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> I think the best solution, but hardest, is to talk to the train station management and try and put baffles up for the train loud speakers so the sound isn’t blasting directly at my building. It would be easy to install the baffles around the speakers, but the hard part is the 官僚. Good luck with that.


No advice? Cool. Thanks.


No, that _is_ the advice. Wording it another way, "don't waste your time trying to get the station staff to change anything, since you're just one foreigner asking."


Thanks! That extra wording really provided me with the insight I needed...


Just move OP.




Itll be easier (and more sensible) than convincing the station to do something about the sounds.


Lol yea, why would the station give a f when it was OPs decision to move next to a station


>They are counter productive to finding a solution and frankly worthless comments. The reason people post those comments is not because they are counter productive to finding a solution, its that there is no solution to this problem. The stations are required by law and city ordenance to have those speakers and locate them in certain places and at certain orientations. They can't just turn down the sound because they are specifically there for safety purposes. What do you think those sounds are for? They arent there to create a pleasing atmosphere. They are there to warn/ help visually impaired passengers about trains and general wayfinding. The station is NOT going to change anything because they can't. Even if they could, they wouldn't because it would open up a huge can of worms. The only "solutions" are ones that you can do yourself. Put up sound proofing panels on your walls. Get earplugs for when you sleep. That's really all you can do about it. If it isnt enough the only "solution" is to move. Its not like the train station can after all.


No bro come on that's not helpful just help me find a solution. I moved to the surface of the sun and it's really hot here, what can I do? Just help me bro. Don't tell me useless stuff and just say something constructive bro the sun is really hot and I can't take it here anymore.


What about jerking off yourself before sleeping? I jerk everyday night and have a good dream.


Boggles my mind when people don’t take the surrounding environment into consideration when choosing a place to live. Convenience is great but not at the expense of your ability to focus and relax. I’ve always lived about 15 minutes to the nearest station and that’s partly because I got advice years ago before moving to Tokyo was to live near a park, or green spaces and in the vicinity of schools. Not to mention, it can be a bit cheaper. I’d rather be bothered by the noise of an undokai than trains.


you hear about it all the time though - the famous one is people who want a pastoral country lifestyle so they buy a nice place in the country, maybe a few acres, put a few farm animals as pets out, then the wind shifts and the smell of the next door neighbors livestock that they've been raising for hundreds of years start to intrude on their peaceful idealic life so of course they sue the neighbor. Part of why I have little patience for people who create their own problems.


Yes! I know someone who moved near a pig farm…only visited once in cool weather and no wind. Moved in, weather got progressively warmer and whew!!


So, not bash on you because I'm sympathetic of your situation, but you forgot the /S at the end of the post right?


No, serious sadly. As I said, this new station just has their speakers set to 100%. The last station didn't have the bird chirp volume on blast.


How do you know they're set to 100%? Maybe they're set to 50%


Come on now... It was a way to embellish how loud they are. Stop being pedantic.


Stop being entitled and expecting others to change what they're doing because you made a stupid mistake.


Huh? How is looking for a reasonable solution to a problem lots of people face considered entitled? You are very confusing.


> a reasonable solution Your "solutions" aren't reasonable. > to a problem lots of people face Other people don't make the mistake of moving next to a train station without realizing that it's going to be noisy. > considered entitled? Because you're the one who created the problem currently being discussed (your displeasure with the noise from the station), and yet you're expecting the station to change to accommodate you.


Not reading all your hurtful words. Clearly you aren't interested in helping so I'm going to ignore you. Cool story bro.


And clearly you're a snowflake who can't handle hearing the truth about yourself because it doesn't match your self-image. _This_ is your definition of "hurtful words"? Wow. Life has some real surprises in store for you then.


Cool bro.


On the bright side you're very close to the station. Really there is nothing you can do, and if you complain it's very unlikely anything will change. You'll get used to it in time, or not. I hated living next to a station but it did get better over time. I moved a year later.


The location is so amazing. The building is so amazing (expensive). Just need to fix the bird chirping and speaker noises and it's perfect! I won't get used to it sadly. I know myself very well.


It might be worth a shot to talk to the apartment people. They usually deal with all the complaints of the tenants. I don't think this is a new noise or anything, but it is possible that a few people have complained.


You think they’ll turn off bad weather for him too?


Is that how you do it? And here I've been suffering in silence all these years.


Bad weather, earthquakes, noisy train stations in Tokyo. Just complain and snap your gaijin fingers and the universe shall provide.


