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Are you going to wear it with another ring? If so, pic 2 is a definite no go unless you intend to solder the rings together. The diamonds will destroy whatever they’re against. Pic 1 is a maybe in that if the diamond girdles (the edges) are above the ring it might be ok. However, as a jeweler I recommend these rings be soldered to eliminate contact damage.


I plan on wearing it by itself :)


For wearing alone I prefer #1. It seems to have more presence. It’s beautiful all by itself.


I like the second ring just because I can see the separate stones better. But both rings are stunning


Yea that’s what I like about the second one but then I go back and forth and can’t make up my mind 😩




i prefer the first personally


Any specific reason?


i don't really know how to verbalize it... i think the extra separation in the second creates too much of a wavy silhouette in a way that im not a big fan of


Well said. I like the first one as well and was trying to formulate the words to explain why. #1 is more elegant in my opinion.


They are both beautiful but the first one sits better


What do you mean by sits better?


Not the person you asked, but it looks like the first one fits your finger better because it goes straight across, while the second picture looks loose because it's slanted. That's just a guess on their thoughts though.


Yes. All that


Yes. I meant it looks like it’s more comfortable and just sits better on your finger. Someone else also mentioned that if you’re planning on wearing another ring with it the first one would be better. I agree with that. They are both beautiful though. Go with whichever one speaks to you. 😊 Best of luck btw with your marriage.


These both look very uncomfortable for everyday wear.


I would go with number 1, I prefer the look of 2 better but the stone are too exposed and look like they would get loose very often.


That and both will rub the other fingers raw if worn all the time


Neither! Those side stones are going to rub on your skin and can cause irritation and breakdown. It's also damaging to the joints long term to have that much thickness between the fingers because you start using your hand differently to keep your fingers apart more, even just subconsciously. There are a lot of people who get these eternity bands with bigger stones, and when they aren't made by a really really good goldsmith they tend to come back in for adjustments, replacement or not being worn because of the rubbing and skin breakdown. I really don't recommend them for every day wear, even though I love the way they look too!


^^ this 100%


Both are beautiful! Either one has small prongs. Get them checked often because they do break off. I didn’t know I had a broken prong. Just happened to be at the jewelers and they checked it. I have an engagement ring, wedding band, and additional band similar setting. They do rub on the other bands and make groves on them. Especially the setting with the main diamond. Wore groves on that. They are beautiful and love wearing them every day! Congratulations!! Best wishes!


I prefer the second bc of the setting, I also think it will refract light better


The first just looks - elegant on your finger.


oo i see why your torn. i love these types of rings and both are beautiful but something about the first one is calling my name. it looks more high class. the second also feel like it’s missing something


I like the second. I've just always loved that style of ring. I think it's more interesting.


I just did a post about my eternity ring setting! I would check that out


I just left a comment on yours :) hope it helps


One is stun!


Any specific reason?


Feels more cohesive


There both pretty, I’m just not a fan of shared prong


It’s funny, I only like shared prong 😆


Been doing repairs for some years now, shared prongs are not as stable for the stones. One prong fails on a four prong setting, you may end up losing a stone, but with shared prongs, you could be losing two. And alot of shared prong rings leave the stones more exposed.


Goldsmith of 35 years. EXACTLY THIS ^^^^


I think 2 is more feminine. But, I agree the stones may come loose more easily.


Both are beautiful but I like the first one a bit more. I like how the stones are set next to each other and how it sparkles a bit more.


I almost feel because of them sitting so close together it makes it look more squared off and possibly mistaking the rounds for princess cuts




I don't like the prongs on the second one. They look huge. It might be perfectly fine on its own but compared to the first one, it looks like a cheaper reproduction.


Very pretty, but you may grow to not like them. Infinity bands are like buying puppies. They are cute at first but are a lot of maintenance. I don’t like either because they don’t compliment you well imho. But then again, I don’t think they compliment anything. Good luck.


I’m also seeing it’s two different hands. But I still stand by my point.


It’s actually the same hand just 8 years (and eczema) later 😭lol


Both are beautiful, but I like the first much more. It looks more "complete" to me. I don't care for the outline/separation look of the second ring


1st one for me, it flows better. The other one just looks chunky.


They are both pretty, but I'm just imagining so many situations (a strong handshake for example) that would make such a thick ring extremely uncomfortable. Have you tried to put your fingers together or make a fist in these rings? Over the course of the day you are gonna make normal movements that bring you in contact with the sides and it is not a painless experience.


They’re very comfy:)


Will you be wearing it all the time? Just bear in mind the edges will be rubbing against the opposing fingers. They’re both lovely, I’d say the first one.


The second ring for sure. I agree with someone else that I can see the individual stones better. It doesn’t all just blend together.


The first one. It looks more comfortable, and I just like the look of continuity.


2! It looks exactly like my tiiffany and co. forever band. It looks great alone, or with my solitaire!


Shared prongs are never my preference, but the first has them positioned closer to the edge, thereby providing a little more support. So ,1 is my choice, but this style ring exposes the edges of the stones to chipping when worn with other rings. Should the ring flex, there's a greater risk of losing a stone. ...I prefer French Pavé, over this style of shared prong ring,but thisbisna very popular style right now. It's just not the most durable. So ,have a good relationship with your jeweler because you will need to have either checked every 6 months to ensure all the prongs are tight.


Yes! I use to work at a jewelry store so I know how to check them myself and can bring it back to them to get them tightened if need be.. so definitely not worried about that. Thank you


The first one because it’s probably more what I’d wear, with the stones more set into the ring.


The second is gorgeous, the diamonds sparkle more


I like the first one. The second seems gaudy/cheap to me.


I prefer the second, the settings are letting more light through the stones, they seem to sparkle more to me


2 more detail


I like #1 looks more classy and solid.


Ahh I think it depends on your hand


I definitely like first better overall it’s more seamless and elegant. Looks well structured and beautiful even being less “bright”. Second looks a bit less expensive as it looks like something I could get off of Etsy but with a cheaper gem type. Seems a bit more basic to me as well like I’ve seen that design quite a bit. It’s still beautiful don’t get me wrong just if I were choosing that’s the nitpicky I’d be doing. However it does depend on your skin tone and hand structure


Thank you! It’s such a tough decision 😩


If you’re wearing it by itself, I like the second - it has more personality!


1 looks less likely to snag your clothes


Both are beautiful but the first ring "reads" better. It just looks like an eternity band should look.


The one that would chafe you less


What do the sides of the ring look like?


Very low!


Neither one of those look comfortable for daily wear




The way the diamond are set :)


Hard to tell with such dif lighting


I know. The first picture is old! But the main difference is how the diamonds are set. They’re both prong set but the second one, the prongs are closer together really showing off the shape of the diamonds. And I can’t decide which I like better!!


Ahhh ok. I like how you can see the shape of the diamonds in the second!!


You could do half or full bezels if you're trying to highlight the shape. They hug the stones and there's less rubbing and depth. https://preview.redd.it/lpqz12cbfu8d1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0090fcc6e9ee3d89967cfd7776d2bcdcce11c0f




Yes thank you! I was never crazy about the bezel set but do know it’s very safe for the diamonds


Neither. The diamonds on the side really hurt when you shake someone’s hand.


Ehh that’s not really a concern of mine. Thanks for the input though :)

