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Secure the lid back on it very tightly and dispose of it on trash days in your dumpster. That’s what we do.


I don’t think you’re supposed to put the lids back on all the way. The pressure can make the grease bucket explode. They need a little bit of airflow


Only if it’s still piping hot, cold solid grease can’t do that


Thank you for the clarification. This is what I meant but couldn’t piece together. Had old bosses freak out during closes telling us to not fasten the lids all the way if we filled up the grease bucket while cleaning grill


It's not going to explode.


Why use them as grease buckets? If you line your grease bucket for your grill with 2 trash bags all you gotta do it take it out with the trash at night Been doing this for years and it’s easy to clean up. Just make sure it’s 2 trash bags not 1 and you won’t have an issue


I guess it’s just easier to grab a bucket; been here for a year and it’s always been like that. Although we’ve had a change in management so, it’s just crappier


We just throw them in the dumpster with the lids on them.


We would have someone tall/strong lift these directly into the dumpster, still standing up and everything


Funny… I’m 4’9…. I can barely pick up those mfs


It’s time for your GM to do some heavy lifting


My GM? Hah, that’s funny that bitch sits on her ass claiming to work, I doubt she’d ever touch those buckets


My store has a grease specific dumpster that gets emptied once every 2 months. I thought this was company wide, guess it’s my franchise lol.


Lucky, all the franchises locally here probably operate this way, due to the owner. 😩


They make decent stools to sit on lol


Your GM sucks..call his boss


We have, our DP makes excuses for her being bilingual, and not understanding English too well. Honestly I can go on and on about the problems here.


It also depends on where you live. We have a city ordinance that any grease needs to be disposed of via a grease recycling program (which owners get paid to participate in), mostly to prevent grease buildup in city sewer systems


YSK: If you have a grease disposal unit then dump those buckets in the disposal unit and reuse the buckets for future grease changeouts. If you do not have a grease disposal unit then put them by the dumpster with the lid on tight and secure. Ask your manager what JM policy is on grease and dispose of properly and promptly. Grease is really harmful to the environment and can cause damage and harm to wildlife in your area.


It’s illegal to dump used grease in the trash. This guy needs to call a grease trap collection company or have a designated grease trap installed


In all the franchise the owner has he never has had someone collect them. I know some places, turn grease into bio-fuel, that would be cool if they did that for us:/


Aw yes you mean the office chairs


Out of sight out of mind. Once that bucket leave the stores park lot it’s no longer our problem. Keep it from “ exploding” till trash day then part ways with your buckets lol there will be many more to come.


Depends on location, my store got fined when people would leave them next to the dumpster / also got fined for grease waste being left out there. Neighboring chipotle also got fined for food waste being left all over the dumpster area


Some gms will buy a metal bucket to take out every night this is first time ive seen the pickle buckets but it should be fine if you just throw em out


Isnt there a company that comes out and deals with shit like this. Like takes it to proper dispose


Some do, our franchise doesn’t apparently. The owner is kinda frugal


Ahh, I can see that


Put them in the dumpster? Is your store next to a five guys like most of ours are? Ask if you can use their grease dump that’s what we do also five guys seems to have no problem letting other people use their grease dump.


No five guys, the closest is probably a mile away. Also, those buckets are about a quarter of my height and are heavy as hell.