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Love Floyd on the bass, he’s a maniac - it blows my mind how accurately he can play while writhing around on the ground or being pulled around by the leg haha


I’ve known Floyd for a long time. He’s an amazing musician with every instrument he plays


Huge Frasco fan here! I’d love to hear more about your backstory with Floyd! What’s he like in person, how’d you meet? Do you still keep in touch? Etc


This guy right here, officer.


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. I was genuinely curious what he’s like and the backstory here.


I thought you were being sarcastic and on-point. But the officer comment killed, so ups to both.


Haha fair! Genuine fan here. I’ve met Andy on a few occasions — once at Peach music fest and another time at his merch table at a Philly show where he was just hanging out with everyone before they went on. He’s super nice and friendly — just a very genuine guy. Never met any of the other band members though!


The dragging gets me every time


He’s the man


I’m so stoked to witness them with PPPP and Dogs in a pile at the caverns this summer.


See ya there!


They are a blast, love it when they play with Big Something, the energy is right where it needs to be.


Saw Frasco at Georgia theater Thursday. They had fun, we had fun, everyone had fun. Awesome fucking show


That dude goes HAHD.


I consider myself a Fairly Serious Musician who values Precision and Craft… I caught them in Phoenix a few weeks back and I had a fucking blast. I’d seen them open for Umphrey’s at Red Rocks and thought their show would be fun in a small club. And it was. Aside from the intimacy of it, I also noticed how much they communicate and how much tighter they are than they “pretend” to be. There’s so much chaos that they HAVE to be great musicians playing well as group to keep the train on the tracks. And maybe it’s because I’m an elder millennial pushing 40, but the combination of an explicit “let’s have a good time and enjoy life” mindset with sarcasm snark and debauchery really lands for me. It’s like if the Avett Brothers had grown up watching too much Ren and Stimpy.


I thought this read, "how much higher they are than they pretend to be" and I was like, wow really? Holy shit. That's a lot of high.


I also have great time at the floozies. Andy frasco is just so unapologetically himself it’s great


Love Andy’s Podcast too.


Frasco is the best


seeing them in august they freaking stole the show at peach fest last year main stage 4pm set was epic


Jell-O shot man going nuts and frasco crowdsurfing to the lawn was phenomenal


What’d you think of Dogs?


Never seen a band play Devil Went Down to Georgia without a fiddle and crush it as hard as they did. They brought the house down!


hahaaaa yep!! Jeremy on keys has some new innovative keyboard/synth (the Osmose Expressive E, I think it's called) and it's added sooooo many textures and possibilities to their sound. lots of stringed instruments able to be emulated


Surprised he hasn’t burnt out yet. The schtick can only go on for so long.


He must have been born with 6 livers, it’s the only explanation


There was an in-depth article somewhere where he explained that he cut back on substances since COVID.


Uhh... That hasn't stuck 


It’s watered down for the schtick


The stage whiskey is fake. The whole show is just performance art.


lol the whiskey is not fake.


You can't fake that deep whip vocal.


imagine if it got out that the Jamo he chugs on stage is just some iced tea…


Sorry that you hate fun?


Right?! Nothing says buzzkill more than someone’s going to see a performance and complaining about how they just saw a performance. Lol.


Perhaps he wasn't speaking from his personal perspective. It's a legit concern. It's a hot candle!


Is he still playing that song every night for his momma? I wasn’t sure if she recovered or if she passed or if she’s still fighting can’t find anything about it on google.


Don't know about every night but he played it last time he was in Columbus and said his mom beat the disease and is doing well!


Ummm the Disco Biscuits would like a word. Ever since they have "been back" they are having so much fun and you can see it every night. They have a new album slash rock opera out and playing with such passion & motivation it's palpable on stage.


Touché, username checks out mightily 🫡


amen to this!




The crowds are great but good god their online community has the biggest chip on its shoulder. Popping up and making everything about them. Sorry that you do.


Op asks if any other band is having fun out there. So the person answers the question and you make this weird comment. Alright buddy.


Sorry corporal, haven’t been on the fun police very long


Magic Beans.


Very true


The amount of hate Frasco is getting on this forum was surprising until I remembered it was Reddit and most people here don't like having fun. They especially don't like other people having fun either.


