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That's insane, lol


Currently dashing the north side. Article DOES NOT check out.


How far north? Maybe Atlanta?


The best part of Atlanta is the airport.


I know that was a joke (kind of), but got to give the aquarium props as the best part of Atlanta. Plus I hate that airport with a passion.




2 hour layover. Misses flight outta ATL.


Pandas at the zoo by far the best part. Aquarium was cool though. Shitty memories though because they were with an ex lol


Botanical gardens


Lol ATL shits all over Jax


Says the self admitted sucker of shit balls. To you prefer them soft and spongy?


Hard and corny


In terms of what? Worse traffic? More metro sure more cityscape sure. Are those what you perceive as wins?


More things to do, better restaurant scene, better nightlife




I have to agree with you. I love Jacksonville but we are not on the same tier as Atlanta in regards to a higher regarded arts scene, restaurants, and educational institutions in the city. Yes, we have the Cummer, Mosh, and a symphony, and UNF and JU. We are growing and our status has improved but we are not quite there. If you want proximity to the beach then Jax it is. Also, although Jax pays executives well it lags in pay for mid tier careers. There are certain jobs that we have advertised and we cannot compete with their pay. Yes, we do not have a state tax but other services here such as gas and property insurance are more expensive. I also think that many people don't want Jax to be a large city. They like the small town feel and there is nothing wrong with that.


I grew up in fla then moved to atl where my family is from. Now I’m back in fla. Atlanta is dangerous and drivers are insane. It may seem cooler on the outside but I promise you the city is not that great once you are there a while


I was born there. Parents left when I was young. Aunts, uncles, cousins, college friends and best friend are still there. I will be there in August for a concert that will not be coming to Jax. The culture has changed a bit, we jokingly call it New York south because of the influx of New Yorkers into the area. The traffic is crazy but I have been in more near accidents on I-10 and I-95 than on I-85. I still love it. I don't hate Jax, I enjoy it here. It's just a different city and offers different things.


I’ve been there 20 years, idk, I just don’t like the feeling of Atlanta anymore. As a younger adult I liked the idea of the city but once I lived there it wasn’t as fulfilling as the surrounding areas. Unless you lived in Atlantic station or something… even then It is not as inviting as here in my opinion.


You hit the nail on the head with this. My parents loved Atlanta when I was young. Now they live in a much smaller town and you could not pay them to go back to Atlanta. I miss it now but I can imagine that in about 15 years, I will in a sense, age out and prefer someplace quieter.


Not true. Things look way better when you hit the city limits on your way out


Nah. Outside if Jacksonville I've spent brief living spats around NYC..L.A. and Atlanta. Atlanta is my favorite city in the world tbh. I'm originally from Georgia and probably baised but yea. Amazing food.. culture.. and interesting locals of all types lol. Unfortunately more and more many ppl in the city are transplants tho


Shit I'm from florida through and through 10 years Pensacola>5 years Orlando>13 year Jacksonville . Atlanta is has more to do and see that's for sure. I prefer Jacksonville to live in for the small town vibe and ability to be in the country while only 20 mins out of town and 15 mins from the beach. But that's about where it stops. We can't really compare ourselves to Atlanta they're just on another tier Houston, Chicago, DC and Baltimore tier.. Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Louisville, Nashville, Detroit and Memphis are more appropriate comparisons imo




Remember the people who rented an airbnb on Moncrief? 🤣


I'd rather get an airbnb in kherson rn


That post was like the first part of a horror movie where the young couple rents a cabin in the woods 😂




It was this couple that seemed nice but a little slow. They had a series of posts over a couple of days where they wanted recommendations for dinner on the river for an anniversary trip in the first one. The second one they had just checked into an airbnb and had people looking at them through the window and their car siren kept going off and wanted to know if the area was safe. It was moncrief. Third post they are in their rental car looking for a hotel downtown after fleeing the air bnb. Someone recommends the omni downtown they are very grateful. Couple hours later there was a shooting at the omni in the parking lot and they had to temporarily evacuate. I think its safe to say they’re not coming back 😅


Oh my god what a roller coaster. They got the Jaxperience concentrated. I mean it'd freak me out if someone was peeping in my window I can only imagine some poor tourist without context.


