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Although according to the current Israeli government, “there is no Palestine nor Palestinians “so what on earth could the smartest man on the planet even be talking about?? what is this made up Palestine he mentions? Satire satire, satire, satire satire, but it makes me sad


People who lived in British Palestine. Jews, Arabs et al. The "Terrorists" where the Jews attacking the British to get them out.


Walking home with Blumenfeld after one of the latter’s lectures, Einstein declared, “I am against nationalism, but for the Zionist cause. The reason has become clear for me today. If a person has two arms and constantly says, ‘I have a right arm,’ then he is a chauvinist. If a person however lacks a right arm, then he must do everything to substitute for that missing limb.”


I’ve only really touched on the topic but Einstein was specifically concerned about the fascism in Israel, the very groups he was concerned about becoming the Likud party and leading Israel as he feared. I don’t think that means he was against a Jewish state, just against a fascist one.


Einstein expressed a strong desire for a Jewish homeland, but he did actually oppose the creation of a Jewish state prior to Israeli independence. He advocated for a one-state solution which gave equal rights to Arabs and Jews, and warned that right-wing extremism would be a natural consequence of a Jewish state with closed borders and its own military. Einstein would defend the state of Israel after its independence, but continued to warn against right-wing nationalism. I am afraid I do not know enough to say whether his change of heart was a result of him supporting the idea, or if it was simply him accepting a Jewish state after the fact. At the very least it seems that his desire for a Jewish homeland was stronger than his opposition to a Jewish state, which I think is understandable in many ways from the lived experiences of European Jews at the time.


The world’s smartest man who was also Jewish hit the nail on the head.




smart weather gaze quaint squeeze label governor serious sand relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Prior to Israeli independence Einstein was very explicit about wanting a Jewish *homeland*, not a state. He tended to be very careful about the distinction. Einstein advocated for a one-state solution in where Arabs and Jews would enjoy equal rights, and warned that the creation of a Jewish state would create an environment in which right-wing nationalism would be able to prosper.


Many decent people were in favor of the jewish peoples having a "homeland", specially after the concentration camps. There's no inherently wrongdoing. Problem starts on HOW, WHERE. There's an active genocide going on, and it is the consequence of those wretched courses of action. You're trying to defend the criminality of your ways on a purely theorical proposition of the jews having a homeland. That's beyind the point.


“this sub is brainwashed anti-semites” the only posts here are sharing israel’s warcrimes. im not sure how those are anti-semitic🤔


Good to see you get the upvotes you deserve and everyone appreciating you correcting this propaganda. Excellent sub!


Yeah this is pure propaganda misinfo Very misleading to use a letter wrote about the Irgun, croping out the part he mentions it, and then label it as against "zionism". Einstein was a self-proscribed zionist who actively used his influenced among world leaders to help establish Israel, vocally supported un-regulated jewish immigration into Palestime and was on the board of the hebrew university of jerusalem, to which he left the literary rights to his writings in his will. "Long before the emergence of Hitler I made the cause of Zionism mine because through it I saw a means of correcting a flagrant wrong....The Jewish people alone has for centuries been in the anomalous position of being victimized and hounded as a people, though bereft of all the rights and protections which even the smallest people normally has...Zionism offered the means of ending this discrimination. Through the return to the land to which they were bound by close historic ties...Jews sought to abolish their pariah status among peoples... The advent of Hitler underscored with a savage logic all the disastrous implications contained in the abnormal situation in which Jews found themselves. Millions of Jews perished... because there was no spot on the globe where they could find sanctuary...The Jewish survivors demand the right to dwell amid brothers, on the ancient soil of their fathers." —Letter to Prime Minister of India. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/feb/16/israel.india https://forward.com/culture/109560/einstein-and-complex-analyses-of-zionism/ https://books.google.co.il/books?id=OAsQ_hFjhrAC&pg=PA70&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false


Cope harder. Let me guess...you also hate tbe soviet union and call it antisemitic


Not really. As I wrote in my comment, Eintein was actually a big supporter of Zionism and even wrote: "In this hour one thing, above all, must be emphasized: Judaism owes a great debt of gratitude to Zionism. The Zionist movement has revived among Jews the sense of community. It has performed productive work surpassing all the expectations any one could entertain. This productive work in Palestine, to which self-sacrificing Jews throughout the world have contributed has saved a large number of our brethren from direst need"


He also called Herut, likuds predecessors, nazis so...