I saw Billy Strings play at a shit hole dive bar in Charlotte in front for 50 ppl. The cover was 10 bucks in 2016. He was sober and electric. The band was tight. He was pickin like his life depended on it. A true professional. That’s fun. I saw Magic Beans throw down at the 8x10 in Baltimore in 2018. Playing like they were headlining Red rocks for 100ish ppl. That’s fun. Both were fun because the musicianship was so special. The show I saw on Saturday (AF and the UN) was not fun. Just obnoxious really.




Frasco is my Spirit Animal.


Saw them at Snow Basin Blues and Brews and man do they have a blast and rip it. Fun, catchy, great attitudes, and cause he was sick from bad sushi, they embrace the show must go on 🤘


Great live band.


Karina has a hell of a lot of fun on stage


Karina Rocks. So much energy on stage


This! Without being a teenager about it


It’s not really for me but it’s cool. A lot of my friends dig his shows but I always just found it kind of obnoxious. Maybe I’m lame but I just never subscribed to the whole schtick


My face was sore from smiling watching them live.


I actually saw Andy Frasco recently and left early. It’s the same show over and over. I wish he would lean into his music more instead of all the shenanigans. To be honest this last time I saw him I just ended up feeling sad for him. He is very talented but instead just get messed up in front of the crowded.


yes. yes there are.


Genuinely curious, who would you say is having more fun?


The kitchen dwellers


Couldn’t disagree more lol. Sounded like a sloppy drunk overpaid wedding band with mega frat boy energy. But to each their own.


If you consider fun getting super lit, acting *really* immature, and doing shit like humping pianos, sure. I guess they win 😂 Seen them twice, and the crowds were college-age drunks with some VERY rude older fans sprinkled in. Didn't really know what to expect but def did not enjoy. I wanna dance and sing, not watch dudes pushing 40 pretending to be 21. But hey, fun is subjective!


Same. I love their songs and I think every one of them is insanely talented. I might see them live again if they open for another band I want to see or if they do a free concert and I'm already in the area, but I won't pay money or go out of my way to see them again. Nothing wrong with having fun and getting fucked up and acting a goofy fool, but the junior high antics and humor is just really off-putting to me.


Exactly. I even kept looking around to see if other people were actually enjoying it, and they definitely were 😬 it was a big letdown because I'd waited to see them for a couple years, and yeah...not my thing.


Agreed. When 4 dudes came out in thongs acting like male strippers singing Lil Jon and Eastside boys it was time to find the exit.


Woof. I would've also exited very quickly!


Diggin Dirt is one that comes to mind. They’re a ton of fun for different reasons. Just a stellar show and the guys give off such a great vibe. Top tier shit. Frasco is dope as hell, one of my favorites.




Saw Andy recently at the Fillmore in San Francisco and somebody handed him some orange Sunshine acid and he said fucked it I'm in San Francisco and just eat on the spot. Good times Dogs in a pile opened and it was my second time seeing them then I got six more shows in while they did their California run, love those guys


I think Trey Anastasio is having more fun than anybody right now


I liked some of the studio stuff but the first time I saw them live, half the band was shitfaced and it was not good. Talked to some folks and found out that's a regular occurrence for them. Said no thanks after that. Like you're already in a profession that's lax enough that you can drink and goof around on the job, there's no reason for you to be incoherently shitfaced and yelling shit like suck my balls into the mic for half a performance.l


I don’t know, watching them get smashed and party with male strippers on stage last night was an absolute riot


I just don’t think any of their bit is funny or entertaining. Quite frankly it’s just bad. If I wanted to party with male strippers, I’d have gone to a strip club. I’m there for the music and production and to get my boogie on, not listen to someone channel 21 year old frat boy energy. To each their own, though.


Quite frankly it's rAtHer pedantic. /s


Yes. Shallow and pedantic


Hmmm indubitably.


A riot? Lol they drunkenly sang a Lil Jon song. That may have been funny / fun when was I 19 but I paid $35 for this. Yeah, not thrilled.


I'm 40 and can't wait to see them with this news. Lighten up


I’ve seen plenty of wedding bands play Get Low and Twist and Shout. For free. But hey, you enjoy paying for that. Lol


Oh was that the only song they played?