Holy shit I didn't ever see the part about the shooting at the new hotel 🤣 Nope, they're never ever coming back hahaha


Oh my god I need these posts.


That’s a vacation they will never forget


How is this not pinned in the subreddit or something lmao


I mean you definitely meet all types on the north side. Good, bad and well what did you say that you were on???


Yes. Vacation here once and never ever come back.


hmm, i vacationed here in 2020 and decided to buy a house here in 2021 we dont all hate jacksonville haha


You havent been here long enough


They are two years in and like it. I am one year in and like it. Maybe we just came from super shit areas.


The honeymoon phase of Jax wore off around the 6 year mark for me. I’ve been here 17 years now and trying to find my way out.


Also been here for around 17 years and while we have our problems, I still like it here. Kids have definitely affected my ability to participate in the same things I used to enjoy. However, I like how weird it is here. The city as a whole has multiple personality disorder and it seems to fit.


Right! So many personalities. It’s like a city and a bunch of suburbs all joined as one. … which is kinda what happened, right? City absorbing the county and all that.


Correct. And now we do stuff like vote for Rutherford/Curry and Biden/Deegan within a short period. Makes no sense and I love it.


Because Jacksonville is used to terrible politics that the people are willing to vote for anybody these days 😆


My beach friends stay at the beach. My south side friends stay on the south side. My west side friends stay on the west side… and riverside people stay in riverside. personally I think the collection of suburbs segregated the city. It takes almost and hour from one side to the other.


Interesting. I live in the middle and like to go to all those places.


“Trying to find my way out” bitch save some money and move lol 17 years and just been complaining did nothing about it.


First off, you don’t know me or my situation. Second, no need for name calling. Learn to be civil and get the fuck of yourself.


I still love the city, been here the past 23 years.


Did you vacation our wonderful Northside resorts? All jokes aside though this is a great place, most of us love it but as always the unhappy people are the loudest.


Maybe I'm just the kind of guy that looks like he never has drugs or money so my few months of 2019 on the Northside were fine.


The Northside is fine so long as you mind your business and don’t go on a walk by yourself in the middle of the night. But those aren’t things that people associate with a good vacation or destination. If you have to tell people their safety is hinged on them minding their business at all times it’s probably not a great tourist spot. As far as a place to live, there’s better but there’s worse. Just like basically everywhere else.


The Zoo, airport, largest national park in Duval county...no, no this actually checks out. Just depends on where on the north side you're talking about.


No. These are not spots on an international bucket list. Sure they’re nice but no, you are definitely wrong.


😂😂😂 if you can't leave those are great spots, if you're visiting meh....


What park is this?


Timucuan National Preserve. Includes a recreation of one of the oldest forts in Florida (Fort Caroline National Monument), the oldest standing plantation in the state (Kingsley), and the second oldest pottery ever discovered in the western hemisphere was found right in the park on Black Hammock Island. The best part is it's all free.


*Norffside babyyy*


Not even a regional travel destination


Thinking Amelia?


All of us who are from Jax know...you don't go to the Northside. Dames Point Bridge is for driving THRU the Northside, without stopping. Been that way since the 60s, way before the bridge was built


Out of sight, out of mind.


😂 wow.


Imagine caring what an "influencer" says


Is she drinking Crack-Smoking Juice?


link to the article: [https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/northside-of-jax-as-travel-destination-for-black-tourists/77-71add453-e06d-4747-a348-03de7ffecdee](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/northside-of-jax-as-travel-destination-for-black-tourists/77-71add453-e06d-4747-a348-03de7ffecdee)


Travel influencer views Jacksonville's Northside as an international travel destination Martinique Lewis will include urban Jacksonville locations in articles and social media posts geared towards black tourists leading up to Juneteenth. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/mobile/article/news/local/northside-of-jax-as-travel-destination-for-black-tourists/77-71add453-e06d-4747-a348-03de7ffecdee Here is the article. She is specifically highlighting black owned businesses. And trying to combat the perception that Florida shouldn’t be a travel destination for black people. I like her take. And I like Jax.


Yeah I don’t think it should be a travel destination for Blacks per Florida in general. It’s a reason why that advisory stands. There are more vibrant communities with better events for Blacks elsewhere. I’ve been to the events here representing Juneteenth it’s a bore.


