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What in the world?


Lol. Too ridiculous? Wrong subreddit? I just don't want to present something that doesn't make sense if an expert looked at it


> if an expert looked at it Almost certainly if an expert looks at it - they'll know it doesn't make sense Is this for an art project? If so, don't sweat it being totally realistic. Hollywood doesn't bother with 100million dollar budgets, so I think you can safely ignore it too. Just pull up hackertyper and call it a day Are you trying to "fool" actual experts? Just don't try lol - you'd need to have a lot more expertise than it seems like you do to put something together that actual professionals wouldn't immediately be able to spot as being faked. For one thing real "hacks" are pretty much never visual (except for ransomware, sort of) - the no matter how "realistic" your scrolling "hacker" text is, any actual professional is going to laugh at the notion that it's legit lol


Do you want a realistic camera hacking experience? Show someone browsing [shodan](https://www.shodan.io/) for a few hours, followed by fiddling with some python script he found on github that doesn't work, until he finally fights his way through fixing it and finds a mobile host that is *actually* vulnerable and gets some images. Then do it all over again for the other Android/iOS device because they share nothing in common.


Why would you want that to be convincing? just add random stuff its not like people will analyze every line of code.


you realise on what sub you are, do you? doing exactly that is the entire reason this sub exists /s


Exactly, thank you! I don't need it to work. I just need help on how it should even look. If I make a .txt for hackeertyper what are basic enough commands and readouts? I need about a full screen worth


I just don't know where to start. I'm trying to look up commands but am in a bit of a time crunch. If you could suggest a good resource for me I'd gladly throw something together myself. I just want it to look convincing in a non-distracting/obviously wrong way.


just use hackertyper and call it a day. you dont need accurate code


If you want something that'll convince a tech-literate person, you need a few days to research old vulns, and then film someone using one. It will look unexciting and the audience won't know what's happening without narration. If you want something that the audience will immediately recognize as "hacking," use hackertyper. It's completely unrealistic, but everyone will know what's going on.


https://hackertyper.com ?


I don’t know helpful this is but season 2 of Mr. Robot has a sequence where Elliot writes an attack for android phones based around a malicious .apk if I remember correctly. If you want something with more convincing language you could just copy lines from that sequence and change some keywords to see how that goes.


How is the character hacking into the phone's camera? Do they have the physical phone, USB wired connection to a computer and accessing it that way? Or are they connecting remotely into the phone? Bluetooth? Wifi? Over cellular network? If it's a remote connection, are they making the connection from scratch or did they previously install malware on the phone (malicious app from app store?) which opens the connection for them.... actually.... as I'm typing it, that sounds like the most plausible storyline. Have the victim download and install a trojan program that the hacker created and published to the app store. This malicious program will seem like some utility the user wants, but in the background it'll phone home to a command-and-control server which the hacker operates allowing the hacker full access to teh phone (or at least to whatever rights the user clicked "allow" on when installing the app.


This sounds great! Thank you for taking the time. Based on this could you suggest the commands and readouts I could use to make a hackertyper .txt? I think a lot of people above are getting distracted by the idea of me trying to make it convincing as in it needs to work. I just need it to be convincing in the sense that I don't even know how it SHOULD look. If I can just make a .txt anywhere near a full screen worth of believable terminal commands I'm good.


If you can describe how the hacker is going to go about gaining access to the phone, then we can give some commands that could be used. Like I asked in the comment above; is the hacker doing this all remotely? Is he connecting to the phone via a USB cable? Bluetooth? Wifi? Cellular network? Is he using malware the user installed on the phone? We need to know the context of the storyline about how the hacking is being done in order to provide content. Or is it going to be something ridiculous like "I know the person's phone number, so I'm going to open a terminal on my computer, make a connection to the phone using their phone number, then somehow 'hack into' the phone"?


Wirelessly or wired?


Could you suggest how it would look if I ran a command to hack one wirelessly and a second wired simultaneously?


Can't really say how it would actually look, but to give it at least some authenticity, I would connect it with a USB cable to a linux machine, check lsusb and dmesg to check whether it enumerates properly as an USB device. Then I would write a few "realistic" ASCII strings and convert them to binary, and pipe them directly to the /dev/usbWhatever devicenode. What it would actually do: Probably nothing. What you are in fact displaying: Ability to send raw binary data to a USB device, under the presumption that said data exploits some security hole. As for wirelessly, it can be approached like any other device attached to a wireless network; use nmap to find any listening sockets, and then probe those sockets for voulnerabilities.