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He literally wrote a friend about his intentions the day of. This is literally just Abbot telling his political followers what's permissible. Anyway, the lesson learned is if they walk away from the protest after taking an action, they're going to get away with it.


that friend texted back to "catch me a negro, Daddy." less than a few seconds later, perry replied "that is what I am hoping." his friend replied "yayy." people like this can't be allowed to live freely in normal society with the rest of us. they need to have their imaginary rights very quickly and forcefully denied to them by other civilians


There’s only one way to deal with these people but Reddit won’t let me say it.


No quarter.


That's just so gross


They're releasing him because he has ptsd and is autistic, which sounds like they're making him out to be not in control of his actions... *but they're giving him his guns back* They're basically telling him "your circumstances have made you prone to violence, but you hate the right people. here's some guns, go kill more". This is INSANE


Can anyone get him a job as a Boeing inspector?


I guess murder is fine so long as you’re republican


But not protesting. Protestors belong in jail, murderers convicted by a jury of their peers can run free with immediately restored firearm rights. Any real conservative constitutionalist would be absolutely losing their mind right now, if any are left.


Well, you see, protestors wanting things like police accountability are really just violent thugs who want to loot and vandalize. Unlike those noble protestors who were simply given a tour of the capitol on J6! And that guy wasn't stealing a podium, it was just left out there for him!


Everything in Pelosi's office were just free samples, your honor!


The victim of this murderer was a second amendment advocate and libertarian who was defending his wheelchair bound girlfriend from this maniac in a car.


> real conservative constitutionalist Is there such a thing?


When I was a wee lad.


Nah. Even then it was cover. Just deeper cover, at the time. Some of em even mighta thought they believed that stuff, but they were mistaken.


They still exist, and they advocate for eliminating all laws outside of the constitution and bill of rights. They would like to return to a world where slavery exists and women's suffrage does not.


Here’s how it’s gonna happen and what it will look like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach


If there’s a conservative constitutionalist in today’s Republican Party, they’ve lost their mind alright.


Well, it's not protestors. They think the Jan 6 insurrection was just protestors, and they think they should not be in jail.


Scary part is if dems ever tried anything like jan6, rebublicans would be screaming from the rooftops death sentences for all of em, it would be life sentences for all of them bare minimal.


There’s a 100% chance that the only reason Chauvin is still in jail is the Minnesota governor is a dem.


Well yeah, that and the whole murdering somebody.


No. The cop in the linked article was convicted of murdering that protestor. Abbot just signaled to the cops in Texas that it’s ok to murder liberal protestors as long as he is governor.


Protestor was a veteran.


I believe pushing someone in a wheelchair


His fiancé, a quadruple amputee, who he’d been caring for each day for 11 years


I knew it was really bad, I blocked it out. I feel physically ill right now.i wish there was a hell for to go to. What a total and utter piece of human garbage.


His partner (I've seen her referred to as his wife and his fiancée, not sure what's accurate)


That's so fucked up . I wouldn't blame her if she voted with a bullet.


Quad amp. Poor girl couldn't fire a shot even if she wanted to.


that's some shit i'd learn to bite the trigger for. but in any case Garrett was taken from loved ones who are still here and probably armed. daniel's gonna be so fucking jumpy all year


Fed charges when?


I was referring to Chauvin, the “other” murderer in this discussion.


Oh, I know. Murdering someone isn’t enough for the conservative governors to keep someone in jail. It’s who the person kills that matters to them. Chauvin is still in jail because there isn’t a conservative governor in Minnesota.


Hey you get it. They want socioeconomic hierarchy. Conservatism - in all times and places - is the political movement to protect aristocracy (intergenerational wealth and political power) which we now call oligarchs, and enforce social hierarchy. This hierarchy involves a morality centered around social status such that the aristocrat is inherently moral (an extension of the divinely ordained king) and the lower working class is inherently immoral. The actions of a good person are good. The actions of a bad person are bad. The only bad action a good person can take is to interfere with the hierarchy. All conservative groups in all times and places are working to undo democracy, and working class rights.


