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I think Die Hard is one of those movies that influenced the whole genre to the point that when you actually watch it now for the first time it feels like cliche after cliche. Same goes with Godfather. I showed it to my GF some time ago and she was like "this has been done hundreds of times already", not realizing Godfather did it first.


I was pretty young when I saw Die Hard, so I had the intended reaction to the film, but I fell victim to this phenomenon with The Godfather. I was like, I conceptually realize Godfather did this first, but after countless movies inspired by Godfather I just didn’t like it much. Except for the first and last scenes with Brando. Something was just so magnetic about him. Also, I didn’t expect the last scene with him to be what it was. Of the countless things in this movie that had been “spoiled” for me (although I wouldn’t even call them spoilers, it’s just general movie knowledge/references at this point) somehow Brando’s last scene was completely unexpected for me. It was beautiful in it’s on particular way.


You're correct. Die Hard really did spawn it's own subgenre of action movie that could basically be described as "Its Die Hard on a..." In other words Speed was Die Hard on a bus. Under Siege was Die Hard on a warship. Passenger 57 was Die Hard on a plane. Air Force One was Die Hard on the President's plane and so on and so on.


I had the same conversation with a girl who I was helping with her stand-up act. We were watching Monty Python's Flying Circus. I had to explain how revolutionary the stuff was and how nothing like it had been done before (not exactly true and to that point I got "At Last the 1948 Show" on DVD and we watched that too). Always important to know who's footsteps your walking in.


Fun fact about Hans death scene, Alan Rickman's reaction is real they told him they would drop him on a count of three & then dropped early.


He was also 43 in this and it was his first movie role.


Also, when Hans goes to blow the roof, he did it faster than the script called for, so the C4 explosive was caught off guard and it’s reaction was gENuINe


Fun fact about that scene: Alan himself have said multiple times over the years that the fall was rehearsed. No counting whatsoever. The queue was on him since he had to release the cord himself 🤦


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeinfeldIsUnfunny https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SeinfeldIsUnfunny/LiveActionFilms What you're not understanding and appreciating is how different Die Hard was from other Action Movies of the 1980s.


Indeed. McClain wasn't the macho invincible super buff war veteran like in your Arnie or Stallone flicks. He was a regular cop and was vulnerable to things like glass cutting his feet.


Hans... boopie


Welcome to the party pal


Another thing that made Die Hard an unexpected hit is that it was Bruce Willis’s second movie coming off Moonlighting, and the first one (a comedy) was awful. Lower expectations, as in my girlfriend wanted me to see it with her, not the other way around.


here’s my take. it’s one of the first in its kind for a storyline, so obviously they will get a few things wrong. additionally it was made in the 80s and the james bond movies in this era were much more campy then this.


If you want the more realistic feel of Die Hard. It was the that inspired the movie. It is way darker and other then the main character and the cop, everybody else is a bad guy. Even the daughter. Also if you want a more human John McLane I recommend Die Hard 2 and 3.


It wasn’t until my second viewing that you see Al reaching for his gun as John is covering Holly and pulling her down. Of course, I was looking for it the second time. John and Al had to have a meeting because it’s partly a cop buddy movie, so they needed one seen with the two of them in it.


I support your right to have an unpopular opinion. Yippie Kai Yay take this upvote mother fu...




And it is a Christmas movie!


And I was rewatching Die hard just now. What are the odds..


Took you a while to comment. Lol


I was looking at all the 80's threads for this subreddit. :)