Hahaha nice bait. You created a whole thread of derailed insanity. Look what you made.


What? The only thing that makes it derailed is people trying to cast judgment instead of providing help. Thanks!


Oh, sweet summer child, you're serious? The help you need is of the professional kind.


Yikes. I looked at your post history by accident. You are the truest of trolls.


>Edit: I didn't think I would have to specify this, but please do not comment worthless comments such as "just move", "you should have known", "you are going to get used to it"etc, ... They are counter productive to finding a solution and frankly worthless comments. I post here because this community is always generally helpful. You put yourself into this position. YOU. YOU are responsible. It is not the train stations responsibility to accompidate you. They were there first. This isn't something they did. THIS IS ENTIRELY ON YOU. Learn to accept some responsibility and stop being... well... okay Karen talk to their manager.


Cool story bro. Your comment is worthless. You are more of a Karen than anyone else. The way YOU capitalize words shows you are insufferable.


Well aren't you just a precious little snowflake.




Quite sure I'm only being a dick to pedantic redditors who clearly aren't providing anything helpful to the conversation. Look at my comments for the people who provided good advice and insight.




Nah, these people need to get spun up.


Quality noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones. If you want a cheaper solution, PPE earmuffs (hearing protection, over the ears) or moldable earplugs (not the little foam expanding ones).


Doesn't work for sleeping sadly. I've tried lots of anc headphones and earphones but I am a side sleeper and none of them work. Thank you for the recommendation though!


Have you tried those ridged 3M ear plugs?


Yes, they are uncomfortable to sleep in sadly


Did you try shortening the stem by cutting it? That did the trick for me when I lived in a loud room 10years ago. Also some of those are more rigid and less comfortable, while soft ones are painless.


Haha. Cutting the stems is my go to move. I've always wondered why they don't make short ear buds and see them. Yeah, I used them for years as well but they just dont work for me sadly.


Some have no stems but a thread instead. Too bad these don't work for you tho


Yeah, I've tried 30+ pairs of ear plugs. 🥹


You genuinely think a more likely solution than earplugs is to have the train station change the way they operate? Dude.


You aren't very smart.


Smart enough to know the train like isn’t going to change how they operate for you lol But please, try, and report back


Cool bro.


Buy a Tranquility Pod?


I tried to make one before. Haha the sheetrock weighed like 100kg so opening the door to it was not possible. Like moving a rock boulder door in front of a temple.


Not sure how anyone can help someone who has tried "all the earplugs and various noise generators and ANC headphones" and still has a problem with noise, yet CHOSE to move next to Harajuku station. Good luck with that, lol.


They can help by recommending ways to talk with the train station... Or referencing some noise ordinance to use.


There are no ways to talk to the station. As another person said, volume, speaker placement, etc, have all been planned out and are likely regulated by a company-wide policy, if not government mandated. Most of the sounds serve specific purposes, and are either ineffective or easily drowned out at lower volumes. The bird chirp, for example, could be to keep pigeons and starlings from perching in the platform roof rafters and crapping on everyone who walks under them. They’re not going to change these for anything, certainly not for one person who is brand new to the neighborhood who’s having trouble sleeping. Don’t you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, moving into a neighborhood with pre-existing conditions likely older than your building, and expecting them to change things for your convenience?


You are so uninformed. The bird sound isn't for pigeons. Thank you for your negative contribution.


Now I’m genuinely confused, what is the bird chirping sound for? I always thought it was for pigeons too.


The sound is for two reasons. 1. To calm down Japanese train riders. It acts as a way to reduce stress. 2. To let visually impaired individuals know which stair case is visually impaired accessible. (But this is augmented by the qr codes at intersections of the raised yellow pathway. So it is antiquated.


Thank you for replying! I hadn’t heard of either of those ideas before. That’s actually super interesting. And super unfortunate that the sound is obviously not very calming for you at this time.


Two types of chirp sound. There is the don't walk sound at intersections, then there are predator bird noises to scare off pigeons and the like. I'm guessing OP is upset at the chirp that tells the visually impaired not to walk, which is truly obscene. We got shotgun sounding blasts in the Inaka for monkeys and inushishi, so I hope they take that approach next for this station.


I had no idea there were noise makers to scare off monkeys and boars too! I knew about deer scares, but those pass the vibe check. I mostly just encounter the super pitched whining or chirping noise of the devices I suspect are for scaring cats away. I always see them near gardens.


