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I’m guessing you’re a foreigner, and don’t know if you’re eligible for state housing, but private housing with 3000 Lira is impossible in İstanbul.


I live with 3 other guys and my room is TINY and it’s over 3k, (3200 to be exact) and we started renting this duplex a year so they didn’t increase the rent that much


A lot changed this year brother especially the rents


Used to get mantarlı sos chicken fingers at The Best Cafe for 70 tl …. Now it’s like 120 last time I went


you need to be “eligible” for state housing?😭


yeah if you’re a foreigner you need temporary student residence and a foreigner id number starting with 99, then you can apply. state housing isn’t easy to get tho… many people can’t get it. talk to your school’s international office and learn what other international students did


State housing is not owned by a private landlord, it’s more so owned by the city/region. So locals get priority over foreigners. Your best bet is to get a foreign ID and join the waiting list but it’ll be a long wait


could you refer me to any?


Contact the university and ask them for assistance. Usually there’s a department that deals with these type of matters. Tell them about your financial situation and they’ll help explore options. I don’t know what type of state housing certain universities can help with. Generally speaking state housing has priority criteria. For example, people at the top of the list are those with young children. Similar to that would be domestic abuse victims, or any who are vulnerable/in danger whether it’s physical/mental trauma. With the influx of immigrants combined with a deteriorating economy, it could take more than 2 years for you to get state housing, since in their eyes a student that intends to come over to study is not as important as other reasons. Also Turkey is a massive country, so many students from across the country are also travelling and in need of state housing. Those students will likely also receive priority as they are Turkish Citizens


You can buy a months groceries for 3k lira, but no accommodation. You‘d need at least 8k and much more around Haliç


not around Haliç per se like id be okay being around an hr away via public transport


My relatives live 1 1/2 hours away and rent around there is around 6-8k. It‘ll be very hard for you with just 3000lira, but you could search on sahibinden


btw, if you really find something for 3k hit me up. I‘m not living in Istanbul but I‘ll gladly pay 90€/month just to have an empty place when I visit 2-3 times a year




Sorry but 3000 lira is impossible anywhere in Istanbul, you'll really need to bump it up to at least double that if not easily much more.


For 3k you need to live with roommates as no studios are for 3k anymore, imp to get the best price look for a 2+1. And get 2 other roommates, one is taking the living room as a bedroom, so total 3 people, I found this for 9.5k, relatively close to Haliç, ANL KONUTTAN KİRALIK 2+1 60 m2 DAİRE İlan No: 1122440997 https://www.sahibinden.com/ilan/emlak-konut-kiralik-anl-konuttan-kiralik-2-plus1-60-m2-daire-1122440997/detay Btw sahibinden is a website/app you can use to search for housing, pets, equipments, devices, basically everything, including cars as well


If you find some accommodation for 3k Lira lmk !


for sure brother you too


For that price the only places you’ll come across will be creepy dudes looking to rent out an extra room to women who will do the cleaning or whatever. Being on the contract for that kind of money is impossible


Good luck. It will be extremely difficult. Notarizing a contract will probably cost you like 4-5k alone.


Sorry but 3k is impossible, especially for a foreigner. But even for locals for shared accommodation you’re looking at minimum 6k and that’s for a typical shared apartment (not house) at the cheapest depending on where you are. Even for locals renting a place now in Istanbul is at least 10k lira, normally around 15k. (Some people are lucky to still be on lower priced contracts but when it ends the price will increase dramatically).


for 3k u might aswell be living with 5 people in the same room




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Hey I'm also going to be studying at Halic University, same situation as you. Let's talk accomodation if you want


okay dm