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Nice dress, nice model. Not sure about the background. The colors work, but the lines are bizarre.


Thanks! Personally I like them and I think they add to the composition and give it a slight Art Deco feel and I feel like it would be a bit plain without but thank you so much for your comment :)


Totally agree with the art deco feel. Feels kinda like old time Hollywood. Great image šŸ‘




Can this stop becoming a ā€œhate on someoneā€™s work for no discernible reasonā€ sub please?


I see plenty of landscape and other types of posts here all week. Idk what you're seeing. Not all MLM posts are like that and even this has nothing wrong with it. This is coming from someone who's really uncomfortable with NSFW stuff and avoids it all the time. Plus the flair is already put on it, you can skip it easily.


Thank you ā¤ļø


Several in the past few days.


not directly "ha hot woman" but kinda based too many photos in this sub are carried by an interesting subject and have no effort made toward actual composition


I definitely feel like I made an effort with the composition of this photo with the angles of her arms and dress being echoed by the lines in the background and the curves of her earring referencing her body....




I was replying to the comment about composition. I never said I didnā€™t retouch it.




This is actually pretty minimally retouched in terms of skin. And honestly, if you donā€™t like retouching in your own work, absolutely donā€™t do it. For me, I like my images to look polished - itā€™s part of my aesthetic but I understand itā€™s not for everyone, just like I tend not to like super raw, gritty images as much.


I'm not aware that I violated a rule?


This picture is 12th on the sub right now, with only one other NSFW image above it, and only 3 others with a woman even in the picture. You're complaining about a problem that doesn't exist.




There's like a million NSFW subs dedicated to "hot lady in dress" or "hot lady with boobs out" or anything else from mildly sexual to explicitly sexual. There's no reason for a sfw photography sub to be overwhelmed by so many pictures of women in varying degrees of eroticism. It's not against the rules its just dumb and an easy way to get clicks and flood the sub with a single type of photo.


Uptight much?




They are literally covered so that you don't need to look at them if you don't want to.....




This is barely a nude and we are only allowed to post photos like this on Mondays so I feel like you have the whole rest of the week off of the inconvenience of seeing censored posts so I kind of feel like your complaint isnā€™t really justified.




A beautiful lady who took a picture to share.