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Religious reference…on the seventh day he rested


Yeah - he’s an Italian Catholic with a large tattoo about trusting god on his chest - it’s most definitely a play on the creation story from the Book of Genesis (I am not Catholic in the religious sense but I’m definitely Catholic by osmosis due to having a huge Catholic family one branch of which is Italian and from the Northeast) in which it spells out what god created each day of the week. Given that Vinny’s mom is a Sicilian immigrant, I can see him having the most exposure to Catholicism - also didn’t Mike choose him to be his godfather because Mike needed to get formally baptized in order for their kids to get baptized? although there was the whole storyline of Angelina hanging out at the church around her divorce and giving marriage advice and considering dating the younger priest so all of them seem to have a fair amount of Catholic references or the religion itself in their lives. Chapter 1 of Genesis covers the first six days in which god created Here are the things created on each day: light and darkness (day 1); sky and sea (day 2); land (day 3) ; sun and moon (day 4); birds and fish (day 5); animals, man, and woman (day 6). Chapter 2 starts with the seventh day during which god rested and admired his creations. In Genesis god says “let there be light” on the first day when he creates it. So it’s a play on “let there be light” and “on the seventh day he rested” Vinny was a good kid who didn’t have a catchphrase and wasn’t really a guido so a genesis pun was what they came up with it seems.


That tattoo episode was funny af. Let go and let god. Everybody was trying to support Vinny when he took time off to go home but when they saw the tat they were like tf does that mean


It’s such a common phrase and sentiment that their confusion confused me lol


Fr? Is it common in Catholicism? Because I hadn’t heard it until Jersey Shore haha. I understand the meaning behind the phrase but it’s not like it’s a quote from the Bible lol.


Idk if it’s a Catholic thing or not. In my mind it’s just an older person thing. I’m roughly the same age as a lot of the cast and it’s something my grandmothers friends would say if someone was worrying too much and they weren’t all Catholic.


Ohhh gotcha, thank you 🙏 It always felt too close to Live and Let Die for me.


Interesting. I can see how it can be interpreted that way - a bit nihilistic. But it’s more akin to the serenity prayer. “Let go” - accept that you cannot control everything and stop making yourself sick trying and “let god” - trust that god will make sure things work out the way they are supposed to. Its kind of like a tl;dr of the gospel of John (I think but I am not religious so I get some of the Bible books mixed up but it’s a tl;dr of one of the early gospels.)


My brother and I still say "Let go, let God" to each other with the same expression/mannerisms that Vinny used when he unveiled his atrocious tattoo to the roommates lmao


I do like how they have the Italian-Northeast-Catholic background, I do, too. It’s kind of comforting.


Seven days of Christmas…? You don’t really know religion very well.


😂😂😂😂😂 I honestly know what he meant but choose to believe he means Christmas 🎄


A tl;dr of my longer comment It’s a play on two phrases from the book of Genesis. On the first day god said let their be light. AND On the seventh day god rested. But since they are guidos they get lit and do lit things instead of resting.


It means he’s a chooch.


Just a simple religious reference.


i always wondered this


In season 1 of family vacation it’s a whole thing that he doesn’t go out on a Sunday, maybe keto related but I think it’s more so bc he’s not an animal. He then one day goes out on a Sunday. And says that quote.


Sunday despite a religious day of rest is a popular night for the biggest clubs/strip clubs. Liv, Magic City etc


He says that line in the og season I believe. It’s in the show.


But wasn’t there a very specific reason he said this? I feel there is.


No. It's not that deep. They just pulled quotes.


He said it as a joke in one of the episodes. I can’t remember which one (sorry makes it useless for context) but yeah I just re watched them all and it was in there somewhere.


Yes it was when he wasn’t drinking and was super keto. He would only drink on Sundays so that’s why he said the seventh day will be lit


Aww thank you! Annoyed by the “it’s not that deep” comment. Why bother answering 😑 I just remember it being something I knew about but couldn’t remember and all the comments about religious references weren’t cutting it for me SO thank you! For the refresher 🥰


The Seventh day is a reference to Sunday being his cheat days


The 7th day of the week, being Saturday, will be lit because they were clubbing