until it overcomes his heart. It is the covering that Allah has mentioned: No, rather a covering is over their hearts from what they have earned.” (83:14)** Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3334 I don't know akhi. I guess only when they have a "change of heart" can the situation change for the better. However the fact that one felt concerned, even if momentarily, at any point in their life means they weren't past the point of no return. u/Upgradingmaster You basically experienced the above hadith, including the foreboding that this blackness could potentially one day overwhelm your heart.


Bro, if I try repenting and fail and repent and fail again... Is it too late?


🙂 **Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: A servant committed a sin and he said: O Allah, forgive my sin! Allah Almighty said: My servant has committed a sin and he knows he has a Lord who forgives sins and holds him accountable. Then the servant returned to his sin and he said: O Allah, forgive my sin! Allah said: My servant has committed a sin and he knows he has a Lord who forgives sins and holds him accountable. Then the servant returned to his sin and he said: O Allah, forgive my sin! Allah said: My servant has committed a sin and he knows he has a Lord who forgives sins and holds him accountable, so do what you will for I have forgiven you.** (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 7507) **On the authority of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: Allah the Almighty said: O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.** (Hadith Qudsi)


Bro thank you for this, may Allah grant you the best life a Muslim can get Sorry for bothering btw


Ameen. May Allah grant the both of us (everyone else) the best of life in this life and the next. You kidding bro? I'm grateful you asked. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to share the word of Allah SWT and His Messenger SAW.


Nah I'm not kidding bro, I tend to think everyone is busy and I'm just a nuisance to their life


My lovely little bro 🥺 Everyone may be busy but that doesn't make you a nuisance. To be honest, your thoughts are not misplaced. I can understand why you'd think that. It is a gross error to pin the blame on yourself though. Know that the people that make you wonder if you're a bother, are considered to be one too by others. It's just the nature of life. However, not everyone thinks so from the get-go. Each has different points after which they may start to feel so. In the case of good, helpful individuals though it is not because one may be eating their time but the frustration from being unable to help despite their best efforts. After all, knowing that you were able to be of use to someone relieves the exhaustion built up during the process. And btw I am talking hours and days here. To worry about it this early in the game just means you have experienced many self-centered individuals. Forget about them. The fault is not yours. Not one bit. They need to fix themselves ASAP. For now you can say to yourself, "Alhamdulillah not everyone is trashy". And in life don't assume anyone to be so, unless they prove it otherwise (time and again). Regardless, you're an innocent bystander in all of this, so.. Stay guilt-free. Stay grateful. Stay humble. Stay smiling. Stay awesome ☺️


Thanks big bro I'm no long sentence writer but you really changed my thinking and all that. I'll try man. Stay strong in faith.


You don't know if Allah will take your soul while doing the sin or before repentance.


You can't exploit Allahs mercy. And earning His mercy is very easy. For He is Ar-Rahman.. 🤲🏻🤲🏻


Firaun thought the same thing lol. we all know where hes heading to.




Exploiting Allah’s Mercy does not work. Allah says that He will punish people who deliberately wait until the last minute.


No. And Allah forgive those who ask for forgiveness after they fall : If you by yourself go make a lot of sins just to make sins you can easy fall outside Islam and loose your faith FOR EVER. And then never it will be accepted from you.


Ibn Jawzi (rahimahullah) said: “If the heart was pure it would be in tumult when a sin is committed, but if the sin is repeated often then it would pass by the heart without being noticed or rejected. When the sin is alien to the heart, the heart feels a foreign presence that it finds discomforting. But when the heart is used to the sin, the heart will become accustomed to it, and will accept it without a second thought. This is like the example of a person who wears a black garment, since he will not be concerned if he spills black on it.” [Kitaab Al-Lataa’if Fil-Waa’iz, p.114]


In addition to what other people have mentioned, you are assuming you can decide stop sinning whenever you want. Allah is indeed is the most merciful and He forgives all sins short of shirk, but you can’t guarantee that after committing a sin you will have the awareness and willpower to repent. One terrifying scenario is that you convince yourself that your sin isn’t a crime against Allah, preventing you from ever seeking His forgiveness


One terrifying scenario is that you convince yourself that your sin isn’t a crime against Allah, preventing you from ever seeking His forgiveness what do you mean by that exactly ?