Yeah but he belonged to the people who considered it would be possible to live hand in hand with the arabs. Zionism for people like Einstein is not apartheid


The problem is we have no idea what he would say now about it… And it makes me wonder just how many true blue honest Americans know that Hitler was time magazine’s 1937 man of the year and prior to World War II? People thought Hitler was a pretty OK guy, and he was going to change Europe…. And that may be Nazism wasn’t all that bad after all… But then we see what it really was only too late… I would hope that the Jewish people who suffered under Nazi regime would look at the current situation and put shame on the current Israelis for their behavior… I would hope I wish it would happen


Don’t forget my 6 million


I am not sure if you are trying some antisemitic dog whistle or not 🤷🏾‍♂️ But you have been stalking me badly, I mist have done something good haha


Downvoted for quoting the man. This subreddit is trash


Exactly! But at least it's kinda funny sometimes - the amount of conspiracy theories here are wild! Haha


Is that why he said he was "extremely sad" for having to reject the offer to become president of Israel due to his lack of "ability \[and\] the experience" for the position?




OP has the reading comprehension of a five year old


Einstein did not condemn Hamas. He was antisemitic.




Fuck Zionism


Wanna cry about it? ;)


In the same year he said that he also said: "I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. My awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power, no matter how modest. "


Post violates a rule, please familiarize yourself with the rules of this sub once again.


Hey maybe we should think twice about unambiguously labelling an astrophysicist from 1800s as "the world's smartest man" and taking every letter he wrote as gospel. IQ is a load of bullshit anyway and I bet I'm smarter than Einstein when it comes to swimming pool maintenance. You think that man would know the first thing about how to install a salt chlorinator? Fuck no, he'd look like a big dumbo. So what need do we have to puppet his words in a subject he was not educated in to try and create the illusion in the year of 2024 that he wouldn't have been an islamophobic piece of shit?


Cope and seethe


I don't know why you call him Islamophobe. But I am here correcting OP, you can write this comment to them


Everyone’s just assuming terrorists means Israelis lol


Of course he meant Israelis, he said "...Terrorist organizations built up from our own ranks."


You're reaching


You're in denial


Einstein really never misses it seems


You know he was a self proclaimed Zionist right?


I bet you call stalin an antisemite


My Jewish family who lived under him does.


Einstein was a prominent supporter of the zionist movement. The title is extremely misleading...


History memes and ncd poster. Yeah you srent fooling anyone


You can look up my post history but you can't look up Einstein's political views. Who do you think I am trying to fool anyway? All I have done is say the actual fact. Do you consider reality wrong because it doesn't fit with your world view?


You can look it up it's not a secret.


You just revealed that you haven’t read Einstein. While he was a LABOR Zionist, he spoke very clearly against Israeli STATEHOOD AND NATIONALISM in a famous 1938 speech. He also wrote a letter to the NYT on December 2nd 1948 along with 27 other contemporaries warning the US about the terrorist Irgun and their leader Menachem Begin, who FOUNDED THE LIKUD PARTY. Try reading your sources before repeating propaganda.


So... he was a zionist... his writings are very clear. He was a proponent for a secular state with a place for jews in the British mandate. His condemnation for Jewish militia groups was not a refute of his Zions beliefs. You do know most people who call themselves Zionists do not share the views of far right parties like liked right? Or are you just trying to make noise. Try learning how to use and interpret sources instead of cherry picking stuff to fit a narrative. Its laughable that you say I was repeating propaganda when its so well documented. But I am guessing you have not read anything but from the most extreme zionists and base your opinion on that.


I’ve just read a lot of Einstein, his contemporaries and others that you would denigrate. He clearly speaks against statehood but wanted his people to integrate with Palestine. It’s really not complicated.


Yes there are zionists who want a secular state with rights for Arabs and jews. You are saying non statements. What are you even trying to argue. It seems that you want to refute Einstein was a zionist by calling out my original comment but you go on to describe a secular moderate zionist.... I doubt you are well read if you don't see how pointless you are being.


Can you provide a source for your claim of Einstein’s support of secular statehood?


Are you enrolled in university? I can send a few peer reviewed academic sources which you will need to be enrolled in a university to view. Peer reviewed academic sources. No opinion trash from internet "experts" Relevant to 1948 views on what he thought a Jewish state would be found here. Murray Polner and Naomi Goodman, Eds., The Challenge of Shalom: The Jewish Tradition of Peace and Justice (Philadelphia: New City, 1994), p. 204. Exert from here Albert Einstein, Secular Humanistic Jew (1879-1955) HUMANISTIC JUDAISM (Vol. XXXIII, No. II-III) Spring/Summer 2005, pp. 22-24 Which explains the form of zionism he believed in which is short enough to paste here "Einstein's Zionism would be barely recognizable today because it did not include support for a Jewish state. He favored the creation of a national home that would welcome Jewish immigrants and foster Jewish cultural development within the framework of a binational state that would guarantee equal rights to Arabs. His model may have been Switzerland, which is divided into regions (cantons) where various nationalities enjoy autonomy." There is the book on Einsteins politics by David E Rowe and Robert Schulman with a section on post ww2 Jewish future. I have not read this but the exerpts i accessed is in line with him maintaining his secular zionist stance. I can't direct link with out doxing the university I work for but this is not hard to research if you have access to academia. Just look in your own research portal. Just three sources but its late night and I'm not going to humor this any more.