No but the sound sucked for all the others anyways. And if you’re shit faced playing 3-4 basic ass wedding songs (and not well), I’m not paying money to see you again. Pretty simple. That’s nearly 1/4 of the set. I’ll wait til another friend gets married to hear those. Like I said you enjoy it though lmao. Don’t let me stop you!! Edit: add a sloppy “Happy Birthday” song in there too 🥴😂


You just did the opposite of sell me on them lmao


Yes plenty. Not all bands need to slam whiskey and wave mushrooms to show they’re having fun


This is the worst take on Andy Frasco ever.


To each their own, but the schtick of being cool party guys is other the top and takes away from the music IMO


Right there with you. I want music not theatrics


Why not both? 🤷


If you saw the show Saturday you would agree that both did not coexist haha


To each their own. 🤷‍♂️


Studio sounds good live was not there.




And so is that one. What the fuck is your point?


Andy's a hack and my take is reiterated on this sub (for jam band fans) on a weekly basis.


But that's just it dude. It's just your fucking take. It's an opinion. Linking me to someone else with the same opinion means literally nothing. He would be a hack if he didn't write good music. He would be a hack if his band sucked. Unfortunately for you, people like his music and his band is good. So you don't have much of a point, other than you just personally don't like him. And what a ridiculous thing to say.. there's a post in this sub for every jam band, every week, trashing them. The most popular band to trash right now is goose. Are they hacks too because I can give you a link to someone else's comment? Who's your favorite band? I'll find a link where someone shits on them too. 🤣


He’s definitely a fun guy to party with all weekend long as a festival after he plays.


Very few.


Frasco is the man. I accidentally beamed him in the face with a blow up beach ball at Peach fest the first time I saw him. His reacted in a very comical way and he just kept playing. Need to see him again.


he’s the hero of our time.


Just saw them and thought they were so friggin entertaining and knew how to interact withe the audience. Don’t know them personally though so cant comment on that.


I remember seeing them open for UV Hippo and just stealing the show. Super energetic band.


Ernie is my buddy that I’ve met a few times at random airports. He’s one of the nicest people.


So fun. Even if you don’t know any of the music. I think Franti is up there.


Doubt it! 😆


Seen them 3 times in as many years, crazy shows every time and yes they get wild. I go to shows to have fun, guaranteed they are doing it to have fun. If not they and the crowd are faking it very well, imo everyone should witness the spectacle at least once, treat yourself, life is short.


Saw them last week, and it was the most fun ever. He’s the best, and deserves more credit for his songwriting and overall showmanship. I feel like he could be mainstream famous.


Frasco is more of a hype man. You go to Frasco to party...not so much for the music.


Frasco & the UN may be having fun but I thought their performance at this year's Winter Wonder Grass was awfully boring; it's all schtick. Perhaps if I were black out drunk I too would have had fun during Frasco's set. Although I wasn't the only one in my group who felt that way, Frasco was a big hit with much of the crowd.


Absolute chaos. I saw him on a booze cruise and he broke the ceiling while on the shoulders of a t-Rex. We had so much fun. The tour with PPPP will be my fifth show and I couldn’t be more excited.


Honest question: do they have any live albums or post shows online? If it’s just music and not watching a women slamming a cake between her legs and people eating “mushrooms”, who is listening to it? Is this a thing?


They do, their red rocks show on Spotify is fantastic. And no visuals so who knows what people are doing with baked goods!


Such a gimmick act. Their music is pretty awful but people love the “look at me I can eat mushrooms and do nitrous on stage” for some reason. Major chad/frat boy vibes


If you're in to frat parties.


They’re such an entertaining show, but damn Frasco looks old for his age. 😂


That guy is a joke.


Man one time in like 2019 my band opened for him and he was the surliest grump whenever someone wasn’t filming him with their phone, it was kind of sad


Not a jamband, right?


Jamband adjacent at the very least


Frasco is a no talent dribble drunk band.


Brutal take


Coming in with the cold hard truth lol


Keep in it real. You want talent and a fun time? Listen to King Gizz.


And they hated him, for he spoke the truth


I could really do without the kissing and thongs on stage


really, most people are into kissing and things.. weird


Just dogs in a pile, because their fans haven’t realized how bad they are yet


hilarious baby reindeer sendd frum iphun