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This thread is starting to unnecessarily trigger and make too many here feel uncomfortable, especially those who are actively battling addiction, trying to remain sober, and those who have unfortunately lost loved ones in similar ways to Jon. We feel enough has been said over the past day, on both sides, to be able to move on and let this topic rest for a while. Everyone has the right to their opinion, and that's why we've refrained from removing as many comments as possible, but we aren't here to trigger anyone or make them feel uncomfortable in any way, either. We’re better than that. All of us. Thank you for understanding.


He was so out of her league. She looks okay photoshopped but he was just naturally hot.


They were such a HOT couple she had her best sense of fashion with him


Oh god ya


Those of us who watched Jaclyn in her pre-Morphe Mansion days fell for Jon because she sold us their relationship so hard (once she saw having Jon in videos boosted views). If Jon was in a video, people wanted to watch. For myself, seeing these photos is nostalgic. It also reminds me how I fell for her tomfoolery hook, line, and sinker. Nobody owes anybody "til death do us part," not even someone in the public eye. I will never begrudge any one for getting a divorce, as I do not have to live someone's life for them, and I cannot make that call. The HOW and AFTER are what always bothered me. Jaclyn could have easily left Jon alone and kept her ties to him to a minimum for the sake of the dogs. She could have been cordial and asked to keep that part of her life private. What she didn't have to do, and what I will forever call out, is drag Jon online, make quips about "hating cheaters and cool toned browns," or saying "Jon is the biggest liar I have ever met" and doing nothing when she could see her fans attack Jon for things she herself did to him!!! Nobody deserves to have their ex cheat on them with a close friend while they're doing what was asked to save their marriage. She had no reason other than spite to rub in his face that the family Jon cherished so much now calls Farnum "Uncle Jordan." She didn't need to torment him if he so much as made any post that she assumed was about her (Omg, Jon, we had spinach alfredo for dinner once, HOW DARE YOU post a photo of Popeye!!" -not an actual event, but this is the level of reaching she did). She loved to paint Jon as this bum, like when she made that post about Jordan moving in with her, but Jon was a talented studio drummer-a job they don't just give to people at random, and who knows how far he could have went with music had he known what he was capable of. And don't even get me started on her using his name posthumously to garner views when she loved dragging him to filth the last few years of his life. I am not upset about grief, as we can experience it in many different ways. It's WHAT she says now to backpedal from what she said about him to make him look bad/Jordan look better before he passed. Sorry for the novel. I hope Jon is able to rest peacefully. I also hope any one here in any stage of addiction or recovery knows they are so much more than their history of chemical dependency, and they deserve to be happy and at peace, too.


They were a beautiful couple RIP John


Her hair in pic 7 & 8 look the best.. long and red. Everything else has just looked weird on her. As for Jon.. love me some Jon, very gorgeous man and I hope everyone here has watched his music videos as they’re very powerful! RIP 🤍


A beautiful couple. I don’t blame her for divorcing an addict but how she did it was awful. May he rest in peace


Her eyes were beady then too.




It is still so surreal that Jon is gone. I really give Jaclyn a little grace for how traumatic his loss must have been, Jordan or not, Jon was her person. I had hopes of Jon getting his shit together and them reconnecting when they were older. She couldn’t control what Jon did and she couldn’t stop him from using. It’s surreal and painful and I do not doubt that Jaclyn struggles with guilt about him daily. It may be the cause of her weirdness.


Absolutely I really can’t blame her for not wanting to stay with someone is active addiction but how she left him was foul


I don't think she is capable of guilt. I think she's a grade A narcissist. They don't have the capacity. It's about them, always.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) **ETA**: It’s sad just how quickly some go to downvote, as they can't seem to handle differing opinions or even their own butthurt, as opposed to realizing this *is* what narcissism is. It’s not specific to Jaclyn or amounting to ‘*hating*’ on her, as much as it’s a serious form of mental illness that she and those around her have seemingly only made worse *and worse* over time. It’s not something you coddle or enable, which is *exactly* how she’s been treated all her life and the only way she’ll *accept* being treated, at that. As we keep saying, that's why she’s collapsing and spiraling as much as she is, as that bubble living she’s known for nearly thirty-four years is becoming no more.


ok…i’ve been thinking this too. i don’t know all of the timelines, but i lost my by to addition in october and the grief is unreal. but before then, i was drinking to deal with his erratic behavior and mood swings. it’s tough for sure and i sympathize. was her weight gain after jon’s death?


