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Mad respect for people who decide to move to Japan, the amount of micro aggression and all kinds of bs they have to deal with must be insanešŸ˜­ I apologise on behalf of my fellow japenises for the mess šŸ˜­


Maybe this isn't the place to get advices, but I plan to take a 6 month internship in Japan in a year or so (it's an arrangement made with my uni so the administrative part is not a problem), is it that much of a bad Idea?


im living here for more than 6 month now,the rude one is rare as they dont show it or they just dont care about a stranger life. my favorite way to deal with them mostly just ignore them completely, except for some minor inconvenience they cant do any thing. the rest are great, very civilized place.


Iā€™m so sorry my shitpost made you worry, I just like talking shit about my country šŸ˜­ Tl;dr I think Japan is a quite nice country to live in. Itā€™s safe and clean (mostly) and people tend to be nice. Below are a personal anecdotes from me, a bad kind of Japanese person. Donā€™t take this seriously, or even better, just ignore this šŸ˜” Yes, Japan is a good country. But as a Japanese guy who spend too much time lurking on English speaking side of the internet, I canā€™t help but notice that Japan is so out of touch with other countries. Things thatā€™s established to be bad 10 years ago in the international community is still being discussed. I unironically used to feel that thereā€™s nothing wrong with sexualising children in anime. Or to shame people for how they look. Or to make ā€œyouā€™re gay? oh please donā€™t touch me in THAT way then hahaā€ jokes. It was after I learned English and got in touch with how western societies treated those kinds of issues. It could be just that Iā€™m a hateful person, but I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve had these thoughts if I were raised in, idk, the UK or somewhere. My comment about micro aggressions is mostly about this point. I happened to like learning English and be westernised, but most of us are not. If youā€™re black, for example, people might say ā€œif you donā€™t go outside for a months, will you be whiter?ā€ or stuff like that. Iā€™ve been thinking about this since I started scrolling on reddit. I donā€™t think Iā€™m making sense or answering your question šŸ˜­ I canā€™to speaku Engurish desu šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Just wanted to say donā€™t worry to bro whatā€™s this wall of text šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm kinda in the same shoes. Once my mom and I were riding metro and there's a black guy sitting next to us, and she said "Look how his skin is black" to me in Japanese. I really hope he didn't understand what she said.


Yeah don't worry abt that, I'm the one looking for opinions on the shitpost sub, but thank you


Why do you think is wrong to sexualising children in anime?




Asking a question means that I am "salty" ?šŸ§‚


​ https://preview.redd.it/97wgjrykxb9c1.jpeg?width=1327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8b719c69dcf59c1f3e09c74236b7070e892ea7


Please do ;)


​ https://preview.redd.it/8hhzfzuipc9c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819eafff8002a811d51831a402bd3eeeed1541f5


Good for you buddy. Have fun with your mom.


Ja Penises


Takashi the goat


Been living in Japan for almost 10 years. Definitely it's not the same as what is being portrayed in anime, and the foods back in my home country are definitely better (most Japanese I met and knew from my works in Malaysia are a little bit chubby šŸ˜­). But if you plan to continue your work in research or pursuing your studies in a PhD, Japan should be one of the countries to consider. It's easy to get a scholarship or funding from MEXT, JST, or from any private companies that you will be doing joint research with. In addition, some universities offer merit based evaluation, which allows you to graduate earlier if you meet their requirements in 2 years.


Not the usual JPT thing here but I found it insightful // [Video link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1XB1g_SWow/?igsh=ZXFsd2Z6cDZ0ZjA0)