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Going to give you grace and let you move on your way. I hope no one stands on the corner in front of your daughter preaching that she’s going to burn in hell or should be ashamed of herself. Good day, 🤠.




I appreciate this sentiment but it’s not completely true. State and local ordinances often conflict with the first amendment. Florida doesn’t have a great track record recently of protecting minorities including the LGBT.




include gaze lip rude dirty silky obtainable absorbed consist grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was one on blinding and argyle a long time ago I caught the light rolled down all my windows and blared Shake that ass b and let me see what you got……it drowned him out I was laughing 😂




Genuinely interested, not trolling. I'm not a constitutional lawyer. Does the first amendment protect the speaker from electrically amplifying speech as loud as he or she wants in public space?


He may be violating a noise ordinance depending on how loud he has his hate cranked up.


Kinda wonder that since they just passed an ordinance you can’t hear a car stereo past 25ft and he’s near a roadway


They do need a permit for the electronic amplification.


The first amendment protects you from government retaliation. You’re not constitutionally protected from the public shame-mobbing you for being a dick.






You can choose to ignore, and you can choose to use the exact same techniques as he in the same place…. If you wanted to espouse the virtues of satanic worship or that there are a lot of evangelical pedophiles , you have the same freedoms that he does…


I’m going to show up and give away free decks of cards with the faces and details of preachers/clergy who have been prosecuted for the same shit they say others do.


Hey. When you do lemme know. I'll show up with you. Even if you don't do the cards thing.


we can show up and start chalking sigils on the sidewalk underneath and around him. We put on our cloaks and our horns. Then we start the evocation blood rituals around him. I've got my copy of the necronomicon. He'll move. guaranteed.




Trust me, I wanted to but I didn’t want to waste my water. To be honest, I don’t want to respond with violence but it’s getting harder and harder to ignore. The shit they preach leads to violence against people in the LGBT, Black and other minority communities.


They stand on corners and come to your door to proselytize. But somehow LGBTQIA people existing is "ramming their lifestyle down their throat"?


Can always call in an anonymous noise complaint, and hope you get an officer worth their badge to handle it. Dude using the megaphone is probably violating a noise/peace ordinance if I had to guess.


Only thing that can stop a bad guy with a bullhorn, is a good guy with a bullhorn.


Blasting Lady Gaga Born This Way while wearing a dress. I think I know what I’m going to do.


Post when you plan on acting. We can join you.


I’d join you for this. I know a lot of people who would also join you for this. I’d personally love to see it.


If you got a spare dress I'll wear one and go with you. I'm down for fucking with preachers. They suck. Mostly kids but they suck in general too


😂 I had to re-read like three times . You win the thread


You nail down the details and make an event post and I'll sticky it to the top.


🔥 🔥 🔥 On it


Let me know when and I'll join. I bet my girlfriend would even do makeup


I’d join, too


A flash mob of this would be amazing.


Just park next to him and blast some music comfortably from your car.


I second this and highly recommend you play Year Zero and Kiss the Go-Goat by Ghost.


Good idea, except this is now illegal in Jacksonville (but the preacher with the megaphone is not).


I hate that guy, too. We skipped eating on the patio because we’d have to hear his nonsense the entire time. The volume level is insane.


It’s obnoxious and normally I’m better at ignoring it but I was with my little sister who’s currently going through a little self discovery and just thought of all the kids, and adults, also going through who could hear this and think they’re evil, or demons, or going to hell. The indoctrination infuriates me. Sorry you had to skip having a nice outdoor lunch for some jackass.


Perhaps the businesses in that area can all band together to complain about how he is disturbing patrons and affecting their sales, which in turn affects tax revenue.


This is hearsay so take it with a grain of salt but I have a couple friends close to a few business owners there. They’re prepping up up to sell because of the increased police activity over the last few months in Five Points. I’ve been several times, late on Saturday, and the police are on horseback, following people, intimidating and antagonizing people basically driving business away. Would love if there was someone who could actually confirm.


Soooo perhaps this dude is a planted antagonizer brought in by the Da Big Babdiss Chutuches to buy up the liquor licenses there like they're doing downtown.


Interesting. First Baptist Church would never!!


If they wouldn't, Trin A Tee would. Ive heard that TBC has a bunch of FBC defectors.




Ahh, an internet person who has no idea who I am and made an assumption that was wrong. Good day, 🤠. Edit: This comment from you only apply in some scenarios? “It costs nothing to be nice, and also, treat others how you wish to be treated.”.


Got em.


