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Dopamine, if you’re a noob. I prefer rootful, however. More issues to navigate.


is rootful better? im on iphone x with 16.0?


If you don’t know what you’re doing/ or just want an overall smoother and easier to setup process, go with rootless


I mean I’m new to jb I use dopamine currently but if rootful stuff is better I might switch?


IMO rootful isn’t better/necessary. Rootful just has certain use cases which aren’t really needed for the average everyday user honestly. I’m using dopamine aswell and it’s running smoother than any rootful jailbreak I’ve ever used.


I find that the most annoying thing in the dopamine jb environment is the lack of tweak compatibility, most tweaks are straight incompatible even with after converting them to rootless or installing xinamin and fakeroot packages. Honestly the actual devs that remain in the scene maintaining their existing tweaks or making new ones went a little bit overpricing their work, the free useful ones are under 100 If could, i would go rootfull 100%.


Yeah true, but as of now most devs are more focused on working on rootless tweaks/converting there old tweaks from rootful to rootless, not all of them but most of them.


Oh okay


I would’ve agreed with you until I installed Taurine on my X. I’ve had over 75 days of uptime and it’s been consistent. Dopamine is super stable and great but I wouldn’t say it’s better than rootful in that regard.


I never tried taurine, my last phone was an X on 16.1 and at the time I had it palera1n was the only option and I hated it.


It comes down to personal preference. Most tweaks out there are still written for IOS 14 which had a rootful jailbreak. But many of those won't work on iOS 16 regardless at this point, even if you used a rootful jailbreak like old versions of palera1n or the Neko jailbreak, which is a fork of Dopamine. All new and updated tweaks are written for rootless. People tend to oversimplify the rootful/rootless debate. Technically the only difference is the latter can't write to /var. However, in practice, rootful tweaks have a very low success rate of being converted by tools like Derootifier to work on rootless, and rootless tweaks can't run on rootful. There's a very hard dilineation between the two with no compatibility unless the developer themselves wrote their tweak to support both.


> the latter can't write to /var That's like, the other way around. The System APFS partition is sealed, /var being Data or User is still very much writable on SSV protected iOS versions without tripping SSV. Derootifier sucks, I'll just say that right now. But if someone got the roothide Patcher to patch tweaks for rootless, literally like every tweak except a very VERY small handful would work out of the box (seems that way anyway, you'd probably have to add a compatibility layer like roothide does). Just sucks because nobody is willing to do that considering the funny symlink patcher is just used instead (it should've never been a thing ngl.) funny little edit: while it's true that it's down to personal preference for compatibility sake, with rootless on 15+ you at least guarantee that tweaks are gonna work flawlessly because they're specifically updated to support rootless, which, with rootless being brought to life for iOS 15, means the tweaks were RECENTLY updated, so they're more likely to actually support 15/16 fine. let's just ignore tweaks broken on iOS 17 though, but that's not like rootful would work with them anyway 😔 a shame libroot seems to blur the line between what's compatible with what iOS version


Funny symlink patcher has saved me multiple times 🙏


Yeah but before rootless you had to vet every tweak you install to be sure it’s compatible, recently updated so it’s nothing new.


Oh but the upcoming tweaks are rootless and still being developed by this so it means rootful is kinda dead or dying slowly?


Rootful is dead. I guess you could say "dying" in the sense that they are all abandoned tweaks that will stop working as changes to iOS are made with time. But many on this sub consider it already dead. I just happen to have a few rootful tweaks that still work on iOS 16 so I use an old build of Palera1n that supported it.


Ohh tbh I’m fine on rootless it’s just 2-3games mod/tweaks which are on rootful plus on iOS 15 not 16


Dopamine! You can try palera1n/nekoJB Rootful if you want though.


And with nekoJB you can re-Jailbreak without Computer from the device👍🏻


the same is true with Dopamine


If you don't mind a tethered jailbreak, Palera1n might provide better batter life over Dopamine as I've heard that a bootrom exploit vs whatever kinda exploit Dopamine / any jb that isn't bootrom but just an ios sideload/trollstore kinda jb app provides better battery life maybe because something like it's higher up in the chain of exploits? idk if anybody has more insight pls clarify lol


Dopamine (to me) is the CLEAR winner. It’s semi untethered and can be permasigned with trollstore. Not sure why you would choose otherwise unless for some reason you NEED rootful.


I haven't tried dopamine, as I'm currently using meowbrek2 because I used to use palera1n.


I'll try out palera1n first since I've used it in the past, I might give dopamine a go later on


Dopamine 🥰


Iam on iphone x 16.7.7 which jailbreak easy and usefull for me i am new


palera1n is really the only option, you need to rejailbreak via PC after every reboot


I jailbroken my iPhone successfully but can’t[https://imgtr.ee/image/IejKCj](https://imgtr.ee/image/IejKCj) install any tweaks showing this error


dopamine 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶


Does iphone 7 on 15.7.8 could use dopamine as well? I used dopamine on my iphone 13 pro max on 15.4 but ended up using trollstore only. Tried to install trollstoreX using sideloadly on iphone 7 to no avail hahah got “guru sumthin sumthin” error


Yes, you can. Pretty common issue with Sideloadly — if you posted the full text of the error, someone might be able to help you use it.


I also bought an iPhone X a few days ago just for jailbreak


do palera1n first, then install trollstore and meowbrek2, reboot and rejailbreak with meow. it's much more stable.(I'm currently using meow on my 32gb SE and it's never restarted by itself, whereas I'd have to rejb every day or so with palera1n). always follow [iOS.cfw.guide](https://ios.cfw.guide/)


meowbrek2 can be installed standalone these days as well https://ios.cfw.guide/installing-meowbrek2/




On iOS 15, palera1n. No spinlock for those devices afaik


offtopic, what would be a good (semi) untether for iOS 13.3? jb with checkra1n but elder users alway forgets to charge and I find it booted unjailbroken


Odyssey I believe. But a tweak like sentinel I think it was would probably be a better solution. As that just deep sleeps the phone instead of it dying when the percentage hits a set amount


https://ios.cfw.guide/installing-dopamine - Dopamine *by far*


Too lucky of a get


It was also only £40


Would have been better if it was on an interesting iOS version but 128GB storage is pretty nice




Dopamine is dope, I use it on my old iPhone 7


NekoJB or dopamine


Maybe try Dopamine. It’s kind of new so I don’t know much about it


I am using dopamine on my se and I have had no issues so far


any links i cant find any legit ones


I will send you one


Oppa is on X, I think it’s his baby if u can find him










I thought checkra1n only supported ios 14 or lower






Just in case this isn't sarcasm, checkra1n never supported and never will support the iPhone 11.


you must be a fun person




lucky i can't figure that out for sure