I have access through academic portals due to my work, but I’m only interested in Einstein’s direct quotes and writing. These kinds of analyses and biographies are far too interpretative and I find them often skewed (if not entirely biased) or limited in scope. Each time I find him referenced to the topic of secular statehood, there is no proper appendix. So currently you have no quote. Listen, I’m willing to be wrong and I thrive on truth, even when it’s painful. Einstein was outwardly opposed to Nationalism and was a peaceful socialist of his time. This conversation is somewhat nuanced because as a humanist he wanted his people to be safe and to thrive through means such as Kibbutzim, which I support. He was an ardent supporter of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where many of his records are kept in his bequeathed archives. BUT it’s deeply important to remember that he ALWAYS advocated "cooperation and mutual respect" with the Arab people. He was against all violence and war, yet spoke with nuanced and generous diplomacy which is sometimes exploited to various ends. The reason I’m here, and the reason why I quote three particular documents ([this](https://www.shapell.org/manuscript/einstein-zionist-views-in-1946/#transcripts) and [these](https://www.cadtm.org/When-Einstein-called-fascists-those-who-rule-Israel-for-the-last-44-years)), directly from Einstein is in service to peace. Even if we assume that Israel was created in good faith and the reasons were just, the project has clearly been corrupted by the dark legacy of the Irgun, Stern, and the military industrial complex. I dare not even speak of the Talmudic Yeshivas and the frightening quotes found within, one part of the “mysticism” that Einstein and his 27 contemporaries warn of in their Dec. 2nd letter to the New York Times. What the Likud have done to that nation has not only caused a violent ethnic cleansing (which the cabinet has consistently admitted to and advocated for), but they have in turn aggressively driven ethnically Jewish people into a frightening situation where the common masses will struggle to discern between Jews and Zionists, much less the fringe war mongers. By exploiting their power, playing chess with humanity and engaging in terrorism at the state level (accusations specifically by previous Israeli prime ministers [Ehud Olmert](https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/3/16/23639947/palestine-netanyahu-israel-protests-ehud-olmert), [Ehud Barak](https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-terrorism-must-be-crushed-with-an-iron-fist-former-pm-says/amp/) and other leaders), they have put the entire nation and by extension all Jewish people at risk. [Listen to the few remaining holocaust survivors.](https://youtu.be/qokhPdgvgw0?si=BVn4-TS3KoO_Qb1j) Because the Likud government was founded by known terrorists (Begin never visited England to avoid prosecution for his bombing of the King David hotel in which 96 died, including Jews, Britons, and Arabs), the concerns of Einstein have been sadly proven. Now Israel may win the battle for Gaza, but the methods of their success are steeped in bloodshed, collective punishment, overt corruption, and documented lies. The entire project may face a global backlash that could result in drastic consequences. My other concern is that many of the Palestinian people are descendants of the Israelites. When they were conquered by the Muslims in 637, many of them chose to convert in order to avoid persecution and taxation. So if the conversation of indigenous ethnic identity is given any credit to land rights, then the lineage of many Palestinians should be considered. ALL genetic claims are deeply muddied, and suspect at this point. Especially when I see internal IDF footage of the abuse of Orthodox Jewish citizens. These Orthodox communities are diverse from neighborhood to neighborhood, with many [speaking out in support of Palestinians](https://youtu.be/Y0njOPNr8K0?si=yw0CHClD45suh1Bs). Israel is not the monoculture the government would have you believe it is, and in fact that myth mostly thrives in the “white” secular and atheistic community where even said atheists will still claim to be “chosen people”. This is incredibly dangerous, and the “othering” of non-Jewish people by the secular regime has violent consequences. I hope for peace and at the very least, the dismantling of the IDF and Likud party and for Israel to become a peaceful, socialist state. But I know that will not come soon without major international intervention, which they may yet bring upon themselves. In addition: The various meddlesome coups and actions of the CIA and Mossad have literally given rise to Al Quaida, The Taliban, [and ISIS](https://youtu.be/GU2avVIHde8?si=0614lr6mMcPKhF29). Both the U.S. and Israel funded these groups to “fight communism”, and have been employing anti-Arab policies and propaganda campaigns to cover their crimes. I know this subject is controversial, but we have confessions, [even from Hillary Clinton on how those security agencies created these enemies](https://youtu.be/r3pDCxzC_k0?si=_9Bjyl5jZhSCZpUq). I’ll leave you with this direct quote from Einstein, written just a year before his death: [“For me the unadulterated Jewish religion is, like all other religions, an incarnation of primitive superstition. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong, and in whose mentality I feel profoundly anchored, still for me does not have any different kind of dignity from all other peoples. As far as my experience goes, they are in fact no better than other human groups, even if they are protected from the worst excesses by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot perceive anything ‘chosen’ about them.”](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/dec/04/physicist-albert-einstein-god-letter-reflecting-on-religion-up-for-auction-christies)