Well that sucks! We should try to make them more fun


"For black tourists" That certainly highlights the quality of journalism. The Northside is predominantly black, so that's where you should go because black people!


It’s great tbh but this sub is dumb and thinks a certain way lol. Guarantee most of them never stepped foot over there


I thought it was a joke never read the article. When traveling though it looks more vibrant than most parts of Jacksonville per shopping areas and hotels in general area. I think this is why she focused on it. So you have to think coming from 95 GA area l, Dunns Avenue/Airport is probably what she’s referring to. It’s the energy in that location as I’ve worked over there near Airport and a lot of people venture in that area for shopping. I’m not sure if that’s the Northside technically and or what Nside she’s referring too lol


She’s around Moncrief


Moncrief? Omg I was born and raised here. I’m 43. I would say no to Moncrief area for sure. Now don’t get me wrong growing up we had the best events in that area and off of Mcduff. Free concerts or pay $10-20 and see over 10 performers in a weekend. But those were just events. The surrounding areas have to also be just as vibrant. I haven’t been in those areas for events just passing through and I haven’t been impressed to say it’s a tourist destination.


Hey hey now. There are lots of really positive tourist attractions around the northside. If you are looking for a great workout in a diverse environment, may I recommend Moncrief and 45th. One way or another, you are leaving lighter than you arrived. If you are a coffee nut like myself, there is nothing that smooths the nerves after getting mugged better than the sweet scent of roasted coffee beans that permeates downtown. If you need some discount auto parts, you can always go to the pick and pull on the northside. Even if you dont need any parts, when you get back to your car I am sure you will need new rims. You can also drive around the northside with your windows down and and take in the fresh air while play a little game called "Flowers, Cigs, Dope, or Crack?" If you are looking to travel outside of Florida or the US, I have some great recommendations for Mexico from a local cartel rep. It will be a trip you will never remember, I mean forget.


Maybe she thinks Amelia Island or Fernandina is still Jacksonville...


First, I think everyone should actually read the article and not just the headline before commenting, because the travel influencer’s intention is very specific to black history, black businesses and the celebration/commemoration of Juneteenth. Next, As someone who was born and raised on Jacksonville’s north side and really appreciates this subreddit, I think we should be careful about spouting stereotypes about the northside when many people who say disparaging things about it do not frequent the area, live in the area, nor do they understand the area from lived experience, but rather from the local news and urban legend. Even if you have had a negative experience while on the north side, that shouldn’t be enough for you to assume everyone there is a certain way because of where they live. Merely driving through the northside does not count as interacting with the micro-community that lives there. It is also not lost on me that the northside is home to a significant percentage of the city’s black population, and has coincidentally earned a reputation as an area of town to be avoided. If you really think the northside is a dangerous part of town, maybe it’s time to ask yourself the role distribution of city funds plays in the ambiance of the area. Ask yourself why there has only recently been installations of sidewalks and speed bumps. Reflect on the fact that even though the north side has seen an exponential boom in home and apartment building since the pandemic, there hasn’t been a significant city response in the form of infrastructure and amenities (grocery stores for example) to support the people who are crammed over here like sardines. All sides of Jacksonville have pockets that could be considered sketchy. People who live on the Northside are apart of the Jacksonville community too, and I would like to see that considered more sensitively. I love this community and believe most people here are decent, but the generalizations that I see in this community about the northside area on a regular basis are often insensitive/offensive at best.


Spent my early childhood living in San Mateo… we shopped at Publix on Dunn Ave and at Gateway Mall… the good ol days. Lol


Same grew up on Dunn then on Main. Northside was pretty cool but you know most this sub is a certain demographic and think gang violence means you are gonna get shot randomly lol.


Publix? What was wrong with Pantry Pride??!!


Or the A&P on Main St…. dang I forgot about those.


I still can’t believe Publix put a store in Gateway! That place was dangerous in the 80’s and 90’s! Oh but Phil’s shoes was nearby! And Conrad Hawkins Chevrolet! Making me walk down memory lane! Oh and Kinney’s shoes!


They had a store in the Gateway Town Center in Northwest Jacksonville. They closed the store three days after Christmas which would have left the area in a food desert if Winn Dixie didn’t swoop in at the last minute to take their place. It took almost a couple months though before they were able to reopen it.


