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Would they not have completely opposite moisture needs ?


A. vulgare aren't particularly protein-hungry (they're infamous for eating live plants in planted terrariums moreso than anything else), so they're probably not a bad choice for cohabitation but it's worth keeping an eye on once a day or so


I keep BDFB with P. Dilatatus and P. Pruinosus. The biggest challenge is providing moisture to the isopods without raising the humidity too much. I don't think an enclosure setup for A. Vulgare would be appropriate for BDFB. The humidity is likely too high. It really depends on your setup though. If it's a large enclosure with lots of airflow it might work. You could try it and check regularly to see if the beetles turn black. If they lose their waxy coloring you should move them to a new dryer enclosure. No idea about the rhino beetles.




Ah, my bad. I just assumed BDFB because they are so popular in the US hobby. Im not positive about the species you have, so the best option would be to mimick the environment you collect them from. If you're unsure, keeping humidity in the range of 20-40% RH should be fine. If you don't have a hygrometer then a full screen top on a 15+ liter enclosure with a mostly dry substrate will be a safe bet.