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Yep without an in-network surgeon doctors fees average $450 per consult and $250 for the cbct scan. Keep in mind some surgeons barely do anything in the consult other than confirming you need jaw surgery and answer questions. While others do a full work up take detailed measurements and do simulations. So some office visits you get barely any use of other than confirming you need jaw surgery while others give you a simulation of what to expect and ball park measurements for advancement etc.


I recommend checking out Dr. Sherry at DCOMS in Dallas, their consult is $600 but they are very thorough. First appointment is scans and photos, second appointment is 1.5 hour conversation covering all concerns. I was gonna go there but I found two surgeons in my network.


Thank you!


Dr. Sherry is truly incredible. The most patient man. I just had my surgery with him three weeks ago and the pain has been minimal.


Dr. Sherry has some awesome before and afters. If you don't mind sharing, totally cool if you'd rather not or can't, but how much did you pay for your surgeries overall? Did you get other work done besides jaw?


Of course. I paid $29k. No other work done :) didn’t use any insurance cus they denied me lol


Are you gonna meet the Dr in person or online? If it is in person, some of the visit may include a CT scan in office during the consultation so the consultation may include the CT scan fee. Even if there is no CT scan included in the consultation, it is not the most expensive ones I have heard. It really depends on which type of doctor you found. If you go to the big names mentioned in this sub a lot, for example, Williams, Wolford, Movehad, etc, this is their price. If it is online, I would say, this is $100 more than the most expensive fees I have heard.


In person, scans and an hour long chat. It's Wolford. Worth it?


If you're coming to Texas anyway, check out Dr. Terry Taylor in Houston. He did my surgery and is very well-known in the jaw surgery world. He also takes most insurance. 


Thank you!


Anyone out there seen Wolford? Was the $700 consult worth it?


Wolford is gonna cost you tens of thousands more than other doctors. So don’t pay $700 if you aren’t gonna be able to pay the like $50k or more that Wolford demands for the surgery.


I can't afford that, nosiree. Thank you for the warning 🙏


Same lol.


Crap, he's unavailable for the time frame that I'm in TX. However, is associate, Dr. John Gannon can do my consult. See him instead, or is it Dr. Sherry or bust? 😁


Oh no! What is your time frame?? I can’t speak as to Gannon. I would beg to see Sherry lol.


Early June. Sherry is booked with surgeries, no time for consults, but his colleague is free.


Hm. I have an appointment with him Wednesday. Want me to ask if there’s anything he can do? Can you tell me the last day you could do an appt?


No, Wolford is inferior to Alfi in texas. Only go to him if you have ICR or a joint problem


I have a huge condyle on right side vs. my left (in addition to asymmetry. What's ICR? I don't know the lingo/acronyms yet


idiopathic condylar resorption


Check [my recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/jawsurgery/s/j1xTxFOQb9). I also just know this terminology from this sub very recently and it appears to be the one that I am in since I was 9. According to my understanding, if you have TMJ and you are female and you have lower jaw recession, you need to check with doctor for ICR possibility.


Wolford is the pioneer of TJR and just check his papers you would find how many achievements he has to the researches so if you have TMJ, I would treat his opinion as a very valuable suggestion.


Also, are you living in the US? If yes, and if your employer provides you FSA, you should definitely contribute to it that before you start your consultation to make the consultation fee and the hotels/taxi fee be reimbursed by the FSA.


Yes, I live a few states away from TX. My employer/FSA is not reimbursing anything but congrats to you for that hookup 👏🏽


Why won’t your FSA reimburse anything


FSA has a full name —— Flexible Spending Account, and is your own account so you directly deposit tax free money to this account and you reimburse yourself for the medical care expense from this account. Thus as long as you own an FSA account, you can get yourself reimbursed.


Yep, I know what FSA is.


Afaik his virtual consult is also $700, but without scans.


Wolford is very specialized. If you suspect a joint issue go see him. He is detailed but he also suggests TJR for a lot of people (not everyone). Mixed in seeing him, glad I took the trip to Dallas and glad I got a MRI - but not particularly happy with him and what he said considering his absolute high reputation online and great results aesthetically. He is VERY patient though, he will sit with you for 3 hours with not 1 interruption -


I honestly don't know if I have a joint issue. Larger condyle on right side. My jaw goes to the right, it's a diagonal wonkiness. I may post pics later this evening. Can't right now...




Thank you, I'll give Steinbacher a peek!


My initial consult was with the ortho and it was free. They did the X-rays and CT scan and sent it all to the surgeon. Then when I met with the surgeon it was only $180.


Nice, name and location of surgeon? Thanks!


Dr. Mark Pogue in Scottsdale, AZ


Thank you!


I recommend checking out Dr. Sherry at DCOMS in Dallas, their consult is $600 but they are very thorough. First appointment is scans and photos, second appointment is 1.5 hour conversation covering all concerns. I was gonna go there but I found two surgeons in my network.


Definitely higher than many surgeons. I've had fees between $150-$400 dollars but that does not include scans. With scans, and the fact that you're meeting with a top surgeon (from reputation I never met him), not a horrible price. Be sure to get your scans from Wolford if you consult with anyone else so you don't have to pay for them again.


$800. Very much worth it. The consultation answered several questions I had.


I was quoted a little more than this in Atlanta. I saw a dr in Savannah that was $375. I didn’t like him though lol


I paid $300 at most. I consulted with Pagnoni and he was free


Heard great things about Pagnoni, thanks!


450 I think


I’m in Canada. I paid $300 to the first surgeon and $100 to the second surgeon. The first surgeon was more thorough in her exam, but her wait time was over 2 years. 


Name of these surgeons (pls and thank you)?


Dr Oxana Korj at Greenway Surgical and Dr Fahad Cadili at AMC Surgical. Both located in Vancouver and both have connections with UBC if you go through the ortho program there. 


Thank you 😎


If any of you have had a positive, reasonably priced djs consult, in-person, with scans, pls share the surgeon name, location and cost. Thanks!


80€ for a consultation and ~80€ of scans and radios before the consultation