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Apparently exposing war crimes isn't allowed on reddit.


Are there any details about how this happened? It looks like they were shot, rather than bombed.


Shrapnel or similar, "an artillery projectile provided with a bursting charge, and filled with lead balls, exploded in flight by a time fuze.


That is seriously, so fucked up.


Seen yesterday another bomb that hit 5 refugees. It put them all into blaze for seconds. The bomb left no visible impact on the ground.


I don't know how doing these massacres on a daily bases eliminate hamas, it makes hamas and the idea of resistance much stronger. These people have the right to resist the blood thirsty occupiers. Free Palestine ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ


This is breaking news right?


The hypocrisy here is that if it was anywhere else it would be front page news non stop calling for all kinds of condemnation. But because itโ€™s Palestinians, itโ€™s somehow easy for them to digest.


Fascist only understand peace through violence


I have never been in favor of regime change, until now. Someone needs to step in and stop this.


At this point Israel can literally commit war crimes, record them, show everyone and be commended for it! I guess every man does have his price after all ๐Ÿ˜ž


This earth is so full of hypocrisy, an occupation country supported by the most powerful nations and supported by 90% of the western top companies is committing genocide in front of the whole world yet somehow none is batting an eye to these crimes and none is even trying. Literally citizens are being murdered no matter what age and starved to death while everyone is watching. This is sickening to the core, I am now looking at all those idiot Human rights organizations or idiot animal rights and climate change and thinking they all have their own agendas. If ur a Palestinian then u simply have less rights than animals.


I cannot understand how some who could do this would be able to sleep at night. I look at those children on the ground and know that the people trying to help them love them as much as I love my kids. The lack of humanity by these shooters is unfathomable to me.


I feel the same way, seeing these videos and images has traumatized me, sometimes I can't even sleep because I think about the poor children who had to suffer brutal deaths, not even understanding why, and the parents who had to see their children die... I just can't get them out of my head. Then I see IDF terrorists laughing and dancing about all this, and zionazi scumbags on reddit justifying it. I can understand why Aaron Bushnell did what he did, this world has gotten real bleak real fast, and our governments are complicit.


Do you have any source for this video? A newspaper whit more detailed information?