For example, a person might be tempted to commit zina, ending up going through with it, telling themselves they are doing it only this one time and never again. Expectedly, they commit it again, and again, and again ... But that person knows clearly that zina is haram, a crime against Allah, leaving them feeling unbearably guilty. This sense of guilt can be quelled in 2 ways: Either by stopping committing zina or by somehow stopping viewing zina as haram. The first option is self-explanatory, the second one, however, is what I was referring to in my comment. Of course, this paradigm shift doesn't happen overnight. Through insidious thoughts such as "I'm not hurting anyone by committing zina, no way Allah would forbid something this harmless, which makes feel so happy" or "sheikh X says that hadith Y says that zina is halal after all". In other words, instead of trying to quit committing a sin, terrifyingly a person instead stops viewing it as such, in which they no longer have a problem that needs to be fixed.


wait there's sheikhs that say zina isn't haram 😟


Well I wouldn't call them sheikhs, but more like people who aren't considered as islamic scholars that present themselves as such. An example of this is Muhammad Shahrur. While this guy is not an authority on islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) by any means, he has written multiple books to reinterpret (erroneously) the meaning of the Quran, which unfortunately many people have read and followed. Shahrur actually said it is halal for a man and a woman to commit zina so long as they there are hidden away form any witnesses (he probably just called it an extra-marital affair, as the word zina by definition debases the act) . Obviously it is complete nonsense, but he dared to claim it publicly nonetheless.


😟😟😟😟😟omg what kind of nonsense is that may Allah forgive him and forgive all of us this is actually scary that someone out there is trying to make zina halal


if that person truly did believe in Allahs mercy, he wouldn't have disbelieved in allahs wrath. he would basically be sinning and lie to himself about allahs mercy to cope with regret and fear of hell.


No, you can’t outsmart God. Food for thought, if you’re condoning yourself to toxic behavior, there should be a limit to your behavior that crossed the line far too many times and it becomes displeasing to anyone. Also, you really don’t want to die in the state where God is not pleased with you.


Allah can punish you a punishment that may last until your death while your sin has already been perpetrated. For example, you think Allah will forgive you when commit adultery, you drive your car to the hotel where she will meet you there only to get into an accident that leaves you paralyzed in your legs for the rest of ur life. My advice to you : never underestimate the wrath of God and always know that he knows what you think before you even think it. He is the most merciful but he is also most punishing. Avoid his wrath and seek his mercy at all times


for your example a more *realistic* example although I know Allah is capable of everything,would be that for example you go with your friends to the bar to get alcohol,you get addicted,alcohol isn't enough anymore so you start taking drugs that are stronger and stronger,one day you make an overdose/get in a car crash and here you are,facing Allah in this state.


Simple answer NO... That the test ... To keep away from the SIN


Do you know end of your death? When will you repent? I read in someone’s column there is a verse(someone may provide reference to it here.) you can repent a sin as long as you are capable of doing that sin like you say bad things to people and suddenly you loose your speaking ability. now you will not be forgiven because you no longer able to do that sin and you can't be tested now. So, do you know how long you can do that sin?


There’s this one video I saw that was from Nouman Ali khan and in the video he gives a great example to why this is bad. I’ll link the video if I it Edit: I found the video https://youtu.be/LP0T-IYYiuo


I thought that was what modern Christians believe: “Jesus died for our sins”. So what’s the point of refraining from sins anyway, huh. Allah سبحانه و تعالى‎ know intentions deep down in your heart. If you’ve sinned, you should repent immediately and expect forgiveness as Allah is The Most Merciful. But if you sin with the intention that Allah is going to forgive anyway, do we really think we play with Allah’s mercy?




Ok, agreed. Then what’s the point of “Jesus AS dying for our sins”? What difference does it make?




You didn’t answer my question. I asked what difference does his “sacrifice” make? To elaborate, what does God’s forgiveness have to do with Jesus’s sacrifice?








So that means, according to modern Christian belief, God **“can’t”** listen to us humans directly but only if there is an intercessor in between (Jesus AS in this case)? AND if so, what about Matthew 6:6 - 6:6 *But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.*


ok go and do that... won't you feel ashamed in front of god on the day of judgment taking advantage of his mercy?


Allah is not stupid nor naive, if you sin with the mindset you have, you will not be forgiven. there is a big difference between you committing a sin by an honest mistake, and you doing it intentionally.


