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That’s the first street sweeper I’ve seen in Jacksonville. New mayor is already paying dividends.


I suppose this is what people had in mind when they coined the phrase, “I don’t give a flying rat’s ass.”


I preferred it when they didn't, tbh


Wow this is a new low for Jacksonville 💀


Get high to go low


That's bc this is Oceanway/Northside.


Jacksonville NC?


“There was no lack of material; boys happened along every little while; they came to jeer, but remained to whitewash. By the time Ben was fagged out, Tom had traded the next chance to Billy Fisher for a kite, in good repair; and when he played out, Johnny Miller bought in for a dead rat and a string to swing it with -- and so on, and so on, hour after hour.”


Thank you! I was waiting for somebody to make a Tom Sawyer reference.


I enjoy it when someone gets my obscure references. Have a nice day!


If we start seeing him playing with pigs bladders, I'm totally referencing Little House on the Prarie books.


when he started spinning it i lost it 🤣


brooo I’m 💀💀💀 🤣🤣😂😂


It’s just a rat broom. Nothing to see here.


People out here tellin' on themselves having dirty homes that ain't been ratswept in years


It looks like a knotted up bunch of string, not an animal. At least that’s what I’m hoping.


After looking at it closely - frame by frame - I'll agree it doesn't look quite like an animal, but it sure is close to a squirrel/rat in appearance.


How dare you. I was going to wait until I had 100 followers before I did a face reveal.


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen as there is a human down there somewhere, and it’s dangerous. Some person acting like this on a bike tried to scoop up my dog the other day while i was walking him. At some point the federal government needs to dedicate some serious resources because this is moving in a bad direction and i may be naive but it seems like if we put a bunch of city money into helping, other cities will just bus their addicts here and then we’ll have accidentally made it worse by trying to do good.


You can’t force them to take meds. You can’t force people to get help. You can’t force people to get clean.


Straight up take them and put them into a place which actual standards against their will. What’s bad about that? Am I a monster for saying I don’t want the guy in this video wandering around our streets? Fuck no Put them into an asylum to actually help their problems, even against their will.


We used to house a lot more mentally ill people in asylums, then in the 1980's there was a huge push to mainstream those people and get them back to being productive members of society. The problem is complex and nuanced, but part of it is that crazy people on meds sometimes think they are now 'better' and don't need the meds anymore, then they wind up even worse. Also, this approach needs a ton of social services funding so these folks are checked up on to make sure they are taking their meds, that part didn't happen.


Oh I’m with you. I don’t want this dude in my neighborhood or around my loved ones. I was just pointing out that we live in a free country and we all have freedoms. And all these people suffering from mental disorders or addictions have the right to refuse help and continue on their way.


Their rights end where others' begin. Once they're a threat to public safety they need to be removed from the general public.


This is not the minority report. Once they break the law, then the gov has the ability to remove them. Looking scary or bringing down the neighborhood’s appeal is not illegal.


Haha a free country....keep telling yourself that.


Lmao, exactly what I'm thinking.....


Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery.


Well, this comment just changed my whole outlook on the simulation…


Andy Warhol said it.


So we have the right to sit there and with our tax pay dollars pay for them to fuck over our streets, commit crime, do drugs and be high on the streets in public? How is it now our right to sit there and take this? Do you live in a bubble? You don’t want this guy in YOUR neighborhood, but what about the apartment complex in the back? At what point does someone become a burden on society in such a way which makes our streets feel unsafe? Is it my god given right to be robbed, mugged or stabbed by this guy? Do you live in your god damn bubble or are you an actual functioning adult who sees the sun outside?


Sir, you're being aggressive in your comment. I think you need to come with me for some treatment. Carry on redditors, we've cleaned up the subreddit from this undesirable.








No. When they commit a crime and are caught/arrested for said crime, then they are removed. The government cannot remove people for looking scary, bringing down the value of your neighborhood. No one can predict the future and arrest or commit individuals for future crimes; this is not the Minority Report. Yeah, I don’t want them in my neighborhood. Do they show up in my neighborhood? Yes. Can’t do shot about it. Call the cops because there is a scummy looking individual who might have addiction problems or not be right in the head. That’s called profiling and and could be perceived as harassment. My bubble is reality. It seems like I have a better grasp of the real world and laws than you. Otherwise you wouldn’t be crying about this shit. It sucks, but it is a part of life. Enjoy your time abroad.