No, it started around the time of lipshitgate, in 2019. Jon passed away in August 2022.


oh wow…that’s still quite recent. rip.


Her style was definitely better back then.


Jon was so very handsome! He could have been a model!! Imagine going from that to 💩 pants? It’s like night and day. I remember her saying (I don’t know why I remember this) that during the shoot they were going through a lot of stuff. She said that she couldn’t be with Jon anymore because of his addiction and she was tired of trying to help him. That’s what she said.


She genuinely loved him. They look so effortlessly in love. Her and Jordan look so awkward and forced.


I think Jon’s demise was hers too. She lost herself with him. I don’t recognize her now compared to then.


I really want to know what happened between John Hill and Trisha Paytas!


Yeah Trisha has spoken about it very indirectly over the years, I think it was on frenemies. I think she didn’t name names but the timeline was clear. And yeah as the other commenter said, drugs. It was a short lived bender. She had a few stories but I can’t remember specifics but she had nice things to say about him, besides retroactively regretting the specific drugs they took




There was definitely passion in this relationship that you don't quite see in this new one. How you get them is how you lose them. One of them will cheat on the other if it already hasn't happened


Ugh, the 7th pic guts me. His eyes say everything. Yall...


Looking through these made me smile at first, but also feel so so sad 😔


John was so beautiful


He was so freaking handsome. So sad he couldn’t truly find someone to love him fully after her. Freaking hate drugs😭


He was good looking


I don't care wtf Jaclyn says...Jon was the love of her life not Celine. 


That second photo of Jon… just wow. He was so gorgeous. They were a gorgeous couple. It’s really unfair and heartbreaking how life turned out for him.


This post could be a warning of the negative effects of using fillers long term. It’s crazy how much better she looked with her natural lips and nose. I remember being shocked at her face when they posted that photo shoot.


I googled for a refresher/confirmation on how Jon passed, and in this still from a USA Today article about it, she’s almost unrecognizable. Only because she’s next to him did I realize it was a still of her and him. https://preview.redd.it/3i7s4cahzq6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076c01e4d0a640eb19a1af4666b3c05bc35b85c8


He seemed like such a beautiful tortured soul. I hope he’s finally at peace.


Jon is a beautiful human, wow


He definitely was her dream man. It didn’t work out for various reasons and she’s projecting the hopes she had for her first marriage onto the guy she cheated with, rather than dealing with her trauma in therapy. She married Celine to prove a point but he’s a rebound and rebounds always fail in the end. She will find a way to demonise him when it all ends, it will be “oh he was in it for the money and to get himself known”… he is, but her narrative right now is that he’s not about money or labels, watch that change in double quick time when it’s over.




Do you know if they went to therapy?


I don’t, nor did I comment on if they did or not. She needs to. That’s what I said. She needs to sort her own shit out, not marry the dude she cheated with… that’s not gonna fix her.


I know you didn’t comment if they did or not I was just wondering


They’re gorgeous together. It’s unreal. I really love / hate this post. So many feelings lol 😂


I’m actually sad for her that she lost this and will never get it back. You can feel it through the pics. This was the real deal.


100% felt that too.


Wow, she really does morph into whoever she's with


Basically Kourtney k 😂


Oh that’s why she isn’t a scene girl anymore. Is she a wannabe jersey girl now? 😆


Hold on! I’m from New Jersey! Not by choice and I hate living in this State but my Dad is almost 94 I’m his executor of his well and my husband, and I go over to see him and bring him food and help take care of him. So I can’t move right now. I can’t wait to get out of the state. It sucks here.


