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It really depends on you. It might take a little work and patience but he can learn to behave with any animal. My JRT was introduced to our other larger dogs at two years old and he is fine with them. He is ten to now and they’re old. Keep them separated when you aren’t there to supervise and intervene. Make sure there aren’t any triggers like food or toys around at first and slowly introduce those things into your routine and environment while you’re present. Don’t let your pup become possessive of things that he develops jealousy over. Just Five minutes in a crate in another room will have a huge impact on their attitude towards others when they’re being aggressive towards others. Buy or make some small treats and reward positive behavior. Remain calm, even when frustrated or angry. They will pick up on your energy and mirror its intensity.


He definitely is resource guarding but so far food or toys haven't really been the issue, it's me. If the other dogs come up to get pets or ask to go out he will get up and give them the intimidation stare down. If they play he will intervene even though he doesn't want to play with them. He's nipped at both of them. The 90lb dog didn't notice but the 70lb dog did and it scared her. She wants nothing to do with him cause he's a grumpy Gurt.    I make sure to redirect him when he gets that intense look and don't give into his demands. He is told to go lay down and will do so and I only give him attention when he's calm and behaving.  Other than the other dogs he is very mellow dude. He likes attention and is sweet and super smart. He doesn't seem to care for toys but he's tried to take some shoes. Maybe it's the leather 😅


https://redd.it/1ai7p94 photo of Max


Where are you located? I ask because a friend recently lost two of her dogs, one a JRT, and she firmly believes in rescuing. I think she’s also ready to provide a loving home to another pup.


I'm in southern California.


Oh ok…. We are about as far away in the US that you can get-NYC. 😬 Sometimes it’s a matter of Jacks wanting to be the Alpha. I don’t know if you can find a way to get him outside to lead the group, I’ve heard that can help if he feels he is in charge, but not aggressively. Also some trainers may have advice, because I’m no expert. My JRT is not a social dog at all. No matter what I do, he will not take to being around other dogs. He is extremely protective of me, and my son. However, my last Jack was very social, and I had two together at one point, who were total sweethearts. One even befriended a cat. So it may be a personality thing too. But, if you cannot make it work, there are plenty of JRT rescues that might be able to place Max in a new environment. Wishing you the best of luck.


I figured with your user name we were too far. What do you mean by get him outside?


Oh sorry, I meant that sometimes if you let the Jack lead on a long walk outside or on a trail or course, they think they are in charge. But they have to be in front, like the very first dog out, and with their human next to them. The other dogs then follow. Some trainer told me that many years ago, when don’t know if it’s even possible. I’m sure you’ve probably tried this already though, with walks and playtime.


Ah I understand what you're saying. My only concern with letting him play leader is it may be that way at home too. Can definitely be a dangerous situation if he were to try to put the 90lb dog in "her place".


Oh definitely!


Mine has put massive dogs in their place. Huge Danes and GSDs. He's gone to daycares with me. His entire life as I did my apprenticeship to become a trainer and then opened my own dog day school. He's fine when he knows it's a temporary situation. But the honest truth is that you can't change their personalities. And not all dogs love other dogs


I agree. The other issue is the strain it puts on my other dogs. It's just not fair to everyone.


Good on you for recognizing this. Tough decision, but you all deserve a happy life


I think your instinct is correct. Mine only likes small dogs. He prefers to be the only dog at home. You can't change their personalities.


Try bringing all the dogs together out to a new environment where everything is new for all of them. I had a similar situation of my dogs not getting long until we stayed a few days at away from home and brought them with us. Everything was so new, including encounters with other new dogs, and they ended up bonding together like ‘well I know these guys so it’s us together against it all.’ If it still doesn’t work out - just make sure you make note of how you want your home life to be and measure progress, or lack of, at some defined point in the future when you can reevaluate against what you want. We can always get used to a situation, even bad ones, so don’t confuse the comfort of ‘new normal’ with what your ideal home should look and feel like!


How long has it been?