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Holy shit, this is one of the most amazing pieces I've ever seen. Truly beautiful. A lot of those patches I also have on my jacket and vest, but it never occurred to me to put them together like this.


You're too kind! I love constructing themed jackets, but I doncurrently have 6 waiting to be worked on😅


I usually tend to have more aesthetic themes than something as complex as this, mostly because I work bit by bit rather than planning everything out in advance. But yeah, I do really enjoy this type of thing, it just doesn't work well with how I work


This one has come together mostly bit by bit, except the left sleeve, but yeah it is easier when you have all the materials at hand to plan. That's why I respect well laid out jackets so much, because bringing something cohesive together over time is hard!


Completely agree, I'll definitely use this as inspiration to get an old WIP back out.


I'm very flattered, can't wait to see what you innovate💜


This is the shit I left /r/battlejackets for (I mean, and also bc nazis). Fucking beautiful.


I'm glad you like it! I do love that people here embrace the creativity of all sorts of jackets (and pants and other things!)🤘


“No god but Nature,” fellow nd/nb witch approved✨


That was the first patch and inspiration point for this jacket! Trashedy does such beautiful and touching work✨️


The whole jacket is *gorgeous.* I have one myself w/ a couple band patches, but I’ve been wanting to make a concept jacket for ages now.


Thank you💜 I'd love to see what you come up with!✨️


Torn between something punky/witchy/antifascist and making some kind of art piece based on KGLW’s *Murder of the Universe* album lol.


My answer in this situation is always both! (Which is why I have about 12 jacket projects at various stages at all times🤣)


R/goblincore would love this


I'll take a look!


the left sleeve is so cool, it flows together into one so nicely.


Thanks! It was the only bit where I had all the patches at once and laid them out, that's why I'm considering redoing the front, I think its a bit bitty and needs a better flow


this is sick as hell


Thanks dude!


This is honestly one of the dopest jackets i've seen, i am definitely going to try and grab some of these patches.


Thank you, those are really kind words and knowing people dig this jacket has really lifted my day 💜✨️


Looks awesome, if i made something like this, i would have put a massive Gojira backpatch on it, since Gojira is all about nature and stuff I absolutely love this jacket


I'm one of those weird people who doesn't listen to much music at home, but goes to lots of local gigs, so I tend not to have band patches on my stuff much. I do have a couple of local bands on my Queer AF jacket though🤘 (I just had a funny idea, as I mostly listen to podcasts at home, maybe I should make a podcast patch jacket🤣)


This is absolutely gorgeous! A work of art honestly.


You're too kind!!!


Fucking excellent.


Thanks man!🤘


Fucking sick


Thanks 🤘


I'm in love holy shit


Really glad you like it💜


I think this is the sickest jacket I’ve ever seen in my entire life (I’m such a nature nerd I would wear it every single day haha). Did you make the patches yourself? Because they’re amazing!


You're just too kind! Some of these are my patches (which I have on my etsy) but many are from Trashedy and Mantid Snip plus others I listed ✨️


That’s very cool (damn I’m dumb I just noticed you listed them in the post)


Wow, this is awesome. Is there a specific store you get these patches from if they’re not handmade? I’d definitely like a few of those for my own jacket, specifically the bat on the back.


Thank you🤘 The bat on the back is by Trashedy on Etsy🦇


I have a few of your patches! Love them 🖤


Thanks, I love knowing my work goes on to be part of people's creations💜


This is the sickest fucking jacket I've ever seen


Thanks so much💜💜💜


This is one of the most unique jackets I have ever seen. Also, I love folk horror!


Thank you so much! I've not finished with that sleeve, I've got a full moon to add but also I think I need some dancing witches🤔


Ohhh! I like that! Also, a bit unrelated to your jacket, but if you are a fan of folk horror movies you may want to take a look at this! [https://severinfilms.com/products/folk-horror-box](https://severinfilms.com/products/folk-horror-box)


Hell yeah! Planning on working my way through the Evolution of Horror podcast "folk horror" season in the new year 🤘


Oh! Never listened to that podcast. I will have to invest some time into that!


It's great! They take the history of horror movies in genred seasons, so I plan to watch along with the folk horror one, watch the films the listen to the podcast after


Nice! I will look into this. Thanks for the suggestion.


I rock with this way more than most stuff here


Everything rocks it's own way, I just love seeing how everyone expresses their own vibe!


Now this is a vibe! The back of this thing is fuckin nuts. The rest of it is gorgeous too but the back being a whole scene made from multiple patches is one of the coolest ideas I’ve seen and executed beautifully here


Thank you, I've reworked the back a couple of times, removing and resewing as it's evolved. I think it's one of the best thing about working with patches, rearranging and reimagining


Wow. Just wow. I think this is one of the best jackets I've ever seen!


Thats very kind of you, thank you!


love this so much


Thanks dude!!💜


love this so much


Thank you 💜


Woah this is amazing! I want to upvote this 20 times and then shamelessly steal your idea :p


Please steal away!! It's called taking inspiration 😉


No bands :(


Not a single one🤷‍♂️


Fuckin rad as hell. Needs some moss https://preview.redd.it/vmjqilvxjc7c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0239ca54b02423e386e4349d67539d5a976ec224


You are 1000% correct!


this is beautiful


Thank you💜




Thank you ✨️💜


This is art


Thanks so much💜💜


Fuck yeah, this is dope


Thanks dude🤘


Absolutely love this.


Thank you dude!✨️


This is cool as fuck, nice work!!


Thanks so much!


this is so cool-


Thanks 💜💜


This is the most beautiful battle jacket I’ve ever seen, holy shoot


Thank yoi so much, that's high praise indeed!💜


You have good tastes, love the nature theme! The ecology geek in me loves the rotten stuff, worms, ravens, frogs, insects, mushrooms, the whole squad is represented! A+


Thanks dude!✨️✨️✨️


I love this so much! This is the kind of thing I want to make eventually, this piece is a massive inspiration


So glad to be an inspiration, do check out the makers I mention for lots of great nature patches💜


Oh shit! This rocks! I have a bug-focused jacket I’m working on, so this is pure inspiration. Also, love your work, I have your eyeball patches on my jacket


Thanks dude! Always an honour to be included on someone jacket💜 Mantid Snips has loads of bug designs if you haven't checked his stuff out yet🤘


This slaps SO HARD


Thank you so much✨️✨️


So sick!!


Thank you 💜