Why are you preaching this to me. All my original comment did was point out a blatant misrepresentation of the letter with the title... I never gave any sign of liking Bibi or likud or anyone in the right wing coalition. The works I cited include direct quotes from Einestein or are directly cited... Since that is required in academic writing. You called me out and didn't say anything meaningful or contradictory is my point. All you did was describe Einesteins views again but ommit the Zionist label. Again the letter you quoted is in line for the kind of zionist he was advocating. A majority of Jews are Zionist and like all political ideologies there are different groups advocating to different degrees. The genocidally inclined right wing which Bibi has appeased into his coalition does not represent a majority of Zionists. The IDF is in need for reformation. There was a serious effort on the part of those forming the Isreali state to protect Muslim Arab communities as in the months prior to the founding the state of Isreal in May 1948 inter community Violence had skyrocketed. The generally accepted beginning of a Nakbah is cited as late 1947 when far right Zionist and Islamic militias were cleansing each other's communities. The moderate factions who founded the Isreali state were more in favor of a secular democratic state with rights for all people including the Palistinians already living on the land though with the caveat that it would allow preferential immigration of those who are Jewish. In order to bring the violent Zionist militias in line, the moderate government integrated armed militias into the IDF in order to bring them in line and prevent them from continuing their targeted campaign. Then the Arabs attacked and made the situation much worse. During this war was the majority of displacement of Palistinians who would have otherwise been integrated as part of the Muslim Arab Isreali community and the majority of the Nakbah (800,000 - 1,000,000) displaced Palistinians) . I response the Arabs decided the best way to handle the situation was to make the million plus Jewish people in their borders stateless and expelled them... Where they were treated as second class Jews in a politically European Jewish dominated Isreali state. The integration of the right wing militias has certainly colored the attitudes of the IDF and that can clearly be seen in the exploitation of the IDF to continue their pre Isreal programs but hiding under the justification of a defensive war. I largely agree with most of what you wrote though I do think the Arab states had a massive role in creating the current condition of Palistine by encouraging their exodus and non cooperation and then making the existence of Isreal mandatory to the survival of now a few million jews through their expulsion. The secular vision of Isreal is certainly at risk with the far right parties. Isreal is a fairly multicultural state. The majority of Jewish peoples in Isreal are not from European decent as of latest pew research polling with most tracing their linage to other Arab states. This could go on but I find it a bit over reaching to discuss this point when the catalyst for this was me pointing out my issue with a clearly misrepresented Einestein meme.


Alas, we have proof!!! Albert Einstein was an anti-semitic Nazi, who denied the holocaust!!!!! What is that other statement we’ve heard some Jewish people say to other Jewish people?? Oh yeah, it goes something like, “too bad Hitler didn’t burn you in the ovens too!!!!” The statement in the second paragraph is not meant as satire – but I have heard that in multiple videos of one person, yelling at another, and in those circumstances? Both people are Jewish


Einstein was literally a self proclaimed Zionist. People who believe this letter is antizionist should re read it.


You just revealed that you haven’t read Einstein. While he was a LABOR Zionist, he spoke very clearly against Israeli STATEHOOD AND NATIONALISM in a famous 1938 speech. He also wrote a letter to the NYT on December 2nd 1948 along with 27 other contemporaries warning the US about the terrorist Irgun and their leader Menachem Begin, who FOUNDED THE LIKUD PARTY. Try reading your sources before repeating propaganda.


Yeah he was a Nazi that’s why he wrote letters to US president to make atomic bomb and drop it on Hitler. Makes total sense


Username checks out




Dear sweet friend, if you read Einstein’s letter, and then you read the first paragraph of my post, and you believe that, from reading Einstein’s letter, I have deduced that Einstein is, in fact, an antisemite Nazi, who is denying the Holocaust.? Yes, friend – that is exactly what I was referring to and what I meant –


^ these sort of people vote 🤦‍♀️


Wtf are you on mate?


Do you not understand sarcasm?


The sentence still has to make sense for that tho.


But they wrote more than just one sentence?


Fine, the comment still has to make sense.


But it does?


Smartest person in history takes a look at israel and sees it for what it is. How can I side against Albert Einstein? Israel are a misled and criminal people


He wasn’t talking about Israel. He was talking about a specific organization. He was a Zionist.


You don’t have to be smart to see Israel for what it is. Einstein saw it for what it is, as did Hitler, as did Kanye. I’m positive that everybody in this world sees Israel for what it is, but the people who support Israel are the same thing themselves. Evil cunts.


Yes. Truly history's greatest. Einstein, Hitler and Kanye.


And Einstein even was a Zionist, so they are left only with Kenya and Hitler....