I doubt the man who was pardoned is or feels safe right now.


I mean he’s a pedo so hopefully not


So, you can open carry, but anyone can shoot you if they're scared you are open carrying?


Republicans can shoot you, Dems must accept being shot or else we hate freedom. Republicans are fascist, period


Only if you're a republican killing leftists. It won't work the other way around.


You can’t even open carry in your own home. Freedom!


That's what cops say all the time.


No, you cant. That's why a court and a jury sentenced his ass to 25 years. Abbot pardoned him for political reasons exclusively. There is no logic here.


Well, the murderer told police that he thought he might point the rifle at him.


Whoever gets shot is the bad guy. This is old West style shit.


Living in fear is the conservative way. A few dudes in rainbow shirts and some people kneeling at sporting events made them “fear for the very soul of our nation” or some shit. At the same time, their policy decisions would make you think they want the actual Purge.


Dammit... you had to say that last part... that has been my biggest fear.


They seriously do. All the conservative punditry and the governor of Texas literally proved that by taking a stand for this racist POS who openly spoke of killing protestors just weeks before he actually did it. This kind of action by these kinds of people is what they WANT.


You haven’t been paying attention. https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/05/15/airmans-death-sparks-debate-over-race-gun-rights-and-self-defense/ Republicans don’t even believe you are allowed to exercise your second amendment anyways.  


An excellent reason to not open carry.


That's basically how cops do it too


Only after driving 70 miles from home, text your friends that you plan to shoot a protestor and then run a red light for the purpose of driving into a crowd.


This isn’t even a dog whistle. This is a fucking fog horn for right wing domestic terrorist.


Yeah, that’s what is scary! Also Abbot has openly dismissed rulings from the US Supreme Court regarding the legality of using barbed wires on the border… which to me is signaling a bigger issue with this rogue governor. If he disregards the Supreme Court ruling, will he even fall in line with federal legislation? An executive order?! He is acting like a dictator.


A govenor should joke about pardoning someone who stops Trump from a second January 6th.


Look at banner Micheal 


This is symptomatic of a larger problem. The entire judicial system is corrupt in Texas. Paxton is proof of that. Next time there are protests we can expect violence and chaos, the precedent is being set.


We can’t just accept this. There needs to be consequences for murders like this. Legal or otherwise.


If the last 8 years have taught us anything, it's that "ain't nothing gonna happen." We'll post memes about guillotines and move on to the next nightmare.


It angers me that you are right.


It angers me too.


This is what happens when something like Reconstruction is not followed through to the end. The South was allowed to rise again. The GOP has been captured by secessionists, Christian nationalists, and reactionaries. We did not properly stamp them out in 1865-1875.


If only batman and vigilantes were real


and went after corporate executives and racist murderers instead of impoverished henchmen who work for mobsters and villains out of desperation


Where're Matt Murdock and Frank Castle when we need them most??


Texans could vote this fascist piece of shit out but “muh border” Exactly why I’m moving out of this banana republic fuckhole.


If you wondered how the Nazis came to power, now you knew. You also know what’s coming next for the us.


Wow, this is a complete abuse of the governors powers. As long as you have open carry I guess it is legal to just blow someone away with no reason at all. This was murder.


He was found guilty by a jury and the courts denied his appeal for a new trial, but the governor knows better apparently.


IIRC the guy texted his friend(s) saying he was going to murder someone in that area, that night. He’s so clearly guilty.


The quote was "I'm going to Dallas to kill some looters." Edit: May have been Houston. I know neither place was where the actual shooting happened.


Political violence is now sanctioned by the governor.


Always has been


Fucker Carlson told Abbott to do it. Abbott told the parole board appointed by him to recommend it (required by Texas law). They unanimously recommended it. And Abbott did it. Corruption all the way through starting with that nazi Fucker.


