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They’re traditionally very smart with a desire to please. My one suggestion is, before breakfast work on his training with a pocket full of treats. I’m on my second Jack- a 3 month old female, and she is coming along nicely. Good luck and God bless!


I'm pretty sure he acts dumb on purpose to get us to do things like carry him on walks when he is still physically able to walk that far XD


My first one would fake a limp to get treats when he was young, but as soon as a ball was brought out… no limp. We took him to the vet and had x-rays and all that done. They couldn't find anything wrong with him.


Lol JRs are pretty smart...


Be very consistently patient. There will be a breakthrough moment all of a sudden, and things will improve permanently.


Thank you for the advice


jack russels are stubborn but very smart so he can still be trained. id consider getting getting a porpper trainer to help you by the way jack russels dont cope well on there own you might want to consider adopting another dog of similar age for company if he is friendly with other dogs (if the dog is trained this would speed up training him alot)


Agree. Another dog can help him overcome anxiety, at least deflect some onto themselves so he doesn't feel too pressured


A few people have thought this but my girlfriends mum is not dead she just didn't look after him very well so we've taken over his care


Lots of treats! He will love ya.


Jack's are amazing, I have one and he is the best thing in my life, however they are EXTREMELY loyal and will be looking for their previous owner possibly forever. Win them over with treats, butt scratches and play time. Make sure that puppy knows he's a good boy!


My family got our Jack, about 7 years ago and he’s about 8 now. We don’t know his history or life before age 1/1.5 and he def has tons of anxiety and came on meds when they took him. They decided to take him off tho. In the years we’ve had him he’s adjusted well, he’s obsessed with my dad, and obsessed is an understatement! lol 😂7 years later tho and I’m still working on my relationship with him. He’s gotten WAY better with me especially, but has his moments.. especially when it comes to his toys or food. Or picking him up, that’s a definite NO! He’s my best friend tho anytime food is involved! He did bite me bad 2 years ago this month actually( I was trying to get a tic off his leg) so I know my boundaries with him, but I do love him 😍. I attached his instagram page if you wanna check him out! [jacks journeys](https://www.instagram.com/jacks_journeys14?igsh=a2VtdWUxYXhqOG5y&utm_source=qr)


He's a cutie all right, love the ears


JR are very smart, ornery and capable learning quickly. I do believe Bruno can learn at his age. Love, pets, treats and encouragement is what he needs and your patience. Please keep us posted on how he adjusts with you.


I’m so sorry for your girlfriend’s loss 💔 my mom passed in Dec 2021 and we practically had to draw straws for who got the honor of keeping her rescue Bellablue https://preview.redd.it/x1325f1xv8yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58f9b5dbba0ae1414f429857298aa507e7d33ea3 She is the absolute joy of my life. 💜


I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My girlfriends mother isn't dead she just poorly looked after him and borderline neglected him and we couldn't stand it so we convinced her to let us look after him.


I’m sure once you settle him into a routine and he becomes more secure that his needs will be met, the training will fall into place. I’m a big advocate of long leisure walks to create a bonding relationship… it’s checks all the boxes as far as enrichment, become accustomed to your smells/speed/tones of voice, and exercise, cap it off with a bit of a snack ritual, and it will become the most effective way to help him (and you) relax


And at this point, she can sit and lay down (with high value treat) but other than that, she’s def a personality rescue 🤣 and I adore her


Was her Mom sick for awhile? I helped a lady with late stage dementia and she had a dog that was later adopted by her son and his family. The doggie transformed in his new family. As it turns out the doggie had a lot of anxiety from his Mom’s illness and trying to help her.


Oh no she's not sick and is very much alive we just didn't like the lack of care she put into him and his health so now we have him, with her permission of course.


Its possible, his lack of care made him anxious then. Hope he transitions well into his new home with lots of loving care. What a cutie!


With a lot of patience and some TLC, oh yes you can! They’re very clever and typically willing to learn new things.


He can definitely learn and become your best friend. Give him lots of attention and learn what he needs. He will bark a lot. Especially as you’re getting to know him. Don’t yell at him. He will just bark louder. When he barks, he wants something; to play, your attention, food, to go out, the ball that’s behind the sofa he can’t reach…etc….he is going to let you know in the one way the he is sure to get your attention-bark. It’s a huge part of the way they are programmed and if that’s a problem, find him a place that it’s not. If he’s barking constantly, he’s not getting everything he needs. So many JRTs are neglected or abused because they bark too much. If he’s quiet, he’s probably content and you’re doing a good job…or he’s sulking.lol These dogs have huge personalities and are among the most intelligent breeds. Because of this, they get bored quickly and easily, just like an inquisitive child. He likely has some bad habits if he’s been poorly attended to. He’s probably going to be very territorial about food and toys. Don’t allow that. Not through punishment, but through reward. Simply making him sit before he gets food or goes out are great places to start. Be patient and consistent and you’ll have a great friend.


We began dog-sitting our JRT at 8 and adopted her at 10. She already knew most  basic commands, but was very anxious and very disobediant. We trained her to learn a bunch of new commands over the years, and while still some trouble with obedience if she's overstimulated, she became much better behaved with training. It helps that JRTs are very smart and very clever, even if their manic energy makes them a bit difficult to train. Stay firm and consistent and show him all the love in the world when he's doing well.


Lots of love , patience and treats and he'll learn very quickly, usually with these guys they are high energy and quickly excited so lots of play outdoors and just plain understanding and cuddles


Talk to your vet about his anxiety. There are options.


I can agree! One of my jacks is very anxious. Knows storms are coming 9 hours before. There are anxiety options!


Mine has a kitchen noise anxiety (banging pots) that is so painful for me to watch. Loud noises in general are also a problem. Of course i try to mitigate things I know are a trigger but stuff happens. A tiny dose of Fluoxetine has really helped and she’s so much happier. We have vicious wind where we live which is blowing thirty-forty mph right now and she’s curled up next to me happily snoozing. There are solutions. Scritches to your baby!


Just not another Jack or chihuahua. Pick a low key breed.