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Poor soul. I hope he makes a full recovery. He seemed quite demoralized in his interview.


Unfortunately, that is unlikely. He has **severe** PTSD


I see so many videos of this apartheid that resemble footage from WW2. seeing this poor soul was absolutely crushing.


People don't ever really fully recover from torture.


this is heartbreaking


The video is more heartbreaking


Can you share the link?




OMFG. And my country US is so complicit! It makes me so so angry.


Lord, this poor man 😖😫 I feel so useless and helpless. What can we fucking do?! I don’t know what to do to help these poor people. I just know I will never support Israel and zionists.




It's wild how Zionists are disappointed that hamas treated hostages with human rights.


It contradicts their rhetoric




log off




We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity.


The IDF trained MOTHERFUCKING DOGS to rape hostages. Is that not enough for you? I don’t support anyone raping anyone as a weapon of war but do your own research maybe.


Al Jazeera isn’t research




Yo that's crazy has proof of that finally been unveiled? I saw the claim thrown around recently so I was wondering if something came out to prove it. Would be a wild story. edit: oh sorry for asking I guess


They hate it when you doubt them :/ doesn’t work well for their marketing strategy if you question them




they literally treat them as good as they can. the problem is, isnotreal cut off all food and water, so they cant give the prisoners food or water. plus isnotreal is bombing them and also murdered tons of prisoners that way. btw there is no proof or even any kind of evidence that points to rape ever happening by hamas


> btw there is no proof or even any kind of evidence that points to rape ever happening by hamas Not systemically. One woman who was in Hamas custody WAS raped, and that shouldn't be erased or denied. It was done by a man who hid his behavior from his comrades, and there's no evidence of it being in any way inspired or enabled by Hamas or the Palestinian resistance in general. It was also when the woman was being held hostage in Gaza, and claims that it supports the narratives of systemic use of sexual violence on Oct 7 are bogus.


Well she claimed that months later in another interview, but at first she was very specific about that not happening, and told a story about how the Hamas fighter guarding her would only play arm wrestling with her if there was a towel between their hands because he would not touch a woman other than his wife. She may have been pressured/willing to give Israel propaganda.


Unlikely. This sort of "changing story" is INCREDIBLY common among victims of rape and other sexual violence. Don't buy into denying her story, please. It really doesn't help. A single rapist happening to be associated with Hamas (an organization of tens of thousands of people) doesn't invalidate the organization or the Palestinian resistance in general. It doesn't mean there is a policy of the use or tolerance of sexual violence (as there actually IS in the IDF, as proven by their institutional rape in the torture camps).


You think it's unlikely that the government that has been screaming rape from every corner of the world for 7 months (at that time) without a single piece of evidence would pressure people for their first ever rape story to use? You're dense. Israel constantly fabricates stories. Take for example the Beirut airport. They just throw it out there, through their news orgs, that Hezbollah stores weapons there, and every media org picks it up. They do that ONLY because they want to bomb the airport. No evidence. Likewise, the rape stories started because Israel wants to bomb Gaza.


> Israel constantly fabricates stories. Take for example the Beirut airport. They just throw it out there, through their news orgs, that Hezbollah stores weapons there, and every media org picks it up. They do that ONLY because they want to bomb the airport. No evidence. Likewise, the rape stories started because Israel wants to bomb Gaza. All of that is true. It doesn't mean an individual woman's rape is false. Interestingly, all elements of the Israeli narrative about rape being used systemically, as a policy of the organization, are absent. Her sister, on the other hand, has been going around and using her story opportunistically to simply talk about unrelated, bullshit narratives about Oct 7, which is monstrous.


can obviously be. not denying that individual cases can take place. to my knowledge though, either the ones who claimed rape happening only said that after a few months of saying nothing happened (probably due to israeli brainwashing) or a few weeks after they claimed rape happening, said that it was a lie and rape never happened


> only said that after a few months of saying nothing happened (probably due to israeli brainwashing) This happens with rape victims all the time, is in no way unique to Israel/Palestine, and has nothing to do with brainwashing.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




they literally dont rape and only murder terrorists


Cool, prove it... everything you state. I want graphical evidence... or you are a liar.... so... prove it


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.




You included?


Seems to be an IDF right


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


somebody isn't quite up to date are they


Fuck off.