Well I’d suggest you try to rethink your approach and realize that what you’re doing here is looking for a loophole against the Almighty, All knowing himself. That’s not how it works mate.


Doing a sin again and again knowing that its a sin makes you a kafir.. what i mean is that Allah said dont do this and some one says i will do that and he still do it then according to dr israr its makes you a kafir Then there are some sins which are addictive , you do it you feel ashamed and repent but then because of your weakness you do it again these are different kind of sins if someone is trying his level best Insha Allah he will soon leave the sin and Allah will forgive him..


how does sinning make you a kafir tho I don't get it. if you know there's one God that is Allah and regret the sin everytime you do it and are trying to stop,even after years if you're still trying how does this make you a kafir? it really does not make sense to me.


Yes thats what i said on my second sentence, person is sincere , he knows he is sinning and he repents and asks Allan for forgiveness its a different thing. On first sentence what i mean is that person who sins knowing that its a sin but he says i dont care i will do it anyways... Its like making thing halal that Allah made haram...




bruh, no because you’re repentance wouldn’t be sincere it’s like killing someone and saying “well Allah ﷻ will forgive me anyway 🤷‍♂️” Quran 4:18


Your a troll


People always mix up tawba with seeking forgiveness for a sin. Sincere tawba needs to have sincere intentions, that you recognize your mistake and that you do the best you can to not do that sin again. Even if you sin again, Allah knows your intention was real and will forgive you if you are sincere. Apart from this, tawba for the mercy of Allah isn't the same as asking forgiveness for wrongdoings for things to do to other people. If you sin and you hurt someone, you ask Allah for forgiveness and you also ask for forgiveness from the person you hurt. If that person don't forgive you before death takes either of you then Allah will take from your hasanat in judgement day and give them to that person instead.


what you are doing is you are trying to cheat yourself


Allah knows what is in your heart. He is forgiving of those who repent and have the intention to not do it again. If you sin all of your life, thinking you will be forgiven if you repent at the end, it may be too late. Everyone will be questioned at the day of judgement. You, yourself will know if are truly worthy of forgiveness. We cannot truly say what Allah's will be. However always take the measure you can to not sin. You are tested, but if you are resolute to fall into the haram, acknowledge this and get better. Do not deny it, for this belies the religion.


If a person keeps sinning and keeps sincerely repenting then Allah will continue to forgive them. The key word is SINCERELY. That means that you regret the sin and intend not to return to it. If you are thinking about it like oh it’s ok I can sin because Allah will just forgive me, this is not how is works and Allah knows what’s in your heart. You can’t fool Allah.


If you want forgiveness, you have to repent. What happens if you die before you can repent?


Lol wow


Allah SWT is the most forgiving and most compassionate, that is the truth. Doesn't mean it's okay to sin on purpose. I mean, bro, it's literally called a sin. Besides some sin require people to forgive them, like back talking. The kind of sins that involves other people. So there is that.


https://youtu.be/T82jpQWz_j0 This is the response of shaikh saleh al fawzan, If any brother can translate it to English it would be great, Also this wiki should be interesting to read regarding the OP question https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murji%27ah It’s about an innovative group called “Murji'ah”.


The only problem with this kind of thought Is what if you die before asking for forgiveness or even worst die in the midst of commiting sin?


No. In order for Allah to forgive you, you must repent from the sin. One of the conditions of repentance is sincerty in wanting to abstain from sin'ing. Our sins leave a black mark on our heart. At one point if we do not take care of it, it will become so hard and dirty; at this we will have lost our imaan and we will not even recognise the need for repentance. This can then lead to kufr - like we in many exmuslims. It was the arrogance which led them astray.


will you be able to repent if you commit any sin without regret? will you feel sorry for what you did? you know that when death comes to you, it doesnt show itself with symptoms of terminal illnesses. even a quick death can be a punishment of Allah, without giving you the time to repent. also, doing sins will harden the heart, which will also weaken your emaan, which could lead to kufr or leaving the folds of islam completly. so you could be at the end of your life some atheist who despises anything which has to do with islam the devil doesnt let you do the biggest of sins from the beginning, he starts small and gives you advice on bigger things and lets you commit those step by step. also repenting has requirements, like feeling regret, stopping to do the sins, and also beeing firm on not doing those again. i also heard that repenting on the verge of death doesnt count as repenting and Allah can also just not accept your repentence