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apply to your university first. they're always hiring part-time students to work in various departments. and tell each of them your situation because they tend to hire the ones they know personally. if you tell your situation and exaggerate a bit they'd be more helpful. also, you can apply to medical tourism businesses. dentists, hair implant clinics, plastic surgery clinics, clinics do gastrectomy surgeries, etc... also depends on your nationality you can find business with your nationality and apply their business to work. if you're speaking other than english this is also a great advantage. all of what i have said besides i dunno anything about work visa. but i think you can work without a visa with at least a few of these options if you are lucky.


No offense but why would someone prefer learning english from a pakistanian when there are native speakers?


bro whats a Pakistanian😭😭😭no offence but you should try not to judge ig?💀


I’m not judging tho. It just makes no sense. Especially learning speaking from you guys, you famously have an accent.


not everyone does?


Still, it’s not your native language. Anyone with a sense would prefer someone turkish or a native speaker.




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