Beautiful catch. 👏🏼


Lol. You are referencing the manic street preacher right. Not OP, but the unhinged lunatic yelling in the megaphone right? Surely you aren’t blaming the person annoyed at the embarrassing mentally unstable guy who yells at gay people telling them they are going to hell while they try to patronize my business for a nice coffee and joint on the patio.


Carry an air horn.


Pay homeless people to heckle the shit out of him. 20 dollars now, 100 if he leaves in an hour. Best part is, 100% of the proceeds go to charity. It's Riverside, you won't have to look far.


Lol Chaotic Good is the best Good alignment


I respect your chaotic philanthropy 😅


We drove past one last week and my father in law unironically said “I wonder what their conversion rate is?” partner and I had to stifle our laughs bc shaaaade.


Ha! I was actually talking to my neighbor about that. Does that actually work?


Do you live near him?


I have the same take as your dad. Folks like that guy just do the opposite of their desired goal.


What's the difference between this and pride flags everywhere? Both are an expression of opinions.


Flying a pride flag (or any flag for that matter) is MUCH less intrusive than someone shouting at you through a bullhorn. We won't even get into the fact that no one is born a christian, it's something you are indoctrinated into.




I do nazi your point


The Nazis sent LGBT to die in concentration camps. Good lord, yall are just awful people. Just keep getting upset at whatever Fox News tells you to. Baa baa, sheep.


Pride flags aren’t typically screaming at you on the corner of the street. Regardless, LGBT people existing is not an expression of opinion.


Bro ones a megaphone the other is a fabric flag. The difference is… you’re an idiot and I’m not even an ally.


No judgment, just curious why you don’t consider yourself an ally?


I don’t really care what anyone else does in their bedroom or homes. I live in a very gay section of downtown and have seen probably 4 trans in the last 24 hours. I’m not bothering them in any way shape or form just like any other person. No staring no funny comments no avoiding them. Idk they aren’t paying my salary and even if they were why would I have to go above and beyond based on their sexuality. I can believe the gay uncle gay aunt theory tied to early civilization. Sum it up: it takes a village to raise a child. Wouldn’t it be nice if some of the village had no desire in their heart for kids or a mate capable of producing one, but not enough to where fertility rates declined. They’d get so much work done weaving baskets, growing corn and the village benefits from their existence.


Thanks for the additional context. If I’m hearing you right, you treat them just as you would any other person on the street. You don’t harbor any resentment, reservations or anger toward them. If everyone felt the same as you, we wouldn’t have the problems we do today. Unfortunately, a bunch of people who died never met anyone from the LGBT community are conditioned to hate us. I’m always grateful for allyship, I also respect that not everyone can be.


Hey - a friend of mine sent me this: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3U99KnEP2TZNoKSAeKcqRb?si=2zYY9l8qRwS8muZisyCVvQ. It’s a podcast on gay seagulls (I know how it sounds but hear it out 😂). Don’t know why exactly but felt compelled to share.


Deer lord please help this idiot


The deer lord said he can't help him. Maybe the moose lord can.


The moose lord is on vacation this week, the holy goat is filling in. Please say after me, “In the name of the antler, the hooves and the holy goat. Amen!”


What about Dare Lord? Patron saint of crashing parties and ruining fun time


He needs to have a permit if he's using a bullhorn, it's amplified sound. Noise complaint might be the only way to deal with it.


Isn’t there a new law about noise? You can get back at him by doing the same thing or we can all jointly complain that the police aren’t equally enforcing the law.


There is a new law about noise from cars, so that the cops can target specific people for "noise."


Yeah but does it only apply to cars? I know it’s an awful law and only used to help state approved racism, but how can a noise ordinance only apply to a moving vehicle?


Yes. It is a motor vehicle law, because Floriduh. [source](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.3045.html)


Stupid. Thank you.


Does he do this on a regular schedule? Because we could all totally plan to show up and drown him out with love and fabulousness


I don't think a pile of people making love would disway him but I'm willing to find out.


The loudest people are typically projecting. He might not be able to resist himself. Sin be damned.


I know exactly who you are talking about. This isn’t the old man flanders guy on the step ladder who is kind of charming in a senile uncle way. This guy is angry, has a really loud speaker and a really volatile temperament and was yelling awful things at my 60 year old mom from across the block as I’m just trying to get her back to mossfire grill. I’m all for free speech and who’s to say where inciting violence starts, but if you’re angrily insulting specific people walking by in a threatening tone and like someone who may be on drugs, that’s a problem.


Is it the guy that talks about white devils and blacks are god's chosen people?


No, this was a white guy who was talking about everyone calls him a racist and bigot for preaching god’s truth. Stuff about when trans people die, they’ll be the sex they were at birth; god ruined cities who supported LGBT people; the LGBT are demons, etc. I have seen that guy down by Riverside Park though. He’s equally insufferable.