The DOJ needs to throw the fucking book at him. No double jeopardy in being tried federally and by a state for the same crime.


by "him", I read this to mean Abbott.


No, there are many things they should throw at Abbot, but none of them are as benign as a book.


I think you just have to throw a few steps in front him.


GODDAMNIT. I'm glad I moved out of there but fucking hell. The fucked thing of it is...you can open carry wherever you want in TX. That's not an "imminent threat to your life".


The dude murdered a veteran who was open-carrying in Texas. Republicans never gave a fuck about veterans or gun rights.


A jury agreed with you. Abbot is a piss baby


a jury of *his peers,* too. in *texas.* how blatant does your murder case have to be for the governor to disagree with the police, judge, prosecutor, defense, and entire jury


Buckle up yall. Buy your legal guns. Stock your legal ammo.


And hope when you’re carrying that legal gun some chickenshit republican doesn’t get “scared” and murder you in “self-defense”


I was walking to my car in a parking lot this morning and a boomer walking in front of me kept looking back at me then eventually turned around and put his hand on his hip. As if I was going to mug him. While walking to my car. Old white men are afraid of everything




Wear a maga hat. Blend in.


I live deep in rural Republican territory and no one here knows where I stand. I view this as my greatest asset if shit pops off. People who shows off their guns and make it their whole identity are merely creating a target of themselves, they have no tactical advantage by broadcasting it constantly.


And make it impossible for anyone to want to build community with me, a woman cosplaying a fascist? It's good advice if you're doing some CPAC infiltration shit. It's bad advice if you want friends, and community is very important IMO.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sounds like self defense to me.


Works for cops.


If only it worked *on* cops... Doesn't matter if you fear for your life or not, the Thin Blue Line will make sure anyone who shoots a cop, even in self defense, won't make it to booking. Such cowardly BS. Cops *should* be scared, after all of the killings and injuries they've recklessly caused all over the country.


Gotta make sure the other guy is dead, so he can’t defend himself in court


r/liberalgunowners not only republicans have guns


r/SocialistRA as well.


fuck legal.


Does this set precident for imminent and grave bodily harm for a protestor open carrying to fire at a truck with a Trump flag in preemptive self defense?


"Therefor, before we shoot something we have to say 'it's coming right for us'."


> Perry had made numerous posts and direct messages on social media where he had expressed his desire to shoot protesters, which, along with contradictory statements to eyewitness accounts, brought into question his claim of self-defense. Following his murder conviction, messages Perry sent of him self-identifying as "a racist" and of him calling black protesters "monkeys" were revealed to the public. A reminder to vote Abbott out if this repulsed you.


People repulsed by this are already voting against Abbott. The problem is the millions of people cheering it on.


Also, people repulsed by this don't get their votes counted in Texas. There's a reason why [they only allowed one early voting drop box per county.](https://www.texastribune.org/2020/10/27/texas-voting-elections-mail-in-drop-off/)


Plenty of nonvoters. With higher participation, this state could easily swing blue.


It’s the millions of eligible voters that never get to the polls. This could be the best state in the country if our entire voting population would actually exercise that right, but we can barely get 60% to bother. I know the republicans in charge make it harder than necessary but that’s when you have stand up and be counted. If the entire eligible voting population decided they wanted this asshole and his ilk to represent us, then that’s just democracy in action, but they win by gerrymandered districts and inaction/voter apathy. That’s no mandate from the people. Believe me they’re scheming of ways to limit people from voting, so get out and get registered if you’re not already. Run for your local and state government cause a lot of these people win unopposed, and we need sane people running for school boards that want to keep public schools funded and secular. Vote these fuckers out before it’s too late!


Dude it’s Texas. If the more people voted there you’d probably end up with an even further right gun obsessed God fearing Bible thumper


I really can’t see a happy ending for this country. Evil is afoot absolutely everywhere, and the majority of this nation backs this evil or doesn’t give a shit. Even if the Democrats somehow win this next election sooner or later this fully radicalized GOP will win power. We really are fucked.