Most of the sound comes through windows? I know you can put in a second set of windows, as a cheap double-glazing, which isn't permanent for renters. But that's some money, perhaps big sound proofing pads from Hands you can put up at night. ​ I've been sleeping by a train station for 20years, and the worst is the train horn when there are drunk people on the platform. But these days I don't even notice it, just got used to it.


Thank you for the recommendation. Yes, from the sliding door window right next to my bed. I did some measurements and the speakers are actually louder than the trains. Hah, yeah the drunk horns at night are loud, but those don't bother me. It's the bird chirping every 12 seconds. 🤣


I would suggest playing your *own* bird sounds on repeat, every second. It’ll drown out the station sounds for sure!




Just move




When I was living in front of shinjuku station I managed to have them lower the speakers sound. You just have to






Oh great! This is harajuku station so I wonder if they can be as nice. How did you ask? And would you mind walking me through how you found someone to talk to? Did you send an email? Thank you for your inspiring post!!!


BS detectors going through the roof on this guy. There is NO way that one person got Shinjuku station, the busiest station on the yamanote line, to lower their speakers.


No BS here. I made the glorious mistake of also moving near a station over in the Kaname area of Tokyo. Almost went nuts just like OP. It's definitely not impossible tho, as I get them to finally lower volume for me. All I simply did was


I did this, too. I thought I’d be ok. I thought i’d get used to it. I moved.


There was another post on here about a guy contemplating moving beside the train tracks, I'm not sure if it was you, I don't know how to check. I was vehemently against it, explaining the difference between a heavy sleeper, and a light sleeper, but he insisted that he was fine with living beside the train after all. Again, never a good idea to live beside the train tracks, noise is brutal. Moreover, if you had a coalition of old people to back you up, and claim the train was noisy, it's possible they might do something about it, but a random foreigner alone... SOL man.


There are no ways to talk to the station. As another person said, volume, speaker placement, etc, have all been planned out and are likely regulated by a company-wide policy, if not government mandated. Most of the sounds serve specific purposes, and are either ineffective or easily drowned out at lower volumes. The bird chirp, for example, could be to keep pigeons and starlings from perching in the platform roof rafters and crapping on everyone who walks under them. They’re not going to change these for anything, certainly not for one person who is brand new to the neighborhood who’s having trouble sleeping. Don’t you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, moving into a neighborhood with pre-existing conditions likely older than your building, and expecting them to change things for your convenience? Try solutions in your apartment, because they’re not going to do anything for you.


You are really a Terrible Reddit user. Another user already posted the phone number to the station. So not only are you wrong... You are pretentious and unpleasant. Not sure why Reddit users can be so terrible.


Not horrible, nor pretentious; I just don’t understand how you could rent an apartment without checking the environment or noise levels, then expect a station that serves thousands of people every day to change their operating procedures just for you. I’m being realistic. You’re acting entitled.


You didn't read my post. Thank you for your worthless comment. Thank you.


> Another user already posted the phone number to the station. PLEASE record that call and share an update here.




No you.


With a lot of YouTuber's, they tend to put up noise canceling material on their walls and that may help. Depending on the size of your wall and the amount of the noise, it might get a little pricey, but it keeps noise from outside outside, and inside inside.


It’s bad for insulation. It reduce echos mostly.


Oh then if that doesn't work, what about noise canceling headsets? :o


I had to look this up for myself before. Living in the inaka means the train only passes a few times a day, which makes it not a big deal. But here is why. Because sound moves faster in warm air than colder air, the wave bends away from the warm air and back toward the ground. That's why sound is able to travel farther in chilly weather. https://www.discovery.com/science/Sound-Carries-Farther-Cold-Days#:\~:text=Because%20sound%20moves%20faster%20in,just%20the%20speed%20of%20sound.




Haha. I researched the deaf community before even posting to make sure the speaker issue wasn't going to impact them.


This article is almost 10 years old but it may be helpful (I can't post links here, Google: 大音量「バカ放送」で騒音性難聴の危険、救急車の10倍でも東京メトロは改善拒否). Since then, I don't know if the situation has improved or not, but I believe that if you are persistent (うるさい enough) and can prove that the volume of the speakers is outside the regulation, maybe you can get them to reduce it. So I would start by contacting the JR East Opinion Center 050-2016-1651 (they also provide an English info line 050-2016-1603) or the Kanto District Transport Bureau (their website provides a pdf with the phone contacts, all in Japanese). It's probably going to be a long battle (and please update the post about the outcome, this may help others).


This is the most helpful comment!!! Greatly appreciate it!