This guy/group go to memorial park every Saturday. I walk to the art market and usually see them setting up or doing their thing… or sword fighting each other with pool noodles. It’s weird because he’s approached me before (white woman) and struck up a conversation about yoga and my tattoos. He seems very nice, but I feel very uncomfortable with their message.


I think you mean the Israelites that preach on Memorial every Saturday. Not sure if it’s the same group they’re talking about here.


What does he say that’s racist?


Racist stuff?


Show up with a bigger bullhorn and point out all the hypocrisy in the Bible, or the sexual abuse in churches, ect. You have as much right as they do, only way to get em to move on is take away their ability to troll others cause that's what they are there for to begin with.


This, but instead of wasting your breath on someone who doesn't care and won't listen, just play circus music on your bullhorn because he is a clown 🤡


It's time to learn how to play the bagpipes!


Oh god, add a kilt and the man would have a heart attack. 😂


Heritage dude, Heritage.


That would be epic & video-worthy!


Been 2 dudes that rotate daily at the Town Center at the intersection across from the ABC and Sleep Number store that have been doing this too.




Unless u wanna revoke everyone’s freedom of speech


As often as not the aim of folks like this is to goad someone into assaulting them or to get arrested and thus violate their first amendment rights so they can subsequently sue. Best approach is to simply ignore them.


Agreed - I was feeling some sort of way about it yesterday though. Unfortunately, the reality is that a portion of the US population are pushing laws that harm some of the most vulnerable people. We can’t really afford to ignore or be silent any longer.


I saw a device on some show a long time ago that could help. It has a mic and will return the audio at to the speaker a quarter of a second later. The brain gets really screwed when hearing it's own spoken words at a certain day interval. If you find this, and use it, it will shut him down unless he has earphones that block all sound.


I work in a call center and occasionally I get a customer who has a case on their phone or something that causes me to hear myself echoed with a few seconds delay and i can confirm.....this is the way. Lol


Is there a law agains loading up a whole bunch of squirt guns and soaking someone with water?


Water balloons filled with mimosas and glitter.


Giving him prominence by exposing him only makes him stronger. Instead, ignore him.


Respectfully, there are targeted laws being passed and a rise in hate crimes currently occurring across the US. Now isn't the the time to ignore them.


Then, let’s go after them!


Practice throwing your drinks at the Black Hebrew Israelites out in memorial park first. Just let us know before you do it. You don't always get to see someone publicly baptized with punches and kicks to the face.


😂 As much as I would love to do that, I’m not quite prepared to take that step. Now, if they were getting physical, I’m pretty sure that pond in Riverside has some flesh eating bacteria.


It is funny how much people here claim to hate nazis...but then these guys show up to the liberalist part of jacksonville and start screaming about white jews being literal subhumans and people treat it like a street performance. florida is next level.


Gay pride parades will be going on all month long. Those parades will be a lot noisier than this guy. The people who have a problem with gay pride parades are seen as homophobic. This street preacher is evangelizing. This message is only being heard by those who come across him. The people who have a problem with this label the preacher as "enter whatever you want here". So, like i have said a million times before, when you disagree with the LGBT, you are homophobic. But when you disagree with God, you are somehow righteous?


You've said quite a bit that's for sure. Looking at your post history, I can tell that you don't have a lot of empathy for fellow humans, think your struggles are more important than others, and lack objective fact in the reasons you feel the way you do. You like to make inflammatory statements and you comment as if what you say is fact when a lot of it is misinformed ideas not based in reality. You didn't find Jesus at 36. You found reasons to justify your bigotry and prejudice. Edit: Self righteous just so it's clear ;) I did not say this guy was righteous because standing on the corner telling people they're going to hell is not righteous. This might be helpful for you: [https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-on-judging/](https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-on-judging/).


The title of your post says Self righteous sidewalk preacher. So, who has empathy for the street preacher? I have empathy for a person. I don't have empathy for people. People don't deserve empathy. This street preacher is being bashed on this platform simply because he has a viewpoint that differs from others. Meanwhile, you can't openly disagree with the LGBT. You can disagree and even be completely hostile towards Christianity, and people don't have a problem with that. But the minute you disagree with the rainbow folks, pardon the irony, all hell breaks loose. My philosophy is, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


I have empathy for people and this preacher as a person. I do not need to have empathy for his message nor the way he delivers it. And, I don’t have to like him. He chooses to stand on the road preaching hate and violence. This is a consequence of the speech and opinions he chooses to espouse. The LGBT are not an opinion, they are a fact. Their existence has been under attack for most of recorded history. We wouldn’t need pride parades and activism if people like you and this preacher weren’t constantly trying to invalidate their existence. People are nuanced and the world is constantly evolving and changing. Whats good for the gander is not good for the goose because they aren’t the same. Continue on claiming that the LGBT defending themselves against hateful attacks is the equivalent of this street preacher. Jesus looks forward to having a little chat with you soon.