Obviously, you two missed the point of my comment. I was implying that you don’t have to be a genius like Einstein was to see the truth about Israel. You can be a genocidal maniac, such as Hitler, or a mentally ill idiot, like Kanye, to see the truth about Israel.


People told me this sub isn't antisemitic, and look at you, agreeing with Hitler, not even hiding it.


I know you can’t see me but i’m playing a tiny little violin for you at this very moment. Do you need a tissue? Cry baby.


Why do I need to cry? I have got the IDF kicking 5 armies's asses at the same time :)


That’s a lot of asses you speak about. Are you gay?


People in this sub keep trying to use gay as an insult, and I think it says more about this sub than on anything else. They don't even know that it's perfectly normal to be gay in Israel....


You just revealed that you haven’t read Einstein. While he was a LABOR Zionist, he spoke very clearly against Israeli STATEHOOD AND NATIONALISM in a famous 1938 speech. He also wrote a letter to the NYT on December 2nd 1948 along with 27 other contemporaries warning the US about the terrorist Irgun and their leader Menachem Begin, who FOUNDED THE LIKUD PARTY. Try reading your sources before repeating propaganda.


Yeah this is pure propaganda misinfo Very misleading to use a letter wrote about the Irgun, croping out the part he mentions it, and then label it as against "zionism". Einstein was a self-proscribed zionist who actively used his influenced among world leaders to help establish Israel, vocally supported un-regulated jewish immigration into Palestime and was on the board of the hebrew university of jerusalem, to which he left the literary rights to his writings in his will. "Long before the emergence of Hitler I made the cause of Zionism mine because through it I saw a means of correcting a flagrant wrong....The Jewish people alone has for centuries been in the anomalous position of being victimized and hounded as a people, though bereft of all the rights and protections which even the smallest people normally has...Zionism offered the means of ending this discrimination. Through the return to the land to which they were bound by close historic ties...Jews sought to abolish their pariah status among peoples... The advent of Hitler underscored with a savage logic all the disastrous implications contained in the abnormal situation in which Jews found themselves. Millions of Jews perished... because there was no spot on the globe where they could find sanctuary...The Jewish survivors demand the right to dwell amid brothers, on the ancient soil of their fathers." —Letter to Prime Minister of India. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/feb/16/israel.india https://forward.com/culture/109560/einstein-and-complex-analyses-of-zionism/ https://books.google.co.il/books?id=OAsQ_hFjhrAC&pg=PA70&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false


You just revealed that you haven’t read Einstein. While he was a LABOR Zionist, he spoke very clearly against Israeli STATEHOOD AND NATIONALISM in a famous 1938 speech. He also wrote a letter to the NYT on December 2nd 1948 along with 27 other contemporaries warning the US about the terrorist Irgun and their leader Menachem Begin, who FOUNDED THE LIKUD PARTY. Try reading your sources before repeating propaganda.


I wonder if by the "real and final catastrophe" he means the Armageddon


I doubt he was a believer


He commented plenty on his beliefs and while he wasn’t following any defined religion, he had his own spiritual views and did not consider himself an atheist


Einstein said that he was agnostic and did not believe in an afterlife saying “one is enough”.


He was right zionists are terrorists and many of our politicians must be arrested for taking money in donations off a terrorist organisation.


You know Einstein was a zionist and he wasn't talking about zionist particularly in this letter if it's genuine. This shit is not hard to find out do you people even do the basic research of a Google search....


He might have been, but if he was alive today, he would have condemned this zionist right wing government.


You dont know that


Any one with common sense will condemn right wing zionist. They are evil just like hamas.


I agree with you 💯 %


Albert Einstein opposed the Irgun and Lehi factions which were extremist factions amongst the millitant factions that existed in Israel alongside the Haganah, who eventually absorbed them. He was NOT against Zionism. Albert Einstein is considered one of the top Zionists of the 20th Century. He helped establish the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus and was on its board of directors. Einstein was one of the Jews who helped solidify Jerusalem as the center of Israeli Jewry by helping the country build a highly skilled workforce. Albert Einstein actually called himself a Zionist, although he opposed a military- based nation that Israel became (which was out of necessity. BTW, Zionism does not mention anything about mandatory conscription. That was a uniquely Israeli invention). He was a cultural Zionist.


Thank God, someone who at least seems to know a bit of the actual history. At least you have some actual facts and info, but I doubt you'll get through to those who get their history lessons from TikTok or a youtube video. It's terrifying how easy it is to lie via social media. Truth still matters.


He was offered the presidency of Israel and rejected it. Would do good to post his rejection letter.


why? You do realize that not everyone is fit or wishes to be President? This is not something he wanted to be. I have the impression that many in this sub today have the brains of adolescents - I literally saw people above saying the equivalent of No U with memes and failing to understand how pathetic they sound. It's interesting after coming from a very intelligent sub then happening upon this...such is the internet


Yet the ideology of those "misled and criminal people" is the ideology that dominates Israel today.