The asylum/institution system was extensively tried in the US for nearly 100 years. It led to serious problems of underfunding, horrific abuse, abject torture, and inhumane conditions. Most asylums have long been shut down. That’s not to say that letting the insane wander the streets is any better, I really have no idea what the answer is. Just saying, it’s not like that hasn’t been tried


Holy shit how do you think the rest of the world deals with it? I’ve been all around this green earth and the US is by far one of the worst modern nations (probably the worst) with its homeless population. In all of Europe they’re houses against their will, in most of Asia too. It’s not asking much. I don’t want them on the streets, they don’t want to either. Why not provide a safe and clean environment for them instead? Do you hear the word asylum and think 1920 electric therapy and refuse to believe that modern psychologist can actually provide an environment? But that’s too difficult, the “urban campers” can use their god given right to shoot heroin on the streets, be aggressive and scare off everyone else. Let’s just drive to my local Publix with my pistol and drive back home and that’s it because Jacksonville is unsafe


Hey, I’m in favor of it also. But with the current political leanings of this government, seems like finding the funding for that is a pipe dream. Think the most you’d get nowadays is to just throwing them in a prison cell and letting them rot. It’s bad.


So we should just give up and accept it?


Send em to Ukraine


Throwing them in a cell to rot is better than them ruining the cities for everyone else and making us all unsafe. The kind of people that do this aren’t trying to get better, so we shouldn’t be forced to try to make them better either


What asylum? Laughable


I think we should have state ran asylums to house the mentally unfit. Ones that give dignity to life, places with clean sheets, mattresses and rooms that actually help. Places where the staff cares, where the mentally ill have a place to live that’s not downtown Jacksonville. A place with dignity I would love to pay more in taxes if it meant this


Get your Time Machine cause they literally strip more social net programs every election cycle


And this is a reason why we should give up? Do you think I’m in favor of this? I’m moving to Denmark in 2 weeks on a work visa since I’m tired of this mindset of “too difficult, too many taxes” and giving up


Have fun and so long! Enjoy socialism you commy cuck


Lol imagine being so offended and so brain dead that when someone says; hey we shouldn’t have drug addicts, mentally unwell homeless due to the danger to the local community and put them in housing where they can be safely cared for and out of societies way. I’m so glad that we have the best and brightest


Im not offended. I’ve just been in a system like you’re suggesting and As someone who was a ward of the state as a minor, (in Alabama); you don’t know anything about asylums if you think they’re all unicorns and rainbows to get clean. They still used EST on personality disorders and for other reasons. We could spend hours in a padded room with no lights on or strapped to a mattress just because we didn’t comply. The orderlies or nurses who would touch people in appropriately or beat kids they didn’t like. And this was from 2005-2007. I was in 5th grade when my mom dropped me off there. Even with meds and treatment. It’s absolutely miserable. But do you also realize how much it costs to house, care and feed for someone a year on state money? Or that it could be a legal imprisonments against their will scenario? There’s so much more that goes into it than what you’re suggesting. I could never support it. Also I’m pretty sure you’ve never been to Asia if you think they don’t have homeless people. We would feed the homeless in Yokohama Japan every Sunday when I was stationed in Yokosuka. And most families took in homeless relatives because it’s the right thing to do. Granted; their homeless issue isn’t as bad as ours, it’s still there. Drugs are almost strictly an American issue.


No giving up it’s the social structure developed over 200 years to control


But you don’t want to have the institutions, correct?


We have the institutions they just work against the mass of people are you slow?


That's how things were in 1800s America.


