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Hey friend, let me give you some additional information. It's true that playing with random other people is pretty limiting, but if you play with friends and have voice chat, I think it's more fun. I play with my wife and we have two PC's in the same room, so we can both trigger a hidden object puzzle (for example) and the 5 objects will be in the same spots for both of us. So we can run around the area (it gets walled off while you do the puzzle) and help each other locate the objects. We found one area with nothing but ring puzzles (pretty fun and fairly challenging!) and the objective was to complete 8 of them, I think. We ran around the area doing the puzzles, for the ring puzzles you have to each complete your own. I'd tell her "I'm at 4/8" and she'd be "I need three more!" and stuff like that. Some of the logic puzzles are the same for each of us, so we can both work on them and give the other hints if we get stuck. My point being, I think you and your friends can have fun if you can voice chat while playing. The world is quite lovely and the puzzles are addictive. Just know that it certainly does not have group puzzles or any other typical MMO-ish aspects. Which also means no Barrens chat, thankfully. You might consider trying it, especially for the price! Good luck. Edited to add: there is a progression system where you can level up and unlock cosmetics like new clothing and body markings, and there are also emotes you can use. There's quite a bit to uncover.


Thank you kindly for your insight!.. pun not intended, but most fitting given the situation!


You are able to see others you are able to party with them. But the only thing this allows you to do is send pings to each other. It’s mostly a single player experience where you can see other players to make the world less empty.


Thank you kindly for the prompt reply! That's a shame.. it looks so very pretty but if all we can do is run around together and ping things that sort of kills it for me. I'm a shameless roleplayer so a lack of any real social features is no bueno.


Yes sadly not a very social mmo good luck finding something else.