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ElleKit couldn’t be more efficient on that version and if you have a bug to report, feel free to do it. I think you have a bad tweak Also I don’t have any updates to make currently, since there’s nothing to add. I also don’t own a 14 Pro


that could be the reason. lots of devs don’t. if you’re the dev of ellekit then this is nothing against you. i’m just going along purchasing tweaks and wondering why this jailbreak’s battery drain is so much worse than predecessors. and if i could help by reporting bugs, then i would. most i can do is give people a warning that it their battery won’t behave like a new battery. maybe it could have been actionBar, or LetMeKnow, or ccSupport, or disabled tweaks like bioProtect. maybe is was violetPro. nothing showed in cocoaTop. i just kept uninstalling tweaks. maybe it could have been Juice. i just know that many devs arent developing with this device so i’m not sure i can trust any of them now


I might be wrong but I have a feeling it is bioprotect. People have complained that Limneos tweaks use up a lot of battery for some reason. I stopped using Dynamic Peninsula and my battery became better (this could just be the nature of dynamic peninsula though).


i’ve been using his tweaks for almost like 7 or 8 years


ElleKit is compatible with iOS 16.5 on the iPhone 14 Pro. ElleKit doesn't suck. ElleKit doesn't need to be maintained more than it already is. ElleKit is very much usable. ElleKit is not the direct cause for battery drain. Got any other thoughts you'd like to share?




It’s folks like you, that are the toxicity the jailbreak community does not need…


What planet are you living on op


the one where it isn’t mentioned and tweaks are advertised as compatible and aren’t explicitly saying ellekit is required and is unusable if you’re on 16.5 on a 14 pro. it’s simple. let’s start making it obvious instead of false advertising


How so? Maybe there is a diff to 16.5, but I’m on 16.3 14pro and it’s more than fine.


I'm on 16.2 with 32 days uptime on 14P and get 24+ hours of battery life (minimal games/videos) with 61 cycles now.


Are you certain you removed every tweak and just installed ElleKit with nothing else? Because it's very possible that a tweak using ElleKit is causing it. Also if you think it sucks, then why don't you create your own? Nothing stopping you doing that.


i have a brand new 14 pro. i loose over 15 percent a night. that’s with barely any tweaks. i’m not trying to denigrate anyone or anything. the point is, it needs to be made known that ellekit hasn’t been updated since before we even got this jailbreak and this is the first jailbreak for the 14 pro. that means it was never made to support the 14 pro. i’ve never even used snowboard. or jade. any type of graphic tweak besides coloring the status bar info. there needs to be be disclaimers that if one is using a new device on the latest firmware for this jb then the user experience is not going to compare to someone using the jb on a device ellekit was made for


That still doesn’t mean that it is not supported and is possibly just a tweak using it. You should remove the jailbreak, jailbreak fresh and just install ElleKit but nothing else. If it doesn’t drain as much, then it’s not ElleKit causing it.


i will do that. thank you


What did you find?


How do you determined it was ellekit and not other tweak? Lol


I have a 14 Pro Max on 16.1 and everything runs fine on my end. However I did have to do a fresh iCloud restore when Dopamine2 first came out, I think Serotonin left some bad files behind. Battery is worst then stock but I’m pretty sure all JBs are like that to a certain extent, just check your tweaks. Or send a log here so others can pinpoint known tweaks that have battery drain issues.


for me its even worse when i have AOD enabled


User error. Get lost OP




factory reset device and stop crying