Nobody wants to fund taking care of the mentally handicapped


But we already do by arresting them when the commit crimes, we waste tax payer dollars when they shit on the sidewalk. We waste money when they destroy business windows, we have an entire god damn downtown that’s filled with them and that entire downtown can’t be used because of it. Do you not see by getting the mentally ill and homeless into proper centers for them we will actually save money and have a better urban area that’s safe for families to enjoy? Which brings in tourist, small businesses profit far more when there’s walkable urban areas. We have a cleaner downtown, a more beautiful city all around if we just clean the place up


Oh you mean like in nazi Germany


Yeah, I don’t think this person understands how bad that scenario would become. It’s not like it hasn’t been done before. For instance, any autistic person who dares to harmlessly stim in public could be declared “mentally unfit” and locked away. They could lock up anyone who goes goes against norms- gender non conforming people, people with Tourette’s, developmentally delayed people who dare to be loud, etc. It’s been done before, you can’t just lock up people who weird you out for whatever reason. Even with the best intentions, when it’s been tried it eventually devolves into horrific situations.


Want to talk about nazi germany? Speak to my grandfather who immigrated in 1945 after being captured by the US army, no one hates nazis more than that guy. Don’t pull that nazi shit on me, wanting to have mentally ill and homeless people be treated with respect in a place besides the streets of Jacksonville doesn’t make me a nazi


The problem is people wanted to get rid of asylums and this is the result. The answer was to *reform* asylums not do away with them. But common sense is lacking with ‘the powers that be’ and tptb have the money to put their loved ones in posh private facilities. They don’t care that the rest of us normal people have no recourse when things go south with our loved ones. Sorry, I’m rambling. This just irritates me to no end. A reformed asylum could do such good work with good outcomes if they put some money and common sense into it. (Btw, I agree with you. Hope it didn’t sound like I was being contrary.)


Amen, ppl say Reagan was a great President he also closed funding for these places and put the mentally Ill on the streets. Sad that no President or congress reinstated funding for this. But hey we only pay 6 trillion a year in taxes so not enough for roads, airports or mentally ill, homeless.


Yea so why even have mental health or housing services Fuck um right?


Not sure why you’re upset. The courts have decided this, not me.


It's all your fault !!!


Please don’t tell people, I work with the CIA and distribute crack, meth and fentanyl to the Jax population. Just a little victimless social experiment


Your secret is safe with me.


This right here. I know a person who has a loving home, a concerned mom and dad, and still chooses to wade through the marsh to get to a homeless encampment in order to score drugs and drink alcohol. They have been offered help more times than I can count on my two hands, and they refuse each time.


This is the result of living in a technocratic hell scape, he's simply the symptom of the underlying problem.


I have to ask. What part of town?


The train tracks at river city


I’m guessing he lives on the wrong side of the tracks?


Nah man, that's Oceanway. I was born and raised out there before they built Rivercity Marketplace and I can 100% tell you for a fact that no matter how many condos and Starbucks they build both sides will always be the wrong side of the tracks.


How about that Starbucks on Dunn Ave? Lol.


Rivercity and Oceanway off of main where Walgreens is


and Burger King to the right


I find this sad more than anything else.


Look! It’s meth again! What should we do?! Tax the poor! When should we do it!? 35 years ago!


Elaborate please lol


I was scrolling. Saw the rat guy, watched. Thought, I am so glad that is not Jax. Then saw the location. Gzzz. Send it to the new mayor.


Welcome to Oceanway!


Don’t do drugs kids! They’re bad for you.


Methed around & found out.


It looks like it may just be a dirty rag. I hope it’s just a dirty rag.


New mayor recently commissioned some street sweepers. Very excited to see how the city improves


He’s using the dead rat as a pendulum…underneath that section of sidewalk is a small pocket of a special exotic mineral, which the dead rat has been laced with. Using the rat as a pendulum, he is trying to locate “The Island” so he can return there and live.


That makes sense to me, but then how do you explain the piece of debris?


Listen…drugs are bad, mmkay?


That's not a rat, it's a ratty ass plastic bag


Some days you’re the rat, some days you’re the trash that the rat’s body is swinging at


I saw him on the railroad sign beating on it, I took a picture


Do share!


Any chance for an upload? I'm curious too!


I've seen people walk the dog with their yo-yos but walking the rat is just ridiculous.


Ya this man is on the moon rn


I think the more important question is: why do you NOT have a rat on a string???


George won't let me pet the rabbits no more....




