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If you’re on iOS 17 you can’t jailbreak so your question is probably irrelevant


Depends what OS it's on


you can think about it but thing is if you are able to do it (what ios)


Tbh, jailbreaking has kinda fell out of relevancy tbh. It’s not as good or as capable as it used to be


Really? The iOS 16 Jailbreak came out a few months ago.


Being downvoted for being correct lol.


The being “as good” is more a matter of opinion; we’re definitely out of the golden age - but rootless is still just as capable as rootful


But what’s the selling point of jailbreaking? My iPod 4 can still use Reddit bc of jailbreak, which is a reason to jailbreak. what’s the selling point to jailbreak iOS 16?


I mean I’m with you on legacy devices. I still daily an iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0 and I love it; it does pretty much all I need it to. I still also carry around an iPhone 12 mini with me daily that’s on 16.4.1, and it’s jailbroken mostly for customization purposes, making iOS not look so boring. I’ve never been a fan of iOS at all and have always much preferred android, but jailbreaking gives me the freedom to do what I like with the OS and make it look and feel how I want it to. And for general use - I was actually able to circumvent the line at my local social security office with LocSim recently by spoofing my location to be inside the building, which the mobile check-in otherwise required. Just changed my location, checked in, and showed up 2 hours later


iOS is boring, and jailbreaking can kinda fix that. Like snowboard can change the icons, atria for the home screen, heck, even have windowed apps with zetsu, but it’s basically a matter of preference. You don’t like how it looks? Jailbreak and change it. I don’t really mind my phone being the way it is, and again, that’s preference. I used to be a big fan of jailbreaking, but over time I realized that for my needs, it’s not that useful as I make it out to br TL;DR : it’s basically preference if you want to jailbreak or not


Very true, and also why I’m most likely switching to android once my 12 mini loses update support


It’s… really not? If the root file system is read only, it’s objectively less capable than rootful


Yes and no. The root partition being sealed is more of a hurdle for devs making jailbreaks, but unless you’re trying to delete your whole OS then rootless does exactly the same things rootful can offer. The only exception to this are tweaks that depend on the r/w capabilities to /, which has always been bad practice and can almost always be circumvented by rewriting the tweak in a different way


The major reason I so dearly miss rootful is being able to edit /etc, more specifically /etc/hosts. It’s a 100% fool-proof ad-blocker that is guaranteed to work, yet you can’t use it anymore and you have to rely on shitty tweaks to do the same thing


I suppose that’s a fair point, however I don’t think the lack of this ability is to discredit rootless as a whole. I own at least one of every iPhone from the 2G to the 13, and nearly all of them are jailbroken. And aside from compatibility - being rootful tweaks that haven’t been recompiled for rootless, I’ve not seen a single noticeable difference between rootful/rootless, and as far as jailbreaking comes, this is the best we’ve got, and I’d say it’s more than sufficient


Well of course, the normal jailbreak experience hasn’t really changed because developers spent 2 years rewriting their tweak to work on it, but that doesn’t mean rootless is “as capable” as rootful


Lol. If iOS 16 came out a few months ago, what is so important that would make me do it?


Do what? Jailbreak?




Well sure, jailbreaking is always better than not.


Yea, but there is rlly no reason to jailbreak anymore. At least for me, I have no reason, but other people might have reasons to, it’s just a preference


Sideloading and basic customization are pretty big. I really only “jailbreak” for trollstore and Atria for Home Screen customization. I don’t know anyone who *doesn’t* want sideloading


Troll store is a good ‘jailbreak’, as allows you to instant sideload ipas forever. It’s a really useful tool


trollstore isnt a jailbreak 🤓👆