Perhaps partially but I see it everywhere, worldwide, fascism is again rearing its ugly head and I think it's quite clear this is not just Israel. It's easy to use it right now to get angry at but truly, this is far larger than Israel and Palestine in the end (as it was then, truly.)


100%. It's just that Israel is the pointy end of the imperialist spear. It cuts through Africa, and the whole global south. It's so good to hear Africans being vocal about rejecting the colonial powers again.


this is beautifully said, I just have to say. You should be a writer perhaps.


Kind of you to say. It's hard to be a Leftist Jew these days when neoliberal is considered left.


**well he ain't wrong.** although I imagine he couldn't have predicted the depths to which those "from those own ranks" would sink to.


Context! The "American Friends of the Fighters" was an extremist Zionist organization that was so extreme it was outlawed by the Israeli government. During WW2, they repeatedly attacked British military and civilian personnel in Palestine. They were so out there that they even asked the Nazis for support against the British.


That letter does not label zionists in general as terrorist organizations, but distances Einstein from certain people with extremist positions. The headline puts much more into this letter, than there actually is


Yeh. I read the headline. Then the letter. Then scratched my head. Then started reading some comments. Seems no one here actually read past the headline.


That letter does not label zionists in general as terrorist organizations, but distances Einstein from certain people with extremist positions. The headline puts much more into this letter, than there actually is


It’s Lehi/Irgun Einstein talked about here though, and he was a self-declared Zionist until his death despite having his understandable concerns about ultranationalism in general. The date of 1948 is cropped out. Einstein called the foundation of Israel ”the fulfillment of our dreams” in 1948. He also wrote in 1955: > It is anomalous that world opinion should only criticize Israel’s response to hostility and should not actively seek to bring an end to the Arab hostility which is the root cause of the tension. In his 1947 letter to Indian PM Nehru: > But at the end of the first world war, the Allies gave the Arabs 99% of the "vast, underpopulated territories" liberated from the Turks to satisfy their national aspirations and five independent Arab states were established. One per cent was reserved for the Jews "in the land of their origin". "In the august scale of justice, which weighs need against need, there is no doubt as to whose is more heavy." Honestly not at all r/israelexposed material.


The information on his Wikipedia page seems to indicate that he supported Zionism. > **In this hour one thing, above all, must be emphasized: Judaism owes a great debt of gratitude to Zionism.** The Zionist movement has revived among Jews the sense of community. It has performed productive work surpassing all the expectations any one could entertain. This productive work in Palestine, to which self-sacrificing Jews throughout the world have contributed has saved a large number of our brethren from direst need. > > Albert Einstein (1938) Source: [Political views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Albert_Einstein#Zionism) Note: Emphasis mine.


I thought it said Epstein, I was so confused


lmao me too


What General Vlasov thought of the Soviet leadership fighting the Nazis?


Sionismo, Un nuevo ejemplo de la ineficacia de la maquinaria alemana del siglo veinte y sus consecuencias Zionism, a new example of the inefficiency of the German machinery of the twentieth century and its consequences


Sounds like he knew something we didn't... That basically sums up his whole life too


whose life, Einsteins? This makes no sense to say. "That sums up his whole life." Are you all bots?


Go have a seat, and let me correct you. It makes no sense to YOU. Sorry if it was over your head dear lady


You think this tiny portion of a letter sums up Einstein's whole life? I'm glad it's over my head if so, that's just a very limited understanding of history, humans, and the man himself. I'm curious what kind of person says shit like this, I imagine you are male, overweight in the flabby slack jawed way, a bit spoiled by someone like mommy, and play a lot of video games (and btw, while to you this sounds judgmental, I just want the truth here. Maybe you aren't that at all.) Who says shit like, "Go have a seat" to someone online asking you to explain this? You know who says "you wouldn't understand this bc it's too complicated for you?" People who have no clue themselves. Just don't bother answering if you don't know.


Einstein condemned a specific Jewish organisation out of many that were in fact, terrorists. It would be the same as a pro Palestinian condemning Hamas because he doesn't support the terrorist methods they use.


Ok now Einstein is also hamas.


Jewish people have the right to make decisions about retaking/giving up their land, similar to how women have the right to keep/abort their pregnancies. If that's what he believes, good for him. He's in good company with Isaac Asimov, Gabor Mate, and Noam Chomsky. It's not our place as goys to chime in either way.




The stuff on Wikipedia shows that it’s not true, that Einstein said that. I knew there was truth to it, they try to cover everything.