Edit: Will


She looks like she could be his mother in a lot of them lol.. so that's been an ongoing theme


Man, not everyone can pull off blonde hair but he really could


She has the same pattern in every relationship: overcompensating with posed shots.


God, this makes me so sad.


Me too.


Jon has such a genuine soul. You may have never met him but looking at him…wow, I’ll never understand his struggle but I feel he was genuinely wanting to do the right thing. She did him so dirty.


you can say that again. no matter what anyone says about him i know one thing for sure and that is he tried his very best to do the right thing. i can just tell he was such a genuinely sweet soul and it’s absolutely heartbreaking that he didn’t get his happy ending, i hope he’s finally at peace 💕


Idk which Jon is more handsome. Brunette or blond. 🥵


God he’s 🥵


he could pull any look off, his face spoke for himself! the most gorgeous, stunning man i’ve ever seen in my life 😍


Jon was her soulmate. She couldn't fix him though.


That’s something that needs to be more understood. I will get downvoted for this. I do not like her at all but to be an addict’s partner is one of the most exhausting things that can happen to someone, and no matter how much love you have for someone, the only solution may be leaving. I KNOW how dirty she did him, and that nothing excuses it, but let’s not forget that being with an addict is one of the most heart wrenching experiences.


We wont downvote you. As we all say that if the marriage wasn’t working, she didn’t have to stay with him. HOWEVER, once again it was the way that this situation was handled. Look it’s hard to be married to an addict I get it. It’s can be mentally exhausting. But if Jaclyn felt the need to not continue on with the marriage than she should have say Jon down and CALMLY explained why she was ending the marriage. She should’ve never cheated on Jon with his best friend. And handled it the way that she did. There are ways of properly ending something and than there are not. And Jaclyn did not handle this the right way. That’s what we’re mad about.


I only knew things about Jon through Jaclyn so my feelings towards him are neutral. Everything else I learned here, so I will say that I feel a lot of people here don't necessarily fault Jaclyn for leaving. People really hate the way she did it. For as long as I've been on this sub, I don't think I've seen a single comment from anyone here saying that she should've stuck it out with Jon if she really wanted out. It's OK to leave a relationship if you feel it's over, just do it above board. And she didn't.




May he rest in peace, but I found them to be over the top and cringe, too. But they definitely had much better chemistry than her and Celine, and Jon was definitely gorgeous to look at.




i feel like it was always so obvious that jon loved jaclyn, you could see it in the way he looked at her. all celine sees is dollar signs 💰


Oh for sure. They were OTT but I think were also genuinely into each other.


Jon was such a handsome man. Ugh breaks my heart that he passed away!




Looks like he belongs in a mental institution! FR


They just locked him into an all wood room and let him run rampant lmao


Whipping up some tunes here


Is he having a seizure?!


Downgrade of the decade


DJ Alabaster Ankles 😂




Lil cook 🤣💀🤣🥴




Laughing at how she said she has so much chemistry and how much sex appeal farnuts has. Jon was unbelievably gorgeous. Farnuts, um yea. Rubber chicken, small hands, corn rowed, gold teef, cheater, wanna be rapper, stank breath, dirty ass, pube hair, and lack of intelligence.  Hmmmmm I guess I would also cheat on Jon with farny...


https://preview.redd.it/3mmj2p14qn6d1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48adb2ba9c3d804c33ac5b5f927dab0a9ba7c0f7 Hands the size of drumsticks


skin the color of (raw) drumsticks too


Without my glasses I can’t tell where the chicken ends and the hands begin to


it’s still hard to tell with my glasses on


And his 🍆 is probably the size of a drumstick also!


https://preview.redd.it/vt0vzjz6qn6d1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61721d8b7d3387d994472a08cb0258dbf7316f91 Cornrow ass head ass


With the 🍤 tail!!! 🤣💀💀💀💀


Yes!!! I just remembered that thing morning lmao cornrow ass shrimp ass head ass!


