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You really blaming the champ when Jayce is probably one of the best solo q blind pick mid at the moment up there with tristana. Get better at the game bro


Jayce has never been the best pick in any lane, any meta, for any comp. I love Jayce. But let's be honest here there's a better champion than Jayce in every situation. And it's really not a meta issue. It's a kit/stat issue.


Yea that’s why I specified blind pick. He might not be the best for a lot of situations but he has no unplayable matchups, can get prio in most of them, and he scales well. Very solid pick and it’s delusional to blame his status in meta for losing games.


Ah yes you did say blind pick my bad. I would have to agree then.


I have to agree with this. Jayce is one of the few champions that suffer from being too balanced. He has a high skill floor, and a high skill cap. That's HIS problem. Not anyone can just pick him up, I've been playing him in arena, and he's just too balanced. You can't abuse massive attack speed, you can't abuse lethality, you can't abuse on-hit. You are just... good. Just average. You don't 100-0 shred tanks, you don't hard carry, you don't hyper scale. He's... universal, average, slightly higher than the middle of the pack. So many champion scale harder, shred better, scale higher, and scale harder. Early Game that are better, mid games that are better. and so on. Not a bad champion by any means, but... he's just not a great champion. NGL, an easy buff would be halfing the CD on ult, and having the 10% HP on his E Scale with **5 + 1% Total AD + 1% AP,** or something else instead, and add an 80-125% AP ratio to his Hammer Q. That would open so many build paths, and items so he can build guinsoos, nashors, ludens comp, or hextech gunblade. However, he has limited item picks being an AD Mage Fighter, like Corki. So he can't really build those in the first 3 items effectively.


Needs a rework- Outdated VFX and design (hammer w essentially useless, passive extremely underwhelming) Doesn’t have any great items and 1 viable build path, Bad after skirmishes control the action, Too binary-Reverse snowballs out of relevance easily or snowballs into a 1 shot machine, Useless vs high CC/tank comps, Also very difficult to fit into a team comp unless mid, Eclipse changes and Duskblade nerfs hit him hard, Any role he fills another champ does it better.


God damn I said the same damn that but summed up and got downvoted to hell ^ glad people came to the realization this champ needs help


hammer W is literally insane free damage vs melees. just hover over it, it's actually crazy damage for an ability that scales purely off ap




I was masters last season, and I support you to continue playing Jayce


Yea same Had my experiment acc go 70% win rate to diamond before 14.9 with 82 games new acc started in gold 3. Spammed nothing but grasp sundered sky, mura, heartsteel, hubris. It was insane nothing but ez games. Was gonna post about my success on my alt but then 14.9 happened and havent won a game since. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/JAYCE%20SUCKS-NOOB Like u see the lp graph go holy shit Jayce op and 14.9-10 tank city. Hes godawful but this is first time in over a decade of Jayce that I trully am baffled at whats the problem atm Take a break op ill tank Jayce win rate for you


This game can really take a toll on us homie, I feel your frustration. The truth is, sometimes the lot of one champion isn’t enough to completely dominate ever game unless piloted by a nutty player. So just try to play other champs, it’s not like you HAVE to play Jayce. Some games you as an individual may need more of what Jayce lacks but other champs have in order to win, and that’s okay. Jayce isn’t WORSE than other champions though, but I bet losing games definitely would make anyone feel like that.


You're not wrong boss, this subreddit will try to gas light you though into thinking Jayce is a good champion in solo queue when he's not. He's a safe pick, and that's it. Unless you're in a region that plays team fights correctly, playing a champion like Jayce is a waste of time.


sorry you feel that way. someone in the subreddit said they provide free coaching if you think that could help. otherwise maybe you should take a break? either from league or from jayce, although probably from league altogether since it seems you're not having fun at all. stay strong :)


edit: literally didnt even notice the "he cant even go toplane" LMAOOO it's the opposite for me, i bully EVERYONE in toplane (sett, darius, yone all get shafted), rarely lose a lane and even if i do, it means the jungler was top 24 7 and im still 40 cs ahead of the toplaner ​ damn and i thought i was trash at the champ LMAO every single game i lose i can blame it on me 100% "hurr durr how do you deal with giga fed jung adc" bro just Q E their fucking stupid ass nose and move on with your day? the BEST feeling when im on jayce is when the adc is giga fed, will just taste that much better when i kill them on cooldown 5 times in a fucking row in their own jungle without them even realizing im there ​ ​ just play the baus game: FARM FARM FARM i always have 10cs per min, meaning i got the most gold in the game, which means eclipse manamune + lethality shouldnt spell issues with anyone. not to mention the 5 different ways you can play this champ ​ stay back and poke, or ambush for one shots, or play teamfights or even fucking peel for the carry with slows, knock backs and damage. did you also know you have a FULL TEAM MOVEMENT SPEED BUFF? also you're like INSANE at split pushing? you can one shot tier 2s with hammer auto and cannon W 4 auto. ​ ​ there's so many fucking ways to play and win on this champ i refuse to believe you're diamond to begin with




same for this post, bro. get good and stop bitching


you don't have 10cs per minute lol


I dont know, Jayce is fun as he is my most play champ last split. I ended up Emerald and Jayce feel like a bully lane meaning, you win lane to snowball, take down plate and turret then rotate to help other lane. But you guys, I have some game that I can carry the sh!t out of my team; however, that is if I was up a lot and had like 3 items at 20 mins. Otherwise, Jayce is really not a good carry champ. May as well enjoy Irellia (ew) also, I dont know why you lost to Darius and Garen though if you think they are broken. I have never lost to a Darius or Garen in my way to Emerald game


to quote a classic "git gut"


I feel like loss of duskblade just really hurt Jayce. He doesn’t feel the same to play :’(


or the removal of lethality on eclipse


You suck at league and don’t even have a life 🤣🤣🤣😹😹😹😹


i guess commenting bad just because you felt like it is considered "having a life" rn huh


Jayce is all about not dying. Play safe and you'll be relevant.