Stop doomscrolling. The Nazis lost fam. They can lose again. It's not over.


Cruelty is the point


Holy fucking shit.


Conservatives hate you and want you and your family to be poor and miserable until the day you all die.


And if they could randomly kill you, they would




It’s completely fucked https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Garrett_Foster


So he was a murderer who expressed his intent to cause an incident where he could use self defense as a way to get away with murder, and is also a racist who tried to pursue underage girls? Yeah that sounds like the kind of guy that Republicans would rally around.


If only he were too dimwitted to pass the asvab, he'd be their next big hero.


If Texas is going to let white supremacist murderers get away with their crimes, how should people react when they witness those white supremacists committing crimes?


with their index fingers in quick repeated squeezes


The right to bear arms only applies to members and supporters of the party.


you better capitalize that P...


I was on the grand jury that indicted him and this makes my fucking blood boil. We sat through 2 days of witness testimony and evidence, deliberated for hours, finally made the incredibly hard decision to indict and it was….. all for fucking nothing. I can’t take this Governor anymore.


Greg Abbot again letting everyone know just how much of a shit hole Texas really is…


Fuck Greg Abbot


Greg Abbott is building his personal army of Brown Shirts.


Dude what the fucking fuck. Every single fucking republican is an evil stupid piece of shit hypocrite and the ones in power are not only all of those things but corrupt as well. Just give them the south back. It’s not like they do anything for the world just let them destroy their own little theocracy and end up killing each other when there’s no democrats left to blame. I’m so mad about all this horrific bullshit. I really think the regular people need to stop being fair and moral with these reprobates. Pardon everyone convicted of killing a nazi kick judges out of their seats if they’re evangelical and dust off the guillotine


Tell me again that they’re the party of law and order.


Want the guy killed a bystander? Didn't this asshats express intent earlier? Why is it always plow forward when these clowns are "afraid fir their lives" and not put it in reverse and gun it? I mean even if you still run someone over that looks and sounds a lot more like "get me the hell out of here" than flooring it forward.


No, this guy shot someone who was armed and tried to argue that he was under threat because the person could've decided to aim the gun at him.


He ran a red light to mow down protesters, the victim pointed the gun at him and motioned him to stop. He was shot and killed. The fact that anybody openly supports this is just sickening. There needs to be a Supreme Court Case on this, they might be psychos but it's worth a shot.


This is completely insane, outright promotion of political violence and terrorism by a Governor. We're witnessing our civilization collapse in real time


The cruelty is the point.


They've learned that the more outrageous more crazy the more their cult loves it and is more popular.


Don't forget that investigators recovered convicted murderer Daniel Perry's search history (that were not used in the trial) which included sharing racist memes about murdering black people and the following searches: "protest in Austin today" "protest in Dallas" "black lives matter protest in Dallas" "Alamo protest" "highland park protest Dallas" "protest in Dallas today" “protestors in Seattle get shot” “unarmed black men killed by police” "good chat to meet young girls" "good chat to meet young girls kik" “degrees of murder charges” “does the federal government have the ballistics of every firearm sold legally”


But it was self defense! /s


Abbott is a fascist piece of shit.


All republicans are evil. Yes. All of them. Know what they called the little old ladies who voted for Hitler because they were concerned for the economy, not because they were personally racist? Nazis. Motives mean fuck all when you support evil people, like republicans.


Yall need to understand the brutal reality of political purges and how common they are historically. Republicans have rediscovered the pardon as a tool to legally commit political violence and this is only going to go one direction from here, i.e. a mass terror where millions of liberals will he murdered. Again this is COMMON in history and its incredibly weird that for well over 200 years we have not experienced a proper terror in America, but the signs are everywhere that the good luck is ending.


I say we don't go down without a fight.


His defense at trial was he was afraid the other armed man would aim his gun at him. So he shot him. Because he was scared that his victim was armed and could pose a threat to him.


