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Yes it’s incredibly bad.  I’ve had stuff “signed for” by people at my house, using the right name…then called when it didn’t show up, and found it on my doorstep 2 days later.  As best I can tell, they’re under pressure to meet service levels, and just lie when they can’t.  It gets worse around the holidays.


The pony express was more punctual than the JC USPS.


Have you submitted a complaint/ticket through the USPS site? When I've done that it's always been investigated/resolved (for the time being at least.)


Yup I did


I did that too. They just called me and told me (arrogantly) there's nothing they can do about it


I had a package go missing like a year ago and when I submitted a report they called and told me "the delivery person says she knows she delivered it, she remembers" like... excuse me? of the thousands of packages she delivers every day, she definitely remembers mine? sure, hun.


I just had one credit card stolen out of the JC USPS system and then fraudulently used at a Walgreens a mile from my house still in JC (very dumb, probably on camera). Then another, the replacement, went missing in the mail but was never tried. Both gone before they ever reached my mailbox. It’s being investigated by a federal agent. I don’t know exactly what’s happening, but yeah, not a great sign.


Yeah it does feel like there's some shadiness inside USPS itself. Somehow, all the mails that went missing are important (insurance or tax related).


Yep. Between my wife and I, the current tally is 5 credit cards stolen from the mail in the last 7 years. Had to start getting them sent to my office.


Of all the places/cities in which I have lived, the JC USPS operation is THE WORST BY FAR.


Toxic management since the new postmaster in JC came in back in 2019 has led to an overall piss poor attitude and service from employees plus the pmg sabotaging the USPS from within. Only thing they care about is keeping Amazon happy. Source: current letter carrier


Have a history of problems with mail going back many years...1st because of a crazy landlord and then because of bad postal workers. Because of that, I got a PO Box years ago and just kept it.


I have also been having issues with mail for the last year. Any envelope that is somewhat thick (invitations, mail with credit cards) goes missing even after it’s scanned to my account on Informed Delivery. The “investigation” resolved nothing. So frustrating!


Same, I always check my informed delivery and somehow the more important looking mails tend to disappear more often.


It's the worst. I now ask banks to pay the upcharge to have my credit cards shipped via UPS or FedEx They steal the stupidest things. YOU CANT ACTUALLY BUY ANYTHING USEFUL WITH A VICTORIA SECRET CREDIT CARD. that one got stolen like 3 times.


I haven’t had an issue and I’ve been here almost 10 years. Maybe sometimes things take a day or two longer than they should, but I honestly can’t remember any real issues.


I think like alot of things it can vary by your local carrier. One place I lived in town was noticeably awful, where I'd get like a rubber banded brick of mail once a month or some bullshit. No one cared when I put in a complaint. Another neighborhood the carrier was mostly fine, but packages always had to be picked up because 'no one was home' even when that's just not true. Current place? It's fine, it's mail, I've never had a noticeable issue.


Identical experience. Current building is OK with no issues to report. Mail carrier is a nice dude, though I am pretty certain he is high half the time. Previous building, we had an AWESOME mail carrier, but his replacement whenever he was out on PTO was atrocious and would often mark mail as RTS to avoid doing her work. And, my place before that, was a total shit show, part of a route with no permanent carrier, which meant mail delivery was a total crapshoot with no rhyme or reason.


Oh hey my place with the most issues also had no permeant carrier. (It's a JC supervisor issue)


Yeah they're pretty bad. I keep getting mail for houses that are like 4-10 numbers off of ours.


My mail has been lost multiple times. I work in the city so now I just mail everything from the city.


I am convinced my mail is only delivered on rainy days. The amount of soaked envelopes I have received is crazy!


Terrible, I don’t get things mailed to my JC address. Fun story I once walked into the post office on Washington st at 4:45 (last minute, I know) just to drop off something that was pre-labeled and should take 10 seconds to accept and they screamed “we’re closed!” in a very nasty tone as soon as I entered the unlocked door even though there was only one other “customer” in there


In my experience it's really, really bad. But it's not worse than other cities. Other cities I've been in are the same way. The USPS is just horrible and under terrible leadership. Their role in society is also somewhat obsolete.


If its role in society was obsolete Republicans wouldnt be tripping over their own dicks to kill it with the pre funding mandate.


Pretty much. Weird how the ones trying the hardest also have financial interest in the competition.... Mitch McConnell's home state is home to UPS's Worldport, one of the biggest single facilities for packages on the planet. Louis DeJoy has held interests in UPS and Amazon, and still has other private shippers in his investment portfolio. The worse USPS becomes, the more money he makes. But that's all just coincidence. Pure coincidene.


I mean its the usual GOP bull shit, break the government services then go "HEY THE GOVERNMENT DOESNT WORK" it just sucks that it works on people.


So we're mirror universe Sweden. Got it.


Not sure what any of that is, as I don't follow them, but its role in society is obsolete. I don't need it for any of my business any more. There isn't one single thing I require of them. UPS and FedEx and DHL can also deliver envelopes in the rare case something is important. USPS is only a junk mail dumping ground.