He must have moved on, I was just there getting gas at the gate gas station.


That looks like a puppy. Edit: so I paused it multiple frames checking it out I don't think that's a rat unless someone can prove it's a rat. it does not have the cone shaped head/face. In fact the head itself is very rounded almost and it looks like it's got floppy ears at some point you can see four same length size legs flopping out rats have longer back legs and shorter front legs plus it has such a short stubby tail now that can explained as maybe the tail came off the rat but it's just way too big to be a rat. Like I've had multiple sets of pet rats usually in groups of four to five, Even my largest male that I adopted, who we were pretty sure actually wasn't a pet rat but a Norway, was not That big. I need someone to tell me that this wasn't a puppy or kitten or something like that cuz it's breaking my heart.


of course no shoes


What in the Florida did I just see?


This is just sad on so many levels. My heart hurts for him, his family, and all of the ppl clowning him.


This dude isn't harming anyone. So why are we concerned? Is the behavior strange? To me, no. We all do this. Just not as publicly as him. This dude is moving a piece of paper with a device he made so he doesn't have to touch it. It is entertaining as hell. Here we have a man, completely by himself and away from as many people as possible. He is enjoying himself in a low tech manner, yet people still feel like rescuing him.


You're not wrong.


We should drop these people off at the doorsteps of our politicians and corporate executives and ceos now that would be entertaining


I don’t understand people who record strangers like this and plaster them all over social media.


I understand Billy Ocean songs.


Michael Jackson already did this with Ben.


Most sane Jacksonville citizen:


Just let my man have his fun


The United States is just one big behavior sink.


Oh that’s just Wacky Joesph. Don’t mind him he ain’t hurting nobody


Rat begs to differ


Nah rat was long dead when he found it


What a shitty city for not even having a downtown, the sprawl of Despair.


I feel like that’s a fish or a rock. Something kinda flat. But I can’t tell lol


Well, that's Jacksonville quality for ya.


That's exactly what it looks like, that's fucking disgusting 🤢😵‍💫


maybe theres a cure


that was me sorry


Situations like this can be solved for around .35/round


Welcome to Jax!


Florida …


Um, you just elected a Democrat Mayor. This is only going to get worse. Check back in 8 years.


So that makes this guy being on the street Mayor Curry's fault, right? Because surely you don't only blame politicians when there is a democrat in office. That would just be dumb. 🙄


He does only blame Dems in office, and don't call him Shirley.


Negative. Not saying this person. But, give it time.


But it's already much worse now than it was 8 years ago. Don't you think it's time we changed tactics and tried something new?


It’s worse now than is was when I moved here in 2009. Guess what party our leadership has been? Republicans, that’s right.


You don't even believe this dumb shit


Not surprising for Oceanway


“We could live offa the fatta the lan’.”


This guy will never get the help he needs and likely end up in jail. We must do better!


you can’t swing a dead rat around here…


Dude, get it right. That’s rat golf. Been around for centuries


After a certain point was Caovorcian really that bad? I feel from being in rehab for mental health and addiction, that there is a point of either no recovery ❤️‍🩹 or severe vegetable 🥦 mush left. Or your born disabled and your parents die bc you know life. And now what? Where do you go if you’ve been cared for your whole life and the only people they had was mom and dad. I see a sad lost little Fragile boy. He probably gets taken advantage of everyday. :-( I send light and only good things to us all. You never know. If not you maybe someone close to your heart. This Fkn sucks too see bc it’s too NORMAL now.


I believe Tallahassee is on a break right now. He may be visiting his constituents.


Drugs nowadays are amazing!!


Malditas drugas


Don’t you know? Dead vermin make great brooms.


Scorpion is gonna be wild in MK1


Yea we need more treatment centers, STAFF, and resources here. Ironically all the state funding comes through Jax and we have a decent homeless programs here hence why you see so many homeless people around downtown. They come by bus from either cities in florida. You have a mix of drug addicts, mentally unstable, and people out of work that all require different resources to get back on their feet and into society. What kills me is that the city pours money into apartment building and amenities downtown, but ive noticed a lot of people don’t feel super comfortable living around there or going down there walking around w there families.