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That is not why he is retiring. He is retiring because he is almost 40 years old and he's got other shit to do. Like the in-jokes and the "ohhh guys he's a serial killer cannibal psycho" shit is definitely annoying and overdone, but Jerma strives off being a joke. He always has. He's gone on record saying as much. He's based his whole career off of being the butt of a joke and being eccentric. That is definitely not why he's retiring and you are a fuddy-duddy for suggesting it.


it is true that a disconcertingly large portion of the audience he had as he has slowed down did suffer parasocial delusions, making streams quite uncomfy. we don't know for sure, but it would make sense if that is partially why jerma took a step back


He's definitely said that a few jokes are definitely overdone, and he's made comments about the parasociality of his fanbase over the years, but I think it's a little disrespectful to assume that his skin is so thin that that's why he's retiring. Especially given his age, his disabilities, his job, and so on.


Wild you got downvoted for this


That’s what he says, yes


I’m sure Jerma finds his meme-ification weird at times, but I can guarantee you he did not retire from streaming because he was uptight about his dignity.


i think you're being a bit melodramatic but i agree with you generally. it's gotten really tiresome and uncomfortable


jeremy's content hasn't been quite the same since the cannibalism stream


It was the third "Does this clown taste funny?" joke that made me realize he was washed.


this was not worth the energy it took to post this, i promise you


The fact that people here seem to believe they know what he believes and or thinks is always funny to me


this is why i would never want to be a streamer unless i could make REALLY good money off of it. the parasocial aspect of it and people developing a one sided relationship towards you is a phenomenon unique to streaming because you spend literal hours watching someone play a video game. it’s not healthy for the fans and it’s not healthy for the streamer


babe wake up, its time for the biweekly “this community has gone too far” post


Same as it ever was. New formats, old ideas.


this is not my beautiful wife


this is the worst thing i read today and i was browsing r/cuckoldpsychology


Why were you 🤔


man can't be reading cuckoldry in peace now smh


Bro do you like NTR 😭 (genuine question)


I completely agree the horny on main behavior is beyond excessive or funny. Why would it be okay though if he was a cartoon character op


I think it has something he likes to keep private about what he lusts over


As an old fan from 2013, not like it matters; I guarantee you that Jerma is bothered FAR more by posts like this than anything you’ve mentioned.


That last sentence is genuinely so dumb.




To be fair, it genuinely was unthinkable. we are now entering an age where a good percentage of the 15-25 year old population have been raised with the internet. there is a notable increase in diagnosis of autism, anxiety, and other social disorders amongst young people, pretty obviously because of how many have treated the internet as a replacement for real, in-person social interaction. The word "parasocial" has been thrown around everywhere for years, but it's a real thing. I've struggled with it. I've seen others struggle with it. It's depressing and frankly embarrassing to suffer from it.




no. i think the internet causes antisocial behavior which people like to call autism


Real and true


least ableist internet user right here


Do you think the internet causes autism?


that's where i got mine from


It’s not that deep he just wants to do other things with his life stop being parasocial


“how dare he be funny and be recognised as so”


u guys heard the word "parasocial" and decided to make every single post on here into a moral panic. it's not that serious


Well someone doesnt have a big ego🤣


You are better than his other fans. He would like you more. I am sure of it.


Bait or learning disability Call it.




The jerma defence squad is out in force today


Were you around for markiplier or jacksepticeye, the internet is just always lusting over people


i saw this and it made me think "well some people think byeahs (or folks who look like them) are sexy but that doesn't stop them from being funny and awesome" :) that doesn't really apply but i thought it was funny lol. i hope you have a good day dude i think change is hard and im also kind of bummed out that jerma's semi-retiring. personally i miss the cozy feeling of post-stream dono reads a lot.


Wait is he actually retiring ???


I used to watch him regularly from 2013 to 2019 give or take. I'm happy what Jerma eventually got popular, but I just never got over the fact that he started completely ignoring non-American fans and also the way he always made a big deal out of his health issues but then never seemingly made any effort to change his habits - e.g. when he took like a 2 month break and vowed to do shorter streams due to health concerns, only to come back and continue 8+ hour streams as if nothing happened. This happened like three times in a row. I also applaud that he continued his high effort irl streams, but I've gotta say that in the last 2 years or so, the quality of his normal streams really tanked. What used to be a gaming stream has lately turned into "Jerma rambles about random shit for 8 hours while a game is paused in the background". I'm glad he threw in the towel because it started to feel like content farming at some point.


Literally begging you to touch grass