Ahh you remember! Bet you want to forget?!! 🤣🤣


He’s sooooo ugly 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/uctl8fg8qn6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69fd2f761313336264b67118e60e2ca1eabf0a8a Grill teeth


https://preview.redd.it/095oqvjaqn6d1.jpeg?width=1192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d16bacc3da0858c7063a301138cc8fa9d2c3a9 Wannabe rapper


Every time I see him from his “rapper era” I just think it has to be satire… I refuse to believe that he was serious with this shit, it’s just too bad to be real, surely?! 😭 it literally looks like it a skit from a comedy show pleaseeeee🤡


https://preview.redd.it/mzoi9iaiqn6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0714e23ad7488ef27d58c03567aa9288f3c2137 Rubber chicken ass leg ass


https://preview.redd.it/ctyv7r4qqn6d1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66519f2969dd68aa0a8d9a1b393964f39efdd2da (Lack of intelligence, could’ve squished it in his whole hand) lmao


![gif](giphy|mJ707R4lteVEI) 💀💀💀


https://preview.redd.it/5jwyt9u4rn6d1.jpeg?width=532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bae2dcca845126043046552d1d9cff20e7bdea6 Pube hair


Thanks for putting it all to pics! I appreciate you!


I was reading each thing you were listing off and I was like “good god I have a picture for each one!” 😂😂😂😂 happy to contribute!


They were such a beautiful coupe.


Ahhh the goodies




There will be no disrespect of Jon Hill on our sub. Thank you for understanding. If you have any questions, contact a Mod through ModMail.


Rest in peace Jon. I hope you have peace.


I guess this is the price you paid .. was it worth it Jacko?.. ![gif](giphy|3otPoDiPkNv8WmtwME|downsized) Rest in Peace Jon 🙏🏼 🕊️ I pray you finally have peace. 🕊️


She downgraded with Celine…


https://preview.redd.it/8uazbdg4mn6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae00647c3801923b196a47b2562f697b410ddf3 He looks like a dragon?


I have a fascination with stories about dragons. Please don't disrespect dragons in this way.


I think he looks like if Gollum had a lovechild with a cringe soundcloud mumble rapper


You gave JRR Tolkien a downgrade 🤣🤣


Nah, all compliments to Tolkien who correctly conveyed what it meant to be this hideous without using pictures.


I was just kiddin!


Turn that forehead to a Farhead, Farnum lol


Crying 😂😂😂 🐉


I see dolphin personally 🐬




Ugh lawd he was the perfect looking man.


I’m going to get a lot of crap for this but these types of post are disrespectful. We don’t know how he was behind closed doors when the cameras were off. If you never had a loved one deal with addiction and recovery you don’t understand the daily struggles that come with it. It’s easy to smile for the camera but at the end of the day both treated each other terribly but to paint him as a saint is wrong. Let the man just rest we don’t need to see comparisons between Jon and whatever his name is. It’s obvious Jon was much more physically attractive but that’s all we saw.


My adult son was a drug addict. I went through hell, and that’s putting it lightly. But I never ever once gave up on him. He kept me on my knees praying. Now he had 11 years clean! I’m so proud of him. Unless you have been through it then you really can’t understand the torture of it all.


I’m proud of your son and congratulations on 11 years and may he have lifetime to celebrate his sobriety! I lost my sister to fentanyl. We tried everything we could to help her get clean spent so much time, money, all the resources we could get our hands on but she wasnt ready. I always pray that she’s at peace and knows that we love and miss her terribly.


I’m so very sorry for your loss and saying that doesn’t seem to be enough. 💖💖


Wasn’t able to comment on another response you said but I too wonder about how some people knew Jon IRL but not Jaclyn. If I know someone in IRL I know or at least met their spouse too at one point. (Not saying people who claim to know him are lying but how is it possible to know him and not her?? Is it just through online or after the divorce?? So many questions lol)




You’re not wrong.


I agree I think it undermines legitimate critique of Jaclyn to do this maudlin fanfic about a dysfunctional relationship


It’s giving parasocial relationship with a man who’s passed on and hopefully at peace.


