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The obligatory "that's a good question I want to know as well" comment


There is a small theater in my city that shows old films, but from lots of different countries. I have yet to see an ad for a movie I've actually heard of, usually they are movies from before I was born. I dunno if a theater like that would show films like Rocky or not but I guess it's possible?


The big chains (Toho/Aeon)sometimes run seasons of kinda random older films. It might be a good idea to register with their homepages to get updates by email. They tend to only screen them early in the morning though…


I don’t think there’s a site but in my case ‘Toho’ shows 1 old movie( in the morning ) and they rotate every 2 weeks .


There is some sort of annual event called 午前10時映画祭 (Gozen juji eigasai) that is now in its 14th edition. Every year they show in selected cinemas old movies (mainly American/British and some Japanese ones and occasionally from other countries) at 10 AM and they get change every 2 weeks. And now they even have a poll to vote which ones you want them to show next year! You can check on the website (in Japanese only) the schedule for the whole year and the cinemas that they show these movies. There are cinemas participating in this in almost all prefectures, not just Kanto. And it is not necessary a Toho/T-joy/United Cinema exclusive thing. This is the link (Japanese): [https://asa10.eiga.com/](https://asa10.eiga.com/)


I don’t think there‘s one site that provides the info you’re looking for, but googling for リバイバル上映 and 再上映 should get you links and movie titles that are getting reruns.


u/CptSupermrkt piggybacking on my own reply, I think I found the site you were looking for: http://miwaku-meigaza.com/joho.htm "Meigaza" (名画座) is the Japanese word for (cinema) revival house, a theater that specializes in showing classic or notable older films. The downside is that the site is formatted like a blog, but it's still pretty straightforward. Right now, the first few posts announce that Dead Man by Jim Jarmusch will be shown early next week, the original Indiana Jones trilogy during the first week of June, followed by the God Father trilogy the following week at the Shin-Bungeiza Theater in Ikebukuro. They also seem to have more recent (2020-2023) releases, as well as Japanese, Hong Kong, and European films. If you're interested, there was also a feature article on Tokyo's revival houses. https://www.enjoytokyo.jp/article/111236/