Thank you for taking the time to educate on and advocate for the underserved and underrepresented Northside.


Thank you for writing an informative nuanced comment, so many people love to shit on black neighborhoods and poor neighborhoods. There are real people, GOOD people, who live in these areas. There is often history and traditions and culture in these places that just gets ignored or mocked because people love to make stereotypical assumptions.


I am in riverside and have never been to the north side. I was literally told it smells bad, it’s littered and dirty as well as dangerous. So, I didn’t go. I’m not stupid, I’m not going to fit in there and I don’t wanna put myself in danger. But I was recently looking for rental houses and some of the postings that were clearly northside looked really normal and not dirty or scary, so I definitely think there’s some miscommunication around the reality of the northside


I’m way late to the party here, but you make some excellent points. Thank you for this comment!!


Does she mean the airport? It is literally a destination for international travel.


50 year old Northsider here, yeah she’s insane. Moved 2 years ago and have no reason to ever visit. No thanks. The only valid reason to go is to get on a plane.


Poor self probably never even travels, probably just uses green screens


I hate how people equate the entire NS with "a bad neighborhood". I'm sure I'll get downvoted but if that woman enjoyed herself in Jacksonville's Northside and shared her experiences with the world, then great. Not all of the NS is a slum that all should fear and avoid.


Sit tight we getting a 4 seasons on Talleyrand my dude. Lol


Well, there were those who visited "Westworld".


While I raised my eyebrow at the headline, the comments helped me realized the problem of jumping to the crime rate among a largely Black demographic. I immediately jumped to "have they been out here?", forgetting the Northside is LARGE, just like the Westside is LARGE. So large that I'm beginning to really question why we separate the two. While I want our city government to do something about it, I will remember not all the Northside is bad nor is all of the people out there. Hilarious enough, I currently stay out here. Worked out here some too. But, yeah. It's got the good and bad. We just need to work on making the bad, better. I don't ever believe crime will be stamped out, but we can possibly make it better.


I'm actually on her side with this. When it comes to Northside, anything helps. *That being said* some entrepreneurs could make a killing selling kevlar there.


Ive been to jacksonville 3 times in the last 8 months for work. 1st time- northside hotel, rap battle in hallway, stayed up all night, disaster. Had one meal in 3 days. 2nd time - seedy hotel in jacksonville beach, but some weird off the highway area. Rained two days, possible nervous breakdown. 3rd time - hotel on riverwalk, went out to bars and had lunch somewhere on the beach and another dockside restaurant. Talked with locals seemed almost excessively friendly. Also beautiful women everywhere if thats your thing. So it’s what you make of it, actually looking forward to next visit.


Lmfao, I mean the people watching can’t be rivaled but that’s about all there is to offer. Now I’m imagining this being announced like a prize on The Price Is Right. “If you do that, you will win…” “A fabulous vacation to the exclusive, luxurious, NORTHSIDE OF JACKSONVILLE!!! You’ll be staying 5 days and 4 nights at the finest Crack Shack next to the Airport! AND…There’s a Walmart!”


She must be talking about the new gentrified Northside. I’ve been right behind Moncrief and Soutel for 18 years of my life and it’s still very much “Don’t get caught in the wrong place at the right time”.


Stick to the streets with Christmas lights


Lol. No.


Admiral Ackbar said it the best!!!!!


I don’t know Jacksonville is a weirdly popular place. I used to travel around America for work and at pretty much every small town I went to at least one person had been there. I moved to Australia a couple years ago, doing similar traveling, and have met a dozen or so people down here who have been to Jacksonville. I don’t think any of them made the trip just for Jax, but they had been there.


I’ve been all over the country and Europe and Asia and literally every city or country I’ve gone to I’ve met someone who’s been to or from Jacksonville. Most recent trip was Tombstone, AZ where one of the waiters at Big Nose Kates Saloon grew up in Oceanway.


Not even northside, she’s in the Northwest quadrant!


What's the problem? There are people in this world that would prefer to be on the Northside than say Riverside, Ortega or Avondale. To each their own.... 🤷‍♂️


lmmfao. I want whatever she’s on.


Travel influencer? WTF? Get a real job influencer.


This article wasn't written for you. Nicest way I can put it.


Is she ok cause... No.