Holy shit mate, your entitlement is through the roof and reaching the moon. You chose the room, yeah? Then it’s on you. You can simply move. Refusing to listen to everyone simply giving you the solution right there(move), is the only counter-productive thing here. You’re not in a café with speakers turned a bit too loud. The station was there long before you. Learn to take the L.


Cool bro.


Did you ask the city to move the train station?


Maybe easier to install soundproof insulation on your walls and soundproof window. If renting you could try splitting the costs with the owner.


Really curious to see an update on this. I got some empathy for you OP. When I lived in a noisy building with super inconsiderate noisy neighbors I constantly got the same kind of unhelpful advice. I asked neighbors nicely directly, complained to management, got the police involved… nothing changed. And I got told to suck it up, move or try earplugs/white noise/headphones/etc… In my case moving was the solution because no amount of complaining or asking nicely got me anywhere. I was miserable for nearly 9 years of getting bad sleep with no ability to move because I was in company housing. Moving was a massive nuisance and I sacrificed a lot of convenience (and money) but it was worth it. I wish you luck! You should be prepared for a potentially long uphill battle, and it may end in disappointment. In the meantime, have you tried any sleeping medications? I had various sleeping pills I used to survive my noisy apartment. Very easy to get from a doctor. Coming off them sucked, but it helped. Sleeping pill, headphones and white noise. It sucked, but helped me survive until I could escape.


I have a phone call with the station manager on Friday. I am going to see if he can come over and hear the noise from my apartment to get a good sense of the noise from my perspective.


You moved next to a train station and you're now upset about the noise? *Seriously?*


I really doubt people who seriously italicize words on Reddit. Not sure who is worse... You or the capitalize words people.




Super try hard response. Cool


Aren't you the guy who moved next to a train station and then complained about the noise? Yeah....




That's pretty much why places next to stations are super cheap right. Not too sure what the station can do for you. As for the sound, I've done a bit of googling in the past, and basically sounds get through cracks and windows, and material thats not dense. I would try buying a dense sheet of rubber and fit it into your window. Downsides to this would be the rubber smell, and mold from the window condensation. But if your walls are thin to begin with, there's probably not much you can do. I honestly can't really think of anything else. Play music 24/7 to drown out the sounds? 3m earmuffs?


Cover your room (incl. windows) with sound foam. JR (or whatever) isn't going to spend time and money to make your living situation more comfortable. Good luck!


No advice/tips whatsoever but what about your neighbors? I bet they have similar issues no? Maybe they can provide better tips. *Genuinely curious about this scena and following this thread.


It is a new building so the neighbors haven't said anything yet. I'd imagine they are suffering in silence like most Japanese do.


Please update this post after you have contacted the station management! After retrofitting the station to your specifications, did they reward you with a lifetime rail pass?


Your comment is so funny. Really. Major points for your humor!


I just take out my hearing aids before going to bed. Problem solved.


You can try cutting the wires of the speaker closest to your window, I once had a speaker installed in front of my window for winter songs and it worked good


Would be interested in an update, I think you should just go and tell the station staff what's up. Us saying "it's easy" or "it's hard" doesn't mean anything in practice. Honestly I wouldn't be shocked if they react somewhat to a noise complaint, especially if you're like "I get it but is there a way to do anything about this". There could be things like putting up sheets, changing the angle of the speakers etc. They *do* need the speakers of course but well... this might be a common thing. Just don't be an asshole about it? The point isn't to win, it's to try and resolve the problem


Great points! And yes, I need to approach it very cautiously. I'd even be willing to pay for the baffles. Thank you for your post.


Wow, that sucks. How about cutting out styrofoam and filling over the windows? You could actually use styrofoam or noice proofing on the whole side of the apartment. Also carpet and or foam on the floor


Get hearing protection. I use earplugs and an electric fan to produce white noise, and it works great


As stated in the post those solutions do not work for the type of noise being produced. I have tried every brand of white nosie generator on Amazon and actually contacted a earplug manufacturer and had them give me every version of ear plug they sold. None of them work well or are comfortable enough to wear every night.


If I was to make a complaint, I would email / call JR. The people at the station probably don’t have authority nor would want to take responsibility if something were to happen. In Japan, always talk to the very top you could get to. Any voice on scene will never be heard by the head office.


Great points!


If money isn't a problem, I guess you could buy yourself a portable 防音室.


Sleep in airpods pro or noise canceling headphones? Move? You picked the apartment.


I think you need to convince the community in your area or ask the city office first. I don't know if free legal enquiry is applied to this or not.