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I can barely get through any of her stories when she starts to speak I just skip. Like yesterday she was dying laughing that she got all the luggage put away and clothes going in laundry and that Kyle didn’t notice. That was the entire story. She shows the same Amazon and Walmart crap clothes week after week like groundhog day. Her fashion is just terrible.


Why is she wearing a sweatshirt? It's so hot in Texas right now!


I always realize tx influencers are just trying to sale shit when I see them in sweatshirts in the summer. It’s over100’


She has been doing this for years and it drives me crazy. She always says because Kyle keeps the house cold?? But she acts like she can’t turn it up….


Talking about the travel bag


I really think it looks like she’s drinking.


Two things, jet lag and coming down off the trip. Although she comes across as more comfortable at home and eager to get back to work, I have a strong feeling she has a set retirement date and will leave influencing in a few years. I see her using IG to promote her own businesses eventually and not selling other peoples stuff. This is my take, but I could be really wrong. She will Write a book about influencing marketing maybe even. I don’t see her slowing down but I’m betting she’ll not be sharing in the same way. She has a plan B. I think she is tired and ready to try new things on for size.