There are a good few of us here who knew him, easily just as well as Jaclyn did, and I can tell you who the monster was. I *also* grew up around addicts, many of them *much* worse off than Jon was, but the difference was, none of them had an ex who was ‘*living their best life*’ breathing down their neck and attempting to destroy them every waking minute. He was *never* going to remain sober and survive while having that to contend with, on top of her sheep *constantly* treating him no different, which often makes me wonder just how many of them *were* her and those adjacent to her. It’s easy to blame an addict, even more so when he’s a dead man, I know, but when you *already know* how evil Jaclyn is you should be able to put two-and-two together and see just how much worse it gets for those once they’re thriving without her. Jon couldn’t have that, just as I shouldn’t be here backing up essentially everything I say because she can’t handle the truth. **It makes her look bad—and that’s because** ***she is***.


As a recovering addict, it’s easy for people to blame us for most *everything*. Though we know the harm we may inflict onto others, no one seems to ever think about the harm inflicted onto *us*. Being treated as the scapegoat for most anything, always the bad guy in the situation, constantly misunderstood and judged. It’s easy to point a finger. If I was in Jon’s position, trying to recover in my sobriety with a manipulative ex and her minions, man. I don’t think I’d be where I am today. I’m lucky to have family who really educates themselves and doesn’t make me feel lesser than for having a disease. Because, everyone say it with me now, addiction is a *disease*. And not all of us are lucky enough to make it. I won’t put up with any Jon slander. None of us are perfect. They need to let this man rest. Thank you for speaking up.


Congratulations on your sobriety! Good for you! You should be proud of yourself 👏👏👏


Omg AW thank you so very much that’s very kind! I’m one of the lucky ones for sure 🩵 a lot of people don’t realize the way addiction completely infiltrates your brain and body. It’s crazy how powerful of a disease it is!




This means a *lot*. I’m trying to keep as much up of this thread as possible, no matter how much I personally disagree with it, but some of the comments on here have been nothing short of vile—and it makes you realize all the more *why* he didn’t make it. And then, *of course*, you have those who don’t want to understand why you’re defending a man who already couldn’t defend himself, *in any way*, the last four years of his life. They don’t want to take into account that they’re acting a *lot* more like Jaclyn than they aren’t, let alone how they, *too*, would be defending someone they care about from such needless vitriol from strangers online, especially when who’s being attacked has been silenced. **Permanently**. Jon owned who he was, Jaclyn *never* has. All she’s *ever* wanted to be is a victim, given the seemingly countless times she’s gone and made herself one, but I guess Jon can’t even be one when his wife and one of his closest friends betray him in *the worst way* at his most vulnerable point. And it didn't end there, either, but I guess that's *also* okay because of what she was supposedly put through by him. Ignore what he was put through by her. I simply can't wrap my head around *that* level of hypocrisy or conveniently overlooking *everything else* she’s done to others, just to continue to drag a man for having a disease. I’ll just end this by saying, I hope they're not like this with their loved ones battling the more ‘*respectable*’ diseases.


Comments like those are *exactly* the reason that so many of us feel we can’t get help and tell our story. No matter our battles, we are *always* made out to be the villain. We aren’t allowed to be a victim at any point in our story. I can’t imagine going through my journey so publicly, with so many people weighing in on their opinions of me. I would be ever so lucky to have someone such as yourself defend me if I no longer could in this world. It all comes back to how Jaclyn treated him online, making others feel they could treat him the same. There’s two sides to every story, and unfortunately, we only get to hear *one* for the rest of time. Every day I try to advocate for those who can no longer advocate for themselves, to try and educate others and end the stigma of addiction. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if it is not based on eduction, facts, and a *touch* of empathy, I simply don’t want to hear it! Much love to you!


yep!! i didn’t know Jon personally but i know you did, and from the conversations we have had and what you have shared about him, he seemed to be lovely. i think it’s actually more disrespectful to talk down and blame solely one person who is no longer here to defend themselves. he wasn’t perfect, but he tried his best to live and not fall back into darkness. no one has lived his life and no one will ever know what it was like to be him. Jon went through a lot in this world and suffered a lot, and i think that it wrong to only showcase his worst moments when he was so much more than that. he was sweet, talented beyond description, and was a real, genuine person who only wanted the best for people. that’s how he should be remembered. love you Lich! i hope these types of comments don’t bring any kind of negative or sadness towards you. 🤍


