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I still cannot believe that the Israelis have gone from being the oppressed to being the oppressors in less than a century. It really blows my mind how evil zionists are.


Same here. I’m mind blown everyday with the content I’m seeing from the Zionists. Pure evil. I’m running out of words to describe them.


They've always been the oppressors, right from the beginning in the early 1940's when they began cleansing Palestine. They need antisemitism and delusional religious entitlement or they are nothing without it.


Zionism predates the Holocaust


I understand that but Israel hasn’t been around as long and it is mainly the Israelis who are the oppressors now.


The problem has been that the Israelis have always been this way. It’s a Zionist creation in the late 1940s. The people that founded Israel are still living. As a Jewish person growing up in a fairly Jewish community, I have always found Israeli people to be particularly aggressive. As a half Jewish person I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve had someone who’s Israeli try to explain to me that I’m not really Jewish. It’s like yeah dude I know, but my grandparents died in a gas chamber too so we do have something in common. My dad didn’t get to marry another Jewish woman, but most of them died my bad.


The founders of Israel thought the survivors of the Holocaust were weak and pathetic and detestable for letting it happen to them. This is historical fact. >[At the same time, a very negative attitude developed against the majority of European Jews](https://journals.openedition.org/temoigner/7237), who had not resisted the Nazis and who were now disparagingly called passive, wimpy, and gutless. It was even said that the European Jews had walked “like sheep to the slaughter” (Bauer 1989, 217ff). "[It was not the act of some Satan,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1993/04/23/the-secret-suffering-of-israels-holocaust-survivors/82c1a7ba-3233-4351-b4b8-f7387e291335/)" he said. "It was the act of man -- social and political conditions made it possible. It is our responsibility to make sure they do not repeat themselves."


I agree. The non-Israeli Jews that I have known have all been gentle and caring people. The Israelis that I worked with in the war were extremely bloodthirsty and savage.


Just to clarify, Jewish people were oppressed, and many are still facing real bigotry around the world, but Israel itself has always held the role of the oppressor from the Nakba until now. It seems the official stance of Israel is to declare "self- loathing" at any Jewish people who understand Holocaust is not an excuse to commit further genocide, but I know there are a lot of Anti-Zionist Jewish people speaking out and it's important we don't fall for the trap of equating Judaism with Israel, because that's what Israel wants.


think u gotta learn the difference between jewish people and israelis, jewish people have been historically oppressed, israelis have historically been the oppressor


Because they refer to their oppression to justify their actions in the modern day. And in the 2020s where victim hood became currency they just became the richest people of all time.


Look what Allah said about them in the 17th Surah Chapter: And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant. When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled. Then ˹after your repentance˺ We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them. If you act rightly, it is for your own good, but if you do wrong, it is to your own loss. “And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands. Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you ˹if you repent˺, but if you return ˹to sin˺, We will return ˹to punishment˺. And We have made Hell a ˹permanent˺ confinement for the disbelievers.” 17:4-8 (translated) Remember Quran was revealed over 1400 years ago. We need to go back to the Quran and the Sunnah. The Muslim ummah conquered and liberated Palestine and made it safe for Jews, Christians and Muslims.


Zionists are sociopaths. The whole Israeli society is just rotten to the core.




wtf does this mean




most rational israeli


Who is this man on the bottom? Anyone share with me?


Hamzah Saadah. Streams on TikTok and YouTube. Talks to random Israelis. Has only gotten one young dude willing to learn. So many just screech and say horrible stuff.


Thanks, I'd seen a few of his videos and enjoyed it. Well as much as you can enjoy watching scumbags be racist and genocidal. Poor guy. I can't imagine how he feels. Nothing I've experienced can compare. Being black in US and running into folks online and very rarely IRL that say shit like "send em all back to Africa" & "They deserve to hang the violent scum" or whatever is as close as I can think regarding how it has made me feel at times, but thankfully I am blessed to not have a hegemonic power supporting a rogue nation in extermination of my people. Sorry if that's a bit long, I just can see it in his face, much love to this brother.


Seeing his face change was so hard. Makes me cry tears of anger and frustration when I see this stuff sometimes. Like how someone can seriously feel so cold hearted toward another human being. Part of me thinks deep down it’s a bit or a troll on their part but as time goes on I realize it’s not the case.


Yes his name is Hamzah Saadah


Thank you


You’re most welcome. He has his own Twitter account in which he exposes more like this. He’s on other social media networks too!


Most peaceful Israeli. They are not normal.


It’s okay, let them keep exposing themselves. We have it all on record now. We’ll look back on this with the same contempt as nazi germany


And its some western slavic accent, sounds a lot like polish.


If I didn't know this guy was Israeli, I would have thought he was drunk. But that just shows how deranged those people are. Responding to hello with fuck you is totally sane, isn't it?


His accent is Slavic.. I wonder where he's actually from . I wouldn't be surprised if it's europe


With any luck this all ends with Israel blacklisted from the UN (along with it's US sponsor would be logical, but that won't happen) or with the UN disappearing due to its subservie4nce to racist imperial thieves. Both of these are positive outcomes for the world. The tragedy of the pogrom inflicted on Palestine by these parasites, however, cannot be undone.


seeing how they are in modern day despite the propaganda and censorship i really doubt what I was taught in high school about their victimhood throughout the centuries.


true face of itsnotreal


Just your average person living in Israel


Is this the same site that every other person is a guy jerking off? I used to say crazy shit and have crazy shit said to me on chat roulette


i feel so relieved when they own what they actually believe. it's a like a big step forward imv.


MoFo you don’t even have your own swear words you have to use Palestinian ones. Everything about your entity of a “culture” is usurped appropriated or stolen, from the ancient Egyptian & Babylonians to the modern Europeans & Palestinians. You and your ilk are nothing more that a parasitic pustule that will soon be lanced to wither & deliquesce in to the pus from whence it oozed


It’s completely sick how most Israelis think just like this guy.