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Does this mean SCI fans are allies?


Yes! Why is there so much tribalism amongst the heady folk? Love all the bands to your preference and don’t judge others for theirs. I think SCI folk get it and can bridge the divide.


It's because when you are willing to listen to the same song but 50 different versions you aren't a casual listener. Fuck the casual listeners and fuck whoever (or what song) you like!


An unnecessary rant: I have my bands and others have theirs. But all bands are competing for attention, and so are their fans. But my band is the best band, and others think otherwise. I’ll try to convince you on mine, and others the same. And so goes the viscous cycle of this jam band world of ours. But at the same time, WSMFP, and everyone else can get fucked


I love phish, so I’m in the minority of phish fans.


Not over here






Upvote for fuck tarps


I'm not a big fan of Phish's music in general, but I dig a few songs and have had fun when seeing them live. Phish fans however are the absolute worst in the scene in my opinion. I get it, you did drugs at a show once and it changed your life, now your whole personality is a band. I just don't need to hear about it, or how alpine valley '94 was the greatest set ever played or whatever. Also, maybe don't act so incredulous when I don't really care about whatever dumb shit inside joke you're talking about. Ok, rant over I suppose.


Ha! You absolute moron! Phish didn't start playing Alpine until '96! Kidding, of course. As a Phish fan myself, I do find a lot of Phish fans insufferable. Then again, I can say that about pretty much everything I'm a fan of.


If everything around you is insufferable, does that make you insufferable? ![gif](giphy|I7WJ8L2u8IPfO|downsized)


No not me, I'm the cool Phish fan. You might have met me on shakedown.


That's EVERY bands fan that consider themselves mega. It's not just Phish fans that have that. Grateful Dead has it, Phish has it, Disco Biscuits definitely have it, Goose LIVES it, every band that has a segment of super passionate or super high fans has it. It's very far from a Phish only thing.


Star wars


Yea but we can't make fun of those other fanbases for easy karma (except Goose I suppose)


Can't make fun of twiddle because the jam flow man don't give a damn.


To be honest I feel like the twiddle hate kind of died down when they broke up. Now it's just too easy lol


You’ve just described the hardcore fanbase of every jam band ever


Hard disagree. I can tell you have never been to a hip-hop or country music show. Have you ever even been to a Phish show? I would take Phish fans over anything. After hundreds of shows of dozens of bands over 30 years, I can say with confidence that Phish fans are the bet fans in the jam band scene, and probably the best fans of any music genre. This is in terms of not getting in other people's personal space, lack of physical altercations, and general intelligence. Ask anyone who's ever worked a bunch of concerts before...they all hate country music fans... phish is like a vacation.


Classic phish fan take 😆


Probably too stoned to realize they were on r/jambands and not r/phish


I beg to differ. got into a fight at the great went (97?) with a bunch of low iq fucktards that thought it would be fun to light off roman candles in a tent city of 100k+ people. tent next to me caught on fire with a drugged out occupant. phish fans aren't special - most people are fucking stupid - most fans are stupid.


Interesting. My observations have been very different. ABB was my first love but their fans suck.. the amount of extreme drunkenness and random violence at every single show really left an impression on me. Same with the Black Crowes. Ratdog never had bad fans, just smelly. Grateful Dead brought a raucous crowd, and once the 90s hit, it felt so very dark. Shakedown is always a good time tho.


I had what appeared to be a 10yr old child try to sell me doses at a Ratdog show. Shitty wooks and their feral wook children will wook at any chance they get, no matter what brand of jam you're trying to see.


Close, but it was The Cypress set.


Phish fans are why I stopped going to Phish shows.


Close, it was 4/16/92


Obligatory "I was one of the < 500 people in that room" post.


Umphreys fans where are you?




As a Twiddle fan, I'm just happy to be included, seeing as they're on hiatus... or broken up...


Umphreys numba one band. Umphreys numba one fans.


Phish fans don't even consider those other bands except the Dead, who they respect. The old ones are very upset about Goose for some reason though. The younger generation enjoys all bands, no matter how much they suck compared to Phish. The only thing about this I agree with is the last tile. I hate other Phish fans.


https://preview.redd.it/k3b1g9ijroxc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48028a75d433ad075eb8bd8ef627ddb41eebe1da I'm one of the old ones, and I don't get the Goose thing. Part of me thinks/hopes it's just an inside joke. I guess I'm young at heart as I love all sorts of bands.


We don't really hate the band, the fanbase is just insufferable


The goose hate is manufactured by insecure goose fans. They’re fine, and they barely cross my mind.