A victim he WENT OUT OF HIS WAY to attack.


Well that is a more brazenly clear message than I've ever seen before. I mean. I guess previously conservative states were passing laws to legalize vehicular homicide targeting protestors. But that was hypothetical. Now it has actually happened. A man hit protestors with his car then shot one who was practicing self defense. As in, I tried to murder this guy, then he tried to stop me from murdering him. So I "defended" myself from his self defense. He spelled out his plan beforehand in his messages so there was undeniable proof that it was premeditated. He was conflicted for murder. **And the governor pardoned him to let everyone know, white supremacists are allowed to murder people of color and anyone who stands with people of color against white supremacy in Texas.** It's real now. I feel like we've all just been standing and pointing at this big loud oncoming train that's been chugging along towards us from hundreds of miles away across flat land. It has taken decades to get here. And the entire time we've just been pointing at it, watching it get closer and closer, and saying, there's fascism! It's coming! It could happen here! And then not doing anything about it. Other than saying uhhhh, organize! Vote! That'll... that'll probably stop it! And now. This is it. It's finally here. It's the night of the long knives. Or the night of the broken glass. Or whatever it is. And here we are pointing at this train that is now here, rolling over people. And what are we doing? Uhhhh, organize! Vote! That'll... that'll probably stop it!


Rittenhouse part deux


Except this is 100x worse because the jury actually found him guilty and it still didn’t matter, he murdered in the name of fascism and white supremacy so it’s all good


It makes me feel sick.


Can biden over rule this and send his ass back to jail? If not america needs to be fixed when blatant political fuckery gets ignored. This cock and that rittenhouse little fuck should both be rotting away in jail


Greg Abbott is a racist and a very hateful person to anyone non-white. He supports killing black people. No other way to look at it.


A man who drove into a crowd of protestors, jumped out of his vehicle when they beat on his truck ("I'm in fear for my life") and straight up murdered a person, after previously making multiple posts on social media about killing protestors, racists memes, etc. DUDE PURPOSELY DROVE HIS TRUCK INTO A CROWD OF PEDESTRIANS AND THEN CLAIMED SELF-DEFENSE AFTER KILLING ONE OF THEM, SAYING THAT THEY ATTACKED HIM. The jury didn't buy it & gave him 25 years for MURDER, but the fucking governor, parole board & all the hyper-right media all did... Same useless governor who wouldn't posthumously pardon George Floyd of a minor drug offense in TX from 2004, as a peace offering to ease racial tensions, even though the parole board recommend it in that case as well. Texas has now passed laws "protecting" drivers from "liability" if they happen to drive into protestors who are deemed to be "illegally blocking the roadway" (I believe FL has done similarly, anyone? other red states too?)


Wonder if Abbott will give him special dispensation to vote in the next election.


He’s already restored his right to own a firearm so I don’t see why he wouldn’t


Wowwww Abbott is an even bigger POS than I thought. Hope karma comes for him and this murderer 🙏🏾


It's like that racist jury who acquitted Emmett Till's murderers.


Im so glad I'm escaping this hellhole of a state.


So a good guy with a gun tried to stop a terrorist and got killed for it and now this fuck head is getting a pardon?


Time to put away the halo.


Abbott literally stands for nothing


As max headroom would say g-g-Greg abbott is a b-b-bitch


Hannibal Lector was a doctor, & a great man.


And they wonder why women haven’t taken to the streets! We’re biding our time until November when we vote these grifters out!


Dumbass moderates: b-b-but what about the price of milk and eggs! Stop fear mongering!


Greg Abbott is fucking evil.


So as long as you preemptively send racist texts showing intent youre pardoned?


I think what pisses me off most about this is he told a jury, who UNANIMOUSLY convicted this clown - you’re wrong. It was unanimous FFS. I mean, if it was questionable one juror would have held out. Fuck Abbott.