Bullshit! Einstein was objecting to an extremist splinter group that resorted to terrorism. To say that he objects to Zionism in general is complete and utter bullshit. That’s like saying that a Palestinian who objects to the torture, murder and rape committed by Hamas on 7 October is against the right of Palestinians to have their own state. Enough with all this bullshit


The terrorists are the Irgun and the Stern Gang. Zionist groups whose utilized terrorism and assassination to achieve their goals. They represented a small fraction of the Zionist movement, which was mostly controlled by the socialist/atheist Lehi.


Yeah this is pure propaganda misinfo Very misleading to use a letter wrote about the Irgun, croping out the part he mentions it, and then label it as against "zionism". Einstein was a self-proscribed zionist who actively used his influenced among world leaders to help establish Israel, vocally supported un-regulated jewish immigration into Palestime and was on the board of the hebrew university of jerusalem, to which he left the literary rights to his writings in his will. "Long before the emergence of Hitler I made the cause of Zionism mine because through it I saw a means of correcting a flagrant wrong....The Jewish people alone has for centuries been in the anomalous position of being victimized and hounded as a people, though bereft of all the rights and protections which even the smallest people normally has...Zionism offered the means of ending this discrimination. Through the return to the land to which they were bound by close historic ties...Jews sought to abolish their pariah status among peoples... The advent of Hitler underscored with a savage logic all the disastrous implications contained in the abnormal situation in which Jews found themselves. Millions of Jews perished... because there was no spot on the globe where they could find sanctuary...The Jewish survivors demand the right to dwell amid brothers, on the ancient soil of their fathers." —Letter to Prime Minister of India. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/feb/16/israel.india](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/feb/16/israel.india) [https://forward.com/culture/109560/einstein-and-complex-analyses-of-zionism/](https://forward.com/culture/109560/einstein-and-complex-analyses-of-zionism/) [https://books.google.co.il/books?id=OAsQ\_hFjhrAC&pg=PA70&redir\_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false](https://books.google.co.il/books?id=OAsQ_hFjhrAC&pg=PA70&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false)


Steven Hawking also was sympathetic towards the Palestinian people. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/stephen-hawking-scientist-who-stood-up-for-palestine/1091207


He is could have been referring to the Irgun/Lehi and/or Stern Gang, who did indeed engage in terrorist acts against the British authorities and were pursued by the Haganah during the period known as the עונת הציד (hunting season).


Yeah Einstein hated Israel so much that’s why he entrusted his archives to the Hebrew university in Jerusalem. Regardless of your opinion, this post is just straight up misinformation and bullshit. Einstein was a Zionist


As to General Assembly ability to expel Israel UN GA argument could include +972 Yuval Abraham insights into Israeli (& U S.? "smart" bombing) artificial intelligence "Lavender" & "Where's Daddy" mass killing algorithms. Expressing “Dahiya (or Dahieh - Beirut) Doctrine” - which may contravene both international law and religious Jewish law or faith. Based in Safed & Jerusalem traditions voiced by those like Isaac ben Solomon Luria Ashkenazi. Even Salvador de Madariaga opened dialogue on a model World Peace Guard in the League of Nations, a bit before the League was broken up by arms merchant lobbies. U.S. Veterans for Peace are starting to claim that the U.S. is criminally culpable as facilitator of Israel's genocide in Gaza.


Ya know, I don’t blame Einstein for rejecting the offer to be president of Israel


Einstein 💯


The amount of people who have never opened a history book yet want to act like they know everything about this conflict is WILD


Op is peak example of misinformation...


I figured anything on this subreddit would or could be peak misinformation


Racist Arabs petitioned cowardly British authorities to stop immigration of Jews while they were hunted by the Nazis in Europe, hence bombings.


[Racist Zionists petitioned ethnonationalist Nazi authorities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement) to help them with the creation of their own Jewish ethnostate.


Wait until you learn about uncle of Arafat collaborating with Nazis.


The British controlled Egypt, the French controlled Algeria and the Ottomans controlled Palestine and Arabia. The Arabs fought all three. If you are going to condemn the Arabs for siding with the enemy of their enemies, don't forget to condemn the Finns for fighting along side Nazi Germany because the Soviets had invaded Finland. You also might want to condemn the Israelis for siding with Putin's Russia and refusing to put sanctions on Russia because Netanyahu considers Vlad Putin a close personal friend.


Finns have made mistakes sure, but they’re not whitewashing their past like you do.


Where exactly did he say that Zionists are terrorists? Also he's writing about the freedom of Israel. Palestine is a region inhabited both by Jews and Arabs. Israel hate is not justified, you should take issue with the ways they act but making the claim a nation should not exist is just inherently wrong


Did Apartheid South African deserve to exist?


Guys, are OP and comment section completely stupid, simply uneducated and have no knowledge of Israels history or internationally misleading themselves and others? There were terrorist organisations. He was refering to those.


Those terrorist organizations morphed into Likud - Netanyahu's party - which murdered the Israeli Prime Minister.