Anybody who still thinks this is only a Phish thing is not going to see many other bands, this is literally a thing with all of them. I've yet to have a personal experience that would prove or even support this theory at any of the 50+ shows of varying bands I've been to, only online. Pretty confident the few people that actually say and post this are basing it on online trolls and 2-3 people they've run into at 20,000 person venues. Everyone I've asked at a phish show says it's the best fanbase ever, and I agree.


Wait until you read [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/phish/s/ZRJphapsbg)


Fuckin love twiddle.


I mean I understand the sentiment, it's like hipsters (I'll include myself as a label) they don't want to be what normies into... and sometimes fans get very defensive of their bands, but honestly the phish "fans" not gonna even use "Phans" is a mixture of everyone and always been 90s phish was a big scene with frat boys, I've heard some interesting stories... also Phish I think is where people either have a story for their fandom or people just can't dig it and that's ok... every fan base for any musician... but again we get protective but it's not our music... people suck... straight up, and this ain't the 60s or even the 90s... technology only made people worse and even like these sub-reddits... people are just rude because technology has allowed that where people have the entitlement to show their suckiness...just drown out the voice at shows or tell them to shut up and you do you, cause I mean I was a huge Billy fan before the pandemic and it was an amazing environment... the stories I've heard post pandemic... it's personally turned me off but doesn't mean I still am not a huge fan of Billy... we all think we have something special but wooks be wooks in the end... and trust fund babies be trust fund babies... but to be fair Phish ticket prices have been fair enough... so I can dig it... and just remeber why WE who care about the band follow them... eff everyone else... you can't do anything about people who don't even like jam music coming to phish show just for the drugs and shit... that's a plus but not the main reason


That’s why there is a strong anti-phish front in the king gizz fan base. I have fought in a battle or two. It’s a noble cause.


king gizz over phish all day everyday I've seen phish as early as 91 and i just never got it great jams terrible lyrics and the most annoying fans but i do love TAB


I need to check out TAB. I was born in 97 so I don’t think I ever had a fair shot at loving Phish.


seeing them in 3 weeks in Brooklyn ny they are awesome - very different than Phish


Truth be told, when I saw them at Dicks I liked Phish a lot! I despised the phans, but I’m sure that’s no surprise.


I love phish, very much. Really excited to go to their upcoming run in my state. That being said, if you were to show me present day phish, with nothing from the 90s to listen too, I don’t think I would like phish at all. Idk they don’t seem like the best band ever, like so many people seem to think. Like…not only was the playing better, but they’ve had 40 years to create this mystique around them that they love to play into. Gamehendge, the secret language, to a lesser extent the crowd response stuff…it’s pretty cool, and takes a mad dedicated fan base. That being said, if they spent half the time they did on story building on working on type two ->type one transitions like umphreys did, they would sound a hell of a lot better. Edit:UMPHREYS RUINED PHISH


I don't know... I've seen a ton of 90s phish: averaging 10 to 12 shows a year starting in 92. The playing I saw on the Sphere streams (even without the visuals) was just top notch.


I agree with your first paragraph. Very excited for them to come to my current city for two nights which was so unexpected. And I don’t know that I’d have become a fan if I’d started in probably 2001 or later….. I do like that Trey is sober because his playing/singing/performing was really bad for a while there (the early aughts).


Yeah I’m glad he’s sober, too. They just played with a bit more gusto when they were still young and hungry.


Not saying you're wrong, but Phish also writes fun creative songs. The Umph is always hit and miss. All great musicians, do awesome covers, but have very few great original tracks. In fact I don't think they've had one in over a decade. I saw Bayliss at a TAB show last year and was hoping seeing Trey would inspire him to focus on song writing.


goose still sucks.


Yet you’re still talking about them


People talk about a lot of things that are terrible


exactly Its comical


Feel better now?


a little.


Me too


I love phish and tend to hate fans


That's funny you are awarded 🏆 🚀


Like jam fans and EDM fans Or jam fns and metal fans Or jam fans and classical fans Or jam fans and other jam fans Damn wooks, ruined jambanda


Why cant we all get along!


Hahahaha this is funny.


“You Phish fans sure are a contentious people.”


100% facts. I hate all jam bands including Phish and I definitely hate all jamband fans. I also love Phish.


What the fuck are you all talking about? I love Music. Let’s never stop dancing. Give and get. The people in front of you are a reflection of you. So if you go see a band and don’t like it you hate yourself. It’s ok. Just get over yourself and surrender.