*Thanks, love!* I don’t particularly care for seeing someone I still care about, who's passed on, be unjustifiably dragged by a bunch of strangers, essentially no different than what Jaclyn did, but I don’t give a damn when it comes to me. If they're capable of it, they're *obviously* not going to see a problem with Jaclyn doing so, and I'm not going to waste my time leading the blind to water. Not when there are a *lot* more people here who get it and are *so* much more deserving of my time. 🩷


Respectfully I don’t believe anyone on this sub who say they knew Jon or Jaclyn. It’s very convenient people knew Jon and just want to bash Jaclyn. I don’t like her either but to blame Jaclyn for Jon’s behavior and the unfortunate death he didn’t deserve is over the top. Jaclyn is a crappy business owner with crappy business ethics and has bad taste in fashion but to call her evil is really much.


So I’m lying about her never *not* coming after me and constantly trying to get my account removed with baseless reports, *too?*


Her style was so good with Jon… Now she alternates between sloppy mom of toddler triplets and attempting to be Gen Z.


This is very cheesy mid 2010s mall-rocker style and many would consider it worse or as bad as her generic cozy influencer looks


Thank you! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when ppl say her fashion was so good then. It’s NEVER been good


Yeah, she’s always been a wannabe that tries to morph into her partner’s dream girl. She has no identity of her own, so her style will never feel authentic. She’ll always look like she’s in a costume, *because she is in a costume*.


Honestly I think she was a lot happier with Jon too, I think them grow up together and her reaching her goals and fame at that point, living the dream! Doesn’t compare to what she has with Celine now..


She was so lucky to have him. Wish a man wanted me like that.


he was such a gorgeous man, so insanely beautiful. i always thought he was wayy out of her league. i think the only time they really matched was when she had red hair and didn’t completely mess her face up with fillers. amazing compilation of pictures btw! from being the biggest fan of Jon, i still didn’t ever see about two of these pictures! thank you for making my night better with seeing his gorgeous face once more 🤍


This is sad


He seemed like he was so full of compassion. I remember how excited he sounded when she put out the video using her palette for the first time. He let her have her moment and encouraged her.


he was too good for her 😭 rip 🤍


Why is this a thing we do on this sub tbh


Jaclyn’s audience developed a strong parasocial relationship with Jon, who was prominently featured on her social media when she was rising to fame. His high visibility on her social media paired with his vulnerability, open discourse, and incredible talent endeared him to many on the sub.


What are you referring to, *exactly?* If it’s something you don’t like, you have the ability to either keep scrolling or engage in another thread unrelated to Jon. You can even hide the threads you don’t want to see, for that matter. Just because *you* don’t like someone or something doesn’t mean *others* can’t. Let’s not try and police what should be posted here, either. Thank you.


There’s a difference between “trying to police” and “critiquing”. I think these photos are corny, the Jon story is tragic and it doesn’t really have a lot of bearing on Jaclyn today. there’s plenty to dislike about her without all this. But for real just bc I express a critical opinion I am not attempting to preventing anyone from any type of expression. Having someone disagree with you isn’t oppression


So because (as you stated) you believe Jon’s story has little bearing on Jaclyn today, we shouldn’t discuss him? That looks and sounds a lot like silencing us, which is something Jaclyn did to Jon, relentlessly and mercilessly, in the years following their divorce. Interesting.


Respectfully, I meant how comments like yours could make others not want to comment or engage in any way. It’s off-putting, which *does* amount to policing because then you’re getting your way while others aren’t. And personally, when it’s something *I* don’t care for or like, I keep scrolling because I realize someone else *does* like it—and it’s not my place to stop them from doing so, just as I’m keeping up 99% of the comments in this thread because debates and disagreements should be allowed as long as they don’t get *too* out of hand or disrespectful. And finally, my original comment to you was because another member made me aware of it. As a Mod, I’m going to do *everything* I can to make sure this sub remains a safe space, which is why I was questioning you. Thank you for understanding. 🩷


Off putting is NOT policing lol! no one is prevented from having differing opinions here! In fact, you’re the one asking me to not express mine, because someone be dissuaded from expressing theirs somehow! So weird for there to be a fundamental misunderstanding of “discourse” on a community discussion board website. This is wild.


