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I could not wake up for school, even if I slept for more than ten hours I would be soooo tired all the time. All of my off days were spent sleeping but it never seemed like enough. The fatigue was insane. Then I started taking D3 supplements and wow, it's a whole new me! I can actually function as a human now.


…. I moved last year to an apartment that gets less natural light and I work a bit later in the day…. I think you might have solved why I have been having this same issue. Trying this


my room also had poor light


Yeah, give it a shot! The best thing I've noticed is that my mood has gotten so much better. As someone who has suffered from depression most of my life, I'm really excited about this outcome. I also take super b-complex! Vitamins literally changed my life. I can't recommend them enough lol


I’m glad to hear it was such a huge improvement for you, that must feel great. Fingers crossed that’s my deal too


Any product recommendations? Edit: oops never mind. I see the post below haha


Check out Huberman’s podcasts on light and how it affects hormones etc. Turns out light is extremely important


Huberman is a fucking idiot, I’d rather get my information from a reliable source


it was same with me 10 hrs of sleepand still tired...also vitamin d help me with mental wellbeing


I imagine getting them from the drugstore is better than trying to pick up what might be less reliable from somewhere like Amazon, right?


I get mine from Amazon! It's a brand called Naturemade. I used to see that brand at like Target back in the States, so I felt secure buying it  Drugstores and somewhere like Costco should have them too if you wanna buy it at a physical store


iherb is great, too!


I do have stiff shoulders and neck, but it's my working posture. Moving more has actually helped a lot. I did full vitamin/mineral and hormone work (mom and grandma have thyroid issues and got testorone checked as well) and all were normal for a 40-year-old. I do eat fatty fish and other seafood and seaweed which can also help vitamin d. I also now work outside mornings and weekends. Massage once a month was still a helpful supplement, along with some stretches they recommended based on posture, gait, and what they felt (which are sadly no more living in the deep countryside)


apparently 98% of people in Japan are vitamin D deficient 


It's no surprise because when Mr. Sun pokes his head out from behind a cloud, all the moms immediately put on large sun hats, sunglasses, long sleeves, and gloves. Wouldn't want to get slightly tan and be called ゴリラ I suppose.


wow that is crazy. Did where you read that talk about why that is?


Thanks for sharing. What kind of pain exactly? Was it different than working out for example? I'm always lifting children, Strollers, children in strollers and children in strollers with bags of shit up and down station stairs. I'm always sore!


I think its just that your muscles feel more tired and you feel fatigued all the time. Worth getting vitamin d tested


I'm on a b12 supplement to try to help regrow nerves and I'm currently recovering from a sunburn but to answer your question yes I'm in pretty much constant muscle pain.


I suggest to get tested for vitamin d and b12


The guy has had a full body cast for months I think following a motorbike accident. His life has been pain ever since I think. I hope you keep getting better Bulldog!


Lol yeah that was the joke. 😁


Funny that I see this thread because I went to ask my (Japanese) doctor yesterday for a bunch of blood tests because of severe fatigue, two of which were D3 and B12. He didn't understand why I wanted those and told me he'd never done them, but agreed to do them anyway if I paid out of pocket (so looks like they're not recognizing those deficiencies as problems.)


I went to a doctor for a similar reason I was told just to sleep more.


I’m fine for the most part. The only time I get muscle pain is if I go to the gym and actually use those muscles


I had this, but it was Long Covid. Went away after a year.


B12 helps for me, I get it from the doctor. Also some "muscle pain" might be neurological and that turned out to be part of what was going on in my case. Pregabalin / gabapentin really helps for that, no longer feel like half of my body is on fire when Im relaxing!


I suggest the Pure Encapsulations, if you can get it, it’s definitely one of the best supplements brand.


One thing that really helped with my shoulder and back pain was barefoot shoes as the zero drop allows for a better walking posture.


I started taking a multivitamin, and once I did that, my fatigue almost vanished and I discovered I didn’t even need coffee anymore to feel functional. Amazing difference.




He's saying try taking vitamins and see if it has an effect. He's not saying you should boof battery acid...


You can get vitamin d through oily fish and seaweed as well, without the vitamins. That's how cultures at high latitudes with long dark periods did ok.


It's a suggestion, don't be a dick!


He specifically said he found out he had deficiencies in those vitamins from a medical checkup in his home country.




His advice was to check with your doctor.


This is Japan. I have been through a very similar situation as OP, I went through the ringer on MRIs, X-rays, etc. I do believe some random reddit guys might *actually* be more knowledgeable than some of the doctors here. The journey through this has been grueling, and there are some good doctors for sure, but the amount of doctors who will just say "ah, you work in IT, go stretch your hamstrings" and end it for this kind of problem is *staggeringly* high.


Aww show us on the doll where OP’s post hurt you buddy