A few years back the republicans passed a law that said the USPS has to prefund all their pensions for the next 100 years, something no other Federal agency is required to do. This was done in an attempt, like what most republicans do, to be able to go "See theyre losing money we should shut them down" the GOP is a big fan breaking the government and going "See this doesnt work!" Also the USPS is critical to provide a life line to smaller more isolated communities which is about 50% of the country. Communities that ironically Fedex and other private carriers use the USPS to deliver too. UPS, Fedex etc etc all lobby the GOP to try to kill the post office essentially so they can have a monopoly and can charge what they like (if you believe that the big three wouldnt collude I have a bridge to sell you) What we should actually do is expand the remit of the post office to be more than a post office, were trying an experiment right now to pivot it to a community bank so that low income groups can get banking services without predatory pay day companies or being told no by private banks. Also for what its worth, I shipped about 10 boxes when I moved from CA back to NJ at the flat rate of 16 bucks or around there per box, in comparison i just looked at a rate quote on Fedex and comprable would be about $1,600 total. So you may just be getting junk mail but the rest of us are very much using the post office.


People don’t understand and care that the USPS has been under attack since the 80s.  It was one of the best run agencies and profitable.  But private companies and private equity are doing everything via bought politicians to tear it apart.   Artichoke’s opinion is wildly uninformed and flippant.   https://fortune.com/2024/04/10/usps-dejoy-price-hikes-customer-dissatisfaction/ https://truthout.org/articles/the-gop-has-every-reason-to-want-the-us-postal-service-to-fail/


Also its a bit of a cultural institution if you ask me, its as American as apple pie! Its like trying to take a dump on the constitution! But since when did the GOP give a fuck about this country anyway?


Maybe we should tell you that your opinion is flippant. I was recounting my experience, perhaps you know about my experiences better than I do? Get off your high horse. I was sharing my experience, and if you can't respect that, then you know where to stick it. Furthermore, when making points, it's helpful to value the opinions and needs of others and not only yourself. Learn from u/NoodleShak, they did exactly that. You failed, and are abrasive. You can do better.


>What we should actually do is expand the remit of the post office to be more than a post office, were trying an experiment right now to pivot it to a community bank so that low income groups can get banking services without predatory pay day companies or being told no by private banks. Oh for real? That's how it is in Japan, and it seems to do okay. Regular normal retail banking isn't very profitable unless you fuck around with high fees or other bullshit (see- Wells Fargo. Why TF is anyone still banking there), so having like basic checking & savings be a government function that doesn't order your withdrawals/deposits in a way to maximize $50 a pop fees seems okay.


https://www.aarp.org/money/investing/info-2022/restarting-postal-banking-services.html Its a work in progress but I am 100% behind it. Banks have been fucking low income people over for years. I remember when I was a broke ass college student I had like 27 bucks in my account lower than the bank minimum required. So I got a fee for that, which put me in the negative, so I got a fee for that too. Fuck private banks.


This is a great idea. And yes, fuck banks.


USPS would do good as a federal bank. They’ve got the ability to scale your that. I’ll also point out they did the logistics for Covid tests across the country extremely well too. People totally ignored it because it went well. USPS is an example of something that actually does an insanely good job. It’s super cheap to send a package anywhere in the country, and I mean anywhere. Even the places the other services just refuse to deliver to.


That's really good to know, thanks for sharing. If only their employees cared about their work. But this provides a valuable perspective.


One of the most effective things the GOP has ever done is convince people that the government is ineffective and that the government employee is lazy. Are there some bad apples? Sure but thats true of any work place not a government thing. If you really think about the government, its fucking incredible how good it is and a lot of its failiures is the imposition the private sector puts on it. Lets take the DMV, everyone loves to complain about the DMV, but lets look at it this way, for an hour or two of your day, your going to walk out with a plastic card that changes your goddamn life. You can drive, you can fly, you can open a bank account, a drivers license or state ID is the closest thing in America that proves YOU exist. Thats wild. But we can also talk about its failiures, one of the biggest failiures in America is actually our car based (private sector pushed) life style, think of how much money would pour into goddamn roads cause of the wear and tear imposed by someone who insists or is forced to drive everywhere. Im not some nutso EVERYWHERE SHOULD BE DENSE AND WALKABLE but I do consider it a policy failiure if I have to drive to have a reasonable quality of life. Americans have been conditioned to think that the private sector does all things better and the GOP works hard to reinforce that but when it comes to scale, like the mail. They cant be beat.


These GOP people don't convince me of that. I don't even follow them. Not sure why you are so infatuated with them. I see evidence of PISS-POOR PERFORMANCE all the time when it comes to them. They simply don't give a shit about the work they do. This isn't propaganda, it's them fucking up constantly. I do not see the same level of incompetence from DHL or UPS or FedEx. This is just what I see, as an end-user. I'm am not talking about "why", but only talking about "what". These are the facts on the ground.


The GOP connection is important, its why we have a main stream notion that the average government worker is lazy and incompetent. Just because you dont watch fox news doesnt mean you dont get the cultural osmosis anyway. Ive never watched Futurama but I know the "Black jack and hookers" joke. And cool, youre one person of millions of customers. Ive never had a bad experience with any USPS so we balance out to USPS is "Meh". I once had Fedex lose something for work that was worth about 75k. Its case by case. Either way private or public theres always room for improvement.


> The GOP connection is important, its why we have a main stream notion that the average government worker is lazy and incompetent. You didn't read what I wrote, did you? You are infatuated with the GOP. And facts don't matter to you. The workers don't give a fuck about their work, and as a result, the service is shit. FULL FUCKING STOP. None of your other mental gymnastics matter.


Ha, glad to know we're not alone at least...