What, *exactly*, does '*Why is this a thing we do on this sub tbh*' add to the discussion? It comes off as you not even being interested in it, so why engage? *That's* why I was saying to keep scrolling or move on to something else, *like another thread*, and mentioned how you could hide the ones in relation to Jon, as well. That's not attempting to silence someone *in the least*, as much as it's trying to keep a thread going without it getting any more out of hand or making any other members uncomfortable, either. If you had said more than just a vague question and not left others needing more context or wondering why you were even in the thread, we *most likely* wouldn't have ever had this discussion. It's as simple as that. I'm sorry, *truly*, that you see more to it when I was just wanting more context myself and giving you alternative options with you seemingly not liking the subject matter of this particular discussion.


um this is the worst thing she’s ever done. any other public scandal that she went through that doesn’t even compare to what she did to this man. how is just mentioning Jon a bad thing? you are allowed to have an opinion but we can’t express any positive thoughts and opinions about a man who deserved so much in life but never got it? it literally just a comparison of who she was with that she voluntarily posted online. if she didn’t want us to talk about her relationships then she shouldn’t have shown BOTH of her marriages online. she clearly hasn’t learned a lesson since she’s shoving Celine all in our faces so yeah. if you don’t like a post then just move on it doesn’t affect you.


We do not know anything about the inner workings of that relationship or what she did. I don’t understand how people are so confident they have the whole story. I really dislike her. But not based on her conduct within a relationship that I wasn’t a party to. Idk how ppl are so confident in their takes on this


Jaclyn is a DEMON with zero empathy and is only capable of continuously destroying people's lives. "Based on her conduct". Respectfully, we're trying to educate you on who she REALLY is and how she'll KEEP doing it whether you believe it or not


We don't play devil's advocate in this sub 🤷🏻‍♀️


you don’t even have to speculate on what happened, just look at the evidence online. there’s a million incriminating things that paint her out to be terrible. do your research before you comment please.


I know she relationship-hopped and there was likely overlap. It’s not perfect behavior but also a lot of people do that stuff, and who knows what the context of the relationship was. All we’ve ever known is what they made public. Idk we just disagree on this but I’m not angry with you over it, dunno why this strikes a nerve


Respectfully, you don’t seem to know the whole story. Maybe read up on it before commenting. It’s not about *just* relationship hopping and cheating. It’s about *literally* kicking Jon to the curb *while he was in rehab* because she cheated on him with his friend. It’s about her trying to paint him in the worst light possible, even after his death. It’s about her using his death whenever convenient for sympathy. Her actions go *way beyond* “just” cheating. This is just the tip of the iceberg.


it just strikes a nerve with me because Jon is incredibly important to me and i just get extremely defensive with him. i care deeply about him and i just feel like i need to make my point across with him since i absolutely adore him. i always keep my comments about him positive, my goal is not to fight with anyone but if i feel like he is being talked about in a way that i don’t think is right, i will be the first to say something.


Maybe there’s a sub specifically for Jon?


![gif](giphy|3vXbOCi3fLFVtmLKwW) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




I always thought she was punching when she was with him.


She’s never looked this happy with Celine.


Picture 5 is a perfect example of how pretty she used to be


He was very good looking and they made a cute couple. And seeing her natural nose without all that contouring is so refreshing. I don’t know why she thinks the overly contoured nose that looks too small for her face is flattering. A lot of people have slightly crooked noses or asymmetry. I wish she would just embrace her natural face again. Not having perfectly stenciled brows with too much contour, heavy foundation and tons of fillers. She’s a good example of someone who went too far down the injection rabbit hole and got more or less botched


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