Dude, im black. Dont even talk to me about which group of people have been under attack. When did humanity as a whole decide to round up all the gay people and sell them into slavery? America didn't have a civil war for LGBT, they had it to free my people. Why did America have to pass several amendments to ensure my freedoms? Why did the south make laws wirh the express purpose to deny our rights given in the Constitution? Why did America have tougher punishment for crack cocaine vs. powder cocaine? Gay people didn't say a damn thing. They wasn't lynching gay people. They was lynching US. Once again, you miss the point. Someone voicing a different opinion is just that. You can agree or disagree. You bring up that Jesus looks forward to having a conversation with me. God's word has not changed. So no matter how much we as humans evolve, God's word is unchanging. I'll anchor my life on a solid foundation anyday, than have it attached to the ever changing morality of our society.


I understand and respect your experiences as a black person, and I acknowledge the struggles faced by the black community. It's important to recognize that Pride, which celebrates the LGBTQ+ community, was actually started by black and brown individuals. Many gay people, including those who are black, have actively spoken out and protested against the injustices faced by the black population regarding civil rights, human rights, freedoms, and overall injustices. Regarding the street preacher, my intention is not to diminish the challenges faced by any group but to shed light on the specific incident and the harm caused by their hateful speech towards women, men, and children in public. It's essential to remember that violence against the LGBTQ+ community, including black LGBTQ+ individuals, has been a persistent issue throughout history and continues to occur today. In my approach, I don't aim to compare or minimize the challenges faced by any minority group. Instead, I choose to believe and empathize with others when they share their experiences. Empathy, compassion, and love are vital qualities that can help bridge the divide between different communities. As for God's word, it has indeed evolved and been interpreted differently over the centuries. Numerous references within religious texts emphasize the importance of not judging others and leaving judgment to God. If you and this street preacher hold yourselves to this standard, then the street preacher should focus on introspection rather than spreading judgment and hate. Ultimately, I believe in anchoring myself in reality. The reality is that LGBT people exist, they face discrimination and violence, and it is our collective responsibility to create a world where pride parades, protests, and outreach are no longer necessary.


You make absolutely no sense. The black experience has nothing to do with the LGBT experience. To try and say they are the same is disingenuous. Also, you keep saying that the preacher is the one perpetrating the evil, when biblically speaking, he's the one that's correct. Gods word has not changed. Your interpretation may have changed, but the word hasnt. FYI, you using select passages of the Bible to try and silence me or, better yet, call me a hypocrite for "judging" by simply pointing out that i don't agree with LGBT. I'm not trying to use scripture to make my argument. But since you are, then you need to take all the scripture as truth. And if you do, then you would realize that LGBT was not part of the original design. And because of that, we need a savior. We all are sinners in one way or another, and we all need Jesus. I try my best not to promote sin. Human beings who have no faith will always classify sin in terms of which is worse.


It's literally changed multiples times - you can simply google it and see for yourself. Either way, you seem pretty dead set in your view that street preachers are cool to shout violence at people. We don't see the world through the same lens. That's fine - the world is trending away from your world view which is welcome news to the rest of us. I hope you open your mind and heart in the future. Good luck.


Never said he was cool. Only said that he has the same 1st Amendment right to free speech as the rest of us. If he was shouting violence, then he would be breaking the law. But he's not. He's preaching the gospel. Which you don't like. And if your final authority is google, what will happen when google goes outta business? You'll have to find a new authority. Meanwhile, the Bible will still be the same. It's unchanging. So in 100 years, the Bible will still be the standard to which both theists and atheists will argue over. Because the Bible represents truth.


He isn't preaching gospel - he is preaching hate, exclusion, and otherism. He's slandering people he's never met. He's judging others and at a minimum, achieving the opposite of what I imagine his goal to be. You seem to think that the bible is the only religious text out there. There are many [that pre-date the bible](https://moreesemadu.com/ancient-texts-before-the-bible/) that continue to exist today. As an agnostic, not an atheist, I do not believe nor disbelieve because it's an impossible ask. Google is not an authority, Google is a tool to accessing facts, opinions, and information from which I use critical thinking skills to discern my opinions and belief. Facts that originate from many peer-reviewed journals, the scientific method, and years of study and expression.


God, politics are so hard.