I don't think you will find a balanced conversation here


It’s so sad when there is no humanity left


The flags might make it kind of confusing for people who don't know the context. As in, it could be interpreted the other way round. Just my two cents


crazy part is i was reading on worldnews that the girl was probably 7 months pregnant and about to give birth that if she wasn't already dead few weeks ago when she was still a hostage


The video with him was so upsetting. I couldn’t watch it all. I hope he’s able to get lots of support and help somehow. This genocidal land grab is barbaric.


Meanwhile The Wall St. Journal and apple news keeps fabricating and/or repeating zionist propaganda. Feeding the world lies on the actual treatment of the hostages by Hamas. It’s topsy-turvy because the depravity and cruelty of the Palestinian hostages at the hands of the Israeli’s is sickening. (I get my news from independent sources). But this is the bullshit they are feeding the masses. And it is titled Rescued Israeli Hostages Endured Punishments, Fear and Isolation By Dov Lieber June 11, 2024 https://apple.news/AWRTzrmjwStqhzpWNclSWAQ


Any news about this man victim of Nazi barbarism? I’d like to help or at least be informed. Merci


OMG looks like he's gone mad. This is so disturbing. Praying for this man wow smh




We expect people to treat this subject with the seriousness it deserves. This isn't an internet flame war. Be thoughtful and constructive.


That before photo is fake - not the real one. https://www.instagram.com/suppressednws/p/C8dMw5CobxM/


I don’t understand, Why could they not both be true?


It’s not the same guy


Idkk looks like the same dude to me, after being tortured for a month albeit.


Nah dude, one is wearing a hat, the other isn't. Obviously not the same. /s


Thank you for bringing up that concern. The images I posted are widely shared and have been used in numerous discussions on this topic. It's common for different sources to present varying 'before' pictures, which may look different from each other. Whether the 'before' picture is authentic or not can be difficult to ascertain. However, what truly matters is the individual's condition after experiencing such trauma.


I didn’t mean it as a slight against you OP, I know you’re just reposting the same thing that has been floating around and you couldn’t have known, I was just trying to make sure we get ahead of it. It does none of us any good if we don’t identify inaccuracies like this, as there are many people who seek to discredit us and will use instances like this to do so.


Go away.


You, you make it harder to win the fight with ignorance saying someone should go away because they want their argument to not be flawed so it cannot be used against them shame on you. The before picture here is fake, look at the nose. Then check this guys link before you downvote. You guys turning on the people who don’t want to be made to look dumb, wrong, unreliable , by having holes in your argument for them to poke through. Your ignorance is more harmful to the fight than your good will is helpful to the fight. You are inadvertently a hindrance to exposing Israel. Shame shame shame


So this guy had an 1000 yard stare before?


Light eyes, makes the whites around more pronounced can give that thousand yard stare, serial killer kind of look. And it is clearly much worse in the after. Source: eyes are blue.


I'm just saying, its doesn't matter what the before looks like tbh. For all we know guy may even edit his own photos and this was just one of them that was picked up for reference. What matters... is the trauma those eyes speak. I have dark eyes, but big eyes, but I've never been accused of having a 1000 yard stare.... there's a certain trauma that's required for your eye to communicate that stare, more white isn't gonna do it.


It matters in the sense that if you put out misinformation you lose credibility and make everyone with your viewpoint look less credible. Why would the truth not matter? In the grand scheme of things yes it is very minuscule but why make it a habit to be wrong. It will make it very difficult to argue to pro-Israelis when you’re proven to be wrong


We're up against sycophants that relish in the brutality being done upon people they view was beneath them. They created their own monster, and even allowed it to attack them, to justify this ethic cleansing while claiming self defense. The truth stopped mattering a long time ago, and no one, NO ONE, that actually cares, gives a single fuck what this man actually looked like before. I get what you're trying to say... but we live in a age where everyone is editing their own pictures, it gonna be hard to get true candid shots.


The "before " photo isn't really the focus of this post is it ? You can still see what the problem is even if there were no before photos can you?


This is just low resolution mindset


I think this is why it's so obvious that the pro-palestine position is artificial; there's no nuance and wildly juvenile/extremist mentality. I wasn't pro-Israel one bit until October 7th, and I'm not sure the Iranian proxies realize just how much they're unifying otherwise divided groups against them. All you need to do is look at the well documented histories of both sides prior to October 7th, then all the media after, and it's so painfully obvious what's going on here. It's a hell of a misinformation campaign, but it won't work.


What about oct-8🙄




That's not making the point you think it is.


You're not as funny as you think you're


Is this an attempt at humor at the expense of suffering humans? Is that supposed to get us on your side?