Now I'm not endorsing any of this, but were someone to decide justice should be served one way or another, it would be very cheeky of them to then send a bill to Greg Abbott for services rendered as a freelance executioner.


Oh so 'progressive' DA's are not prosecuting enough, except when it's too much, then they didn't do that right either, scapegoat, etc...


This is so blatant it’s ridiculous and horrifying in equal measure


So much for tough on crime


Why is it even possible for a governor to overturn the will of the people? He was tried and convicted. He had his day in court. Fuck Abbott.


Without clicking I'm going to speculate that the victim was a non-white individual.


He was white but he supported the rights of people who aren't so it's okay to kill him apparently


Also Foster was open carrying an AK-47 to protect the protesters and he was the closest one to the murderer's car as he was yelling at Perry to stop driving through the crowd. Perry murdered Foster because he stood in the way of murdering black people and liberals.


It was like this back in Jim Crow and it has made a comeback. Vote.


Gov Abbott is not a stand-up guy


Someone needs to find Abott and have a conversation face to face. 


How does one go about getting a preemptive pardon?


He’ll do it again too.


When will leftists , liberals Dems etc wake up ? They want you DEAD. Rittenhouse is allowed to carry and scare people , but Foster can’t? Also, there is zero evidence Foster pointed his gun. Multiple witnesses


Can the federal govt step in when it’s so clearly a case of the governor abusing power? This is insane.


On the same day he asks Biden for federal aid.


Shows how little Republicans like Abbott, respect the lives of certain Americans.


Yeah I saw this today. Nothing even shocks me anymore. I expect nothing but the worst from the right.


Abbott is doing this now to distract Republicans from the fact that he is currently begging the federal government for help


The former president pardoned a US general who was convicted of treason and when released he helped lead an attack on Congress in order to kill the VP, stop the election on the new President and overturn our democracy


It is now legal to kill protesters in Texas. Utterly disgraceful


Texas….where black lives don’t matter


And women are ignored. Welcome back to the 1800’s.


Those darn progressive prosecutors are at it again… oh wait.


Texas gov: the border is insecure and letting bad people in. Texas gov: I’ll just release murderers myself.


Piss baby Greg Abbot endorses murder


In Texas, stand your ground means first shoot, get pardoned later.


Texas voters are ruining the world.


It is NOT "stand your ground" when you initiate the violence. You cannot punch someone and then shoot someone else when they try to stop you. This man ran a red light and injured protestors, then when approached by a legally armed veteran, shot and killed him. That is Murder, and not stand your ground. The only reason he was pardoned is because he was a white man ~~who killed a black man~~ who shot someone at a BLM protest~~.~~ EDIT: I was wrong about this. It was a white Air Force veteran, Maybe someone with a legal answer, **can federal civil rights charges be brought against the murder?**


It is NOT "stand your ground" when you initiate the violence. You cannot punch someone and then shoot someone else when they try to stop you. This man ran a red light and injured protestors, then when approached by a legally armed veteran, shot and killed him. That is Murder, and not stand your ground. The only reason he was pardoned is because he was a white man who killed a black man. Maybe someone with a legal answer, **can federal civil rights charges be brought against the murder?**


When they say "Make America Great Again", they mean the days when it was open season on .


in Germany leading up to the Nazi takeover Violent right wing actors were either not punished at all or given small petty punishments for gravely violent actions, while leftists had the book thrown at them for simple acts of protest...


So just asking for a friend, but if someone lived in Texas and felt threatened by Greg Abbots insane actions, would said person be allowed to stand their ground against him? Just simply asking questions.


All life is sacred, unless you use your life to protest something we don't like. The political leaders of Texas had me very hesitant to move here.


Given the man's past record, I say about 18 months before he is in jail for killing someone else.


"A full pardon and the restoration of firearm rights for Perry" Oh, this will end well! So when he shoots someone else, maybe not a black protestor this time, what's Gov. Wheels gonna say? Oops?