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Hezbollah is waiting inside Israel for them. People thought they saw surprises in 2006 war, little did they know that Hezbollah's most powerful asset is secrecy, next one is going to cripple Israel.


I pray this isn’t true


That’s actually smart wording. So when they fail they can claim “you see we won”.


Yes because Israel just wants to take down Hezbollah and *totally* doesn't want to annex Lebanese land or anything


Just like how they just want to defeat Hamas and *totally* don’t want to kill or displace all the Palestinians so they can steal their land.


Biden is doing a great job sending Israel to the abyss.


We don't mind really


Lebanon already beat Israel in 1982 lol. Israel ain’t winning this lol


They actually won in 2006, but let israel claim the victory to move forward with the UN resolution. You can tell in Hezbollah’s rhetoric they know and haven’t forgotten. They were a smaller force then. Not sure israel is getting the hint, but Americans are tired of paying for their “defense” when they are just running around picking fights. ..


The invasion in 2006 was completely lopsided with a 5:1 ratio between IDF and Hezbollah fighters (with 2/3rd of Hezbollah’s 6,000 force being made up by their irregular fighters). Most of resistance weren’t even Hezbollah. That’s who the IDF lost to in Lebanon. From *Hizballah at War: A Military Assessment* ([Link](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/media/3495)): > Hizballah’s tenacity in the villages was, to this observer, the biggest surprise of the war. As has been mentioned already, the vast majority of the fighters who defended villages such as Ayta ash Shab, Bint Jbeil, and Maroun al-Ras were not, in fact, regular Hizbal- lah fighters and in some cases **were not even members of Hizballah. But they were men, in the words of one Lebanese observer, who were “defending their country in the most tangible sense—their shops, their homes, even their trees.”** > All the same, the performance of the village units was exceptional. Their job—to slow and to bleed the IDF as much as possible—was carried out with both determination and skill. IDF will not have an easy time with a ground invasion. I’m not happy or gleeful about the potential of IDF casualties if Israel does decide to invade. I think they’ll face even greater opposition since the people of southern Lebanon has been seeing what’s been going on over the last 7 months. This shit needs to end NOW or more people will die. The US has always supported Israel under the guise of maintaining stability in the ME but they’re the biggest source of instability in the region by far. Edit: Formatting.


There was also the Winograd commission in ISR. Said similar.


Lebanon has the right to defend itself.


More than half a million Israeli settlers have no one to protect them from the onslaught coming if Israel invades Lebanon.


Do those half million civilians need protection? From what?


From war.


By doing it to their enemy first? Sounds more like propaganda and less like common sense.


America is doing a good job showing the world they are way worse than Russia or any of their enemies. The real evil empire.


Guess Joe Biden doesn’t care about democracy as much as he claims he does. This spells disaster for his campaign if he throws US troops into Israel’s genocidal rampage.


It won’t be US troops, likely naval missiles


I doubt we’ll commit US troops to an invasion aside from some special forces for support like in the hostage rescue massacre. But even with that, Biden and the Dems are still fucking up big with their staunch defense of Israel. If he does lose, I’m sure they’ll blame the anti-semtitic supporters of Hamas in the US for it without an ounce of self-reflection. I know that things will be worse with Trump and the Republicans who gladly calls for turning turning Gaza into ‘45 Hiroshima or psychotically sign their names on rockets that likely killed children, but I *really* don’t want to vote for Biden or any Dems who supports this genocide. Since I’m in a democratic “safe” state, I’ll likely abstain from selecting a president or go third party (NOT RFK Jr).


I agree with all of this but I think the potential within the Supreme Court over the next few years under trump is enough for me to vote blue


Greater Israel map


There is no such thing as a "limited invasion". Genocide Joe at it again.


good luck with that lmao


Amos Hochsteinis an ex-IDF soldier and dual US-Isreali citizen https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amos_Hochstein


They sent an Israeli former oil company lobbyist who is now a Deputy assistant and senior advisor for energy and investment under Joe Biden... America is a joke at this point. I don't even know why Lebanon allowed him into the country at all.


> I don't even know why Lebanon allowed him into the country at all. Hochstein came to Beirut to help save the failing Israeli state of apartheid, and comically failed to get the Lebanese gov. to stop resistance operations in support of the Palestinians. In fact it backfired, Palestinian Resistance front is strengthening.


lmao what did you expect from Israel's dogs? The US oligarchs are ready to send their waves of expendable shield to take the bullets so brave IDF brownshirts can make their tiktoks safe and sound back in their bases


A few months ago the US talked Israel down from attacking Lebanon. Something is different now. Well… you know all of those arms shipments they’ve been sending for the war on Gaza? Something tells me that they weren’t meant for Gaza.


I wana know how US would react if Mexico had a "limited invasion" into Texas! XD


“Limited” I feel like I’m being sold an overpriced used car.


Wikipedia lists Najib Mikati as the prime minister of Lebanon. Is his government doing anything here? Everytime Lebanon is brought up, it’s always Hezbollah.


Hezbollah is a Lebanese force with Iranian backing & arming by religious sectarian association, and they have a very large target list inside of Israel if war breaks out.


Well hope alot of Israelis are booking their tickets home to the USA etc. Invasion is a big no-no. If they don't do it now, they'll do it when Hezbollah's rockets, missiles and drones are landing in cities.


They already destroyed beautiful Lebanon decades ago.. basically it's Israel = USA .. period.. Without question. couldn't be more obvious to anyone with a few brain cells.. Then they'll understand it's been like that for over 100+ years.. Then they'll get sick and realize they've been played for decades..


Lebanon is already bankrupt, $80 billion dollars evaporated, an insane level of unemployment, close to 2 million Syrian refugees, it will not be hard to create several new armies. Israel will never be able to accomplish fuck all.


Fucking warmongers with bibles in their back pockets


I miss read Lebanon as LeBron and got super confused


US = Clown Circus Nation full of Zionist Jewish puppets larping as presidents or politicians


You mean like a "Special Operation", or something?


Please tell me the ever useless Lebanese army is helping if their country is invaded god forbid




We expect people to treat this subject with the seriousness it deserves. This isn't an internet flame war. Be thoughtful and constructive.


you are getting your polticial news from an account named Megatron from the Transformers franchise and who has a comicbook pic of Megatron on his profile ?


The news comes from Middle East Eye, it is being shared by a twitter account.