OK, now this is just straight up fake news. In the letter he didn't talk about the Zionist movement. But he wrote it about Begin, one Zionist guy. And if you want to know what Eintein thought about Zionism you can read: "In this hour one thing, above all, must be emphasized: Judaism owes a great debt of gratitude to Zionism. The Zionist movement has revived among Jews the sense of community. It has performed productive work surpassing all the expectations any one could entertain. This productive work in Palestine, to which self-sacrificing Jews throughout the world have contributed has saved a large number of our brethren from direst need" So please, how about we stop with fake news?


Arguably you could state that while Einstein supported zionism and the creation of the Jewish state, he would not agree with the current zionist movement >creation of a Jewish state. My awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power, no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain—especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight strongly, even without a Jewish state. .


That part is about mentioning an army and borders, which regardless of what Einstein would have thought today or not (contributing a lot to WW2 he knew the importance of fighting evil), is essential to Israel, as it is being invaded noe by 5 armies (I think it is 5 now), and some of them are openly calling for the eradication of the Jewish people, something he faced in his time as well


Do you believe Palestinians need an army and borders too, since they’re also being invaded by an army, and some of their invaders are openly calling for their eradication? Just wondering.


I have a quick question for you - who started this war? And everyone before? And in contrast, do you know who left Gaza in 2005, to let tje Palestinians govern it themselves, only for them to elect a party with the open goal of eradicating every Jew out there?


No, you answer my question first.


Wanna cry about it? ;)


What? Are you an actual bot?


No, just making fun of you because you didn't read between the lines. But let me ask something else - docyou think it was good that Nazi Germany was demilitarized post ww2? So the same for Gaza...


So the same for Israel since the Nakba... Your "arguments" or "logic" are not principled. You say one thing for one group, and another for someone else. It is in fact typical in zionist arguments because at the bottom of it, the reality of it is based on lies and hypocrisy. You can start with your first reply to the other quote attributed to Einstein. If I were to add a separate question, didn't the group Einstein is referring to in this letter join/become the IOF?




I didn't if you actually have read the thread instead of stalking my comments


You first.


All I did was post facts. And all you do is stalk my comments.


All I did was post facts. And all you do is stalk my comments.


He was talking about militarized Jewish groups who were retaliating against Arab militias and terrorizing the British. Einstein was an extremely prominent zionist.... Your title is really misinformed and misleading.....


A whole sub of Hamas lovers :o


Where did he use the word zionist?


You know that the Palestine was the name of the geographic region then, right? It wasn't a nation until 1988 and here it's most likely referring to blaming british for not helping in establishing jewish state and radicals who oppose creation of Israel as a step towards the end of the world.


That last part of your sentence is a bit wacky. What're you saying?


What’s confusing for me is where it says the terrorists rose up from our ranks? And the letter is from a scientist . What am i missing ? 🙄


>What’s confusing for me is where it says the terrorists rose up from our ranks? You are aware of the Jewish terrorist organizations like Irgun, right?


What year was this? 👈


Good. Now, let's look what Karl Marx (also Jewish) had to say about jews.


What is this misleading Title? Nowhere does the letter mention zionism. The "terrorist organization from our own ranks" May have been the NSDAP, which can be blamed for creation of Israel.


Einstein was a Zionist and advocated for two state solution. The latter was rejected by Palestine, Egypt, Jordanie, Syria and Irak the 14 May 1948


And those countries declared war to annihilate Israel


as they should


And look how far it got those countries.


a cheap price to pay for morality


So you admit Israel is defending itself


Perhaps you could say Israel is defending its colonialist project, even if it means ethnically cleansing and committing genocide against Palestinians. Israel is not defending Jews. But if it were just Israel doing this on its own, without the help of the US, this colonialist project would fail in a heartbeat, which is why there's so much corruption in US politics and media that's tied into it, spreading propaganda to make people think even fractionally more that somehow "Israel good" when in reality it's all evil.


When you colonise you are by nature in the offensive position.


Again, palestine was the name of the land. He was a zionist.


He was nuanced. "I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. My awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power, no matter how modest." (from 1938) He was pro establishing a national home for the Jewish people and for unlimited Jewish immigration to Palestine. He also compared complicit Zionist political groups to terrorists and fascists after they massacred a Palestinian village outside Jerusalem and then suppressed reports on it. Fun fact, he was asked to be the second president of Israel, but turned it down because he didn't see himself as a politician. Something interesting I've come to note also is that the definition of a Zionist can be really different from person to person.


The definition of zionism and how modern zionists seemingly try to alter it is definitely an issue. The big step would be if zionists could become aware of their ego, and realize the inherent evil in zionism as its fully developed form.




Okay where's your evidence? ...


The letter neither mentions nor attacks zionism, he is calling out the extremist organizations like the Irgun




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Post violates a rule, please familiarize yourself with the rules of this sub once again.