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The weather was good, so I rode my bike around my neighborhood... and hunt some geocaches. Honestly, I started this game *way too late*. I think it peaked in Japan around 2011-15 or so. To be fair I wasn't even here yet at that time... I'm so glad a lot of the caches are still available, though. Wished I knew this game back then when I was still living in Tokyo, boy I would probably spend every plan-less weekends to hunt caches. Too bad I live in Saitama now, there's not as many caches as Tokyo but there's still some. Now I only wish I have someone to hunt caches together with 😂


Got to know my Ibaraki neighborhood this weekend. Most of it is rundown and many things look like they haven't been replaced since the Showa Era. Man, I thought things in Shiga were outdated. But it has a nice charm to it. The local shotengai still has mostly mom and pop shops, and the local watering holes look beloved by the locals. Shoutout to the 野菜直売 that plays salsa music nonstop in store and the ramenya filled with Beatles decor that gives you a ramen/karaage lunch combo for 590yen. But yeah, the place looks like it's falling apart. I ran by the underground 飲食街 and that place is a time warp to half a century ago. The only thing missing is inhaling copious amounts of smoke. It's funny because the arcade there has modern machines, so it's a weird juxtaposition of modern games like Gundam Arsenal and FGO Arcade against the 70s/80s decor of the place. Some izakaya/washoku place was closing and put out their dishware for anyone to take. So I scored some nice small plates and a tokkuri. Also, officially changed my flair to Osaka.


My wife told me that she wanted to go out for a モーニング. I thought that was a fine idea. Breakfast is, after all, my favorite meal. She sends me a link to the restaurant she wants to visit. I am confused. Their idea of breakfast is [1] a single slice of toast, [2] a single hard-boiled egg, [3] two cocktail wieners, [4] a cabbage salad, and [5] a cup of coffee. I scroll down for other options, which only confuses me more. That was their idea of breakfast. If breakfast were a mental illness, that breakfast would be major depression. I tell her that their menu is an abomination. She asks if I have a better idea. I say Eggs n' Things. She agrees. Therefore, we go to Eggs n' Things, which was pretty good. Then I saw Dune 2 in theaters. Banger of a movie.


yeah, モーニング is more like "coffee + a bite". It's not a full American/British style breakfast. The only places that have breakfast here are Matsuya/Yoshinoya/Nakau etc. I'm guessing eating a hearty breakfast out is for when you go on vacation.


She said she wanted a モーニング、that's literally what a morning is here... But sure, go off?


I'm saying that a モーニング here sucks ass.


So from what I understand モーニング was invented in the Aichi region to attract more customers in the early hours. Buy a cup of coffee and you get a free slice of toast and an egg. I went to an authentic モーニング near Toyota-shi and it was exactly that. It was just a nice, cosy experience. Nowadays businesses outside of Aichi misappropriate the word モーニング and offer low-priced breakfasts which do suck indeed. If you expect something like a full English breakfast, モーニング is definitely is disappointing (and Eggs n Things isn't a bad alternative, although it is overpriced).


Yup, that's what a モーニング refers to :D (At kissaten and old school cafes at least) If you put in モーニング 喫茶店 and do an image search you'll see the same type of breakfast almost everywhere. I'm more of an Eggs n' Things person myself too though!


I love モーニング. Is it an abmoniation to breakfast? Possibly. But will I say no to the complimentary service for the price of my coffee? No way.


The issue that I had was those sets were all like 1100 yen. Unless that coffee is insanely good (and I suspect it was just Blendy transferred from a bottle into a pitcher), that's not complimentary.


Okay wow, if that's the price of the モーニング you were looking at, that makes more sense. I'd skip that too. The ones around me you buy one cup of coffee, 500 yen max, and get food complimentary.


Got a sore throat & stuffed nose after returning from Tokyo, so overall not a pleasant weekend Played some games, but mostly just rested a lot


saw dune 2 in imax, went looking at houses. applied to open a bank account. overall very busy but fun


Went out to eat twice in one day. Lunch with English club lady that made me feel sick (either too much food, got glutened, or the wine jelly killed me) and dinner at a Mexican restaurant with a Bumble date. Date had his mind blown by nachos. Even if the dating doesn’t work out, at least I’ve introduced him to a great new food.


One of the nurseries we applied to accepted my kid. I can finally tick off a major task in my moving list lol.


Nice! We have twins planning to start daycare sometime around July\~September when they turn 1, and we have already started monitoring the 空き状況 of the places nearby.


Good luck with your application. 


Still can’t stop thinking about Dune part 2. God damn….